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View Full Version : Opinion of Fan Speculation...

Darth McBain
Aug 13th, 2001, 09:44:08 AM
What is everyone's opinion of all of the fan speculation that is going on, not only for the upcoming SW movies, but pretty much all movies coming out now...

I can remember the days (geez, I swore I'd never use that phrase...) when a movie would come out, and maybe you would have a small idea of what it was about, but you for the most part were surprised when you went to see it. It seems like nowadays, though, we are inundated with spoilers, not only from people leaking inside information, but just from the trailer(s) themselves (for instance, in the trailer for TPM, they showed Maul's sabre... While it maybe wasn't a spoiler, wouldn't it have been cool to be surprised for that part of the movie) It seems as though a lot more is given away about a movie before it even comes out.

The Internet just exascerbates this - here is a forum for fans of any movie to get together and chat and exchange information and speculate. Now, I'm not totally against it - hey I'm here, aren't I? But, at the same time, I almost wish that we could go back to when a movie would just come out with minimal information and talk about it. How would you feel, as the director or producer, to know that your movie doesn't come out for another 6 months, but fans have already judged it and they already know 90% of what is going to happen? With the case of SW, I've heard so many people griping about the new title - and the movie is still 9 months away. I get the impression from a lot of people that they don't think George Lucas knows what he's doing, and to me that's just annoying. If you think you can do better, go make your own movie, but don't pre-judge a movie that hasn't even come out. I would rather get the "whole" picture when the movie comes out as opposed to knowing every detail before I've even seen it.

So - I will still be a regular here, but I'll probably try to steer clear of major spoiler stuff from here on out... What do you all think of fan speculations and spoiler information???

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 13th, 2001, 09:58:06 AM
Well it certainly would seem that the internet has thrown a bit of a monkey wrench into some directors visions in that many of them are spoiled before they make it to theaters. Maybe that's why so many movies these days are just so over the top ridiculous. Also, box-office dollars are a HUGE deal nowadays, moreso than ever I think. Studios have to show bigger glimpses of their movies to draw people in. The marketing/ advertising aspect of movies has gone bonkers over recent years (not that it was ever non-existant before). I think studios like that we chatter incessantly about their movies, it is like free advertising. About the internet, well, I guess there's no possible way that you can keep people from speculating about a film, but the people that don't want to know anything about a movie could always avert their eyes from spoilers, or just avoid the forums at all costs, at least until they see the movie.

Hart Kenobi
Aug 17th, 2001, 04:55:35 PM
I sorta like the info from the internet. It doesn't give TOO much away. As long as I don't know the specifics, I feel fine.