View Full Version : DEATH! *cries* GODMODING ALERT!

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:02:48 AM
HollieBelle2: *after she kicks Helen's butt I want LD to battle Marcus for fun,.... :-)*
ForceMastrHunter: You really are a sucker for punishment
HollieBelle2: hehe
HollieBelle2: I am not!
HollieBelle2: I will beat you!
ForceMastrHunter: Yes you are
ForceMastrHunter: You'll get beaten badly by Helen to start with
HollieBelle2: will not
ForceMastrHunter: Yes, but my gun beats your kung fu
HollieBelle2: I have moves you've never heard of
HollieBelle2: let along seen or imagined
ForceMastrHunter: Suuurrrreeeee
HollieBelle2: *force deflect bullet*
HollieBelle2: I'm like superwoman
ForceMastrHunter: :: Force TITANIC THEME!::
HollieBelle2: muahaha
HollieBelle2: I am more diabolical than you knew
ForceMastrHunter: FORCE KITTENS!!!
ForceMastrHunter: :: Adorable kittens look lovenly at Holly::
HollieBelle2: *squishes the kittens with her boots*
HollieBelle2: ha!
HollieBelle2: I have a heart of STONE!
ForceMastrHunter: :: Kitten looks pathetic at Holly pleading to be snuggled::
HollieBelle2: I already squished it
HollieBelle2: gross, its all bloody
HollieBelle2: *snaps its neck*
ForceMastrHunter: :: Kitten doesnt believe you would do that::
HollieBelle2: *tosses dead kitten at FMH*
HollieBelle2: :-)
HollieBelle2: kitten stew?
ForceMastrHunter: :: Kitten knows how much you really like kittens::
ForceMastrHunter: So... MNEH!
ForceMastrHunter: :: LIttle kitten looks up and mews::
HollieBelle2: IT CAN"T MEW!
HollieBelle2: it is dead.
HollieBelle2: Dead kitties don't mew
HollieBelle2: just like dead men tell no tales
ForceMastrHunter: Yes, but Kitten knows your in denial
HollieBelle2: *sends a blast of Force Destruction at Mark*
ForceMastrHunter: * ducks and FORCE FARTS!!!
HollieBelle2: *jumps behind a huge mirror, and drops a lighted match behind him, ducks as the fart ignites, reflecting off the mirror and burning his butt*
ForceMastrHunter: :: Follow through shatters mirror::
HollieBelle2: *force throws shards of shattered mirror at Mark's butt*
ForceMastrHunter: :: Spins around, and catches shards in large basket::
HollieBelle2: *spin kicks and knocks his feet out from under him*
ForceMastrHunter: :: Pours oil under her feet, Holly goes sliding into spin dryer::
HollieBelle2: *force jumps to the ceiling, grabbing the ceiling fan and then falling on top of Mark*
HollieBelle2: *crushing him to the ground*
ForceMastrHunter: :: Rolls away before fan hits.... hey, how did you get out of the spin dryer????
HollieBelle2: and what the heck is a spin dryer?
HollieBelle2: Since I know nothing of it, it must be godmoding and so I ignore it :-)
ForceMastrHunter: A spin dryer is a clothes dryer
HollieBelle2: ;-)
ForceMastrHunter: Well, you didnt say, so you were moding!!!
HollieBelle2: I DID TOOO SAY!
HollieBelle2: *jumps straight up to the ceiling*
HollieBelle2: see?
HollieBelle2: *rips dryer out of the ground and throws it at Mark*
ForceMastrHunter: :: Dodges and uses portable hole to disappear for a second::
HollieBelle2: *dryer stops up the portable hole, allowing LD to follow him inside*
HollieBelle2: *she pops out into his office at work*
HollieBelle2: hmmm.
ForceMastrHunter: :: Not there :P
HollieBelle2: *okay then! SHE POPS OUT INTO WHEREVER IT IS HE IS!*
HollieBelle2: as long as its not the toilet
ForceMastrHunter: :: Throws toilet at Holly::
HollieBelle2: *uses the force to slam it into the ground in front of her*
HollieBelle2: *jumps over it*
ForceMastrHunter: Geyser of water from wall smashes into Holly::
HollieBelle2: *pushing her into Mark, making them both fall on the ground. She grabs his hair and smashes the back of his head into the ground*
ForceMastrHunter: Reaches round and gives Holly massive wedgy
HollieBelle2: ow
HollieBelle2: *fixes it*
HollieBelle2: ow ow ow
HollieBelle2: *pokes him in the eye with her middle finger*
HollieBelle2: ;-)
ForceMastrHunter: :: Bites finger::
HollieBelle2: like the way your eye tastes? *fishhooks him and rips downwards*
ForceMastrHunter: :: had finger in teeth, finger bitten off::
HollieBelle2: *jabs him with exposed bone end, slashing up face*
ForceMastrHunter: Moves head away, then kicks her in jaw
HollieBelle2: too close for that sort of kick
HollieBelle2: *blocks kick*
HollieBelle2: *with forarms*
HollieBelle2: unless you're Jedi Master Gumby, maybe
ForceMastrHunter: No, it can be done, I've done it in RL
HollieBelle2: ow
HollieBelle2: well I blocked it anyway
HollieBelle2: lol
ForceMastrHunter: So foot was coming up.... right.....:: Extends leg out kicking to breastbone::
HollieBelle2: *is kicked backwards, air popping out of her lungs, but manages to convert fall into a backflip/roll...coming up on her knees gasping to air and getting to her feet*
ForceMastrHunter: Picks up a toaster and scones her with it
HollieBelle2: *Grabs electric cord from toaster as it, I'm assuming here, comes at her, leaning way back so it goes over her head, ripping it out of his hand as she backflips to her feet. She twirls toaster and then whacks FMH with it*
HollieBelle2: what the heck is scones? I know what Scones are, they're eating things, but how can one scone something?
ForceMastrHunter: Head. Slang for hit upsideof head
HollieBelle2: okay that's what I was assuming
ForceMastrHunter: And it was thrown
HollieBelle2: *still grabbed cord and avoided*
HollieBelle2: I'm bendy
ForceMastrHunter: :: reaches and grabs hair, then twirls her about and into a wall""
HollieBelle2: *runs up wall and jumps off, landing behind him and kicks him in the back of the knee*
HollieBelle2: mneh!
ForceMastrHunter: Hang on, that made little sense
ForceMastrHunter: :: ahlts time while he figures thast out::
HollieBelle2: no it makes sense
HollieBelle2: *can still talk even though time has halted*
HollieBelle2: you fling her towards a wall
ForceMastrHunter: :: Unhalts time, spins on floor, sweeps her legs away::
HollieBelle2: ACK!
HollieBelle2: cheater
HollieBelle2: youhad me distracted with the time halt thing
ForceMastrHunter: :P
ForceMastrHunter: MNEH
HollieBelle2: *jumps over sweeping leg*
HollieBelle2: mneh!
ForceMastrHunter: :: Pulls out rail gun and firs whole clip::
HollieBelle2: *watches as his bullets hit the ground*
HollieBelle2: you didn't say what you were aiming at
HollieBelle2: *kicks gun out of hand*
ForceMastrHunter: :: Didnt say which hand::
HollieBelle2: *kicks gun out of hand that was holding the gun*
ForceMastrHunter: Pulls out other gun and empties clip at holly
HollieBelle2: *gets shot and killed. Last words are....* you have...no....honor.......gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh... .......ssssss......
HollieBelle2: erk!
HollieBelle2: *dies in a shower of blood*
HollieBelle2: dang it
HollieBelle2: you beat me
ForceMastrHunter: Well, you DID try to kill kitten!!!!!
HollieBelle2: *stomps on kitten's icky bloody corpse*
HollieBelle2: ew
HollieBelle2: that is icky and bloody
ForceMastrHunter: * cries*
HollieBelle2: *reanimates kitten*
HollieBelle2: *kitten mewls and huggles Mark*
ForceMastrHunter: :-)
HollieBelle2: just so you know
HollieBelle2: I would have beaten you had this not been a silly fight
HollieBelle2: the time halt was godmoding ;-)
ForceMastrHunter: Suuurrrrrreeeeeee. I'd kick your ass anything
HollieBelle2: *copies fight to post in OOC*
HollieBelle2: muahaha

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:05:43 AM


Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:11:21 AM
(gasp) WHAT?! YOU KILLED MEEEEEE!!! And you're complaning about a kitty.

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:21:26 AM
Yeah, well your a Sith, a big MEANIE!!!!! You deserved that for killing kitten!!



Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:30:25 AM

That is clearly outlawed in section 290.32 of Amendement 152 of the swforms Rules.

You are the GODMODER HERE!

Mneh! :p

Champion of the Force
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:43:40 AM
Mods and admins are above God-moding rules. :p

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:43:43 AM
And regulation 334.1111 paragraph 9 states that those said rules apply to fights on the forum, not on AIM.

And further in section 2221.421 section a, sub f, it states "The slaughtering Kittens shall be deemed on par with God Moding and shat be dealth with a Force Enema"

Sep 21st, 2001, 02:45:46 AM
he killed a pregnant woman?!? *faints in shock* thats cause for banishment me thinks!!! :rolleyes

I gotta side with LD on this one! (Id help her kill his kittens but then LV would hurt me :D )

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:49:30 AM




Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:52:44 AM
ForceMastrHunter: MEANIE!!
HollieBelle2: MODER!
ForceMastrHunter: MEANIE!!!
HollieBelle2: MODER!


Sep 21st, 2001, 02:56:08 AM

What are you 12?!?!?!

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:59:58 AM
ForceMastrHunter: MEANIE!
HollieBelle2 signed off at 6:03:52 PM.
HollieBelle2 signed on at 6:04:03 PM.
HollieBelle2: MEAN MODER!
ForceMastrHunter: MEAN KITTY KILLER!!!
ForceMastrHunter: MODING KITTY KILLER!!!!


No actaully, Im 32 and I hit people with frying pans. It's my modus operandi

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:00:37 AM
Just consider this an extension of the MNEH! thread he started at the old place.

MNEH! :p

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:01:52 AM
I wasnt talking about the frying pan. Im talking about this whole "meanie" "moder" arguement. You're both 12!!!!

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:02:58 AM

(And least were having fun, even if we do belong in a kindergarden)

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:05:00 AM
I should spank both of you and make you go sit in opposite corners! :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:06:32 AM
ForceMastrHunter: MEANIE!!
HollieBelle2: BUTT MUNCHER!
HollieBelle2: lol don't know what that has to do with anything :-)
ForceMastrHunter: CARPET MUNCHER!!!
HollieBelle2: lol
HollieBelle2: AM NOT!
ForceMastrHunter: I dont think that has anything to do with it either
HollieBelle2: so, when people told me you were a ladykiller, I though they meant like Lando Calrissian....NOT LITERALLY!
ForceMastrHunter: * Dont say it Mark... dont say the obvious xxxxx comment*
HollieBelle2: DON"T SAY IT!
HollieBelle2: because if you do
HollieBelle2: I'll paste it into that thread for ALL TO READ!
ForceMastrHunter: And then you'll get it edited :P
ForceMastrHunter: Ah what the hell... I THOUGHT YOU LIKED XXXXX!!!

And Huntress, get it right, i'm 21m, not 12 :)

EDIT: Come on now, you know why. :p

Champion of the Force
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:07:17 AM
Dammit - those threads from the old board had better arrive soon, else this entire place descend into anarchy. :\

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:08:12 AM



Sep 21st, 2001, 03:08:54 AM
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! oh man I saw that post!!!!

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:16:30 AM
Please be respectful and adhere to the few rules we do have in place. I would really rather not invoke censorship options. I think we can be responsible enough for it not to have to come to that.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:17:11 AM
And for the record, FMH, I do not like kittens or cats.

Well, I like the animals. Not the euphemism. ;)

*kicks dirt at FMH*

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:19:08 AM
^------ ::points at De'ville

Her fault Mr Administrator!!!! She's a big MEANIE KITTEN KILLER!!!

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:23:10 AM
Oh no you don't. I warned you. I said, "don't say it, 'cause I'll post it and then you'll be sorry!" But you said it because you WANTED it posted! It was ALL FMH's fault.

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:27:14 AM
Uses his all encompassing power to strip every article of clothing from FMH and De'Ville causing the fabric to vanish entirely and leave then both standing stark naked in the middle of the forum with all the onlookers.

tsk tsk tsk. I think that punishment enough this time. Don't make me pull out the big guns.

Starts to lower the temperature drastically.

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:29:24 AM
:: People run in horror and others are struck blind by the horrible sight!::

Live Wire
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:30:35 AM
NOOO!!!! MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:31:43 AM

*gets very very cold* NOW who is causing need for censorship!? Censor yourself FOrum! ;)

Live Wire
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:34:09 AM
Man the forum is perverted! It just wanted to see you naked!

Sep 21st, 2001, 03:36:36 AM
Just invoking a little fear, not just in you, but everyone who witnesses.

Vanishes to the place from whence he came, the place of the Forum Diety, leaving behind a small message written in the dust on the floor.

God-Mode is my specialty.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:37:16 AM
*resists urge to say something very obvious about nakedness and being cold* Suffice it to say that you are all now BLINDED!

*shivers and grabs a robe and puts it on*

Force Master Hunter
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:45:06 AM
The forum is talking to us....?


:: Runs out to put on Ghost Buster uniform::

God Mode Mobile Cam
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:49:43 AM
* Zooms in and records SWFans.net forum's God Moding. Is disappointed as it is not as good as times it has recored before. Goes away sad and watched some old tapes of Itala *

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2001, 03:50:04 AM
Oh thank God, I thought you were going to run around naked all night. *now opens her eyes*

Admiral Lebron
Sep 21st, 2001, 05:22:26 AM
Forum is more of a perv then I. Anyways, Kittens suck, but the force frying pan hurts, but FMH is an Aussie, but does he play Aussie Rules Ball? Do you?

Morgan Evanar
Sep 21st, 2001, 05:35:57 AM
*Correlian panther cub of about two-hundred pounds pounces Lebron and proceeds to start eating him.*

Kitties rule, but they fall short in power or the almighty Mini Lop!

The Lost Jedi
Sep 21st, 2001, 07:15:58 AM

And dont you forget it, nerd boy.

Sep 21st, 2001, 07:24:28 AM
:: Before it can leave, Fett grabs the GM Cam, and holds it at his face.


He then pulls a pistol out, and empties it into the Camera ::

Admiral Lebron
Sep 21st, 2001, 09:00:37 PM
*Gives the Kitty Meow-mix*

Sep 21st, 2001, 10:24:29 PM
::Rock sees everybody making fools of themselves and laughs histerically.::

Lady Vader
Sep 21st, 2001, 10:46:06 PM
She *GASP* killed the KITTENS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm appauled!!! Such insenstivity! Such cruelty! Such... such... MEANNESS!!!!!!

I don't care if she is pregnant! Those poor little defensless balls of fluff!

I second FMH (I can't believe I'm siding with him :p ) words:


Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2001, 01:19:10 AM
LV! *cries* I was just trying to show no weakness..... He used FORCE KITTENS on me! Isn't that unfair?!

Lady Vader
Sep 22nd, 2001, 02:34:51 AM
But don't you know the counter-attack to Force Kittens?! It's Force Cuddle!!!! Just cuddle with those cute kittens... the effect is you over-cuddle them, and THEN they fall unconcious (not dead)!

Then you're free to move on with Force Whatchamacallit, which basically is good against anything/everything! :lol :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2001, 02:50:07 AM
Well, obviously this is why I'm still only a knight and not a master yet. *sighs* I didn't know there was a way to counter Force Kittens.

Sep 22nd, 2001, 02:53:39 AM
There is always a counter force......

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2001, 03:02:44 AM
*Force Pushes his van into the river* MNEH! :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2001, 03:34:30 AM
*Force Pushes his van into the river* MNEH! :p

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 22nd, 2001, 05:39:06 AM
Deja Vu...

FRACK!!! Somebody's changing the Matrix!

Sep 22nd, 2001, 08:29:18 AM
yeah, Matrix does give you Deja Vu. Every time I see Blade, Dark City and Bill & Ted, It's like I have been there before :)

:: Stops, and checks the tape in the god mode cam. Seeing it picked up LD's spontanius nudity, he quickly pockets it and dissapears, wondering how much the tape could fetch in an auction ::

Profit is fun :)

Lady Vader
Sep 23rd, 2001, 01:39:57 AM
That deja vu somehow gave me a double headache. :p