View Full Version : does anybody no the new sith
Apr 20th, 2001, 06:51:28 PM
does anybody no the new sith lord in ep.2
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 20th, 2001, 07:27:37 PM
It may be Count Dooku, or a yet to be named sith.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 21st, 2001, 12:40:43 AM
Hs name is Darth Tyranus from what I have heard he may be Count Dooku and Dooku could be an allias. My only problem if that is the case is that Lee is ancient, so I am wondering if there is something to his character that we are just not aware of.
Apr 21st, 2001, 12:14:38 PM
i heard it is darth rage
Darth McBain
Apr 22nd, 2001, 01:58:07 PM
I haven't heard that - but it sounds like a cool name anyway... I was under the impression that it was Darth Tyrannus and that he might have some connection with Count Dooku (or maybe they are one and the same...)
Doc Milo
Apr 22nd, 2001, 02:04:04 PM
Darth Rage was a rumor from way back when -- and has no "supporting evidence." It was just made up by the person who started the rumor. Darth Tyrannus, however, has some supporting evidence -- namely (I guess I should warn of a spoiler, even though I don't think it is -- scroll...)
Darth Tyrannus is one of the domain names that LucasFilm has registered.
Jidai Geki
Apr 22nd, 2001, 02:33:09 PM
The alter ego of Christopher Lee's Count Dooku is the Sith Lord, Darth Tyranus.
The information that is known to be absolute spoiler material, aside from the above, is that Dooku was once a Jedi who left the order. In the entire history of the order, as the movie reveals, only twenty knights have ever broken ranks with the Jedi. They are referred to as, "The Lost Twenty". The fact that Dooku/Tyranus used to be a Jedi serves Palpatine well in getting support to build his army to combat the uprising led by Dooku. His argument is that the Jedi are of no use since they are unable to control one of their own. A Republic army is needed to face these threats. Of course, Dooku is Palpatine's puppet, and all of this is orchestrated to enable Palpatine to assemble his army, and begin building his Empire.
Apr 27th, 2001, 12:12:56 AM
yea what jidai geki said :) In a nutshell Count Dooku is an ex-jedi who got fed up with the councils ways and who left the jedi when qui gon was killed. he reveals himself as darth tyranus near the end of ep. 2. he is siduous's next apprentice and my speculation is that anakin flips out in anger and cuts him down in ep. 3. however in ep 2 we will see him kick some serious ass (both obi1 and anakin at once) til yoda comes in to save the day :) ahh cant wait for this movie!!! lol
YadsLH 2
May 1st, 2001, 09:28:42 AM
It's Darth Rage - who is played by Chris Walken - but he's the Sith master not apprentice... the apprentice is Darth Maul-Clone1. Maul-Clone2 appears in EP3.
This film's gonna kick ass.
Jedi Master Kyle
May 1st, 2001, 06:26:44 PM
Christopher Walken is not in Episode 2, as much as we'd like him to be.
YadsLH 2
May 2nd, 2001, 05:04:39 AM
Damn that Harry Knowles! ;P
Jedi Master Kyle
May 2nd, 2001, 07:59:07 AM
That's what we all think. :)
May 30th, 2001, 04:51:37 PM
"Count Dooku". Anybody else find that funny? Will the Jedi taunt him by calling him "Dookie"?:lol:
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