View Full Version : Is Count Dooku also Lord Tyranus the new sith ?

Oct 23rd, 2000, 06:59:28 PM
this question has been bothering me for sometime now. It seems the rumor on the net is that he is the same person. Is there any fact to back this up? I was hoping that hes not. I want the next sith to be a lean, mean, jedi slicing machine so we can have anakin show us why hes the chosen one when he pulls out a can of force whoop ass on his ass and shows us his true raw power in the force. Sorry but i just cannot picture christopher lee getting my blood pumping like maul did when he was introduced in TPM. So is this just speculation or is there any know fact about what he is? Thanks for any info guys.

Oct 23rd, 2000, 07:12:07 PM
I still hope he isnt called Dooku. The name reminds me of Count Dukula, everyones favourite vegetarian vampire duck

Oct 23rd, 2000, 07:18:56 PM
Everything surrounding the character (including the name) has been speculation so far, so I wouldn't even worry about it yet. As far as we know the next Sith could be anybody.

Oct 23rd, 2000, 08:37:50 PM
thats what i assumed as well but i wasnt really sure. I remember reading somewhere Rick McCallum saying "If you liked the sith in EP1, wait til you see what we've got in store for you for Ep2!" or something to that effect.

I have my own theory on this. I beleive that with all this speculation and all these rumors flying around George Lucas has slipped one by us completely. I beleive that he has someone to play the new sith that we dont even have a clue about and havent heard of at ALL, that will kick even more ass then ray park did as maul :) Atleast thats what i hope will happen. Anything as long as dooku isnt the new sith. Man oh man the wait is killin me. I cant wait til the freakin trailer comes out and thats still got ways to go !

Oct 23rd, 2000, 08:45:37 PM
Yeah, despite all the rumours floating around I haven't heard anything remotely solid about the new Sith/villain.

Oct 23rd, 2000, 08:52:29 PM
thinking about this has made me wonder.....

Before TPM came out, was there alot of info leaked out on Maul's character and was it accurate? or was it just speculation and wild rumors like some of the stuff we hear for episode 2. I wonder just how well George hid mauls details before TPM since i was not a part of the SW crowd til a few days b4 TPM opened. Was maul a total secret up until the trailer came out for TPM or was there already info leaked out about his character. IM just trying to possibly compare with what might happen for the new sith apprentice in Ep. 2.

Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 23rd, 2000, 09:15:32 PM
Well if you think about it, the only rumors that could have surfaced about Maul, and be correct at the same time are the ones that call him a tattooed freak and a real skilled bad-@ss.

Oct 24th, 2000, 01:00:10 PM
This is a really long shot, but i was thinkin since Chriss Lee is so old maybe he is Sidious master! I mean, he has to have learned about the force/dark side somewhere! If Lee is not Sidious master, then perhaps its another sith master. I know that breaks the 2SITH alive thing, but im sure GL could come up with something. It would be awsome having Lee as a sith, but not the sith apprentice.

Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 24th, 2000, 05:08:26 PM
A rogue Sith you mean?

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 24th, 2000, 05:16:28 PM
I see him as a rogue Jedi somebody that is being manipulated by Sidious to aid him in the Council. He may even be responsible for several Jedi deaths. I doubt he is a sith, but I had read that Lucas wanted pictures of Lee at different ages of his life, whatever that means, I have no clue unless Palpatine had him cloned years before and they are going to make Lee look youngers by doing a cgi facelift or something.

Darth Hez
Oct 24th, 2000, 07:31:54 PM
The name Dooku depends on how you spell it. It looks pretty stupid there, but I've also seen it as Ducu. Is it definitely Dooku? Ducu reads better.

I don't remember hearing much about Maul until he was actually unveiled as a finished character. I looked and looked but it stayed pretty close to GLs chest.