View Full Version : Gabriel Byrne in negotiations to be in EP 3

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2001, 01:25:01 PM
Ok IMBD has this story of Byrne being rumored to have another part in Star Wars. He was rumored last year to be in EP2 but that never materialized. If true who would he play. I guess Tarkin is possibility he is the right age. I guess he could be one of the Emperor's cronies or the story could just be bogus.

Aug 14th, 2001, 01:44:28 PM
come EP3, Tarkin would be older, about, say, CHris Walkens age :)

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 14th, 2001, 01:53:48 PM
I'm not sure about Walken, he might be a little tall to play Tarkin. Tarkin would be between 40-55 in 3, he was at least 60 maybe even closer to 70 in IV. Byrne would work fine to me but there are other candiates.
Jason Issacs (the villain from the Patriot)
Gary Oldman (I would love to see him play tarkin)
Ralph Fiennes (was picked by the fans on theforce.net)
Tim Roth
Any of those four would work too although I would like Oldman the best but I think he probably take a high pay check to get these days.

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 14th, 2001, 02:29:43 PM
I was hoping to see him in episode 2, but I'll settle for 3, especially if he's Tarkin!

Aug 14th, 2001, 05:58:58 PM
Tim Roth doesnt have the right look for me. Great actor, one of the best. But theres something which would make him look better as a merc or something.

FOr those who know EU, Hed be Dash Rendar :)

Aug 19th, 2001, 04:53:16 PM
what if they canned Hayden Christenson, and cast Byrne as an older Anakin.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 19th, 2001, 09:57:51 PM
I think he is just a tad too old. Speaking of recasting, somebody posted a story on theforcenet about Byrne playing Obi-Wan in EP3 now they quickly debunked. Now that was just a dumb rumor.

Hart Kenobi
Aug 20th, 2001, 09:49:07 PM
If he is back, I hope that he's in a role as an Imperial officer again. I would hate to see his "bad guy" rep broken with him as a good guy.

obiwan shinobi
Aug 26th, 2001, 01:07:17 PM
Gabriel would be perfect for a role in Star Wars - he just has that "look" - i'm definitely looking forward to Episode 3 :)