View Full Version : Jedi duelling in the prequels

Young Jedi Apprentice
Aug 15th, 2001, 03:42:29 PM
Which Jedi would you most like to see in battle in Episodes II and III, and as well as that, which Jedi do you think perform the best out of them? In other words, who are you looking forward to seeing most in battle?

For me, it would have to be Yoda, or maybe Mace Windu. Yoda just seems to be more mysterious, and I can't tell what his fighting style would be. I expect Mace Windu to be flashy, and very well skilled with a lightsaber, but mainly a flashy technique, the usual!

But we will find out why Yoda is called The Master, so I guess, for me, I'd have to say Yoda. I'd expect his Force powers to be something else, you know, without using a lightsaber.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2001, 06:54:12 PM
For me its got be Mace Windu, I can't wait to see him fight in EP2. Still, I do want to see Yoda fight and probably Anakin, the duel between him and Obi-Wan I think will be incredible.

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 16th, 2001, 01:14:42 AM
I'm also looking forward to seeing Windu in action. I just believe that Sam Jackson will bring a no-nonsense, all business, f*ck 'em up good fighting style to the character. I can picture him taking dozens of battle droids without breaking sweat.

Young Jedi Apprentice
Aug 16th, 2001, 03:16:51 AM
I agree, Mace Windu's style will be non-stop action, no questions asked, no nonsense, etc... That will look like something else on the big screen, I'm curious to see how Dooku matches up to him, as well as Yoda.

Hart Kenobi
Aug 17th, 2001, 04:57:27 PM
Even though my favorite Jedi are Obi-Wan and Ki Adi, I'd say I'm VERY interested in seeing how Yoda fights. After all, he's the most powerful Jedi after Anakin midichlorian-wise, and he has to have a really unique fighting technique to make up for his size. Should be a blast.

General Ceel
Aug 22nd, 2001, 04:43:19 PM
I think it has ben confirmed that Yoda has a saber and uses it in EP2. But i expect that most of his fighting will come from other jedi powers.

Hart Kenobi
Aug 23rd, 2001, 10:16:13 PM
Isn't it rumored that the saber extends from his walking stick?

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 23rd, 2001, 10:25:50 PM
I REALLY hope that isn't true. That would be totally lame.

Hart Kenobi
Aug 28th, 2001, 03:18:18 PM
Really? I thought it would be sorta interesting.

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 29th, 2001, 08:25:28 AM
Well, I just don't see the point in having a stick double as a lightsaber. It's not like Yoda has to hide the fact that he's the best of the best, everyone knows he's the master, so why try to hide it?

Hart Kenobi
Sep 1st, 2001, 01:45:55 PM
Well, it would effectively answer why we have never seen Yoda with a saber and I think the entire character of Yoda is based upon deception. It was a surprise in the original trilogy that so powerful a Jedi was a little, old, green, elf. Hiding his true, massive power would be right along his lines.