View Full Version : Luke a Stormtrooper?!
Aug 31st, 2000, 12:14:08 AM
When Luke says to his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru he wants to go to the academy, is Luke refering to the Imperial Academy? I doubt the Rebels have a academy since they were always on the run. Just being a Stormtrooper would of been a waste of talent on Lukes part.
Just a thought;)
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 31st, 2000, 12:18:21 AM
I think it was more of an academy to learn to become an officer, or a pilot or something. Some people sign up only to defect to the rebellion anyway.
Doc Milo
Aug 31st, 2000, 12:40:39 AM
I agree Kyle. I don't think people actually become stormtroopers in the Academy.
(And yes, he speaking of the Imperial Academy)
Biggs is one of those people that joined the academy then defected to the rebel alliance...
Jedi Master Carr
Aug 31st, 2000, 01:15:14 AM
Yeah, stormtroopers are probably clones and as we all know Luke is too short to be a stormtrooper
Aug 31st, 2000, 02:56:16 AM
So if Uncle Owen said yes, Luke would be well on his way to join the evil empire.
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 31st, 2000, 08:55:03 AM
Yes, but he would have left "It's not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now..."
Jidai Geki
Aug 31st, 2000, 03:12:01 PM
Don't worry about it. Just accept it. You'll never get an answer.
Aug 31st, 2000, 04:46:09 PM
I thought he was talking about a flight academy, to get his pilot's liscense or something.
Aug 31st, 2000, 10:16:59 PM
I believe he was refering to the Imperial Academy. The same Academy and service Han had joined and dropped out of years earlier. From the Academy Luke could've become an officer or tie-pilot, or maybe served a short commission and then quit the military and tried to get a job as a pilot somewhere. In their conversation on Tatooine, Biggs made it seem like he was deserting the Empire to join to the Rebellion, and we know that Luke was trying to follow in his footsteps. That's my take.
Ben Carrozza
Sep 8th, 2000, 12:26:15 PM
Yeah, I always thought of it as Luke seeing one of the only ways he could get himself of that dustball of a planet.
Sep 8th, 2000, 05:32:23 PM
Since the Empire was ruling with an iron fist, they probably ran all the schools and such, anyways. I don't think he was planning to defect at that point, because in the novel when Biggs tells him his plans to join the rebels, he's completely shocked by it. Obviously he wasn't planning that from the get-go.
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