View Full Version : the New Sith

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 28th, 2001, 01:46:01 AM
All the rumors say that the new sith will be played by Christopher Lee and his name will be Darth Tyranus(sp). Lee has also been reported to be playing Count Dooko the leader of a group rebelling against the republic. My question is how does everyone thing this is going to work in the movie. Will Lee who is in his 70's play the sith visually or is there something else going on here? I see three posibilities
1 Lee is doing the voice and nothing else.
The main problem here is that it is reported that Lee was on location in Spain, and Australia so if he was just doing the voice why would they need him? I guess he could be doing the same thing that Ahmen Best and the actor that played Watto did act out the part for the character which would mean the sith is CGI, but that may present other problems espcially during fights but I guess it might work.
2 Lee's character is a shape shifter and we see him as Count Dooko and someone else plays the part of Tyranus with Lee suppling the voice.
This would work but it would be odd to see a shape shifter in Star Wars. Star Trek has had them but would Lucas want to do one. I think it could be very neat and also would easily decieve both the characters and the audience.
3 Count Dooko is an hologram and not a real person at all. and Lee does the voice for the Sith
This is my other thought I have read in the EU (the recent Darth Maul comes to mind) of other character using holgraphic devices to desiuise themselves it would make sense in this case but again we have never see this in the movies but it would explain away Lee's age.
I am sure their are other possiblities and if anybody would like to share theirs or have any thoughts on mine go ahead. And I don't mind if you want to bash them that cool these are just ideas because I have no clue what Lucas is going to do with this/ or these characters and I want to see if my theroies hold up. Also if anybody knows the answer I just ask don't tell me. I'm okay talking or thinking about the various possiblities but I would rather not know the truth until I see it.

Doc Milo
Feb 28th, 2001, 03:16:28 PM
I still think Lee won't be playing a Sith at all. I think Count Dooku and the new Sith will be two separate characters. I did read from Rick McCallum interview in the SW Insider that Lee had some scenes with a lightsaber, though. Which got me to thinking: Perhaps Lee will be the illustration of the "blurring" of the line between good and evil that illustrates the Imbalance in the Force.

As Lucas once said, the Balance of the Force means that there is a corrupting, a blurring of the line between good and evil, and that Anakin restores balance by destroying the Sith completely, first within himself, then by killing Palpatine.

So maybe Lee's character will be a fallen Jedi, someone who believes he can use the dark side for good purposes -- an illustration of the blurring of the line between good and evil.

Hart Kenobi
Feb 28th, 2001, 10:21:02 PM
My theory was, and still is, that Lee will play a Sith Master rival to Palpatine that fight over Anakin. I remember back in 1999 or early 2000, it was on aintitcool.com or something that a Japanese martial artist was asked to go to Lucas Ranch to play a bad guy. He gave a brief description but he said he wasn't sure whether the guy was a bounty hunter or Sith. I think that'll be either Palpys or Tyranus' new apprentice that dies.

General Ceel
Feb 28th, 2001, 10:28:23 PM
I recall reading that Lee's body was scanned for a CGI stunt double to be made of him, wich means he will be able to do things beyond his own physical ability. But i still think the sith and Lee will be different characters. I just can't see Palpy choosing an Old Aprentice. With the time span between the plots of EP1 and EP2 he will have plenty of time to train someone younger

Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:26:24 PM
I don't think Lee will be Palpy's apprentice as much as he may be his ally, until Palpy betrays him of course.

General Ceel
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:30:36 PM
His ally makes much more sense. But i think we can expect Lee's character to appear to be a good guy as the movie opens, maybe even close to The Queen and the Jedi. Palpy used trust to his advantage in EPI, he will do it again.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 1st, 2001, 12:58:40 AM
I think that sounds very plausable Doc. But I really do not know what to think, I know IMDB has Lee listed as Dooko and Tyranus of course they easily could be wrong. Another posibility that I just thought of is maybe they will use computers to make Lee look younger. I read somewhere they wanted pictures of him as a younger man. I am sure it could be done they are using computers to make John Rhys-Davis look like a Dwarf and are shrinking Elijah Wood to look like a hobbit so it would never surprise me.

Doc Milo
Mar 1st, 2001, 03:41:02 PM
IMDB, from what I've heard, gets its information from fans who write in . . . so, yes, they can easily be wrong, for most fans are just getting their information from the rumor sites.

As for digitally making Lee look younger, that could be too.

It will be interesting, nonetheless.

I don't think, however, as another poster posted, that Lee will be a rival Sith Master. "Two there are, no more, no less, a Master and an Apprentice." I don't think Lucas would bring in this "rule" only to break it so quickly. Plus, there is nothing in the movies to suggest that it was ever broken -- even in ESB Vader wanted to rule as Father and Son, getting rid of Palpatine; and in RotJ, Palpatine wanted Luke to take his father's place.

Starquest aka AndyR
Mar 6th, 2001, 03:24:40 PM
I dont think that they are going to make him look younger or anything because there is a bust of him on the starwars site that was created from him in costume... Of course I dont know why the bust was made in the first place... was it for figures or something?

Oh, and I heard that they were not using computers to make the hobbits smaller in LOTR, they were basically using camera tricks to make it appear that they are shorter than everyone else - like having the hobbit actors stand farther away from the camera than the "full-size" actors... I think I read this on the official site, but I am not sure.

I heard a rumor that Count Dooku will be doing some saber-fighting too... Maybe he will be in armor or something when he "siths out". I'll take it a step further... maybe anakin gets his vader-armor inspiration from dooku in a duel between them or something... Hmmm...

Mar 9th, 2001, 08:02:03 PM
I dont think Lee will be the sith but maybe the voice.I remember being at a website a while ago and they had a picture of a young asian man and below it it said sneak peak at the new sith apprentice.This might be old news but I remember.As was with Ray Park and David Prowse they were voiced over. Just my 2 cents

-SC :evil:

Doc Milo
Mar 10th, 2001, 04:54:17 AM
Well, in the SW Insider -- the one with Christopher Lee on the cover -- in the interview with Rick McCallum, he said that Lee had a scene with a lightsaber.

I don't think Lee will merely be doing a voice over. I don't think he's the Sith apprentice either, but I could be wrong on that.

It is possible that Palpatine/Sidious, knowing that Lee's character is Force-talented, and also a Senator with influence over many systems, takes him as an apprentice merely for the short-term benefits -- intending to lure Anakin to the dark side (and sacrifice his apprentice) but using Lee's character to create the new crisis. Sidious/Palpatine never intending to keep Dooku as an apprentice would account for why he wouldn't be so concerned with his age. Plus, "quicker, easier, more seductive," the dark side is. Presumably, then, age is less of a factor in training a Sith than a Jedi...

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 10th, 2001, 07:24:14 PM
Personally I doubt that he plays the sith as an old man. I except some kind of surprise with his character and I am not sure what it might be. I just can't see a 70 year old man fight Obi-Wan and Anakin because according to rumors near the end the new sith takes on both of them. Lee just couldn't do that kind of sword fighting so I have a feeling that we will see something different in the next film.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 12th, 2001, 12:13:03 AM
indicates Lee is the new Sith. Sure, it seems unlikely, but one of the differences is that Lee's character is not young and recklesslike Maul was - Maul was a frigging idiot in the end. Tyranus is supposed to be deliberate and calculating - another point ins, the v=best Japanese sword Masters are over 60.... your going to tell them they cant fight??? Just because Lee has a few years on him dont mean he look like he can fight in a movie. Personally, I'm quite pleased it could be real

Starquest aka AndyR
Mar 12th, 2001, 12:04:12 PM
One other thing to think about is... With all the digital manipulation from Lucas on the first one, he could film Lee just walking around, and replace his arms with CG arms flying around in a lightsaber weilding frenzy. Or he could decide at the last minute to erase him from all the shots.... Its happened before :)