View Full Version : balance to the force?

buff jedi 2
Nov 10th, 2000, 10:01:24 PM
Ok its friday night I dont have a date(heck must be freezing over)Im bored so time for another useless topic from Buff.Actually I have thought about this before But we all know Im not much on deep topic's.Anyways

Yoda ,qui-gon,mace ext,, Talk about the choosen one bringing balance to the force.Ok Now at the time Of TPM it seems the GOOD GUYS are in control,,,the jedi's keep order in the Galaxy the republic is in a sense and purpose runnning well,So whats up with the balance???the only balance I could see would be Annie bringing the BAD guys into more power.And wouldnt the jedi not want that?? OR does it not mean right at that moment Balance but at some point bring Balance ,Like when Vader kills PALPitine???I dunno just thought Id ask.


Doc Milo
Nov 11th, 2000, 06:36:48 AM
In an interview, Lucas said that "one member of the Jedi Council knows that balance is beginning to slip." I think that member is Yoda.

The Balance of the Force, according to Lucas, means that there is a frail line that separates good and evil. It is a distinctive line, though. On one side is good, and on the other is evil, and they "live" in balance. But when The Sith rise, and Palpatine takes power, he blurs the line between good and evil.

I believe this might mean that the Jedi may think it's okay to use the dark side for a good purpose (sort of using the logic that the Ends Justifies the Means. If the end result is good, but I used the dark side to do it, then that's okay.) This I believe is the start of corrutpion, and might lead to the Jedi Purge. (Hey, just thought, could part of the Jedi Purge be Jedi turning on Jedi?) The Force remains out of balance as long as the Corruptor (The Sith, Palaptine) exist. Anakin, when he finally defeats Vader (in an inner struggle) and then defeats Palpatine, restores balance to the Force. That Balance is symbolized by Luke, who faced the dark side, saw where the line between good and evil was, recognized it, and refused to cross it, even though he could legitimately claim that crossing it to save his friends and the galaxy, to rid the galaxy of Palpatine, would be a good result and worth turning to the dark side to accomplish. He rejects that reasoning, so Luke becomes the symbol of Balance in the Force. Anakin Restores Balance by killing the corruptor, Luke IS balance.

Nov 11th, 2000, 02:45:48 PM
::whistles:: Wow Doc, you're good at this stuff...

Nov 11th, 2000, 08:58:27 PM
No, I thought Keaton was Kyser Sose!;)


Nov 12th, 2000, 10:04:40 AM
Wow Doc, that was most impressive. Kinda puts all my thoughts around this issue onto paper. Wow. Luke IS balance. He could have saved his friends by turning, but didnt. Instead he rejected the dark side, seeing very clearly where the line goes, and thats a sign of balance. So really he disscovers the balance, becoming a symbol of it. Wow doc, youre good at this stuff, as said.

wookie boy 2000
Nov 12th, 2000, 11:06:00 AM
Doc , thats was GOoD Thanx!


Darth Turbogeek
Nov 14th, 2000, 08:00:51 AM
That's not how the novelisation has it. It has it there are in fact two aspects of the Force, one Unifying and the other the Living and it appeared that THIS has something to do with the balance required. Now, I know the novelisation aint canon, but it does lead to a few interesting queries...

- Is the Balace a cause / effect thing, ie use one aspect too much and the other is thrown out of kilter?
- How IS Good / Evil defined?

One thing I think Doc Milo has wrong (IMO) is the use, intentional or otherwise of the Dark Side. I dont see where it could be acceptible for a Jedi to ever use the Dark Side, ie, fear, anger, selfishness.

Doc Milo
Nov 15th, 2000, 04:08:52 PM
Exactly what I was saying. If the Force is Balanced, it is NEVER acceptable for a Jedi to use the Dark Side. I was saying that, with the line between good and evil blurred (and I got this from an interview with GL in CUT magazine) then the Jedi using the Dark Side for, in their opinion, good purposes (the end justifying the means) is a sign that the Force is out of Balance.

I don't remember the novelization saying the Unifying and the Living Force has anything to do with balance -- and Lucas has said that Anakin brings balance to the Force by killing Palpatine. If Unifying and Living Force has anything to do with it, how does Anakin bring balance when he kills Palpatine?

Darth Horus
Nov 21st, 2000, 02:21:14 AM