View Full Version : The Long Countdown
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 12th, 1999, 10:28:49 PM
Let's try this just for fun. if it doesn't work out, oh well. let's do a countdown to episode 2 now. the clock is tentatively set for a release of 894 days from now. so each day, let's just count out one day at a time, and very briefly post "how you're doin' in the wait for episode 2. i think it would be a very cool "log" so to speak for all us star wars fans.
Dec 13th, 1999, 05:14:52 AM
hi... what about people from different timezones ? Are we going by the board date ? I am in Brisbane, Australia....
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 13th, 1999, 05:37:33 PM
hmmm i hadn't thought about that. i guess we might as well stick with the board date. unless anyone has any objections? in any event, were only 893 days away...
Kyp Durron
Dec 13th, 1999, 09:31:40 PM
Kool! Only 77,155,200 seconds left :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 15th, 1999, 12:40:30 AM
892 to go. i'm not quite ready to let this thread die yet :)
Mirax H
Dec 15th, 1999, 03:23:43 PM
Only 891, gosh and only yesterday it seemed like it was so far away, lol.
Dec 16th, 1999, 02:15:00 AM
890 days away....this thread might get REAL long in a few months...:)
Dec 16th, 1999, 02:56:03 PM
what's the date you're basing on? the itsy bitsy date at the bottom of the left navigation menu at the entrance is based on Wednesday, May 22, 2002. if you haven't done so already, there's also a countdown clockpoll at the top of the swfans prequels news ( the clock uses the date voted on by fans.
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 16th, 1999, 07:47:04 PM
I just used the date posted over at jedinet. i hope this thread gets real long.....
Grendel 666
Dec 17th, 1999, 01:25:33 AM
So it's 889 days where I am, but 888 if I were in MI rather than WI...? We have snow here now, and sub-zero temps. Joy. After three decades of Wisconsin winter, I'd rather fly to the snow, but they still deliver it. :-/
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 18th, 1999, 03:12:45 AM
in any event, it's only 888 days to go...damn im tired.....
Grendel 666
Dec 19th, 1999, 07:19:12 AM
887. Yet another new Anakin rumor.
Grendel 666
Dec 20th, 1999, 02:29:52 AM
886 days. What, I'm doing this all by my lonesome now?
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 21st, 1999, 01:18:15 AM
no, you're just so damned good at it! :)
Doc Milo
Dec 21st, 1999, 02:05:16 AM
He is good at it! I've tried a few times to post the number, but someone's always beat me to it :) Well, I see no one has said it yet today. 885 days until the world resumes.
Grendel 666
Dec 21st, 1999, 02:36:28 AM
:P :::phhbphbpbbphbthttt!::: That's meant to be a raspberry. Kind of hard to type that particular noise. :) Grendel, Not-Very-Bright Lord of the Sith
Dec 21st, 1999, 02:50:26 AM
Man you beat me...I was gonna say it...:(
Dec 22nd, 1999, 02:37:42 AM
But I got it today....884 days till Episode II.
Dec 23rd, 1999, 06:37:02 AM
Hmmm, it looks like I'm the first today. :) 883 days, and counting ...
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 24th, 1999, 01:48:14 PM
882 days to go. this will be one wacky thread if it makes it to 2002.
Grendel 666
Dec 25th, 1999, 07:15:54 PM
Everyone else must be digesting their "roast beast a la grinch"... Happy Christmas/Kwaanza/LifeDay :) 881 days 881 bottles of beer on the wall, 881 bottles of beer...
knight wal
Dec 26th, 1999, 05:39:10 AM
Are we suffering from post holiday jet lag or am I just early? 880 days early according to the closest estimate. 3PO what are the odds that this thread will survive until May 2002? Better than that of say attacking an Imperial class Star Destroyer head on...
Dec 26th, 1999, 11:00:39 PM
Dude if this survives 'till 2002 then... uh... I don't know.
Doc Milo
Dec 27th, 1999, 02:19:43 AM
Well, it's survived one more day. :) 879.
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 28th, 1999, 04:23:22 PM
woo hoo! only 878 to go!!!! i'm way too anxious.
Jedi Master Kyle
Dec 29th, 1999, 01:28:28 PM
877. i guess no one else is anxious! :P
Doc Milo
Dec 30th, 1999, 01:57:02 AM
::Doc Milo steps up to the balcony overlooking the city. He raises his hands to his mouth and yells:: 876 days till Episode Two and all is well! ::retires back to the shadows. People dance in the street:: (post date 12/30/99)
knight wal
Dec 31st, 1999, 05:10:04 AM
Hey, Hey Knight Wal posting the last entry of the 20th Century......In my excitement to be the first to post I forgot to check how many days we have left. Oh well I'll have to go back and check......And while we're waiting here's a thought to ponder....Will Episode II be distributed by 21st Century Fox.....Happy New Year....MTFBWY. Still Dancin' 885 to go...............................LOL, Doc.
Grendel 666
Jan 1st, 2000, 09:10:13 PM
Happy New Year. Yet ANOTHER Anakin rumor. And Lucas has all ILM's computers shut down until at least the third... 884 days to go.
Jan 2nd, 2000, 01:50:38 AM
Only 883 days left. When you say it like doesn't seem that far away(yeah who am I kidding...thats a LONG time).
Jan 3rd, 2000, 12:51:15 AM
Well I guess I'm first today as well....882 days left...:)
Jedi Master Kyle
Jan 3rd, 2000, 05:23:54 PM
knock off another day, 881. at least the episode 2 news will start to heat up soon.
Jan 3rd, 2000, 07:37:07 PM
Hmmm probably not for another 6 months I wouldn't guess.
Doc Milo
Jan 4th, 2000, 02:09:54 AM
Hey everyone, I feel like Jar Jar Binks. I started a little pre-y2k date problem in this Long Countdown, making it 10 days longer. "Sorry" ::says sheepishly:: Anyway, I have since edited the post that started the problem, it occured on 12/30/99, where I had mistakenly put 886 days instead of 876. Here's the patch date to bring us back up to speed. 870 days.
Grendel 666
Jan 4th, 2000, 05:42:02 AM
I thought we got flung off... I saw a countdown clock on a different site yesterday, rubbed my eyes and wondered where the time went! "Let's do the Time Warp AGAAAAAAIN!" Criminologist: "It's just a jump to the left--"
Jan 4th, 2000, 02:28:32 PM
just putting this one at the top where it belongs...
Jan 5th, 2000, 01:58:26 AM
Now 869 then.....
Jan 6th, 2000, 01:22:38 AM
I guess I'm the first again...:) 868 days till Episode II.
Kyp Durron
Jan 6th, 2000, 03:22:45 PM
Man, I thought the Countdown to EP1 was long! Sheesh! :)
Jan 7th, 2000, 01:07:16 AM
867 days and counting... I wonder how long this thread is gonna survive....
Doc Milo
Jan 8th, 2000, 01:52:14 AM
I'm sure I can write a JavaScript that would count it automatically, but where's the fun in that? 866. :) (And would a JavaScript even work on the board? Probably not.)
Jan 8th, 2000, 01:52:45 AM
Well one more day at least...866 days.
Jan 8th, 2000, 02:59:15 AM
No, Javascripts don't work on the board....
Doc Milo
Jan 8th, 2000, 08:34:55 PM
Thanks for the info. I pretty much figured it wouldn't. Probably a security risk.
Jan 9th, 2000, 02:43:48 AM
865 days left now.
Doc Milo
Jan 10th, 2000, 01:10:28 AM
864 days. It just keeps getting closer and closer. Lucas better hurry up. He's running out of time :)
Jan 11th, 2000, 03:26:56 AM
863 days, that is 20 712 hours, that is 1 242 720 minutes, that is 74 563 200 seconds. And if it seems too long time...think about it, only 2.36438356164 years.
Jan 12th, 2000, 01:05:33 AM
862 days away... Man when we get under 800 days I'm gonna feel accomplished...:)
Jan 12th, 2000, 06:39:13 PM
Nemessith, you are one with the calculator. :-)
Jan 13th, 2000, 02:12:37 AM
Now it's only....861 days.
Jedi Master Kyle
Jan 14th, 2000, 04:13:56 PM
knock off another day. only 860 to go. that's nothing. who am i kidding?
Grendel 666
Jan 15th, 2000, 09:59:09 AM
859. I am reading the Union comic series about Luke and Mara's wedding. Helps pass the months. It's the source of the quote down there...
Jan 16th, 2000, 01:07:57 AM
Now down to 858....
Jan 16th, 2000, 03:17:06 AM
I'm could be mistaken, but I think we are one day ahead of there we should be. In the post dated 1/3/00 12:01:08 am, CMJ declared 882 days until Episode II. Then, in the very next post, the same day (1/3/00 4:23:54 pm), Jedi Master Kyle posts, "knock off another day, 881." Then the next day things proceeded normally with 880...well, actually 870 because of the earlier mistake. But I think the correct number would have been 871. Does anyone see what I mean? Am I right, or am I just going nuts? :)
Jan 16th, 2000, 03:12:35 PM
So, in that case today would be 859 days until Episode II.
Jan 17th, 2000, 02:04:16 AM
Okay...:) So now we're down to 858...:)
Jan 18th, 2000, 09:43:26 AM
And NOW we're at 857.
Kyp Durron
Jan 18th, 2000, 01:15:48 PM
I think we should count down by months for now. And then when it's a year left, we can start counting weeks. Then when it's about 4 - 5 months left, then we can count days, hours, seconds, what have you. Coz this'll be a long a$$ thread if we keep this going. Unless of course we're going for some kind of record.
Jan 19th, 2000, 11:27:39 AM
Days is more 856...:)
Jan 20th, 2000, 11:37:49 AM
855....days away. I think I'll keep this thread going by myself if I have too...:)
Jedi Master Kyle
Jan 21st, 2000, 01:13:01 AM
cmj, you're relieved for the day (i think, i'm cutting it real close to midnight here..) 854 left. i suggest for the employed among us that we put .25 cents a day in a bank, and encourge others to do the same. this money will be the money spent on seeing episode 2. it comes out to seeing many times. probably in the 30's. great idea huh? i thought you'd all like it.
Jan 21st, 2000, 01:21:38 AM
I plan on seeing Episode II 100 times in the theater...
Jan 21st, 2000, 04:02:57 AM
Hmm. Maybe I won't make it to 100, but I should make it to at least 80.
Jan 22nd, 2000, 02:36:59 AM
853 days away.....
knight wal
Jan 23rd, 2000, 04:22:27 AM
oke-day I'll bite.....852 to go bfn........
Jan 23rd, 2000, 07:33:51 PM
I'm already in line outside the Mann's Chinese.
Jan 24th, 2000, 01:56:07 AM
LOL....already?? 851 days away....
Doc Milo
Jan 25th, 2000, 02:02:14 AM
850. Can someone alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport me off this rock :)
Jan 26th, 2000, 02:02:51 AM
849...geez this really IS going to be a long thread!!!!
Doc Milo
Jan 27th, 2000, 02:55:25 PM
Jan 28th, 2000, 01:36:51 PM
Jedi Master Kyle
Jan 29th, 2000, 09:30:39 PM
wow, only 847 to go. we should make this a national holiday! 847 days to go before episode 2 day! it is to be celebrated every second week, from monday to sunday (i'd make a never-ending hoiday, but then GL wouldn't make the movie. he'd be vacationing)
Jedi Master Kyle
Jan 30th, 2000, 01:25:46 AM
eight hundred and forty six days to go. so, what's everyone doing for their holiday?
Jan 31st, 2000, 01:52:55 AM
845 days left
Leia Solo
Jan 31st, 2000, 09:16:30 PM
what is it... 842 now? :)
Doc Milo
Feb 1st, 2000, 01:58:37 AM
844 I believe.
Feb 2nd, 2000, 01:08:16 AM
843 days now....when it gets under 800 I'm gonna throw a party...:)
Doc Milo
Feb 2nd, 2000, 01:42:00 AM
Just think, it will breach the 800 threshold before the video is out :)
Feb 3rd, 2000, 10:54:45 AM
842 days....
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 4th, 2000, 01:01:44 AM
approaching the 800 milestone. 841 left!!
Grendel 666
Feb 4th, 2000, 01:52:37 AM
I thought I'd get here in time but you were a real sniper today, Master Kyle!LOL 12:01:44 am... nicely done, Master.
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 4th, 2000, 09:20:20 AM
Thanks! I've been playing alot of goldeneye lately....working on my sniper skills.
Feb 5th, 2000, 12:54:33 AM
God in heaven. To stoop so low! A countdown to something happening 820 days from now! j/k...but still, it's kind of far away. I mean, TPM is still in theaters (only 100 or so, but still) and its hard to think about the sequel (prequel, whatever) to a movie thats still in theaters now which will be coming out two and a half years from now. Damn. I've gone cross eyed. I'll shut up now.
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 5th, 2000, 01:22:59 AM
Were just a little anxious about Episode 2. CAn you tell?? My sniping was a little off today. just 840 to go.
Feb 6th, 2000, 02:20:31 AM
839 days...
Grendel 666
Feb 7th, 2000, 01:05:34 AM
838! Mine! I did it! My life has meaning! BWA-HA-HA-HA!!!! "and that's Monday!" LOL oh man what a week I had.....
Doc Milo
Feb 8th, 2000, 02:04:09 AM
Looks like the honor belongs to me today. <font color=yellow><big>837</big></font>
Allie Fox
Feb 9th, 2000, 12:56:57 PM
Allie Fox
Feb 10th, 2000, 11:58:16 AM
835... Wait a minute... I just checked the calender and it shows that there are only: 832 days until Wednesday, May 22, 2002 and 834 days until Friday, May 24, 2002 So which one will it be?
Feb 11th, 2000, 03:10:10 PM
Thats what I'm going with...for the time being. 834 days left.
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 11th, 2000, 10:24:45 PM
only's so close i can taste i can't.
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 12th, 2000, 01:20:04 AM
833 days away....
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 13th, 2000, 01:06:35 AM
832 to go. i wonder how much the price of a ticket will be in 2002?
Feb 13th, 2000, 03:37:21 AM
total cost to see EP2 1 ticket - $18 popcorn - $10 drink - $ 8 total cost $36 this is of course just an estimation, but i think pretty accurate for how movie prices are rising around my place. just a side note this is in canadian funds, since i am a canadian, and pay with canadian money, and drink canadian beer, ect. ect......
Darth McBain
Feb 13th, 2000, 08:30:52 AM
1 ticket - $18 popcorn - $10 drink - $ 8 Seeing Ep. II in the theaters....... Priceless...
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 13th, 2000, 12:43:04 PM
here's my guess in canadian $$$ ticket: $11.50 popcorn: $5 drink: $5 but it makes it all worth it because all the theaters wil have not only great seating and picture and sound, but those really neat space age toilets where you don't have to touch anything!
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 14th, 2000, 02:46:24 AM
831 left. plo koon is rumored to return. neat-o.
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 15th, 2000, 03:11:58 AM
830 long days left. sometime i won't be awake early in the morning so that someone else will post first.
Doc Milo
Feb 16th, 2000, 05:16:48 AM
Feb 17th, 2000, 11:32:33 AM
Less than a month till I throw my "We're under the 800 day barrier" party...:)
Feb 17th, 2000, 01:55:22 PM
Makes you wonder if this board will be around when the count reaches 0.........
Feb 17th, 2000, 01:57:39 PM
I'm not leaving any time soon...
Feb 17th, 2000, 01:58:38 PM
Thats over two years from now though, a lot can happen in that time. Just a thought though.
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 17th, 2000, 08:50:59 PM
This board better not go anywhere! i can't talk star wars with anyone, my friends aren't into it enough, so you all just stay put....please....
Kyp Durron
Feb 17th, 2000, 09:09:59 PM
I second that! Only one of my friends is as into SW as I am, but I don't see him everyday! I'll need my daily dose! :) So we MUST keep this up everyone, it is our destiny!
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 18th, 2000, 01:15:13 AM
only 827 days left. all you have to do is keep busy for 826 days and episode 2 will be here before you know it!
Feb 19th, 2000, 03:01:14 AM
826 days away....
Feb 20th, 2000, 11:25:22 AM
825 days away
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 21st, 2000, 01:31:21 AM
824. it's so nice to see this thread chuggin' along...
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 22nd, 2000, 10:09:45 AM
inching ever closer to episode 2...823 days left.
Feb 23rd, 2000, 10:58:00 AM
822 days....
Feb 24th, 2000, 09:51:36 AM
Finally got a chance to post here.
Only 821 more days.
Feb 25th, 2000, 03:15:50 AM
820 days away....
Feb 26th, 2000, 02:34:30 AM
819 days away....
Doc Milo
Feb 27th, 2000, 02:17:23 AM
818 days. Only 18 to the magic 800 number :)
Feb 28th, 2000, 12:51:32 PM
817 days away... I'm gonna throw a party when we make it under 800 days...:)
Jedi Master Kyle
Feb 29th, 2000, 01:00:01 AM
816 left to go. c'mon, it ain't that long!
wow, did i ever nail it close to midnight...i have a new goal in life...a demain!
Feb 29th, 2000, 05:13:21 AM
lol....hey wouldnt it be cool if this thread was still around when Episode 2 came out and the thread got so big that it blew up the world!!
I had a fireworks display when episode 1 came out. It was the happyest and craziest day of my life.
Mar 1st, 2000, 02:00:12 AM
815 days away
Mar 2nd, 2000, 05:25:10 AM
814 days.....
Mar 2nd, 2000, 06:44:37 AM
813....(well in new zealand that is)
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 3rd, 2000, 01:00:05 AM
eight hundred and twelve days remaining until the theatrical release of episode 2.
Starquest aka AndyR
Mar 3rd, 2000, 10:32:59 AM
You're one day ahead. Sparksterboy posted 813 in new zealand time......
Just to keep it correct 3/3 = 813 days
Mar 4th, 2000, 02:00:12 AM
Now we're at 812... I'm sick of being in the 800's. I'm seriously throwing a party when we make it under 800 days.
Mar 4th, 2000, 06:35:59 AM
lol any excuse to throw a party I bet..thats ok, when episode 1 came out my fireworks display wasnt that great....well it was really me running around the streets with a sparkler in my hand.
Mar 5th, 2000, 01:11:50 AM
811 days away....
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 6th, 2000, 01:00:36 AM
woo hoo
810 to go!
Darth McBain
Mar 7th, 2000, 11:04:47 AM
Mar 8th, 2000, 01:12:16 AM
808 days away....
Kyp Durron
Mar 8th, 2000, 01:10:24 PM
Can't wait til I see the number of pages this thread will have when this is over :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 9th, 2000, 01:37:05 AM
807 left.
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 10th, 2000, 01:00:00 AM
805. the 800's are quickly becoming a long forgotten memory. like the sega genesis.
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 10th, 2000, 01:01:47 AM
i meant 806 days left! my mistake! i just can't change the other post cuz i actually nailed it at exactly midnight!
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 11th, 2000, 01:00:05 AM
i've messed up the last couple posts, but i promise i got this one
now it's 805 days to go!
enjoy the weekend!
Mar 12th, 2000, 01:52:55 AM
804 Days.
Geez, I thought the video post was bad, but this is ridiculous!!!!!
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 13th, 2000, 01:00:03 AM
we've got 803 days left of this ridiculousness! enjoy 'em!
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 14th, 2000, 01:00:07 AM
make sure the champagne is ready! the 800 mark is ready to give way!!
802 days left!
Mar 15th, 2000, 01:10:25 AM
801 days left...
Mar 16th, 2000, 01:28:33 AM
800 days left...
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 17th, 2000, 01:00:02 AM
i am pleased to announce that we now have less than 800 days to go!!!!
799 days left. smoke if you got'em!
Mar 18th, 2000, 02:43:56 AM
Thank Gawd we're under 800...I had a good under 800 day...:) Now we're at 798....:)
Doc Milo
Mar 18th, 2000, 02:47:05 AM
CMJ: You said you'd throw a party when we reached under 800. And since it fell on St. Patrick's Day, I think that puts you off the hook :) We can all choose to think that the parade in NY and any other parades was to celebrate the under 800 day!!!! :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 18th, 2000, 11:12:27 AM
do you mean to tell me that that parade wasn't for episode 2?
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 19th, 2000, 01:24:31 AM
797 left still trying to ditch the under-800 hangover :(
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 20th, 2000, 01:02:52 AM
796 days to go. i can smell the spoiler train warming up....
Mar 21st, 2000, 01:13:27 AM
795...and yeah...I did luck out with it being on St. Patty's day...:) I really DID have a party...:)
Mar 21st, 2000, 07:55:15 AM
hey you guys...these over 2 years to go for the new think this thread will still be around then? I think it would be totally awesome if it was. Whoever started the countdown threads i commend you on an awesome Idea. It will be cool if the countdown threads for Empire Strikes back were still floating around!
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 21st, 2000, 05:49:06 PM
i hope it's still around in 2 years from now! think about what we'll be doing 2 years from now! climbing the walls in anticipation! we'll have seen 1 or more trailers by this time in 2 years!
Allie Fox
Mar 22nd, 2000, 11:09:12 AM
Woo Hoo!
I love it when the night owls fall asleep and I get to participate.
Mar 23rd, 2000, 01:04:28 AM
Think about how fast the time goes. Just few weeks ago it was 830 days.
Mar 23rd, 2000, 04:02:37 AM
793 is more like it.
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 24th, 2000, 01:01:55 AM
can you smell what lucas is cookin? 793 days left.
Mar 24th, 2000, 01:13:26 AM
You mean 792. There were 793 days left yesterday.
Sheesh! If this keeps up, we might be weeks off from the release date by the time 2002 rolls around...
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 25th, 2000, 02:11:47 PM
but there's one more day gone.
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 26th, 2000, 01:00:04 AM
790 days left. doesn't time fly?
Mar 26th, 2000, 08:06:27 AM
yup! like a wingless bird!!
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 27th, 2000, 12:59:55 AM
ok everyone, let's put this oscar atrocity behind us and look ahead to may 2002! those arse holes don't matter anyhoo.
789 days left!
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 28th, 2000, 01:00:26 AM
anyone notice that this thread is already over 100 days old?
788 days left.
Mar 28th, 2000, 01:16:30 AM
your kidding me...Time does fly indeed. (maybe better than a wingless bird)
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 29th, 2000, 01:22:47 AM
787 left
Allie Fox
Mar 29th, 2000, 10:02:38 AM
The next party should be when we reach 729 days. Then we will have less than two years left.
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 31st, 2000, 12:27:02 AM
that was close! i can't believe that it nearly went a whole day without being updated! i guess it doesn't matter either way. but since i'm here...786 days left.
Jedi Master Kyle
Mar 31st, 2000, 01:30:18 AM
well this didn't take long.
785 days left.
i had a terrible dream last night, it was about how lucasfilm had pushed back the release of episode 2 until 2009 so that Jake Lloyd could reprise his role as Anakin. that was the worst nightmare i've ever had. wouldn't that just suck if they came out and said that!
"we've decided to delay episode 2 for 9 years so that Lloyd can grow up a little. after interviewing hundreds of actors, we feel Jake is still the best choice."
<font size="5">AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!! THE VOICES!!!!!</font>
Mar 31st, 2000, 08:58:26 PM
Sounds like a cool APRIL FOOLS JOKE! at least Jake would be a better actor by then. And dude...its a baaad nightmare you had.
I had dreams about the Phantom menace before it came out. I cant remember them very well though. another 785 more days till I watch Episode 2!! yeah baby yeah!!!
hey you dudes better keep on posting in this Thread cos I dont want to see it dieing out on us,
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 1st, 2000, 01:38:53 AM
well it ain't gonna die tonite. 784 days left. we'll all be very antsy this time next year. i wonder how many of us will be here to ride out the whole entire wait.
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 3rd, 2000, 12:04:23 AM
i can't believe we missed a day! oh well, knock 2 off at once.
782 left.
Allie Fox
Apr 4th, 2000, 08:20:01 AM
I hope this doesn't mean that we are losing interest!
I guess everyone is in front of their televisions watching their new video!?!
Allie Fox
Apr 4th, 2000, 08:12:13 PM
I'll be glad to be the obsessive helper in keeping this thread alive.
Apr 4th, 2000, 09:42:33 PM's been awhile since I've gotten a chance to update the countdown here.
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 4th, 2000, 09:49:24 PM
and it went to not. it's still 780! is something wrong with the clocks here or what?
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 4th, 2000, 10:01:51 PM
i hope everyone is watching their new video. i am right now.
i'll keep this thread alive myself if i have to!
780 days left!
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 4th, 2000, 10:17:03 PM
either my clock is 2 hours fast, or ezboard's is. cuz i'm pretty sure it's past midnight.
Apr 6th, 2000, 03:38:20 AM
Hey. If this thread dies then Im going to get really annoyed, I want to see this thread end up in the Thousands! And I want for it to be in the shrine of this Discussion Board. I know its getting started and all but imagine when its like 1 week away or something...we could look back on when there were 780 days and think about how much we are all nuts. MTFBWY
Doc Milo
Apr 6th, 2000, 11:50:41 AM
Was there another two day gap here?
778, I believe is the count.
BTW: My watch says 1:48pm EST. Is there something wrong with the clocks?
Has the Y2K bug finally arrived? :)
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 6th, 2000, 09:26:30 PM
doc, i've been asking the same damn question about the clocks for the past couple days with no frickin answer. i guess nobody knows.
Champion of the Force
Apr 8th, 2000, 03:53:51 AM
777 days left ...
Champion of the Force
Apr 8th, 2000, 04:00:38 AM
Woah - make that 776 days left. We all missed a day there. :)
About the clocks - they're supposed to be on EST. I have no idea what's wrong with them since it's ezboard that actually set the clock times - the admins can only set the time zone.
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 8th, 2000, 11:01:12 PM
well even if the clocks are messed up, it's still only 775 days left till episode 2.
Apr 9th, 2000, 12:08:25 AM
lol.......did you just say "only"?....
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 9th, 2000, 02:42:59 PM
of course i said "only". episode 2 will be here before we know it.
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 10th, 2000, 12:07:14 AM
incase ya missed it:
<font size="7"> ONLY </font> 774 days left till episode 2! think of it this way: in about a year and a half we'll have seen a teaser trailer, and be dying for the second trailer, if we won't have seen it already.
Apr 10th, 2000, 11:57:27 PM
773 days's gonna be close I'm right at midnight board time I think.
Doc Milo
Apr 11th, 2000, 12:35:22 AM
CMJ -- Read your post, looked at the time, and Maxwell Smart's famous line popped into my head. "Missed it by that much." :)
773 (Just to match the date and number. No offense.) :)
Champion of the Force
Apr 12th, 2000, 01:56:58 AM
772 days left ...
Grendel 666
Apr 13th, 2000, 03:40:51 AM
771 bottles of beer on the wall... man, will I be hammered by the time that movie arrives... ;)
Apr 14th, 2000, 12:08:41 AM
Well now it's only 770 days until EpII. Or 71 days till the under 700 party that I'll throw....:)
Apr 14th, 2000, 12:48:23 AM
I woder if the Episode 2 trailor will be as deceiving as the Episode 1 trailor. well anyway
770 days!...I wonder if they will change the release date like they did with Episode 1. it was going to come out on the 21st but they made it the 19th....well at least they made it sooner. :)
Apr 15th, 2000, 12:04:39 AM
769 days to go!
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 16th, 2000, 01:24:25 PM
768 days left!
Allie Fox
Apr 17th, 2000, 09:42:26 AM
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 18th, 2000, 12:05:51 AM
766 days left.
Grendel 666
Apr 19th, 2000, 02:02:56 AM
765 days... funny thing is, for me right now time is FLYING. Too much to do, not enough time, and that movie will be here before I'm ready. (Readiness defined as full costume prepared by the opening night.)
Apr 20th, 2000, 12:39:53 AM
764 days away....
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 21st, 2000, 12:17:48 AM
763 days left.
Apr 23rd, 2000, 12:31:32 AM
actually we all missed 762 we're at 761 days away. How did we ALL miss the Countdown yesterday??
Apr 23rd, 2000, 05:35:48 AM
happy easter everyone!! 8)
in another year im going to be eating chocolate and still counting down.....
Apr 23rd, 2000, 06:16:23 AM
from what i heard it is 757 days ohh well <img src= ALT=":\">
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 23rd, 2000, 10:32:34 AM
from where did you hear that? i don't think anyone would mind knocking off a few extra days off the countdown.
Apr 24th, 2000, 12:59:02 AM
760 days....until we get confermation about the 'alternate' countdown I'm goin' with this one....:)
Apr 24th, 2000, 09:12:50 AM
759 days to go now anyway.
Quoting Anakin-"Yipeeeee!"
darth dude
Apr 24th, 2000, 08:23:51 PM
couldn't resist putting this thread to 200
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 25th, 2000, 04:17:13 PM
758 days left everyone!
Allie Fox
Apr 26th, 2000, 07:31:49 AM
Getting closer!!!
Apr 26th, 2000, 11:57:54 PM
756 days left..... It really is A LONG time away. They haven't even started shooting it yet now. 'sigh' 57 days from now I'll throw an under 700 day party. Of course even THAT's two months away. Oh well.....
Jedi Master Kyle
Apr 28th, 2000, 09:20:55 AM
755 days left. it is a long time away, but if you break it into chunks, it passes quickly. like looking forward to DVD releases, and stuff like that.
Apr 29th, 2000, 12:00:08 AM
Now only 754 days away.... This countdown has been going on quite awhile now. A little under 4 months I believe.
Apr 30th, 2000, 12:04:38 AM
753 days and counting.....
May 1st, 2000, 01:14:07 AM
752 days away....
Jedi Master Kyle
May 2nd, 2000, 12:17:47 AM
751 days to go! the days are dropping like flies!
May 2nd, 2000, 11:59:19 PM
Its kinda scary how fast time seems to go and seems so painfully slow on most days. I dont know where all my time goes But I can guess its this damn computer..well anyway only 751 to go.
Grendel 666
May 3rd, 2000, 05:21:33 AM
750 to go... just a tetch over two years, give or take...
May 3rd, 2000, 02:04:04 PM
It apprears that we are one day behind.
As of 5/3/2000, there are 749 days left until Wednesday May 22, 2002.
On 5/22/2000, there will be exactly 2 years (730 days) left.
Kyp Durron
May 3rd, 2000, 04:16:03 PM
Why don't we make this a little more interesting? Why not after posting the day, also post a riddle, or a joke, or SW trivia? Then the next poster will give the answer.
Just a suggestion.
Doc Milo
May 4th, 2000, 12:02:26 AM
As of 5/4/2000 there are 748 days left until Episode 2.
(Can't wait until we can actually say Episode 2: The title here) :)
Okay, Kyp. Here's an old and (I believe easy) one to start us off. BTW, I'm posting a riddle.
"What runs, but never walks
Has a mouth, but never talks,
Has a bed, but never sleeps,
Has a head, but never weeps?"
May 4th, 2000, 11:54:16 PM
I have no Idea!! (I like the idea about the riddle thing)
Grendel 666
May 5th, 2000, 02:02:08 AM
747 days left...
The answer is a river.
Having no riddles, I'll have to come back and edit in an appropriate joke...
Here you go: During one particularly long session healing the blind, the lame, and the leprous, Jesus looked around at his friends, stretched his legs a bit, and said, "Man, I'm beat. I'm heading into the tent to take five. Why don't one of you take over for me... yeah, you! You're a physician anyway..."
"But Master! I am only a humble doctor! I have no gift such as yours to heal with a touch!"
As he went in, Jesus turned and said, "Use the Force, Luke!"
(No religious or sacriligious intent here. I just thought it was funny!)
Jedi Master Kyle
May 6th, 2000, 12:13:29 AM
746 to go. here's my little bit of entertainment:
<font color="yellow">
Q1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend That she have an abortion?
Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of this one.
Q2: It is time to elect the world leader, and your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three leading candidates:
Candidate A - Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B - He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening.
Candidate C - He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.
>Which of these candidates would be your choice?
Decide first, no peeking, then scroll down for the answer.
Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt!
Candidate B is Winston Churchill!!
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler!!?
and by the way (Answer to the abortion question) if you said yes to the first question, you just killed Beethoven!
May 6th, 2000, 01:22:39 AM
Q1: no
Q2: Candidate B
Jedi Master Kyle
May 7th, 2000, 12:42:38 AM
745 to go. a little over 2 years...
May 8th, 2000, 12:00:36 AM
744 days away.....
May 9th, 2000, 02:44:29 AM
743 days until the big event.
May 10th, 2000, 12:23:54 AM
742 days away....or 43 days till we break into the 600's.
May 10th, 2000, 11:56:30 PM
741 days away....but not too long till the milestone of the 600's is reached. I'll throw another under 700 part in 42 days I guess...:)
May 11th, 2000, 03:24:36 PM
How about this: Only 11 days left until we break the 2 year barrier!
May 11th, 2000, 03:33:58 PM
More cool numbers:
Days from Episode I to Episode II: 1,096
Days left until E2, when we are halfway there (halfway between E1 and E2): 548
May 12th, 2000, 12:01:55 AM
740 days away.....
May 13th, 2000, 12:52:26 AM
739 days until we get to see Mr. Christensen wield a lightsabre. :D
Jedi Master Kyle
May 14th, 2000, 04:24:07 PM
738 days left.
Allie Fox
May 15th, 2000, 07:58:01 AM
Woo Hoo!
I love it when I get to post here.
May 16th, 2000, 12:14:13 AM
736 days and counting.....
May 17th, 2000, 12:12:04 AM
735 days and counting....
Doc Milo
May 18th, 2000, 12:02:55 AM
May 19th, 2000, 11:10:50 PM
732!!!! (Yeah we missed 733 :P).
May 20th, 2000, 07:34:04 PM
Actually today is 732 and yesterday is 733......
Doc Milo
May 21st, 2000, 03:10:52 AM
731 now. And only a week or so till June. Anyone know when in June they are supposed to start shooting?
Jedi Master Kyle
May 21st, 2000, 11:48:53 AM
i'm sure it's somewhere between the first and last of june! :lol:
May 22nd, 2000, 12:38:39 AM
730 days away....or two years!
darth morpheus
May 22nd, 2000, 08:23:56 PM
May 22nd, 2000, 08:47:12 PM
wow 12 pages...
Jedi Master Kyle
May 22nd, 2000, 10:20:13 PM
we should be able to fill an entire encyclopedia set by the time episode 2 comes out!
Jedi Master Kyle
May 23rd, 2000, 12:06:46 AM
729's hard thinking about how you'll go another 2 years until episode 2 ain't it?
May 23rd, 2000, 11:01:25 PM
ahh shut up kyleeeee!! :) 2 more years arghhhh. looks like i will have to live off of the OT and TPM til then..............728........less than 2 yrs i wish i could make time go faster
Allie Fox
May 24th, 2000, 09:12:22 AM
Less than two years. I can't believe it!
Tomorrow Star Wars will be 23! WOW! Am I that old?
Allie Fox
May 25th, 2000, 07:54:24 AM
Happy 23rd anniversary to E4!
Allie Fox
May 26th, 2000, 08:00:37 AM
I'll keep it up all by myself if I have to.
May 27th, 2000, 12:00:06 AM
CMJ goes out onto the balcony and yells "Only 724 days till Episode II". The throngs beneath rejoice....
May 28th, 2000, 07:45:07 AM
723 days....
May 28th, 2000, 11:20:29 AM
wouldnt it be awesome if EPII came out EARLIER than we are anticipating ahhh man i cant wait waaa waaaaaaa goo goo gaa gaa
Jedi Master Kyle
May 29th, 2000, 12:12:03 AM
another day falls by the wayside...722 days left!
Jedi Master Kyle
May 29th, 2000, 11:59:43 PM
721 days left. the 600 mark looms ever nearer...
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