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View Full Version : Was Palpatine Racist?

Jedi Master Carr
May 23rd, 2001, 10:50:55 PM
I was thinking about this question, Did Palpaltine despised non-Humans. It is never brought up in the movies except maybe in the background, we never see any aliens as officers in any of the films. Also several alien species were enslaved Wookies, Mon Calamarians. I know there is more in the EU, with Palpatine having alien cities destroyed, and it is mentioned briefly in Heir to the Empire about how Thrawn was the only non-Human to make it to officer class.
Now I am not sure how much this proves, I do think it shows he did not trust non-humans but there could be more. He might not even be racist he could be using peoples' predjucies as a way to maintain order much like Hitler did in Germany. Hitler I have always wondered if he was even racist, it could have all been part of his plan to unite Germany behind a common enemy, the Jews. I think he did get fanatical later on especailly when Himmler came and started to rank the racists. Of course I could be wrong but this might be what Palpatine does not only against non-humans but also maybe against the Jedi, perhaps he makes the Jedi scapegoats much like Hitler did. It would make since for Lucas to do this, he has used history greatly in his movies and want a greater influence for the rise of the empire than for the rise of the Nazi. Anybody have any thoughts on this subject.

Jedi Master Kyle
May 24th, 2001, 10:19:41 AM
For sure he was racist. But I think his racism stemmed from his possible fear of other races.

May 24th, 2001, 06:17:56 PM
I think the EU makes it pretty clear that he was racist. And there's proof in the detention block scene in ANH that there was plenty of racism in Imp Officers.
"Where are you taking this...thing?"

xx Kyiang Sunrider xx
May 24th, 2001, 07:52:59 PM
Of course Palpatine was racist, but i´m pretty sure that wasn´t the real cause of his Empire!*L*

Jedi Master Carr
May 24th, 2001, 08:34:23 PM
I agree I think it is pretty clear but I also think it will be the hatred for the Jedi that will be used to further Palpatine's own goals. I still think that the Jedi will be made to be scapegoats and then hated by the republic. That is why noone cared when the Jedi were exterminated and no one even had any respect for them or wanted them back (except for members of the rebellion) when they returned. As I said I think Lucas will do this as an allusion to Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany because Hitler is by far the most evilest man to have lived why shouldn't the Emperor have similar charatistics especially manipulating the republic to blame the Jedi for all the problems. It is one of the major reasons how Hitler was able to rally support and I think Palpatine will use this reason along several others to do the same thing.

May 26th, 2001, 08:23:50 PM
Well, Palpatine's advisors in ROTJ didn't really look that human because of their weird colored skin, but maybe they were.

buff jedi 2
May 27th, 2001, 12:44:51 AM
I dont know if you would call it Racist Out of the sake of hating another race .I think we will find that Palp gets let down by other races alot, and starts figuring there useless and can do him no good.( does that make any Dang sense ?)


May 28th, 2001, 06:34:45 PM
Wasn't it stated somewhere that he was xenophobic, and that's how it all began?