View Full Version : THE TITLE OF DARTH????

Dec 16th, 2000, 01:49:01 PM
I myself, like probably most people, thought that "Darth"
was simply part of Vader's name, however, since EP1, we all
know that "Darth" is a title.Does anyone out there know what
that title actually means????

Dec 16th, 2000, 02:14:24 PM
DARk Lord of the Si TH

Hart Kenobi
Dec 16th, 2000, 10:27:26 PM
I didn't know that either. Cool.

Dec 17th, 2000, 05:58:33 PM
That's just a guess though, right?

Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 17th, 2000, 06:34:17 PM
Maybe it's a different take on the word "Dark"? As in the old argument??? Dark Father = Darth Vader.

buff jedi 2
Dec 17th, 2000, 06:37:05 PM
Has there ever been an official notice of it ?


Probe Droid
Dec 18th, 2000, 09:42:54 PM
"Darth Vader" is Dutch--I think--or somesuch language and in English translates to "Dark Father." The "Darth" part seems to be a title used by the Sith, like Khan, Sir, etc.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 19th, 2000, 03:33:23 AM
I actually think Darth is just a title much like Caeser, Czar and Khan all are. I think if it has a direct translation it might be Lord becuase constantly you hear the sith called Lord, Maul, Vader, Sidious. That is my opinion at least.

Darth Hez
Dec 20th, 2000, 09:58:22 PM
I believe in the SW universe the title Darth means "lord". However in the more real world it is dutch, and the name "Darth Vader", translates directly as "dark father", like Probe Droid said.

Hart Kenobi
Dec 21st, 2000, 12:24:05 AM
Wasn't Darth supposed to be the title of the members of the Sith Brotherhood? And each of the members of the brotherhood are "knighted" of some sort and probably gain a title of nobility eventually.

That Dutch Darth meaning is really interesting. Are there any other things like that in SW. I know the word Jedi comes from a Japanese film genre but that's it.

Dec 21st, 2000, 02:09:33 PM
The name Rune Haako is from Finnland! And i believe QuiGon Jinn means "Good with a lightsaber" in some asian language. Its true. Qui means "good", gon means "wield" and jinn means "stick that glows". Nute Gunray commes from President Reagan. His chief of staff or something was called Newt, and Gunray is a syllable switch of Reagan, with a play of the letters!

And for the darth thing, i pretty much think it is DARk lord of the siTH. That sounds very likely to me. And to all of you who says it means lord. WELL ITS THE SAME DAMED THING. Dark *LORD* of the sith...

Darth McBain
Dec 21st, 2000, 03:03:17 PM
There is an interesting page at www.aldera.net/theories_Names.shtml, (http://www.aldera.net/theories_Names.shtml,) which lists some theories about what names mean or where they come from.