View Full Version : Why Star Wars is rubbish(this is funny)

Sep 1st, 2001, 08:24:33 AM
www.bbc.co.uk/films/2001/08/28/kim_newman_8_article.shtml (http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2001/08/28/kim_newman_8_article.shtml)

Lets analyse his points, shall we?

Jar-Jar Binks
Was funny

Ewoks - was this a Lucasfilms attempt to copyright teddy bears?
No, they were meant to be an alien species who are ingeius. And it worked

Wholesale wastage of British acting talent.
Oh, now you just sound Xenophobic. Only British matters? People like him make us look bad

"Return of the Jedi". The whole film.
Was great

Did we mention Jar-Jar Binks?
Yeah, and it proves you have no brain, using something twice

Pre-acting classes Harrison Ford, never more convincing than when frozen in a block of solid goo.
well, not moving is convincing when frozen. And ESB was his best performance

Bun-like ear muffs as a female hairstyle, no more flattering for Natalie Portman than Carrie Fisher.
I think baldy is jealous(look at his pic) :)

Dialogue along the general lines of "travellin' through hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy!"
And the problem with this is...?

That special edition re-release with the dodgy CGI Jabba the Hutt spliced in.
And that makes SW rubbish?

Establishing the law that the biggest box office goes to the stupidest films.
And that you write the stupidest articles

Jar-Jar Bloody Binks!
You arent funny!

Wholesale wastage of Samuel L. Jackson.
This was more a cameo. Wait till EP3, then tell me that

Fast-food merchandising tie-ins.
Oh no! Lucas is a businessman!

The cluttering up of the SF shelves at your local bookshop with worthless tie-in junk passed off as novels.
Which are loved by millions

Princess Leia's slave girl outfit in "Return of the Jedi" aside, the remarkable lack of sexiness. There's more steam in ten minutes of "Flash Gordon" than in all four "Star Wars" films to date
Then go rent a porno!

Anyone remember "Caravan of Courage: The Ewok Adventure" and "Ewoks: Battle for Endor", episodes seven and a half and eight and a quarter?
No, but you apparently do. Strange for a non fan

Not including a proper death scene for Peter Cushing.
What, after the Death Star blows up, we should see him die? Get real

Delaying Mark Hamill's discovery of a true career as a voice-over artist playing comic book villains (he's the best-ever Joker).
Nicholson was better. And without SW, he wouldnt have made it

Murderous syntax of the contrived and annoying wise sayings Yoda comes out with.
Alien he is. Speaks like this he does. Stupid you are

George Lucas's persistent attempts to persuade people that children like Jar-Jar Binks and they're who he made the film for in the first place, bless him.
But I know I found Jar Jar funny. So did all the others who liked him

Passing off an embarrassing plot device as a religion
You are on drugs, right? Or, have you even seen the films?

Cute comedy relief robots.
I never considered C-3P0 cute. You need help

What was the name of that kid in "The Phantom Menace", you know the one? Yes, Haley Joel Osment. No, wait a minute. Jake Something. He was dreadful.
Better than your moustache. Then again, what isn't?

Taking up a ridiculous amount of neurons in Kevin Smith's brain that could more profitably be used making his films better.
Or losing the best parts of them maybe?

Press conferences and news stories trying to get excited about the title of a sequel - anyone care what they call "Alien 5" or "Lethal Weapon 5"?
You seem to have been interested. Myabe you should blame yourself?

Still, this had one good thing. If you ever think you are unintellegent, or a moron, just read this. Then, you can realise, there's always someone worse

Sep 1st, 2001, 08:04:09 PM
I think the best things to come out of this article were your hilarious one liners. Great work Reaper! :lol:

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 1st, 2001, 08:17:00 PM
I loved those one liners too, you did a great job showing this man's intelligence.

buff jedi 2
Sep 1st, 2001, 08:54:41 PM
I have FINALLY found someone i'm smarter than:) :) :) and to think my 3rd ... 3rd grade teacher said it it would never happen .


Jedi Master Kyle
Sep 2nd, 2001, 10:54:42 AM
This guy is probably a fan, but is such a lousy writer, he had to write about something to draw attention to himself. Otherwise, he risks losing his job and and has to take his fat, bald rear end back to his mom's basement where he'll have to sit on the couch, eat corn chips, use his shirt as a napkin and watch Benny Hill 24/7.

buff jedi 2
Sep 2nd, 2001, 03:49:27 PM


YadsLH 2
Sep 12th, 2001, 05:21:51 AM
In actual fact Kim Newman is both an excellent writer and a real HATER of SW. But that was a strangely sub-par article, I have to agree, normally he's much more entertaining.... although I only agree with about .1% of what he ever says re. SW.

Read his reviews/articles in Empire and you'll see he's actually a damn good writer. Or don't. Whatever. :p