View Full Version : The force is satan's tool?

Jedi Master Carr
May 26th, 2001, 12:31:44 AM
I found this odd site under Star Wars Humor I think its a joke but it seems serious at times here is the address
www.toolofsatan.org/ (http://www.toolofsatan.org/)
its good for a laugh at least.

May 26th, 2001, 10:11:34 AM
That was some of the most inane nonsense I've ever read.

buff jedi 2
May 26th, 2001, 03:52:30 PM
Well if people truley beleaved in THE FORCE yes it would be the devils work BUT its just a movie (the greatest EVER) but yet just a movie.


Jedi Master Carr
May 26th, 2001, 05:28:43 PM
That why I think it was a joke, the site seems like something out of Mad magazine but as I said it is slightly funny to read.

xx Kyiang Sunrider xx
May 27th, 2001, 12:24:17 AM
completely stupid!
Some jerk like the guy who made this sit should be away from the society.
First thing:Itīs just movies, you sick!
second-stupid people like him(or she) shouldnīt be doin anything over the net, cause peeps like him think internet is stansīs thing.


buff jedi 2
May 27th, 2001, 12:39:53 AM
Dont hold back xx kyiang tell us how you really feel ;)


xx Kyiang Sunrider xx
May 27th, 2001, 03:24:25 PM
I can tell you how i feel, but itīs going to be private with you, girl;)

May 28th, 2001, 06:33:10 PM
What the...?