View Full Version : Vader's suit

buff jedi 2
Jun 8th, 2001, 09:41:22 PM
Ok this may have been discussed before (sorry) but since Im not able to hit the gym for another week (that will be 1 month 1 week)Ive been thinking alot :( ............ I was watching TPM agian and I had my back turned to the TV and heard Annie fiddling with his pod during the race.I thought you know If LUCAS made it a point to show off Annie's Building skills , could it be possible that he was setting it up that Annies makes his own Vader suit And not Palpy the way most people think?????


Jedi Master Carr
Jun 9th, 2001, 01:44:52 AM
Its possible but I doubt it only because I would think Anakin would be in a bacta tank or on light support just to keep him alive because of the injuries he attained. I also don't think Palpatine built either, most likely it was either imperial medical droid or an imperial medical techinician that came up with it but that would just be a guess. I don't think its mentioned in the EU so we will probably have to wait for the movies for an answer.

buff jedi 2
Jun 9th, 2001, 07:20:01 AM
Thats a good point Master Carr,But I should have said Annie tells the droids or people building it how to build it .There has to be some reason lucas makes it a point to show Annie is highly skilled a building things , or is it just the fact he made C3-po


Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 9th, 2001, 11:46:43 AM
Lucas displaying Anakin's mechanical prowess just may be foreshadowing of things to come; Anakin can handle machines better than human emotions (his anger etc), so why not make him a machine that later learns to handle his emotions in the end (ability to finally conquer Palpy)?

Doc Milo
Jun 9th, 2001, 01:58:54 PM
I'd make just one change to your post, Master Kyle:

Instead of "just may be foreshadowing" To: "Is foreshadowing."

You got the point exactly, IMO.