View Full Version : The more you watch TPM, the more you...
Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 27th, 2000, 12:46:15 PM
Sep 4th, 2000, 02:18:12 PM
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!there has never been a better movie!!!And i mean never!!!!!!(well there was this home movie of me and a girl friend of mine and it was....) well anyway there never was a better movie at the theaters,TPM had it all A PLOT(yes a plot)LOVED the cast)I always hear you couldnt get to know the actors in the movie(or should i say there role) but i did. .And the action was awesome the duel ROCKED.After over 200 views(my brother is over 300)I notice more things I have missed before which adds more to the movie for me. anyway ill stop rambling.
jedi2/loomis dr
Sep 4th, 2000, 04:43:09 PM
I never understood the old "TPM didn't have a plot" argument. I can understand how someone could not like the movie, but to say it has NO plot just doesn't make sense.
Sep 4th, 2000, 05:02:59 PM
I agree, Ok Im no brain doctor but DAM- I understood the plot,I will say I dont think it could stand alone as did ANH but regardless it wasnt that hard to follow.
But I cant see how anyone didnt like it :(
Sep 4th, 2000, 06:53:33 PM
200 times? Wow, and I thought I was obsessive with 13 times.
Sep 4th, 2000, 07:06:55 PM
jedi2/loomis+no life+tv+vcr+tpm video=over200
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 4th, 2000, 07:24:02 PM
JMK +no job + VCR & TV in every room= something similar. Not that many though...I still give the others a good rotation as well.
Sep 4th, 2000, 09:15:05 PM
I do watch ANH,ESB,ROTJ about once every other week but ive seen them alot more than TPM .
jedi2/loomis dr
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 4th, 2000, 09:19:20 PM
Yeah, I give TPM about 2 viewings to every 1 viewing of the OT films. They've got a 16 year lead on TPM! It's time to even the playing field!
Sep 4th, 2000, 09:48:22 PM
Im with ya brother,
AS many times as you have watched the trilogy do you ever loose your zest for them?
jedi2/loomis dr
Sep 5th, 2000, 12:25:30 AM
sometimes i just like to enjoy my day off and watch all 4 star wars flicks. i always watch tpm last. its gonna be a long day of watchin sw when all 6 episodes are complete ! :)
Darth Hez
Sep 6th, 2000, 01:18:09 PM
Its not a case of dislike...more that I find some of the stuff a little boring. Some of the stuff on Tatooine just gets fast forwarded now.
Sep 6th, 2000, 05:23:16 PM
Yeah, after being saturated with TPM for month after month, sometimes I get a little bored with it, too.
Sep 7th, 2000, 03:53:38 PM
Ya know, when I saw it in the theaters, there were viewings when I loved it a lot more than other times. I think it's the slowness of parts of it. Even though I love the fact that it took its time, seeing it over and over can make the slower parts seem even slower.
Of course there were other times that I loved it even more than ever before. I never cried when Qui Gon dies until this one time that I watched it. It just hit me during one viweing.
There was another time that I actually noticed that the reason Anakin turns to go back to his mother after leaving (in both scenes) is because he can feel her sadness. It blew me away the first time I realized that because the sequence always seems a little weird, and I had read people's complaints about how that scene works. After I noticed that I started appreciating the movie as a whole even more.
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 7th, 2000, 03:57:26 PM
I actually dig the slower parts now. I find it a nice break from all the poor pacing at the beginning and (somewhat) at the very end of the film. :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 11th, 2000, 04:28:55 PM
This is weird. The second most voted upon choice is "Hate it". And over in the Box office forum, TPM is doing exceedingly well. What gives???
Sep 16th, 2000, 10:11:08 PM
"Hated it" had very few votes at first. I suspect tampering (Like maybe a bunch of people from the basher board dropping by, or someone creating new accounts just to vote again), but that's just my baseless speculation and I admit it's entirely possible a lot of people here just hate it, and perhaps they don't visit the B.O. forum and that accounts for the discrepancy.
Sep 28th, 2000, 04:03:30 PM
I guess there are 2 camps getting farther apart.
Jedi Master Kyle
Oct 9th, 2000, 10:16:04 AM
Wow hate it and like it are now tied!
Starquest aka AndyR
Oct 25th, 2000, 02:32:43 PM
personally I do hate it, BUT I did vote that I appreciate it because of its story which is completely necessary for the entire series to come together.
So I appreciate it, but as a stand alone movie, it really isn't so good. I feel that it could have been much better than it was.
wookie boy 2000
Oct 26th, 2000, 10:07:46 PM
Still loving it !!!!!Im now at 339 viewings!!! Is there anyone out there Close to that??(honestly???) Or am I the only person besides my brother without a life??he is at 200 and something.
Oct 28th, 2000, 04:48:51 PM
love it .. but I don not have a clue how many times I have watched it now ... but in most polls .. people are going to have fun with it ...just to mess with other people that takes what they think seriously...
Oct 29th, 2000, 04:42:20 PM
Love it is winning by one.
I made the mistake of putting my bootleg CD with TPM in the computer yesterday.
I couldn't turn the damn thing off. It was always, 'ok, one more scene', 'ok, well I'll just watch the next part..' :b
Hart Kenobi
Nov 2nd, 2000, 01:58:00 PM
appreciate it.
Lille My
Nov 4th, 2000, 06:22:07 PM
Every time I turn on the TV and find that there's nothing interesting on, I reach for the remote control and hit the Play button. Then TPM starts rolling across the screen and I end up sitting in front of that cursed box the entire day, rewinding and fast forwarding, looking for bloopers, watching cool scenes (the end duel rules!!!) 10 times each, searching for spoilers for ep. II.
I am a geek...a star wars geek.
None of my friends understand me...*sigh*
I appreciate TPM, I don't actually like it, many things are just a bit to corny for my taste, but that's the magic of it isn't it?? being able to laugh at the silly dialogue and still love the story! :) :)
Nov 11th, 2000, 07:33:14 AM
Think it's a big ol kiddie movie.
Since when is spiritual potential determined by a blood test?
Why was there an Alien sportscaster at the POD RACES? That was moronic.
Why were the Aliens ethnic?
Don't even get me started on JAR JAR?
The bad guy was a reject from KISS!
The kid who played ANIKIN wasn't fit to be in a fifth grade play...
favorite line: YIPPIE!
The fight scenes with the JAR JAR people looked like ROGER RABBITT
If there was a plot it wasn't very good.
I'm really skeptical about the next two
Jedi Master Kyle
Nov 14th, 2000, 09:36:26 PM
I take it you voted for "hate it"?
just curious, but what did you mean by "why are the aliens ethnic."?
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 15th, 2000, 02:51:39 AM
Come on really all the films had kiddie elements in it, the Jawas, the ewoks, Droids I think you are taking things a bit too far. In my opinion most the ones who hated the film were probably expecting the second coming or something because I love the film and like somebody said before if there is nothing on TV I will then watch it.
Jedi Master Kyle
Nov 18th, 2000, 09:27:09 PM
I think you're totally right JMC. Those who hated it were the ones who thought the movie would be tailor made for them, or were, as you said, expecting it to be the second coming.
Nov 22nd, 2000, 06:59:11 PM
Yeah, and then people try to justify it by saying stuff like "fans were waiting 16 years for this movie so they deserved more!". By that logic, you could say X-Men fans have been waiting, what? 40-50 years!
About the aliens being "ethnic": Obviously every alien species is going to have its own culture and language, therefore they're "ethnic". It's always been that way in Star Wars.
Also, it was potential Force ability, not spiritual potential, that was being tested for. Big difference. If they were the same thing, then even according to the original trilogy, Han, Lando, and many others had no Force ability. Does that mean that they weren't at all "spiritual"? (In whatever way you want to define that)
Alien announcer was better than a boring human one.
Darth Maul had nothing in common with KISS, except they both wear face decoration. (so do many tribes in Polynesia and North America, and many sports fans;) )
And when did thousands of Roger Rabbits battle for freedom against a robot army?
wookie boy 2000
Nov 22nd, 2000, 09:26:55 PM
You cant please everyone ,I personally Thought TPM WAS the second coming I loved it before I saw it and Im still Loving it Now that Im at my 352 viewing.the only thing I didnt like was (i wish there was more Maul)other than that it was perfect.Yes it had Kiddie points to it ,But like someone else said SO DID THE others.And on the ethnic Thing IF there was no other ethnics other than White ,Lucas would have gotten Labeled a Racist (you cant win for losing)And like has been said before Wait for episode 2 ,It will bring out episode 1.
Darth Renegade
Jan 9th, 2001, 12:48:03 AM
I've seen it quite a bit of times. Hell I saw it 12 times in the theater. Still like it with every viewing but little things in it tend to get to me. Like why the Gungans won't use the droids blasters. Even Ewoks knew enough to use them. And it kinda bugs me the way everyone like Darth Maul. He was just a "gopher" for Palpatine and nothing more. At least Vader had the balls to give Palpatine a little input. Apart from that though, still like it alot and I can't wait for the next two, and more specifically the last one and the anticipated fight with Obi and Vader/Anakin
Jan 15th, 2001, 08:22:48 PM
well nothing will ever beat the first time i viewed it there something about seeing it in the theatre and the excitemnt of that crowd that day that can not be recreated so i went with appriciate
Feb 12th, 2001, 03:02:33 PM
I liked TPM, but I'm fairly set on the things that would have made it better.
1) I'd cut the Eopie fart, and the Roger Rabbit-style juggling bit for Jar Jar in Watto's Shop. I think that would have muted a lot of the anti-Jar Jar sentiment.
2) I would have added a sub-plot showing the resistance and/or the Camps. Showing the people of Naboo suffering would have been better than talking about it, IMO, and been a way to inject some action during the rather slow moving sequences in Coruscant. Plus, it would have shown WHY Amidala had to go back.
Feb 15th, 2001, 12:13:41 PM
I still like the fart joke.
I mean, in the OT, R2D2 did prat falls to get laughs. 3PO and R2 had a basic Three Stooges act going in some scenes.
I don't think the fart joke was any more significant that the burping toad creature outside Jabba's palace in ROTJ.
buff jedi 2
Feb 15th, 2001, 01:13:35 PM
Good call darth23.
Feb 16th, 2001, 01:55:46 AM
Thanx, dood!
Finally someone who agrees with me.
Feb 16th, 2001, 02:52:34 PM
Either the fart joke, or the icky icky goo, but not both. It associated Jar-Jar with organic waste waaaay too much. :p
Sith Master Ulic Qel Droma
Feb 16th, 2001, 09:06:15 PM
I LOVE it every time! O have watched over 50 times already!
Feb 16th, 2001, 09:10:54 PM
I have to side with QuiGon here. Not that I'd change anything, but I just have never found Jar Jar as funny as 3-PO and R2. Yes, they had an obvious Laural & Hardy/Abbot & Costello chemistry, but for me it worked. They made me laugh back in the day and they still do.
As for the fart joke and Jar Jar stepping in crap, I could have done without both. They just didn't seem very SW to me. The funniest fart gag I ever saw was in Blazing Saddles, and the worst have been the Terrance & Philip jokes on South Park. The Eopie stuff falls somewhere in between for me. But hey, we're talking about comedy, and that's something that's so subjective it's difficult to judge. Think about it this way, they're are people out there who actually think Carrot Top is funny...
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 17th, 2001, 12:33:00 AM
I have to agree about the fart joke. I didn't mind Jar Jar steping on crap since you would exepect to find Dewback waste around and so I did find it amusing. The fart joke seemed too much like the farley brothers whose movies I do find funny but I don't want to see their jokes in a Star Wars movie.
Feb 17th, 2001, 03:27:14 AM
and that's something that's so subjective it's difficult to judge.
That's one reason why I wouldn't change it. Casue there are people who probably thought it was funnier than I did.
Doc Milo
Feb 17th, 2001, 04:12:41 AM
I can see people liking or disliking the fart jokes. For me, it depends what mood I'm in when watching the movie. Most times I don't mind it.
But what I don't see is someone basing their dislike of the entire movie on that one fart joke, or the slapstick nature of Jar Jar's character, for that matter.
To me, if someone bases whether or not they like the movie on that, that just tells me that they've lost their inner child. :)
Feb 18th, 2001, 01:08:29 AM
Don't you think we all lose a bit of our inner child as we grow older Doc? For the record, I like TPM. I'm not one of those people that hate it and think Lucas has "lost" it. And I'm not saying anyone here has said that either. I just wanted to discuss your "inner child" point.
I like to think I've retained my "inner child" as well as anyone in their 30's can. I have a collection of SW toys that takes up an entire room in my home. I have a blast playing the most innane games imaginable with my 2 year old son. My career as a fifth grade teacher puts me in contact with 10 & 11 year children on a daily basis. Hell, I relate better to them than the other teachers in the building. But I'm becoming more and more cognizant of the fact that I don't view EP1 with the same eyes that I did ANH, ESB, & ROTJ.
It struck me the other day as I was looking at a still image of the final duel from TPM that the image didn't stir quite the same feeling in me as the same kinds of images from ESB or ANH. I think it's because those OT images are directly tied into my childhood. They don't have any "adult" baggage tied them. No matter how good EP2 and EP3 are, I don't think they could ever move me the way the OT did. How can they possibly have the same impact? Mortgages, car loans, Hitler wannabe supervisors, dancing 2-year olds, 3rd trimester/ice cream craving/huge bossomed/ wives, and sex all have more prominence in my life than the 2 hours I spend in that darkened theater.
Bottom line, no matter how good these next 2 movies are, I just don't think I'll "love" them the same way I did the OT. Makes me kinda sad. :(
Doc Milo
Feb 18th, 2001, 11:04:25 AM
Yeah. I know what you're saying, Jedieb.
My point wasn't that anyone who didn't like the fart jokes lost their inner child. It was if someone bases whether or not they like the movie because it had a fart joke in it has.
I think you can hate the fart jokes and still enjoy TPM. But I've seen far too many people post things over the last two years that say something similar to: "Why I hate TPM: Jar Jar steps in dung; the fart jokes... blah blah blah."
Like you said, you think you've retained part of your inner child. That's pretty much all any of us can do as we grow older. And I think it's that inner child that, even if your adult self doesn't like the fart jokes, at least allows you to enjoy the rest of the film. I think its the inner child that allows us to enter the realm of fantasy, even if it's only for two hours at a time...
The people that have lost their inner child, to me, are the people who see the fart jokes and have the reaction -- "Oh, man, that DOES NOT belong in Star Wars!" And they let this child-like humor distract them so much that they end up hating the entire movie all because of a few seconds of fart jokes. And yes, I agree that TPM has a more child-like humor than the OT. I also think there is a reason for it, and that would belong in another thread...
Maybe "lost their inner child" is the wrong wording. Maybe it should be "hate their inner child." (And again, this wouldn't count you because even if you dislike the fart jokes, you also didn't let that dislike keep you from liking the movie; it also wouldn't count anyone who dislikes the movie for other reasons. It only counts those people that say: "I hated TPM because of fart jokes.")
Feb 20th, 2001, 05:34:45 PM
I liked TPM just fine, as I've sat through it more than 30 times. Nobody commented on my other idea though , bout livening up the Coruscant scenes with some kind of action.
And the point I made was that I liked Jar-Jar fine, just thought it would have lessened the backlash had that stuff not been there.
Feb 26th, 2001, 01:56:42 PM
The Coruscant scenes are the only ones where there's no action sequences. I think that's in part because there is literally NOTHING going on on Coruscant. Qui Gon and Obi Wan report the apperance of Darth Maul, and all the Council says in 'we'll look into it'. Qui Gon tries to get Anakin accepted as a Jedi trainee, and the Council says no. Amidala tries to get the Senate to stop the invasion of Naboo, and all she runs into is the bureaucratic procedures that Sidious has the chamber bogged down in.
It's shorter than the Tatooine sequence - but it seems longer because our heros are busy NOT getting anything done, and I think it's set up this way on purpose.
General Ceel
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:12:40 PM
I think the Coruscant part is like that because that planet will have its largest role during Episode 2.
I've seen TPM just over 100 times now. Going to college has cut down on my free time, i would have watched it more. I have a buddy who has watched it 500+ times. For me the best viewing of TPM was number 2 and 3. The first time i saw it i was so caught up in the moment that many subtle plot points slipped by me. But after seeing it a few more times i was able to calm down and look at it closer.
The More i see the movie the better it gets. Even after 100 times i'm still able to find new things. And as we learn new facts about episode 2 i am able to form new connections to things in both TPM and the OT.
I have no problem with all of the jokes and antics that people did not like in TPM. I see it as George Lucas' way of making the Star Wars galaxy more real and more complete. In our world we have all different kinds of people and places. These little injections of humor we find in TPM are serving that same function.
I look at in another way as well. The OT has many jokes and antics through out it that we look right past as being normal now becuase we have accepted them. TPM is the same way, its just that some people have not been able to adjust to them yet. In time i think they will.
Apr 24th, 2001, 09:34:49 AM
This thing keeps poppign back up - with no new comments.
May 6th, 2001, 08:00:52 PM
...I wish I could edit out the bad scenes.
May 10th, 2001, 10:34:52 AM
yeah - I hated that whole Monster in an asteroid bit. :p
obiwan shinobi
May 11th, 2001, 03:22:19 AM
i don't know what it is but PM just didn't "feel" like a SW film at times...maybe it's because everything looked so new or perhaps it was the amount of special effects. but in the original trilogy, it seemed more realistic because the ships and the props had a "worn" look that added to the sense of reality.
General Ceel
May 14th, 2001, 12:08:55 PM
But that is part of what GL is doing. As the next two movied unfold you will see everything gradually work toward that look we saw in the Original Trilogy, that whole Military,cold,worn out look.
May 29th, 2001, 09:17:06 PM
IF I am hearing you right General Ceel ... I to believe that GL has set up a lot of fans for the next 2 movies. If GL made it any bigger than he has, how could he come up with Ep. 2 & 3, with out letting everybody down. So I believe he is slowly turning up the heat on every body, and by the time Ep.3 comes out a lot of fans who felt alenated well become see Ep. 1 in a new light!
Btw~just watch it again for the unknown time, and loved TPM even more!!!
May 30th, 2001, 04:39:07 PM
I sure hope you're right, DBN.:/
Jun 26th, 2001, 08:14:30 PM
I still think a lot people are going to be pissed by Ep 2 and 3. Lucas doesn't think they'll be as popular as TPM, mainly because fo how dark they'll be. I think a lot of people will take exception to the way Anakin turns to the Dark Side.
Jun 27th, 2001, 07:34:06 AM
I'm loking FORWARD to watching Anakin and the rest of the SW universe getting darker. I'd love it if Anakin turns into Vader in the first 15 minutes of EP3 and spends the rest of the movie hunting down Jedi and chasing after Obi-Wan. Ooooh, the dark side is calling me...
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