View Full Version : Film Class slams TPM

Jidai Geki
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:08:04 AM
I'm taking a class in film production, and on the first night, the professor asked the class to cite examples of what we thought to be good movie making. Right away you heard names like, The Godfather, Citizen Kane, 2001, Brazil, etc..

Next logical question, name examples of bad movie making. At the same time, about five people said, "Phantom Menace", or, "Episode I". That was it. The entire class pounced like cats on a mouse, and ravaged TPM, and rightly so. A lot of them grew up loving SW, and said that TPM ruined even the OT for them, and that they have no interest in seeing any of the new movies

The Prof. said, "Yeah, I don't blame you. What the hell was he thinking? He just seems to live in his own, isolated world. He doesn't seem to want to collaborate, or take any input or constructive crticism on anything that might make his movies better. It's a shame, because Star Wars was such an enjoyable film. So was Empire. Jedi....well, not so much. But the original films were fun, and they worked. But what he seems to be doing now is not only ruining these new movies, but taking the status of the originals down with them. It's too bad". Or, words very close to that.

buff jedi 2
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:52:59 AM
you know everyone has an opinion(I as well) . I have noticed that the people I run into That are in school or teaching for any kind of movie/film/writing /etc that they can always do better.But what they dont relize HEy they are in school ok they are not out in the real world doing it. ITS SOOOO easy to put something down when your in class and someone is telling you this is the way something is supposed to do be done and that person telling that as NEVER shot one piece of film. I always here they can do so much better than whats out there,and maybe they can ,but ITS ALWAYS THE SAME THING ,waht was lucas thinking ,couldnt he do better ?They need to sit back and wait for the next two,things will mesh and than they will eat there words (if there honest).Also I was talking to an up and coming screen writer(or so he things) and I hope he makes it)
but he said if he was to have written/directed Titanic it would have been an even bigger movie (and Im like uhhhhh).He said james cameron had no idea what he was doing and should have had someone else do the screen play.I wanted to slap him...But his Profeesor told him all this so he figured it was true.
You know there are alot of movies I dislike and some I put down even before I see it BUT I could never do better and would never have the B---- to make such stupid statements as such.Those who can do,those who cant TEACH , No Offense EBS ;)
one more thing I also find those in school for such are way to cocky and fill there poop dont stink.they have all these bright ideas and are soooooooo cultured and ARTSY !!please arts my ars...

BTW . this isnt aimed at you Jidai geki. just my thoughts


Jedi Master Carr
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:45:07 PM
I am tired of him he comes here and says TPM is a bad movie and tries to yell at us for liking. I want to tell you right now Jideki I am never going to hate the movie so stop coming here and yelling at us go and find a basher forum and do your bashing there.

Go Mer Tonic
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:04:50 PM
If you went back in time and asked the consensus of film "experts" what they thought of the concept of SW, they would have told you all day and night that it would never work, that it was insane, and that Lucas had gone off the deep end. In the end, the only reason Fox green lighted it, was because of the success of American Graffiti. The guy who decided was quoted as saying that he doesn't understand the concept, but you made American Graffiti, and I am willing to see where you take this.

Another thing to think about, is that George is making a 6 film saga, which has so far, consistently broken records at the box office with each installment, while these people dissing the films are just taking a class, or teaching one. If this professor knows so much about how to make a great film, then where is his SW? What films has he made? Have I heard of them?

Oh well, at least they all know crap filmmaking when they see it. (sarcasm).

Doc Milo
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:49:53 PM
You know, Gekai, all I keep hearing you saying is that TPM is a horrible movie. Now you claim that film students and some professor were bashing the film as an example of bad film making. Well, do you think it's too much to ask you to actually give examples of what makes TPM an example of bad film making? And be very specific. Don't give me "lacks plot" or "lacks characterization" examples. Give me real examples, specific ones. If you feel the characterization was lacking, where was it lacking, with what character(s), if you feel the plot was lacking, where was that lacking? It's very easy to say, "this movies sucks" and "this is an example of horrible movie-making." And not provide any examples of why.

Every time I've defended something in TPM, I've given examples of what I thought was good. I've also given examples of what I thought could have been better. So where are your examples. Forget that crap that the professor said. That was tripe -- another criticism lacking any supporting evidence. All he said is what you keep saying: The movie was an example of bad film-making. So now that you've made this claim (for the thousandth time, I might add) why don't you cite examples that back up your little theory.

You see, if it's just your opinion -- if you just didn't like the movie -- that's one thing, that's subjective in nature. But if you come here and say that TPM is an example of bad film-making, that is making an objective claim, and as such you are now given a burden of proof. Essentially what you are saying is that anyone who thinks that TPM was a good movie are idiots who don't understand film-making, writing, directing, etc... Well, I, for one, am not willing to let that assumption go unchallenged. Prove to me that you know what the hell you're talking about. Tell me where the movie was bad. If it was such an example, you should have no difficulty citing me scene after scene, telling me why it was bad, and also telling me how it could have been better.

You're the one making objective claims like TPM was an example of bad film-making. Now prove it. And if you don't wish to prove it, then I would just ask you to shut up about it. Because, quite frankly, your complaints and insults are getting old.

You see, I have a little theory: It's not TPM you don't like. It's George Lucas. You don't like him because he is Anti-Hollywood Elite. And this professor of yours probably holds the same feelings. GL is an independant film-maker who has created a social phenomenon. It's something every Elitist in Hollyweird hopes for. And they (and you?) are all just jealous of his past success. So now you take any opportunity to bash his films. Just take a look at this quote of your professor's: "He lives in his own isolated world." Seems to me that he (and you?) are jealous that he can have success outside of the Hollyweird establishment. Of course, I don't know you from Adam, so I can't say objectively that this is true -- but it sure seems it from your posts, that's for certain.

xx Kyiang Sunrider xx
Jun 13th, 2001, 07:42:13 PM
I hate Titanic.
The special effects sucked real bad, the music was irritating and the actors sucked too.
The story was silly and ordinary, it was a huge film because of the guy who made it only, mr.Cameron:p

Jun 13th, 2001, 08:01:34 PM
Hey buff, some of us teach because we like to tower over and intimidate 11 year old children!!! ;)

I bet if you were in a creative writing class you'd hear the professor trash John Girshim (sp?) novels as poor writing that sells well. Some film professors must feel obligated to rag on TPM because so many others have as well. While I can find things that I disliked about TPM, I can find positive aspects as well. It just can't all be "Jar Jar sucked and he ruined the whole movie." That's just a cop out.

Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 13th, 2001, 08:20:30 PM
I don't think anything he'll say now will hold any water. This dolt has been showing up on and off for months and months, with nothing constructive to add to ANY discussion. He likes to stir the pot and in all likelyhood probably hits this site during his film class and misses half the prof's lecture. He yammers on and on like a broken record "TPM sucks, so does anyone that likes it. You're brainwashed."
He doesn't help himself by saying "my prof said it sucks and so did my friends in class". Boo Hoo. Cry me a river. Why don't you formulate your OWN opinion and back it up with evidence and stand behind them. Better yet, why don't you create something original and have it become SO popular that everyone and their dog picks it apart, whether they like it or not. But rather just to make everyone notice them.

But again. Let's give credit where credit is due. This has been the liveliest thread here in a long time. Too bad it's this tired old discussion again.

buff jedi 2
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:29:45 PM
How come when I try and make a staement it sounds no where as good as when you guys do it Doc,kyle, ebs etc.. ;) anyway . hey LOL!!! EBS I truly didnt mean anything agian you or THEACHERS that teach kids and things like that I ment the type like this guys professor (sorry) :)


Jedi Master Carr
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:55:31 PM
That's true Jedieb I have had English classes where the professors called King, Crichton, Grisham, and Clancy, the four most popular writers today all terrible writers. Part of that I think is out of jealosy because many English professors can't get there own works published and are extremely envious of these writers. Personally I think all of the write great books especially King, I think in 50 years people will really begin to undrestand his work but that is for another discussion. Back to this film professor, I think its true there too because he can't get into the buisness like Lucas. I really doubt that he went to school to be a film teacher that his a small field and is mostly for those who can't get into the industry. Not all college professorships are that way, most like History, mathamatics, art, and most sciences that is the only place you can go for those fields so teaching is a must but for classes like film criticism its a little different.

As far as this idiot is concerned I bet he does not make another post in this thread. He has been coming here back and forth for the last few months only making one post at time making stupid observations without putting any facts to back it up. He is just a troll and if he keeps it up we need to look into banning him from here he never has anything nice to say and just like to make us mad.

Jun 19th, 2001, 03:27:24 PM
My opinion is that a film class should be less interested in whether popula[r] films are 'good' or 'bad' tha[n] specifically discussing what's going on in the movie, [w]that the films are trying to accomplish, what worked well, what worked less well, etc. etc.

You don't take a film class or a lit class to get some kind of thumbs up / thumbs down analysis of people's work. Even movies that MOST people consider to be 'bad' can have elements that are interesting to look at from a film making perspective.


And rumor mongering about who Lucas does or doesn't surround himself wi[th] is pretty silly in a class like that, unless the prof ha[s] met or worked with Lucas, or has some other first hand info about the subject. Most people know that Ron Howard and Steven Speilberg made suggested changes to TPM, some of which were carried out. Francis Coppola, Rrichard Rodruigez (sp?) and other film makers have seen elements of Ep 2 as it's being fimed. I imagine that Lucas will most likely get the in[p]ut of other people, but the fact remains that he's the final decision maker. He doesn't have a studio to answer to.

I guess these people are just considered to be sychophantic yes-men that Lucas surrounds himself with. :)

[EDIT: I must have been in a serious hurry when I posted this last week :p]

Jun 19th, 2001, 03:54:16 PM
Well, anyway, a movie shouldn't be rated how the masses judge it. After all, Lucas made TPM more for himself than for popularity. He even admits the future episodes won't be good, they'll just be the story.

Jun 19th, 2001, 06:14:25 PM
Well HOPEFULLY they'll be good.

The might not app[]eal to everyone though.

I think there's going to be some real controversial things in the next to movies - just a hunch.

[damn typos]

Doc Milo
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:06:10 PM
I don't ever recall Lucas saying they're not going to be any good. I do recall him saying he didn't think they'd do as well at the BO because they are going to be so dark...

Jun 25th, 2001, 04:51:20 PM
That's exactly what Lucas said. He said he expected the EP3 to make the least because it was going to be the darkest of all the SW films. He never said they wouldn't be any "good". Just that they'd make less money. Personally, I welcome the darker tone coming our way.

Jedi Master Kyle
Jun 25th, 2001, 07:53:46 PM
Couldn't agree more, the darker star wars films usually sit well with me. :)

Jun 25th, 2001, 08:19:59 PM
If the teacher so good at knowing what's good, then I would love to see his movies.:)
