View Full Version : Is Lucas greedy?
buff jedi 2
Sep 24th, 2000, 12:04:58 PM
before anyone gets mad at that question let me say.I think lucas is the MAN!!But he is re-realeasing the trilogy agian , but the only difference this time is the box covers.Now of course Ill buy it and Im sure alot of you will,but to me it seems there is no real reason except money,unless he adds the behind the scenes of eps2 like the ones in china .Or am I missing the main reason for the re-realese??Let me stress agian this IS NOT A SLAM on LUcas just A Thougt.
buff jedi
Jidai Geki
Sep 24th, 2000, 04:19:12 PM
I think it is fair to say that GL is more than a bit greedy when it comes to cashing in on SW. He has hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions of dollars, yet his Gestapo like tactics in pursuing legal action against those very small fish who try to make a few bucks off of the SW movies strikes me as being in really bad taste. It isn't exactly taking the food out of his kids' mouths.
As far as the re-re-re-release of the OT, it isn't a humanitarian effort. Why would he do it if he didn't stand to profit from it. He wastes time putting together ANOTHER VHS version, when the time has really come for DVD. Has to make his last dollar of of VHS though.
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 24th, 2000, 05:08:53 PM
All very valid (and true) points, but in Lucas' defence, there are alot of people that I know personally that want the trilogy because they've never been interested enough before. I think TPM has generated enough interest in the OT to merit a small re-release. And of course, Lucas will oblige, it will put more money into Lucasfilm, it would be poor business sense not to. But, Jedai Geki is 10000% correct; it is time for DVD's.
Sep 24th, 2000, 05:18:05 PM
few points
1. He isnt greedy, just look at how much he gives to charity!
2. I would rather an awesome DVD in 2005 than a blank DVD now. He should release it when HE wants it released. It's his baby, and he wants his baby to come out in its finest clothing
Doc Milo
Sep 24th, 2000, 05:23:48 PM
I agree, it's time for the DVDs.
But Lucas really is just being a businessman. No one gets on Disney for re-releasing its movies, then taking them out of production, then re-releasing them again, every few years. It's just business. If there weren't people who would buy them, if there was no profit motive, he wouldn't do it. But with each film that comes out, there is a new, expanding audience -- and they are the targets (as well as the hard core fans who will buy every single release) that Lucas is going after.
Doesn't this release come with some EP2 footage?
Even so, I won't be buying it. I need a widescreen copy, but I'll wait for the DVD for that. If it's available to rent, I may do that just to see the ep2 footage, but I won't be buying another VHS copy.
Sep 24th, 2000, 07:01:07 PM
I don't think rereleasing the trilogy means he is greedy at all. There will probably be very few people who bought it in the past that will buy the new one just for different boxes. Some might buy it for the Ep 2 info, but not many.
Most of the people that buy it this time did not buy it before.
Sep 24th, 2000, 10:32:46 PM
i dont think GL is being greedy. i think its more that he realizes that his audience has expanded since TPM. i mean ok i know the members of this site each probably spent about 50000 on TPM tickets to see it over and over again :) but there was a huge turnout of new fans as well. thats why hes putting out the OT yet again. for all those folks.
oh and just to clear it up there is no episode 2 footage on the new OT release, just a behing the scenes and interview type deal but NO actual footage from the movie. ill wait for the dvd :)
Sep 24th, 2000, 10:52:20 PM
Supplying a product that there is a market for is not greed; it's common sense. As others have said, there's a renewed interest in Star Wars and a lot of people still haven't bought the trilogy and would like to. As for adding some new stuff, if he DIDN'T add new stuff people would be complaining he's releasing the exact same thing. It's nice that each time he releases it he adds something new. The same thing applies with all the merchandise produced: If there's a market who wants it, it's certainly not greedy to produce it.
As for GL going after people trying to illegally make a buck off Star Wars, I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, but I'm on Lucas' side. He's not the greedy one; the ones trying to illegally make money off of something they didn't create are the greedy ones.
Sep 24th, 2000, 11:07:40 PM
I was just remembering when the ROTJ re-release hit theatres, there were promotional toys, and many theatre managers simply kept the promotional items and sold them for a profit. Lucasfilm responded by not having any promotional items at the Episode 1 premiere. They also tried to give everyone a fair shot at tickets by limited advanced ticket sales. Also, whether you love or hate Hasbro, you must admit they do try to be fair by packing figures evenly.
Compare these practices to the Pokemon movie, which released an exclusive card at the premiere. That card was the main reason most people went. Hot Wheels has "Treasure Hunt" cars, which are EXTREMELY short-packed in order to make them very rare and "collectible".
I'm not saying those companies are greedy either, but I'm just trying to show that other companies are much worse. And as was mentioned before, Lucasfilm is a business, after all, and they make product in order to make profit. That's not greed, that's just making a living.
Sep 25th, 2000, 12:45:18 AM
I have a headache right now so I did not read the other posts, I apologize if someone already mentioned this but I think GL re-releases the SW trilogy for the younger generations that may have of missed it the first time. I just turned 29 on the 2nd of Sept. and I've found the older I get the more people I meet that have never seen any of the original Star Wars movies! Kinda sad:( So no I don't think GL is greedy, no one is forcing you buy anything from him.
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 25th, 2000, 11:57:04 AM
I like that point! He's not making anyone but it. If it annoys you, just walk past
it in the movie section!
Jidai Geki
Sep 25th, 2000, 01:59:03 PM
You're right. If it annoys me, I should just walk right past it in the store, which is what I'll do. But it does annoy me that people will run out and buy something from him that they already own, and thank him for charging them the thirty dollars or whatever it is, for the opportunity of owning it for the third or fourth time.
Lucas knows that the fans (most of them anyway) already own these films, so to get you all to buy them again, he's gonna throw in ten minutes of his yes-man, Rick McCallum, talking about what a great vision George has for Episode II, and on and on about the wall to wall digital effects. It'll be ten minutes of talking about the movie without really showing you anything for the money you just spent. That, in my opinion, is taking advantage of the fans, and that annoys me.
Sep 25th, 2000, 03:33:47 PM
Actually, I don't think many fans are going to buy it again just because it's coming out. If it was just released like last month and the only thing new was ten minutes of footage, then yes, I'd say he was being greedy. Fact is, it hasn't been available in some places for a while.
That's actually an interesting question: Who intends to buy it even though they already own it, just because it's got an extra ten minutes of probably old Episode 2 information? (I think they did a poll on this subject at
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 25th, 2000, 04:50:27 PM
I intend to buy it because of the sneak peak, and the fact that I want the OT in widescreen format.
Doc Milo
Sep 25th, 2000, 05:27:47 PM
But it does annoy me that people will run out and buy something from him that they already own, and thank him for charging them the thirty dollars or whatever it is, for the opportunity of owning it for the third or fourth time.
So what you're annoyed at is the fans that buy it -- why take that out on Lucas for providing it?
Lucas knows that the fans (most of them anyway) already own these films, so to get you all to buy them again, he's gonna throw in ten minutes of his yes-man, Rick McCallum, talking about what a great vision George has for Episode II, and on and on about the wall to wall digital effects. It'll be ten minutes of talking about the movie without really showing you anything for the money you just spent. That, in my opinion, is taking advantage of the fans, and that annoys me.
How is this taking advantage of the fans? The fans know that this is something they already own -- that there is nothing new in the films themselves. They know that they aren't really going to get anything of substance on EP2. These films aren't available for sale anymore for people who do not own them. A new film in the saga is now almost two years old, and the video for that film has been out for a while now. There are some new fans who do not own a copy of the originals because, at least where I live, those films haven't been available to buy since before TPM came out. He's making them available again. Just because some people will buy something they already own doesn't mean Lucas is taking advantage of them. Ultimately, it's their choice to make. Lucas is just making the choice available. I for one, would rather have the choice to buy it again, than not have the choice at all because the films are unavailable.
The footage on Ep2 is not going to make me buy it again. The only thing that may make me buy it again is that I don't own the OT in widescreen format. And that isn't even enough to make me buy it this time. I'll wait for the DVD release, whenever it comes, and be happy with my pan&scan version. But what is wrong adding something new to each release? Is it any different than a book publisher adding a new forward to reprints of the same books? It ultimately comes down to the fans' choice to buy it -- for the first time, or again. I like having the choice, even though I won't choose to buy it.
I may be reading into this, but it seems that your post assumes that most fans are mind-numbed robots that will buy anything Lucas puts out just because he's putting it out -- that they don't have the capacity of making up their own minds on the matter. If that is how you view the fans, then I can see why you'd think Lucas merely releasing the OT again is somehow taking advantage of the fans. But the fans do have a mind of their own and are capable of making their own decisions. So they are not being taken advantage of -- they are being given a choice.
And like I pointed out earlier. Disney has made this a practice as well -- releasing films over again in limited quantity on video every few years; people (collectors mainly) will buy each release of those. Why is no one annoyed with Disney for the same practices?
Sep 25th, 2000, 08:48:38 PM
I'm not going to buy the original trilogy on VHS again. When it comes out on DVD, I will buy it. I already have the original versions and the Special Editions on VHS.
It amazes me that people complain about Lucasfilm going after people making illegal products, but those people that make the illegal products complain if someone else copies that product and sells it. Lucas has a right to sell his creation. He has every right to stop others from making money off of his creation without a license. If he allowed too many to keep selling things without a license, how could he expect any of the companies to pay a license?
Sep 25th, 2000, 09:21:33 PM
That's a good point that I never considered: Is it fair that Hasbro, Icons, Rubies, and others have to pay liscenses if LFL let others produce products for free?
I think what adds insult to injury is that these same people making a buck illegally have the nerve to turn around and badmouth LFL for being greedy, when they're the ones getting rich off of someone else's ideas.
I think the real problem here is that people resent the success of LFL and are jealous that they can't create a great original story and make millions; or they start to regret the money they've spent on merchandise over the years and figure LFL must "owe" them something.
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 26th, 2000, 12:06:54 AM
Personally I am debating about getting the movies again, I already have two sets but neither one is widescreen. I figure I might just ask somebody to get it for me for Christmas and that will solve the whole problem. As far as Lucas being greedy, I don't think he is truly, "Greedy." I agree with Doc Milo's point about Disney, who do to a much larger extent than Lucas ever has and nobody calls them "greedy." I also agree that there are a whole new group of people who have not experienced the OT, mainly kids from 6-12 this group probably do not have the movies on tape so it would be perfect opportunity to show it to them. Also I do not think there is anything wrong with fans wasting their money on getting the movies for the third time it is nobodys business but their own. And speaking of that I am getting slightly peeved at Jidai Geki he seems to think that most of us Star Wars fans are mindless robots who will buy anything Lucas puts out there, plus he almost never has anything postive to say about the movies so I wonder why do you post here? There is nothing wrong with a your opinion of the movies, I am just curious.
Sep 26th, 2000, 05:51:07 AM
Anyone know if the Original, ie Non-Special Editions are available on Widescreen? with or without THX? What year was it released? How would I go about identifying the packaging? Anyone see it available on Ebay?
P.S. I personally can't stand the special editions, I have a 1988 SW triolgy boxed set with no widescreen and no THX. and It has original footage of Greedo gettin' waxed!
Doc Milo
Sep 26th, 2000, 12:55:14 PM
I think the only place you'll find an original in widescreen or pan&scan will be on ebay, if at all. I went to a video store a few years ago, before TPM came out, trying to get a widescreen copy of the OT (this was before I bought a DVD player) and the proprietor laughed. He told me that the OT was no longer in production -- and wouldn't be until after episode 1 came out -- and the last one he heard about sold for $250 to a collector. And I made no preference -- I would have taken either original, thx, or special edition. None were available for sale. Only pan&scan was available for rent.
I don't think the original versions will ever be available again (although DVD might be the place if they do become available) and from now on, all you'll be able to get is the special editions. I have a copy of the original version, but it's not widescreen.
Jedi Master Carr
Sep 26th, 2000, 01:09:34 PM
I think the DVD version might have an option of showing either the Special Edition version or the original. Personally I like the special edition better except for the Greedo shot which is the only thing I wish Lucas had not done on it. The rest of the special edition is great IMO especially the new ending to ROTJ the old ending was terrible especially the Ewok music.
Sep 26th, 2000, 01:19:14 PM
The Ewok music was cool!
Doc Milo
Sep 26th, 2000, 02:53:48 PM
I don't like that Greedo shoots first in ANH, and I don't like that they changed the line in ESB after Artoo gets spit out by the swamp creature from: "You're lucky you don't taste very good" to "You were lucky to get out of there." I see no reason why they should have changed that line. The first line, IMO, was much better! :)
And I sort of miss the Yub Yub Ewok song...
Sep 26th, 2000, 04:40:43 PM
There's so much space on a DVD, I think it would only make sense to include both versions. I also think it would be neat if you could watch a split-screen mode showing pre- vs. post-THX, like they showed in the commercials.
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 26th, 2000, 05:22:54 PM
The possibilities, not to mention the expectations for these DVD's is limitless. I want a DVD where I can personalize my own version of the movies, using the scenes and shots from whichever version I choose.
Sep 26th, 2000, 09:18:19 PM
The original trilogy was available in widescreen format a few years ago during the "One Last Time" promotion. I picked up the widescreen set and a neat promotional displa stand with a 6-foot tall picture of Vader.
I'm hoping that the 2005 or 2006 DVD will have a OT and SE option on there somewhere. I'm not too fond of the Greedo shoots first nonsense and Luke's girlish scream at the end of the ESB duel makes me want to puke. As for Lucas being greedy, if you don't want it, don't buy it. Sure, there are some collectors out there who feel they have to own every copy of a SW video that's ever been produced. No one is making you buy it so stop complaining.
Mr Sleepless
Sep 28th, 2000, 10:25:44 AM
yeah Lucas is greedy, but then again so am I and nearly everyone else on this planet. The Original Trilogy has been released for the "last time" so many time it aint funny.
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 28th, 2000, 12:00:25 PM
The "one last time" thing doesn't include the Special Editions. That was for the THX
release in '95, before any changes get made to the movies.
Sep 28th, 2000, 03:53:44 PM
I'm probably going to repeat some stuff - cause I onyl read about halfway down this thread. :-P
I think, one reason they trilogy is being released is because it's not that readily available right now. Also if he was greedy he wouldn't be selling a 3 tape set for 39.99 (27 right now at The widerscreen and pan and scan versions are the same price (cool!) which is good also.
When they announced the new 'super duper' version of T2 no one said that they were greedy in doing so. (I don't think). Personally I'm pissed about that since I just bought the OLD 'ultimate' T2 DVD a few months ago. How come no one ever asks if Time Warner - excuse me AOL, or GE or Sony is greedy? With all the crap that comes on TV to the movie theater that is designed ONLY to make money.
If people want to buy it they will. If people buy it just to have EVERY version of the videos - and curse Lucas while handing over their money - then they're idiots. Being a Star Wars Fan is not about how much Star Wars STUFF you can accumulate. (that's Pokemon). ;)
Is general I don't think George Lucas is particularly greedy. He merchandises the hell out of Star Wars stuff - but this is how he was able to afford to make ESB himself, and ROTJ and TPM. Plus he puts a lot of his money back into Lucasfilm, ILM, Skywalker sound, etc.
Sep 28th, 2000, 05:07:22 PM
Sleepless has a good point: Isn't everyone a little greedy? I mean, if you classify trying to make a buck as being greedy, then we're all guilty. George Lucas ain't Santa Claus, so of course he's doing this, at least in part, to make money. I think some fans out there have dreamed up this image of GL as some sort of god who creates movies to make the world a better place and never asks anything in return. While he probably does it in part for the love of movies, he's also trying to make a buck just like anyone else.
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 28th, 2000, 06:47:59 PM
Lucas didn't become the one of the most powerful men in hollywood by being generous. He's also a very smart business man. Not seizing an opportunity to make yourself money, expanding your business, and getting your product out to new people is poor business managing.
Oct 5th, 2000, 05:27:03 AM
I didn't know Lucas was in Hollywood.
As a matter of fact, I read this editorial on the mora values of TPM on the Variety website (ironoc, no?) where one criticism of Lucas was that most of the money that Star Wars makes DOESN'T go to Hollywood, but instead goes to NORTHERN California. (Gasp. oh the horror!)
I know for a fact that when the first Star Wars movie came out Lucas GAVE the stars profit points. it wasn't in the contract, and he could have easily kept more for himself.
Oct 5th, 2000, 04:18:03 PM
Yes, I read that too. I don't believe it was even very common back then to do that.(Unlike now, where big stars often receive a major cut of the gross.)
Wasn't James Earl Jones originally hired for like, $6000?
Oh, boohoo! Lucas doesn't put money into Hollywood! The movie industry's a huge business all over the world. I don't see any reason why Hollywood should get the monopoly on the money.
Mr Sleepless
Oct 9th, 2000, 05:26:15 AM
Lucas hates hollywood, for a good reason too I bet, It takes away the whole validity of the Emmys doesnt it?
Its just a bull@#%$ celebration.
Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 9th, 2000, 10:12:40 AM
I wonder if Lucas hates Hollywood as much as Hollywood hates him. And yes, the oscars is just a bulls#it celebration, that is for sure!
Oct 9th, 2000, 03:36:26 PM
He seems to be silent on the subject, so it's hard to say. I think he more or less just tries to avoid dealing with Hollywood, and that just makes them angrier. His success sends out a message to up-and-coming filmmakers that, yes, you can make it on your own without the major studios. That's got to annoy them.
Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 10th, 2000, 11:54:03 AM
How true!
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