View Full Version : SPEC: Which Council member will betray them all?

JediMaster T
Mar 24th, 2001, 04:51:17 PM
Knowing his fondness for all things mythological (and with the Bible being a primary source for myth), which memeber of the Jedi Council do you think is the traitor? Which one will betray them?

12 members, 12 disciples....who's the Judas?

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 24th, 2001, 05:32:26 PM
Thats an interesting analogy that I had not thought of. I think I can rule one out because I read somewhere that one of them will die in the next movie not going to say his name. I doubt that it will be Yoda or Mace. Ki-Adi-Mundi is a possibility also I read somewhere that Adi Gallia has a red/pink lightsaber I guess that could mean something. Other than that I don't know because we know so little about the other council members that it would be difficult to predict hopefully we will learn more about the others in the next movie.

Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 24th, 2001, 06:00:32 PM
I think at this point, it's still a blind guess. I would *guess* Ki Adi Mundi. Someone we already know, but not as out of bounds as Mace or Yoda, but I could be wrong.

General Ceel
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:13:24 PM
One of the strange looking Members who we didn't really see much of in the movie, i hope.

Hart Kenobi
Mar 25th, 2001, 01:27:35 AM
I'm guessing Mace Windu. They'd need a good actor and a bad-@ss m-fer to play the part. :)
It would be awesome for the movie if it turned out to be him.

Doc Milo
Mar 25th, 2001, 05:15:10 AM
I think Ki-Adi Mundi is a good guess. Isn't he the only member of the Council that is not a Master... Could that mean anything in the entire scheme of things?

Mar 25th, 2001, 10:12:32 PM
I'm gonna make a wild guess and say Plo Koon.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 26th, 2001, 03:17:37 AM
I haven't thought about that reasoning Doc but you might be on to something. I have no clue why he is the only member of the council who is not a master. Has anybody read the comics? I guess it could be revealled there, but if not than it could be a plot point in one of the next movies. I doubt its Mace but thats just a personal opinion. It would be a shocker that is for sure. Maybe Yoda is not even off limits betrayal can be in many forms. He might betray the others without even meaning to.

Mar 26th, 2001, 10:17:56 AM
Here's something to think about, although I believe it has been kicked around before regarding this issue.

Judas was not out to turn Jesus in to destroy him. He was trying to get Jesus to lash out and take the Isrealites out of Roman control. Judas completely believed that he was doing the right thing. I think if a council member "betrays" the others, it will be this sort of thing.

JediMaster T
Mar 26th, 2001, 10:40:53 PM
Ahhhhh PR - you've done your HW!

I like the idea of Yoda perhaps inadvertantly betraying the Council - that would add a sad depth to his character as well, mirroring Obi-Wan's failure.

Failing that, seeing Adi Gallia turn traitor and stab a few Jedi in cold blood would be cool (I say Adi because she looks like quite a bad @$$ - though if you read the young Obi-Wan books, she's really a heroine.)

And the comics do explain Ki's ascension to the Council though he hasn't yet traind a Padawan and become a Master. I recommend them.

JediMaster T
Mar 26th, 2001, 10:41:20 PM
Now that I think of it, he is training his first Padawan in the comics, a Tusken-raised Jedi named A'Sharad Hett, who uses two lightsabers.

Force Master Hunter
Mar 26th, 2001, 10:55:45 PM
Umm, I dont want to start a discusion on religion, but Judas to quote "was a thief and also allowed satan into his heart" He was paid to be the agent of the Sandhedrian to have Jesus arrested so that the Romans would not turn on the Jews, using Jesus as a excuse to do so. Hmmm, might be a good plot idea.

Mar 27th, 2001, 05:40:16 PM
I like the Yoda "accidental" thing. I think having Mace betray them, specially after having Lando "betray" Han in ESB, would stir up all the "Lucas is a racist" stuff again.

And just so I've said it, I don't think Lando betrayed anyone. He thought he was helping his group, the people of Bespin, by giving up someone he hadn't seen in years to the proper authorities. When he realized this wasn't fixing anything, he continued to do what he thought was right by telling everyone to clear out and salvage the situation as best he could.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 28th, 2001, 12:59:07 AM
I think Yoda would be interesting, it could explain why he acts the way he does in TESB. I doubt its Mace not because he is black I just have a feeling its not him. Of course I could be wrong Jackson has been known to take parts which surprise people. Of course we don't even know if a member of the council is going to betray the rest of them. I think its possible mostly because I think betrayal will be a major theme in the next two movies. Anakin's betrayal to Obi-Wan and Padame, Palpatine's betrayal to just about everyone, and I guess there could be others we will have to wait and see.