View Full Version : Random Title generator...

Jedi Master Kyle
Aug 16th, 2001, 10:54:09 AM
I guess this was bound to happen with all the whiners out there. It's a site that randomly creates an episode title for episode 3. The funniest ones I've gotten so far are "Invasion of the Gungans" , "Quest for the Bantha" , and "Die Cosmic Magic Artoo, Die!". And the "best" one I've gotten is "Son of the Force".

Check it out and have a laugh!
www.brunching.com/cgi/starwarstitles.cgi (http://www.brunching.com/cgi/starwarstitles.cgi)

Darth McBain
Aug 16th, 2001, 11:46:31 AM
I just got one I'm sure a lot of fans would like: "Die, Jar Jar, Die"

Of course, this is probably just German, for "The Jar-Jar, The" :)

A few passes after that one, I got "Bride of the Princess". Maybe that's the special "director's cut"

Le Machin
Aug 23rd, 2001, 05:10:26 PM
"Return of the Rodian".... ahhh!!! Run for your life!!!

Aug 25th, 2001, 07:47:47 AM
I got;
The Sith and the Killer Windu

I prefer;
Windu, he's-one-bad-motha-shut-yo-mouth-but-I'm-talkin'-bout-Mace!

Sep 5th, 2001, 06:16:56 PM

I hadn't seen that
