View Full Version : A relative newbie with a question...

JediMaster T
Jan 27th, 2001, 10:35:43 AM
Hey all--

I'm a regular in the Replica Props Forum, but brand new here. Hello!

I'm gong to start by asking a question based on a recent observation I made while watching ESB:

Do you think that Luke's failure in the cave on Dagobah was a modified example of the "Jedi Trials" Obi-Wan spoke about in TPM?

I figure a Jedi's greatest enemy is himself, right? So do you think Yoda, in an altered form perhaps, equipped that cave to simulate the Trials of old? Will we see the Trials in EP II, III? Jedi seem to skip them when there's Sith Lords about.

Just askin'.


Doc Milo
Jan 27th, 2001, 04:02:25 PM
Hey, welcome to the other side of the forum :)

In answer to your question: Yes. I do believe that what Luke faced in the cave on Dagobah was the Jedi Trials.

In the RotJ novelization, Obi-Wan tells Luke that to become a Jedi, one must face the dark side, and move past it.

Obviously, Luke's experience in the cave was Luke facing his dark side. At that moment in time, he was unable to move past it, thus he failed.

Interesting thing is, when asks Yoda "What's in there?" And Yoda answers "Only what you bring with you." Then tells Luke that he won't need his weapons -- we see that Luke, by insisting on taking his weapons, is taking with him an inherent mistrust of the Force, and his anger and hatred for Vader -- thus he faces what he brought with him...

Jedi Master Kyle
Jan 27th, 2001, 04:18:50 PM
Doc, you've always got the right words. I've always had problems putting that scene into words. :)

Jan 28th, 2001, 03:51:25 PM
if ya had ever read novels place in the star wars world later on luke returns to dagaboth and the cave and this time he sees a vision where he is in tantoinne again and on jabbas skiff and when eh reaches fro his lightsaber mara jade instead grabs it and he dies

this time he is show a possible past instead of future the novel explained the cave as a place where yoda had killed a sith and the opposites sides of the force his good and the siths bad is what masked him from the emperor and vader

now i don't know if ya go by the novelization but yoda could eb using the cave as a jedi trial making luke face the darkside