View Full Version : DARTH MAUL ???

buff jedi 2
Oct 10th, 2000, 08:25:30 PM
I came across this just a few minutes ago and was woundering if its true.

Was Mauls real name KHAMEIR SARIN ???

was he a ZABRAKIAN ??

and was he born on the planet IRIDONA ???

just thought I would ask.


Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 10th, 2000, 09:39:07 PM
Yes, I believe that is all true, except maybe for the name, that I'm not too sure of, but if you got all the info in one place, it's probably accurate.

buff jedi 2
Oct 10th, 2000, 11:07:19 PM
Cool thanx !!!!!

I also so read that SID started training maul when he was 12 and made MAUL attack and hurt some of his friends just to prove himself to SID. EVIL!!!!!


Oct 10th, 2000, 11:23:07 PM
Has anyone seen that shirtless Maul pic from the comics? Real cool!

Oct 11th, 2000, 12:04:25 PM
Yeah, those are pretty darn cool!
I think that all of those zabrak rumors are fake. It says that hes from Iridonia blablabla in the Darth Maul Journal, but im pretty sure it should be clasified as non believable EU. I dont know how different the horns on a zabrak are from person to person, but i tell you this: Eeth Koths and Darth Mauls horn are very much not alike. They are not placed in the same places, its not the same number of horns, and mauls horns are much more sharp. Of course, he could have sharpened them himself, but i dont think is a zabrak anyhow. He is of unknown species, wich makes him much more mysterious, wich is the way GL wants it i think...

Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 11th, 2000, 12:05:30 PM
his tatoos are crazy!

Oct 12th, 2000, 01:12:15 AM
I didn't believe the whole Zabrak connection, either, because like you said the horns are actually quite different. However, since it IS now mentioned in more than one EU source, I tend to believe it. I don't think it really matters, since knowing the name of his race doesn't shed much more light on the character.