View Full Version : Tales of Time's Past: Blind Sight

Taylor Millard
Sep 20th, 2001, 09:36:07 PM
OOC: This takes place during Return of the Jedi...near the Unknown Regions.

IC: General Taylor Millard stood upon the bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior and sighed.

We've been out on the corner of the galaxy for almost a year now...battling Admiral Zakan. The men are getting restless...as am I his thoughts came.

He ran a hand through his brown hair, staring at the computer screen before him. Standing up, he looked at the bridge before him.

"Lieutenant Tomar," he spoke quickly, "Report."

The young lieutenant spoke, "Sensors are clear, sir. There is no one out there."

"Oh they're out there Lieutenant...they're out there," Taylor spoke quietly.

"Very well...alert me if anything should occur. I will be in the Grand Admiral's study."

Millard walked from the bridge to the room just to the left of it. He rang the chime for the room...awaiting entry.

"General Millard for Grand Admiral Thrawn."

The doors slid open...and Millard entered.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Sep 21st, 2001, 09:02:44 AM
The Grand Admiral's study was much larger then any other room on the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior. On the walls hung decorative holographs portraying different types of paintings. Sculptures both ranging from large to small were placed neatly on the second level of the room. Although none of the art was actually real. Everything was portrayed in life-like holograms. The owner of these holograms took perverse pleasure in studying them.

Grand Admiral Thrawn stared at a painting, the artist was a human from Corellia. It depicted a man holding his face in horror as he gazed across an ashern battlefield. Only one side of the man's face was visible -- as Thrawn had noted -- it gave the viewer a small glimpse at the pain and fear he was feeling. Perhaps guilt even? What was this artist trying to say when he created this painting?

"General Millard for Grand Admiral Thrawn." The voice was muffled behind the door, but it was understandable.

<font size=3>Whoosh

<font size=2>The door slid open, revealing the Grand Admiral in dim light. He was standing up straight, with one arm neatly folded behind his back in Imperial fashion. In his other hand, he held a glass of wine, half filled. As General Millard walked into the room, Thrawn did not move or even make eye contact with his subordinate. Instead, he kept his cold, red eyes on the human portrait.

"Welcome General. Have you ever been an admirer of art? Some believe that when a person sculpts or paints, they are releasing their mind and soul." Unfolding his right arm, the Admiral beckoned Taylor to step forward. Millard did as he was told and stopped right beside Thrawn.

Grand Admiral Thrawn was a Chiss, and that secret was known to very few. To everyone else, he was a humanoid. The only humanoid to gain the rank of Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy. The Emperor had quite the distaste for aliens and non-humans, especially half breeds; but with Thrawn he was willing to make an exception. The Grand Admiral displayed military genious and scored near perfect on the Imperial Admissions Exam. He was respected and well-liked among his crew. Unlike Lord Vader, Thrawn did not dispense with someone unless he had a good reason to do so.

"Do you know what this painting depicts, Taylor Millard?" Thrawn asked in a calm voice. "That man is in complete terror at the sight before him. Do you think he brought this terror upon himself?"

The Grand Admiral raised his right arm and took a sip of his wine. He allowed the substance to stay in his mouth for a few seconds before he swallowed it. Thrawn enjoyed savouring the taste of exotic foods and drinks.

"Humans are easily and often consumed by greed and jealousy. Every human has his own dreams of power and wealth, or being the next Emperor. Our friend, Admiral Zakan is no exception. He believes things should be run his way, not accepting the fact that the consequences for his insubordination will be swift and painful. Does he realize that by fighting the Empire is a fruitless confrontation?" Thrawn asked.

A smile formed on the Grand Admiral's face, as he used his wine glass to motion to the man in the painting, "That man represents Admiral Zakan."

Finally he turned to meet Taylor, eye to eye. The young man was full of potential and very intelligent. Thrawn had high hopes in him, and trusted him fully.

"Tell me Taylor, does greed and bitter envy consume your soul as it does his?" What Thrawn asked was a rhetorical question. He had trained Taylor to be the exact opposite of that, A loyal Imperial officer, ready to do anything for his cause.

Taylor Millard
Sep 21st, 2001, 10:19:47 AM
Taylor was taken aback abit by this statement. He observed the piece of art, with the man on the battlefield. He'd never been able to take much of art...mainly he found it as something people did to express themselves, or protest something. The artist Finn, of Corellia, came to mind...the odd blotches and multicolored stripes on canvas.

Yes...General Taylor Millard had an understanding of art, but no real liking for it.

Thrawn knows where my loyalties are...why would he ask me? To make sure I was loyal to the Empire?, Millard thought, but quickly gave the Grand Admiral an answer, when he observed Thrawn's eyes upon him.

"I am not the kind of man Zakan is," The General said, spite in his voice at the mention of the rogue admiral's name, "I live to serve the Empire...not bring it down with the meglomania of Zakan or the belief the Rebels are better like Harkov did.

"No...my life is for the Empire, and no one else," he completed his thought quickly, noticing slight movement in the shadows.

Cocking his head in that direction, the student of Thrawn said, "Your new bodyguard?"

A small, thin knife slid up to Taylor's throat, a mere inches away from slitting it. The hand possessing it, was gnarled with leathery skin. A soft voice mewed slightly, as Millard felt his body tense.

"His new bodyguard," the voice of Rukh the Noghri mewed," Has been here...longer than you thought."

Millard's blue eyes began to glow as the words of the Noghri came to his ears. He thought of bringing his uniformed left arm back in an attempt to catch the Noghri off guard, but decided against it.

It would be unwise to upset a Wookie he'd remembered a stormtrooper once told him. Or a Noghri Millard's own mind added.

"We are in position, Admiral," Taylor spoke ignoring the knife at his throat, though he kept a gloved hand near his blaster, in case Rukh got any funny ideas about ending the life of another officer.

"All TIE Fighters await your command, including my squadron. Zakan's forces are nowhere to be found, sir. But I suspect we'll see them soon enough. If our intelligence is correct...they may make an attack on the Death Star at Endor, perhaps during the fleet's battle with the Rebels. Should we attack now?"

Even with the knife at his throat, Millard awaited Thrawn's answer.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Sep 21st, 2001, 02:17:57 PM
"I see you've met my trusted bodyguard Rukh." The Grand Admiral allowed himself a faint smile as he watched the two get "acquainted". Almost as if he were reading Thrawn's mind, the Noghri moved the knife from it's awkward position and backed away into the shadows. The Noghri were cold blooded killing machines deployed by the Empire to dispatch with their enemies. Noghri warriors were ruthless, undetectable and effecient.

Before acknowledging and answering Taylor's question, the Grand Admiral took one last sip of the wine, finishing the remainder of the substance. He set the glass down on a wooden table. The table was covered with star charts, geometric tools and three journals. Grand Admiral Thrawn's main priority was to map as much of the Unknown Regions as he could for Emperor Palpatine. Not only did he have a great understanding of art and sentient behaviour, but he was also a grand mathematician, as most of his people were.

"Admiral Zakan's fleet will be passing through this area any minute now. Our Interdictor Cruisers will pull his ships out of Hyperspace. This gives us the valuable element of surprise. We will catch him off-guard, which gives us a considerable amount of time to deploy our fighters and issue orders." Thrawn explained.

"As I've said before Impurvious and our Superior will only launch three squadrons of TIE Fighters and then stay back while the other Imperial Star Destroyers deploy four squadrons of their fighter compliments. The Admonitor, Davidoff and Death's Head will slowly advance on Zakan's fleet." Thrawn began to pace back and forth, clasping both hands at the small of his back. "The Frigates Ossus and Conundrum along with the Imperial Star Destroyer Templar will focus all their efforts on disabling or destroying, if they must, the Carrack Cruisers."

"Our Interdictor Cruisers will not be at this battle for decoration. Their primary targets are Zakan's two Corellian Corvettes, Decoy 1 and Quickness. They should prove to be more then a match for the smaller corvettes."

Thrawn finally finished his speech with his final request of Taylor's men, "I want Zakan's larger ships to be disabled, rather destroyed. This does not include his own ship. Zakan deserves execution for his treason to the Empire. The Emperor will be most pleased."

The humanoid's red eyes wandered across the room, stopping between two Selonian sculptures. A little above each, hung his chronometer. The Grand Admiral turned to Taylor and gave him a curt nod.

"I believe we should be on the Bridge right now." At Thrawn's command, the door slid open. "After you General."

"I hope you haven't forgotten the a most important rule when in battle with someone. It is best to target their fighters, before targeting the larger ships." Thrawn still had his hands clasped together at the small of his back as he paced through the halls of the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior.

"Lead the way, General Millard."

Taylor Millard
Sep 23rd, 2001, 01:46:24 AM
The General exitted with the Grand Admiral slightly behind him, coming onto the bridge of the Superior

Target the fighters first Thrawn's words rang like a bell in Millard's mind. He's right...once the fighter cover of the ships is gone, it will be easy for us to crush the traitors.

Taylor turned towards Thrawn, watching the pale blue-skinned alien take a seat in the command chair. He was honored to serve under the alien...the man, who held honor as much as Millard did. Probably more, he thought.

The General had become one of the most decorated men in the Imperial Navy, saving Emperor Palpatine's life not once...but twice; receiving medals both times.

But Taylor wasn't concerned with medals, only service. And he was doing it...here near the Unknown Regions.

"Admiral Thrawn," he spoke clearly, "If you permit...I would like to join my squadron below."

Thrawn nodded his consent, and Millard made his way to the flight deck below.

When he reached the Flight Deck, Taylor gathered his men. All were excellent pilots, in their prime...and friends as well. These were people Millard trusted out in space. People who believed in the Empire.

"All right people, here's what's up!" The General spoke sharply.

"We're going to go out and rout Zakan. Hawkins and Stark will be my wingmen. You'll be flying TIE Advanced; call-signs Alpha 2 and 3. Blair will lead Beta Group, TIE Advanced as well, with Hutch, Parkins, and Jyyt as wingmen.

"Delta group is a wing of Assault Gunboats led by Kerr with Bruce, Tyrell, and Lannister as wingmen. Concentrate on disabling escaping shuttles and transports. If you bag an ISD, the drinks are on me."

A roar of laughter mixed withe cheers resounded at this statement...Millard liked to humor the men.When the Empire defeats the Rebels at Endor, there will be plenty to celebrate.

"Gamma group is a wing of TIE Bombers...you have perhaps the most dangerous mission. When the outer fighter perimeter has been broken...you will lead the assault on Zakan's ISD. YOu'll be armed with Space Bombs so be careful. Richards will lead with Riekan, Killroth, Martin, Swift, and Tarathon as wingmen. Drop your bombs and get out of there.

"My Alpha wing will help with the destruction of the outer perimeter of fighters, then will cover the Bombers as they make their runs on the ISD.

"Remember these figthers we're up against have been modified. Zakan used to be head of the Imperial Navy's Technology division and we've all ready seen TIE Fighters and Interceptors with shields...I wouldn't be suprised if we saw more of the same. Any questions? Good...let's go people!"

The pilots gave a cheer and moved for their fighters. As Millard slipped into his flight suit, he noticed the cloaked figure approach him.

"I come in the name of the Emperor," the cloaked stranger said.

"And I obey his command," Millard replied in a hushed tone.

"Be wary of those who aren't what they seem. Zakan has spies...even here. That is all," the man disappeared into the mass of crew members.

Unsure of what the man went-some Secret Order of the Emperor hunch-Millard went to his TIE Advanced. Sliding into the cockpit, Taylor fingered the switch for launch, but something caused him to stop. Taking a deep breath, he thought about what the cloaked man had told him.

Be wary of those who aren't what they seem...I trust everyone in my squadron. Everyone with my life. If there was one I didn't think have honor, it'd be Lannister but he's good in the cockpit, and I'd at least give him the benefit of the doubt. He's been in the Empire for as long as I, and while his career isn't as grandeur as mine...he's served the Empire well.

"Alpha One, are you ready to launch?" the Flight Control Officer's voice shook him from his disconcerting thoughts.

"Yes sir. Prepare for launch. In 3....2....and 1. Launch!"

Space met him as the Star Destroyer launched his fighter. Taylor took a swinch around the Superior awaiting the arrival of Zakan's forces. The Battle was about to begin...

Nichos Marr
Sep 25th, 2001, 06:21:54 PM

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Sep 25th, 2001, 07:46:26 PM
Grand Admiral Thrawn was slightly irritated when Admiral Zakan's fleet dropped out of Hyperspace, disturbing the peaceful stars that the Grand Admiral enjoyed staring at. Staring at stars was not of his concern at the moment, the battle was going to begin. The blue skinned humanoid watched as the TIE squadrons along with other Imperial starfighters moved forward to intercept the traitor's fleet. Admiral Zakan's forces did not begin to immediately fire on the advancing starfighters.

The fool is probably too busy trying to maintain his calm and issue sensible orders. The thought brought a closed-mouth smile to his face. Two squadrons of TIE Interceptors flew out of the Masterful's main hold. Thrawn's forces were smart enough to stay out of any of the Imperial Star Destroyers' firing range.

"Order the captains of the Admonitor, Davidoff and Death's Head to advance on the other ships at a slow pace." Thrawn ordered one of his subordinates. The flight officer nodded with a "Yessir" and ran off to fulfill Thrawn's wishes. The Chiss Admiral clasped both hands together and viewed the battle from his comfortable command chair.

Thrawn's starfighters had begun their battle with Zakan's starfighters. The Grand Admiral watched as both forces meshed together in a green and red haze of destruction. He knew very well that Taylor was not among them, but among the second wave, approaching at a fast pace.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the two Nebulon B Frigates, accompanied by a squadron of TIE Advanced move into sight. They were headed for the Carrack Cruisers that seemed relatively undefended.

As Thrawn had earlier predicted, the sudden advancement of the three Imperial Star Destroyers in his fleet had caught the attention of the four Victory Star Destroyers belonging to Zakan. The ships advanced, obviously trying to avoid the starfighter battle.

"Inform Captain Mellak to carry out his given orders." Thrawn said to the Flight Officer standing behind his chair, awaiting his next set of orders.


Captain Mellak stood in front of the wide bridge viewport, staring out at the magnificent battle that was taking place. He let out a wheezing sound as he inhaled the artificial air his ship produced. The Captain smacked a subordinate behind him with a joyful chuckle.

"Can you smell that Flight Officer Seger?" Mellak asked. "It is the smell of war!"

"Yes sir..." Seger asked, unaware of how he should respond to the obvious rhetorical question.

From the lower level of the bridge, a loud reply came, "Captain, Grand Admiral Thrawn has ordered both Interdictor cruisers to carry out our assigned mission."

Mellak wasted no time in issuing orders. He was a clever man in his late forties, and he was very enigmatic. Captain Mellak had the unique ability to get a charge out of his subordinates and make them proud to be Imperials. As he gave a short speeched, he issued everyone to their starfighters, gunnery stations and consoles. His crew was more then happy to follow his orders. They, like him, long since yearned for a good battle, and Zakan's treacherous forces would provide one.

The Interdictor Cruisers set their sights on the two Corellian Corvettes that were off to the side, trying hard to avoid crossfire. Soon Mellak's Interdictor would be in firing range, but first they would have to navigate a path that would attract no Imperial Star Destroyer attention. Mellak had faith in his men and in the Empire. Whoever questioned the Empire, questioned him and he did not like that one bit.


"Status Report?" Thrawn asked.

"Sir we have lost only two TIE Interceptors so far, and all of the capital class ships are in perfect condition." The tactician officer replied.


"Admiral, I am pleased to report everyone is either attacking or en-route to their target." The officer added.

Thrawn nodded and spun his chair around to face the vast sea of stars before him. In the middle of his viewports, he watched as a TIE fighter's solar panels exploded. The "eyeball", as it was commonly referred to, exploded a few seconds later. Thrawn knew that the TIE fighter was not part of his fleet. His men were trained, and some were battle veterans. Zakan's forces knew they were probably not going to survive. Thrawn imagined it didn't do any good for their overall morale.

"The Emperor will be most pleased when Zakan is finally crushed." Thrawn whispered to himself.

Taylor Millard
Sep 25th, 2001, 11:36:04 PM
"Alpha 2, break left 27 degrees...TIE Fighters coming in!" It felt odd for Millard to say that. Zakan's fighters swarmed his small squadron, green laser fire shooting towards his fighter.

"Take the two on the left Alpha 3! I'll take the leader...Alpha 2, stay with the bombers!"

"I copy Alpha Leader! They have shields on their ships, sir!" Stark said as he cut left, below Alpha 2.

The 3 TIE Advanced worked well as a team; cutting down Zakan's TIE Fighters and Interseptors with a vengeance. The battle began in earnest...Star Destroyers firing at bombers, and vice versa.

Taylor smiled as he cut down another TIE Fighter. Zakan's pulling out all the stops he thought, as two more shot by him. debris began filling the space around him, causing the general to fly with more caution.

"General, TIE Bombers! They're not ours!" Hawkins' voice came over the radio. Taylor checked his scopes. Twelve TIE Bombers had begun a course for the Admonitor, their engines blazing.

"Zakan must've made more modifications on them! Alpha 2, Alpha 3...prepare an intersept course! Beta Leader, we have TIE Bombers coming in at .35 degrees. Break off your escort and let's get 'em!"

"My, my Alpha Leader" Lannister's voice came over the radio, "Not as confident as before?"

"Shut your mouth De'ta Three!" Delta Leader said, "Focus on the task at hand!"

Taylor swooped in on the TIE Bombers and fired...

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Sep 28th, 2001, 08:03:37 PM
Grand Admiral Thrawn watched as the Admonitor's Aft turbolasers began to spit out green laserfire at the oncoming TIE bombers. He watched as they suddenly stopped firing on the starfighters and turned their attention elsewhere. Thrawn watched in great pleasure as a group of three TIE advanced swooped in to finish them off. The blue skinned alien instantly knew that General Millard was among them.

The Grand Admiral watched as the battle carried on, like a beautiful orchestra or a stunning painter at work. Zakan's men were sloppy and probably fearful, and it impacted hard on their ability to fight back. Already the rogue Imperial had suffered numerous starfighter loss.

Soon he will have nothing left to lose, aside from his life. Thrawn grinned at the thought, as he brought his arm up to intake another sip of wine. Thrawn was playing out orders and tactics in his head. He searched for relevance, along with cleverness. Thrawn allowed himself to think like a human, and often found it helped contemplate their attacks.

"Order the Impurvious to follow us." Thrawn commanded.

"Sir...where are we going?" Captain Nylkor asked, confused at the Admiral's order.

"We are going to engage in combat with the Dracule." Thrawn motioned to the viewport with his free hand. Away from the battle and off to the side, it seemed the Imperial Star Destroyer was trying to pass the Interdiction field. "We have done nothing for too long, now we shall join the battle as well. Full speed ahead, Captain."

Without another word spoken to Thrawn, the Captain saluted and began to issue orders to both the Superior and the Impurvious.


Zenara Chiel found himself wondering if he would make it out of this ordeal alive. The Imperial TIE pilot was part of a TIE Interceptor squadron. that had been ordered to destroy all of the fighters defending the Nording. So far he had managed to destroy two TIE fighters and one TIE advanced. Although these kills hadn't made him feel any better, or more superior. Zenara valued his life, and vowed to fly and fight to the best of his abilities.

Given no more time to think, the pilot jerked his yoke right to avoid a salvo of green laserfire coming from another TIE fighter. He executed a maneuver that turned his ship around 180 degrees and put him straight in front of the TIE fighter.

You may think you're hot, but my ship has faster response. Zenara thought, allowing his finger to pull the trigger. Two bolts soared through open space and pierced the window of the cockpit. The Interceptor pilot steered his ship upward to avoid contact with the explosion.

"Int-Green 5, two TIE advanced, right behind you!" His heart stopped for a few seconds as Zenara eyed his scanners. Two TIE advanced were heading straight for him.

Instinctively he grabbed the yoke back and began to execute a series of upward spirals in hopes of losing the two starfighters' pursuit.

And they still followed.

Zenara hadn't even realized how close he had brought his ship to the Leatherneck. He didn't have time to change his direction path. Whilst trying to dodge turbolaser fire from the massive ship, an advanced pegged him from behind. Zenara watched in horror as the grey hull of the Star Destroyer filled his viewscreen. He tried to veer his ship upward, but his systems were badly damaged. The TIE pilot knew he could do one last service to his Empire.

He managed to slightly position his ship to strike a turbolaser battery. Zenara Chiel's last thoughts were "NO WAIT!". And then fire engulfed the viewscreen...


Captain Mellak slapped Flight Officer Seger on the back with a joyous expression on his face. He spoke in a loud voice, "Nice way to stick it to 'em, eh?"

The Corellian Corvettes were proving to be no match for the Interdictors whatsoever. A squadron of TIE Interceptors had aided the Interdictor cruisers by engaging in combat with the Corvettes. Salvo after salvo struck the shields of each corvette, weakening them to the point of no return.

Captain Mellak was happy and enigmatic. The battle had filled his blood with a sense of rush and adrenaline he rarely got. The Captain wished he could speak to his enemy through a viewscreen. Boy would he ever laugh at them, and taunt their minimal forces.

Mellak stood proudly on the higher level of the bridge and nodded to everyone present. He would never be more proud to be an Imperial then at that moment.

Taylor Millard
Sep 30th, 2001, 05:44:48 AM
The Imperial Gunboats sped towards the ISD Masterful, the distance between them getting smaller with each second. Harm Lannister sat at the controls of Delta Three. He was a young pilot, more focussed on his own glory, than that of the Empire. He was loyal...but as long as his paycheck came in on time.

Don't understand what those Huttlings, Thrawn and Millard are talking about when they mean honor, Lannister thought, taking out a TIE Fighter which got too close for comfort, Feh...the honor's in the credits.

A week before Thrawn's planned attack on Zakan's forces, Lannister had sat in the Chado's Pub on Garos IV, meeting with the rogue Admiral Pytra Zakan. Lannister munched on the local cuisine as Zakan talked,

"I normally hate meeting this far away from my forces. Why did you want to meet?" Zakan's black eyes moved around the room, suspecting treachery.

Lannister swallowed, then took a swig of ale, "Oh believe me, there's no treachery here. I, along with a few officers on various different ships, wish to join you."

"And why would you?" Zakan asked. His intelligence told him Lannister was one of the more loyal officers in the Empire's forces. If he wanted to defect...who else did?

"Simple 'Admiral'," Lannister said, burping, "The Empire's on it's way out. This second Death Star Project of their has got to be bankrupting them. Why else would they be trying to lure the Rebels into a trap. They're losing money...with all the technology you've got...I figure, it's a good time for me to join."

Zakan still expected a squad of stormtroopers to show up and arrest him, but Lannister could tell he'd gotten his attention, "What do you have in mind?" the rogue admiral asked.

The memories faded from Lannister as he focussed on the ISD before him. Time to make my move.

* * *

On the Star Destroyer Superior Lieutenant Tomar checked his station. The Superior had begun its move towards the Dracule, green spouts of turbolaser beginning to fill the viewscreen before him. He stared up at the blue-skinned admiral on the command chair.

"Orders, sir?"

Captain Nyllkor answered, "Prepare to fire upon the Dracule, Lieutenant. Once we are in range, begin launching concussion missiles as well."

"U-understood sir," Tomar turned back to his station. He didn't understand Thrawn's logic in this attack. The fighters were handling themselves quite well, so far. Thrawn's almost taken the field, what else does he have planned? he racked his brain trying to understand what else could happen.

Then it did. A small explosion went off by the doors, killing the two stormtroopers on guard. Another sent the Noghri, Rukh, to the station behind Tomar. Lights flashed, and there stood Nyllkor, blaster in hand. It was pointed at Grand Admiral Thrawn.

"Anyone moves, and I'll kill the Grand Admiral!" he spoke harshly, but nervousness edged on his words.

"Prepare to engage the Impurvious. I am in command now. Admiral Zakan will be pleased to hear of this."

A smile crossed his lips...

Tomar slipped his blaster out of its holster, keeping it close to his body as he prepared to fire on Nykllor.

* * *
"Alpha Leader, this is Alpha Two" Hawkins voice came over Millard's speakers.

"Go ahead Alpha Two!" Taylor swung his ship low, avoiding a TIE Interceptor as it tried to fire upon him. The TIE Advanced flew upwards, twisting Millard's body, then righting itself. Six turbolaser blasts and the Interceptor was space dust.

"We've lost contact with the Superior, sir!"

Millard checked the ship to ship transmissions, "They're not jamming us. And I know they haven't taken any hits. Something's up! Keep on the task at hand, Alpha Squadron. We have a fleet to destroy."

The TIE Bombers were in position to launch their space bombs. As the first wing began releasing, bursts from an ion cannon hit the leader, destroying the control systems, sending the bomber spinning. The Solar Panel wing clipped a space bomb, shattering the bomber as it exploded.

"Delta Three what the frell are you doing!" Delta Leader screamed, as he watched the Bomber explode.

"Furthering my career," was the cold reply from Lannister, "And you're not a part of it."

The Gunboat swung upwards, its targeting systems on the fighter flown by Delta Leader. Lannister switched to proton torpedoes, waiting for a target acquisition. Lannister smiled under his helmet as Delta Leader disintigrated before his eyes.

Time to make my move indeed. He swung his fighter back towards the Superior.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 3rd, 2001, 04:59:54 PM
"Captain Nyllkor," Grand Admiral Thrawn began, "you do realize that even if you succeed in killing me, it will only be a matter of moments before you are shot and killed, yourself."

The Captain seemed to swallow that fact, and from the looks of it, it gave him indigestion. All the guards and half of the officers on deck had their blasters or rifles pointed at Nyllkor. Still, the Captain insisted on keeping his blaster pointed at Thrawn. This situation seemed to do nothing to the blue skinned alien's composure. His brooding calm seemed strange to Nyllkor, and made the man tremble even more.

Thrawn brought his hand up to clear his throat. This made the Captain twitch, but he knew for a fact that the Grand Admiral was unarmed. As he cleared his throat, Thrawn began to speak again. His voice showed no hints of distress or worry, "Captain, have you ever seen a black hole up close? An anamoly among the stars that slowly sucks the gases and the very matter itself from the Universe. Once a black hole catches you in its magnetic field, you cannot escape it's wrath."

At that moment, the lights on the bridge went out, much to everyone's surprise. Nyllkor pushed the trigger and prepared to fire a bolt where Thrawn had been standing. He felt a sharp object, a dagger enter the upper part of his arm, and rip through the muscle. Instinctively, his arm flew upward and changed the trajectory of his shot. The Grand Admiral on the other hand, had ducked to the side and taken cover behind a computer console. The lights blinked back on, causing Thrawn and the others to slowly stand up.

Where Nyllkor had been standing, a bloody and scarred body remained. The Captain had multiple neck, face and arm wounds. The stormtroopers and some of the officers were dumbfounded with the chain of events that had just transpired. Only Thrawn and a few others knew that Rukh had done this to the unfortunate Captain. Rukh had also been the one with access to the bridge light remote.

In fact, Thrawn knew that Nyllkor and a few others were in league with Zakan from day one. He also knew the Captain had a susceptability to get jittery in tight situations. The Grand Admiral could have had him executed before the battle, but he thought it would be best to make an example of him in front of his crew. Traitors had no honor, and they disgusted Grand Admiral Thrawn.

He motioned to the two Stormtrooper guards whispering to eachother. "Clean that up," He commented, pointing to the corpse. The Noghri had once again retired to the shadows of the bridge, wanting to remain unnoticed. As Grand Admiral Thrawn swept past Tomar he stopped and stared at the Lieutenant. He looked a bit shaken by the treachery, but his eyes sparkled with admiration and respect for Thrawn.

"Order your men to fire on the Dracule, Captain Tomar." Thrawn allowed himself a smile. He had given an order and a promotion in the same sentence.

"Yes sir!" Tomar shakily saluted his superior.

As Thrawn began the small walk back to his Command chair, he gave Tomar one last order, "Oh and I expect a full status report in three minutes." Thrawn commented.

"As ordered." Tomar replied.

It took everyone a few moments to digest the sudden events, but Palpatine forbid if any other officer aboard the ship had the guts and the stupidity to try it again.

Thrawn sat in his comfortable command chair, wondering how General Millard was faring. Now that was an officer Thrawn could depend on. He is reliable and knows much about honor and loyalty, Thrawn mused, Although I doubt we have seen the last of treasonous officers today.

Taylor Millard
Oct 3rd, 2001, 06:43:57 PM
"Cut left and take the leader!!" Taylor ordered, ducking his TIE Advanced around the laser blasts of the fighters around him. His Alpha Squadron was having difficulty ridding the fighter cover arond the forces of Zakan. Modified TIE Fighters and Interceptors swarmed his fighters.

The General swung his fighter along side the Masterful dodging turbolasers coming from the batteries. He cut drive power, then spun his fighter around, to face his pursuers. Punching full throttle, Taylor shot by the ships, lasers blastering. The two incoming fighters exploded, one spinning to his death along the Masterful's titanium hull.

"Gamma Leader you have a spot open for firing!" Millard shouted, "Take you shot now!"

"I copy, Alpha Leader."

The wing of TIE Bombers released their space bombs. Unlike torpedos and rockets; space bombs have no drive power. The speed of the attacking fighters depends of the strength of the attack. With only 5 fighters left, Gamma Wing's attack was only semi-successful.

* * *

Aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Masterful the Rogue Admiral Pytra Zakan sat on the bridge, watching the battle play out. The bridge shook as the space bombs impacted on the surface.

"Report!" the grey haired man shouted.

"Shields are holding, sir!" The Deck Officer shouted, "Forward batteries are stable. We've lost 25 fighters to their 5 sir!"

At this rate, we won't last much longer, Zakan thought, his green eyes narrowing to slits, I thought Lannister was supposed to bring forces to help.

"Captain Korell. Prepare to advance our forces. We will press the attack on them."

"But sir! We would be ripped to pieces! If Thrawn is as good as the rumors say!" Captain Korell protested.

Zakan rage grew, "You dare defy me! Do as I say! NOW!"

Korell muttered, "Aye sir."

"And order all TIE Defenders to launch as well. Arm half of them with Heavy Rockets. The rest with Advanced Concussion Missiles. We will destroy them..."

Now we're getting somewhere. Korell thought.

* * *

Millard kept his fighter steady, and his thoughts clear as he targetted enemy fighters. He accelerated his drive, switching from lasers to advanced concussion missiles. The TIE Advanced before him shattered in a ball of flame as Taylor destroyed it.

"Delta Squadron form up. The frigates have taken major damage on Zakan's side. They have begun launching escape craft. Target all craft with essential personall and disable their craft. Transports will be sent to capture the craft. You may also want to disable the frigates so they do not turn their guns on the escaping ships. Good luck."

"I copy Alpha Leader," Delta Two stated.

Millard noticed the two remaining Imperial Gunboats change their heading towards the frigates. He observed the battle from his TIE Advanced. The Empire was winning, destroying Zakan's forces easily. But something didn't seem right. Taylor wasn't sure what-however he had a feeling.

The feeling was validated when an Imperial Star Destroyers came out of hyperspace behind Thrawn's forces.

Imperial Forces. This is the General Mellencamp. I am here to assist, Admiral Zakan. Grand Admiral Thrawn, retreat or be destroyed!"

Oh Frell! Millard thought.

On the Star Destroyer Masterful Zakan smiled wildly. The day had gotten much better. Much better.

Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2001, 03:10:08 AM
"Keep at it Alpha Two!" Millard kept his composure, "You're doing well."

Inwardly he cursed, I didn't expect Lannister's defection or this General Mellencamp. Unfortunate really. Both don't realize their error. Taylor blasted another TIE Fighter as it flew by him. He scowled, then blasted two more with concussion missiles. Suddenly, something seared his brain...like a warning signal of some sort. Millard juked his fighter left, as laser fire spattered of his deflectors. He looked behind him. There, sitting like a hawk, was a TIE Defender a ship he hadn't flown in almost half a year.

He cursed aloud this time, then sent his fighter in a gut churning spiral. TIE Defenders...where did Zakan pull those up? The TIE Defender was a six solar panelled craft, faster than the TIE Advanced. It contained all the benefits of the TIE Fighters before, though it was bulky in design. But the most dangerous part of it, in Millard's opinion at least, was firing at him right now. The Ion Cannons.

The blue of the system damaging weapons fire flashed by Millard, missing, but reducing the shield strength almost completely. He took all his power from weapons to deflectors, heading towards the larger Star Destroyer for shielding...even if it was the Leatherneck. Millard keyed for the ISD's registery...it was heavily damaged from fire with the Davidoff, it's defense almost gone-its shields destroyed. If I can keep the Defender firing at me with ion cannons...

The General's fighter shot over the Leatherneck the TIE Defender in hot pursuit. The Star Destroyer fired occasional shots at Millard, but were more concerned with their own safety. Millard swung around again, taking another pass at the damage ISD. The Defender fired on him with ion cannons again. Taylor juked his fighter out of the way, noticing how the blasts connected with the ISD, completely disabling it.

Excellent, we now have another ship. Taylor thought, Now to end this.

He switched back to lasers, increasing his speed. It wasnt' enough to out run the fighter, but enough to avoid it. As he reached top speed, Taylor suddenly killed his drive, directing his ship left. The pursuing fighter shot right past him, coming into firing range. Millard fired multiple blasts of lasers, killing the shields and damaging the hull. As the TIE Defender limped away, Taylor fired a Quad Blast of lasers, sending the pilot back to his maker.

I hope Thrawn's doing well. Millard keyed for another target.

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:37:30 PM
(Onboard the Star Destroyer Impervious, Captain Fena watched the battle unfold, hands clasped pensively behind his back.)

Fena: Still no contact?

(Fena glanced down at the crewer's pit. Several subordinates manning communications were scrambling to regain contact with their flag, the Superior, but to no avail. All command directives, battle feed, everything, had simply ceased. Lieutenant Palter glanced up at the Captain, beads of sweat on his forehead.)

Palter: Captain Fena, we cannot raise them, through any of the contact frequencies.

(Fena turned around, glancing down)

Fena: Comm system failure, perhaps?

Palter: Negative sir...their Holonet position is registering. They simply went silent.

(Fena pondered the implications for a moment, as spears of green turbolaser fire leapt outward towards the traitor ship Dracule. He was not aware of any planned comm blackout, but Grand Admiral Thrawn often showed...unorthodox procedures. Nevertheless...to suddenly cease all communications was a haphazard gesture, and inadvisable in any fleet operation.)

Fena: Ensign Jage

(A sand-haired man stepped forward from an aft console, saluting)

Jage: Sir?

Fena: Prepare a shuttle and an escort. I need an appraisal on the Superior's situation.

Jage: Understood.

(The Ensign quickly departed the bridge, and Fena gestured for his flight command officer, Lieutenant Tavas)

Fena: Tavas, divert Interceptors Alpha Two and Alpha Three from our supression screens. Form up to escort Ensign Jage's shuttle.

Tavas: Understood...diverting now.

(Fena glanced at the tactical display monitor, noting two blips on the IFF network moving away from the defensive picket surrounding Impervious. He glanced to his commander, Vendel, nodding.)

Fena: Commander...we have our orders, Superior or no Superior. Proceed with bombardment.

Vendel: Yes sir...resuming full bombardment.

(The Impervious's main guns returned to bombardment in full force...turbolaser blasts impacting across the Dracule's aft shielding.)

Fena: Helm, course correction to one four three mark two seven. Bombardment command, hold ventral bombardments for...thirty seconds.

(He glanced to Lieutenant Tavas)

Fena: Lieutenant, you have your window.

Tavas: Understood sir...Bomber squadron is under way.

(The lapse in fire from the Impervious's lower guns allowed for the twelve TIE Bombers to deploy. They maxed their engines to full, speeding towards the Dracule in a linear formation until they could maneuver out of their home ship's bombardment lanes. Once clear, the Impervious resumed full turbolaser engagements, and the bomber group formed into a staggered box, with elements from Interceptor squadron Alpha maneuvering for tight escort.)

Tavas: Bomber squadron engaging...delivering ordinance now

(The bombers released their payload of inertia-propelled space bombs. The munitions were dumb-guided, designed to breech the shielding in preparation for more focused turbolaser and warhead attacks from the Impervious. As the bombers peeled away, the space bombs impacted, their explosive shockwaves visible even from the Impervious's bridge. Fena smiled.)

Fena: Enemy shield status?

Vendel: The Dracule's deflectors are diverting...full aft to counter our bombardments.

(The captain smiled.)

Fena: Excellent. Make sure we keep their attention.

Taylor Millard
Oct 21st, 2001, 12:47:49 AM
"See who you can raise on the conn, Alpha Two!" Millard yelled, ducking his TIE Advanced below the wreckage of two TIE Fighters. So far, the battle was almost a complete success. With the Leatherneck out of commission, Zakan's forces were losing ground.

But with the appearance of General Mellencamp and his subsequent defection, plus the loss of contact with the Superior, there was still the opportunity for Thrawn's forces to be defeated. Millard prayed it wouldn't be so.

"General! Alpha Two reported, "I have contact with the Impervious. Captain Fena is command."

Captain Fena was a man Millard had met twice. A loyal Imperial Officer, he was someone who the Imperial General respected. He was one to be trusted.

"Alpha Two this is Alpha Leader," Millard said, "I've got TIE Defenders headed towards the Impervious. Intercept them!"

Taylor noticed several shuttles escaping away from the adrift Leatherneck. As the shuttles kicked their overdrive into gear, two Imperial Gunboats slipped behind them. Blue Ion blasts came from the attacking fighters, shutting systems down and allowing no escape.

"Excellent work Delta Two! See if you can find Lannister. I want his head on a pike!"

"You may yet have it, General!" a mocking voice came from the radio.

"Lannister," spite filled Millard's voice, "Why now? You have a duty to the-"

"I have a duty to no one, Millard!" Lannister roared back. "Only myself! And I choose to join someone who can actually lead the Empire!"

"Captain Fena!" Millard roared searching for the source of the communication, "See if you can get a lock on Lannister's posistion!"

"Oh don't worry General, Lannister said slyly, "You'll see me soon enough. Good-bye."

"Lannister! Lannister where the hell are you?" Millard cursed again, then sighed. Turning his fighter back towards the battle, he scowled under his helmet.

"Captain Fena," he spoke forcefully, "This is General Taylor Millard. You have TIE Defenders headed in your direction. I am on an intercept course. Continue to destroy the Dracule. If you see officers escaping, disable them.

"Any idea what's happened to the Superior? Do you copy Impervious?"

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 21st, 2001, 07:20:43 AM
Tavas: Sir, that Defender flight came in from behind our line of advance. I don't understand how they slipped by us.

(Fena peered at the IFF monitor, a look of thoughtfulness to him)

Fena: They didn't. They were always behind the line.

Tavas: Sir?

(Fena turned around, addressing his crew)

Fena: It appears...that there are traitors in our midst. We must stay sharp and vigilant.

(Fena gestured to an olive-skinned officer in the crewer's pit)

Fena: Bombardment control, keep your targeting sensors active on 360 degrees.

Yersen: Captain, our frontal attack on the Dracule will not be as efficient.

Fena: Perhaps, but I'll not be suprised from a blindside. The Dracule is dead already. Its crew hasn't come to grips with the truth.

(An ensign approached Fena from aft section)

Rashke: Captain, message for you from a TIE element in transit.

(Fena turned around, curious. Was there such a thing as procedure anymore?)

Fena: For me? Tavas is the flight commander. Don't they teach chain of command in the Academy anymore?

(The ensign bit on his lower lip)

Rashke: Its not from Impervious, sir. The transmission is broken and intermittent, but I believe its General Millard.

(Fena nodded)

Fena: Indeed, transfer the channel to my console.

(The Captain turned to the wall, activating a comm panel)

C********ena...see if ******n get a lock on L*****ter's position.

Any ideas what ha************Superior? Do you copy, Impervious?

Fena: General Millard, if I were to postulate...it would seem there are insurgents among us. We've lost a flight of inbound Defenders on the IFF scope, and they appear to have redirected at us. As for Superior...

(Fena glanced at the looming shape in his starboard viewport. It was silent, unmoving. Thrawn was not a human, but surely his loyalties were unquestionable. His career was utterly impeccable to date.)

Fena: Let us hope the Grand Admiral is not a party to this, or we are all lost.

(Fena glanced at the battle monitor...noticing several targets slipping out of bombardment range...shuttles at that.)

Fena: Tavas, launch our blastboats, and pursue the shuttles in sector TB42.

(A blossom of fire lit up as the starboard deflector dome of the Dracule split apart after one of its crippled interceptors plowed through it.[/i])

Fena: Ah...the battle is ours. Close in and prepare for close quarter assault. Tavas, divert Beta flight to General Millard's command. It seems there are insurgents to deal with.

Tavas: Understood, sir.

(As Impervious closed in to deliver concentrated attacks on the Dracule, the twelve Beta squadron interceptors peeled away from their covering lanes, regrouping at another engagement point.)

Vendel: Captain...Dracule is opening up!

(Fena glanced back, as a salvo barrage of warheads launched from the enemy Star Destroyer. At this range....)

Fena: Defensive screen, quickly!

(The Impervious launched four chaff torpedoes into the attack's path, which exploded in a cloud of ionized metal fiber and gamma radiation. The effect caused Dracule's warheads to lose system locks, and fly dumb. Some missed wide, but most still impacted on the forward shielding.)

Fena: Shield status?

(Vendel glanced at a crewer's screen)

Vendel: 81 percent. They caught us with our pants down, it seems.

(The Captain glanced at the rogue ship, which was now getting a severe beating from Impervious' quad turbolaser banks in reprisal. Unfortunately for Dracule, a Star Destroyer is markedly vulnerable on its aft quarter. The warheads and some sporadic turbolaser fire was all the fleeing ship could muster to respond.)

Fena: Tavas, status of bomber flight?

Tavas: Switching to heavy rocket payloads. Gamma and Delta interceptor flights are running tight interference. The enemy won't notice them wide on the flank.

Fena: Good. With that starboard generator destroyed, and our bombardments focused aft, they're likely to leave their bow unshielded. Just keep your flights away from that engine wash.

Tavas: The Academy doesn't graduate stupid pilots, sir.

(Fena smiled)

Fena: Tell that to the insurgents.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 21st, 2001, 08:17:24 AM
Fifteen minutes had already passed since the Grand Admiral had ordered a security lockdown. No comm messages could be sent out or received for the time being. Such was necessary to prevent the insurgents and traitors from causing more damage. One of them could easily pick up an attack order and relay it to the enemy forces. Now it seemed as if Thrawn's ship had lost all life as it drifted helplessly in space. Thrawn quietly sipped his glass of wine, finishing the last remnants of liquid that remained. Soon, the enemy would bite bait, and that would prove to be fatal, for them.

"Captain Tomar, status report?" Thrawn asked, setting the glass of wine down on his command chair arm.

The newly promoted Captain turned to greet him, "We've lost a minimal amount of fighters. The enemy, on the other hand, have suffered greatly in that area."

It seems General Millard is doing well, just as I suspected he would. Thrawn allowed a small smile at the edge of his lips.

"How are our forces faring against the starships?" Thrawn continued.

"The Impervious has engaged in combat with the Dracule. The Dracule has suffered sufficient damage, Captain Fena seems to be doing well." Tomar paused, to glance back at the computer screen. "Captain Mellak has destroyed Decoy 1, and Quickness is fully disabled. His Interdictor cruisers have suffered minimal damage."

"Sir!" A deck officer shouted from the lower bridge. "The Nording is approaching at top speed! It's being escorted by two TIE Fighter squadrons."

"Excellent." Thrawn shouted, turning back to Tomar. "As soon as they are within firing range, I want all systems back online. At the same time, prepare to launch three TIE Advanced squadrons."

"Yes sir." Tomar replied, relaying the orders as quick as his fingers and voice permitted.


Four minutes later, the Nording was within firing range. From the outside, and according to all the scanners the Superior was stagnant, dead. This was enough to catch the Nording off guard for 20 seconds, while the Captain decided what he would do. Suddenly, the systems clicked back in, and with it all hell broke loose. Every turbolaser battery and gunnery station was pointed forward at the enemy Star Destroyer.

As soon as Thrawn ordered them to open fire, the 36 TIE advanced starfighters exited the main hangar bay, and shifted off to the side to loop around and engage in combat with the enemy fighters, who were also caught off guard by the sudden attack.

It was brilliant to watch a salvo of turbolaser beams, and proton torpedoes strike the Nording's holding shields. The enemy Star Destroyer was beginning to turn, to take full advantage of their starboard gunnery power. The enemy Imperial Star Destroyer had been modified with more turbolaser batteries starboard, rather forward. Thrawn knew that even if they succeeded in firing back at the Superior they would not achieve in returning too much damage. The gunners were unrelenting in their attack against the Nording.

The Superior lives up to it's name, Thrawn thought, with a full fledged smile. He unfolded his arms and turned away from the forward viewports. The enemy fighters had engaged in combat with his own. This battle would soon be over.

"Sir, reports indicate another Star Destroyer has exited Hyperspace and it seems to be aiding the Masterful." Tomar reported, watching the scanners.

"As was expected," Thrawn began, "Zakan would like to think he has the upper hand when it comes to surprising his enemy. For the time being, we will feed his delusions. Soon, he will perish along with all of these traitors." Thrawn waved his hand across the viewport.

"What is the Nording's shield status?" Thrawn asked, changing the subject.

"The forward deflector shields are down by 71%, and their Aft deflector shields have only begun to absorb our damage." Tomar reported.

"Excellent, after we knock out their shields, we will disable them with Ion cannons." Thrawn commanded.

"Yes sir." Tomar replied, saluting. The Captain was proud to be an Imperial that day.

Taylor Millard
Oct 22nd, 2001, 01:51:35 AM
Millard watched, a brilliant smile beneath his black helmet, as the Superior lit up with turbolaser fire at the Nording.

YES! he thought, Thrawn's done it again. Excellent work Admiral.

Taylor focussed again on the battle before him. Delta Wing had done an admirable job in disabling the shuttles escaping the Leatherneck. Gamma Wing had reloaded their payload, beginning a run on the VSD Indignant. Beta Wing continued to escort the TIE Bombers.

"Stark, Hawkings form up," he ordered, "We're going to go in fast in the Oppressive." He checked his scopes, "I've got a TIE Bomber group call-sign 'Zeta' coming in. Thrawn must have launched more fighters.

"Zeta Leader. Identify yourself."

"I copy Alpha Leader," a deep voice answered, "Captain Tiar here. We've been instructed to take orders from you, sir. We've got a payload of Space Bombs. Any targets we should head after first?"

"Take your pick, Captain," Millard said, with a bit of sarcasm, "Come to Mark 34, we'll cover you. Prepare a run on the Oppressive. We'll take out any fighters that get in your way."

"I copy Alpha Leader. Move into position."

"Alpha Leader, this is Beta Leader from the ISD Impervious," an accented voice came over his radio, "This is Commander Churchill. We have been instructed to join your Alpha Wing."

"Welcome, Commander," Millard stated, seeing the four TIE Advanced form up behind the other two TIE Advanced, "You've now Alphas 4-6. Prepare an escort for Zeta Wing."

"Superior this is Alpha Leader," Taylor continued, "Good to see you're back in the battle. We will crush Zakan!

"All right everyone. Let's go!"

The ISD Masterful Hangar Bay

Harm Lannister exitted his Imperial Gunboat, heading for the nearest Deck Officer.

"Tell Admiral Zakan, General Lannister awaits his command."

"Aye, aye sir." The Deck Officer said, turning to the conn.

"What do you want, Lannister?" Zakan sounded annoyed.

Lannister smiled a shark-like smile, "A wing of TIE Defenders, sir."

The Admiral sounded perturbed, "I have only one wing left. But if you need it, very well. Take it."

"You won't regret it Admiral. Thrawn will be ours. As will his lap dog Millard."

Lannister shut down the comm, heading back towards the Flight Deck. It was a massive grey structure, damaged by the attack by Thrawn. Steam hissed from one part of the bay. As Lannister ran towards the TIE Defender, a damaged TIE Fighter exploded in the bay, killing several technicians and pilots.

Damn, these guys are having problems Lannister almost reconsidered his decision to join Zakan. But the thought of command made him stay. He hated men like Millard and Thrawn, who believed in honor over personal glory. He'd never been able to understand it, but to each his own he mused.

As he jumped into the TIE Defender, he smiled.

"Put Advanced Concussion Missiles in. I have a little present for our General Millard.

"Red Squadron this is Red Leader. Prepare for launch," he keyed the control for launch.

"Our main target is Alpha Squadron from the ISD Superior. Leave the leader to me. Launch...NOW!"

Space met him, and Lannister prepared to attack with more fury than he'd ever felt.