View Full Version : Jedi on the loose (open challenge)
Sep 20th, 2001, 06:56:54 PM
Alpha stands on a precipice overlooking a small town. He had sent a message over the Sith frequencies, telling one of them to meet him here. With any luck they might actually show up...
MIGHT show up. That's the tricky part, Alpha thinks as he takes out a glowing blue sword, one he called Tempest, and waits for a Sith...
Tempist Opps
Sep 23rd, 2001, 01:33:15 AM
"Named a weapon after me now, have you?"
A large figure appears out of the shadows, a strange looking one at that. He was not human, nor was he whatever beast he looked like... he was Tempist Opps, a shapeshifter. He had blue scally skin, and the only thing darker than his eyes was his soul. He was huge, roughly 6'11 at the moment, with a long, muscular tail.... his greatest weapon.
"Strangely fitting, except for one minor detail....."
He trailed off before leaping onto the feild, bearing his claws for battle.
"Its not nearly as dangerous as me."
Sep 24th, 2001, 02:13:18 AM
Sep 24th, 2001, 02:17:17 AM
{OOC:Sorry bout the last post, my bro messed with it while I was gone and sent the message}
Alpha blocks the claws on the blade of his sword, sparks flying out, and, as he blocks, draws a second sword from his hip sheath. One called Defender. The Young Jedi Knight quickly slashes with it, but Tempist, too quick, jumps backwards. Alpha smiles. This was gonna be a small challenge, he thinks as he brings the ornately wrought hilt of Defender closer, the glittering gems in the hilt glittering in the sun as he points the blade towards Tempist.
"Let's do this!"
Tempist Opps
Sep 24th, 2001, 03:45:07 AM
A grin spreads accross tempist's face. A jedi who could fight.... truly a rarity. This would indeed be an intresting match....
Tempist drew his massive broadsword, crafted by his father hundreds of years ago.
"You may take the first move"
ooc: np, it happens
Sep 24th, 2001, 10:32:20 AM
Alpha smiles evilly (See above pic) and nods. He jumps towards the Sith, slicing down with Tempest, and keeping Defender in a defensive position, ready to block the counterattacks he knows are coming. Sure enough, As soon as Tempist's broadsword blocks the attack, the Sith sends a few slashes and stabs the Jedi's way. Alpha blocks with Defender, the brilliant sword glittering and singing with each strike parried. As both combatents break apart, Alpha sweeps Tempist's legs out from under him, knocking the Sith to the ground.
:D "I love a good fight!" He says to himself as he gets back a few steps.
Tempist Opps
Sep 24th, 2001, 12:09:41 PM
Tempist hit the ground and rolled a foot or so, over his head and body, landing back on his feet. He ran at the jedi, quickly and quietly. He shifted his feet so he could get a better stanse, then started to make a few boring slashes, nothing special at the moment. Most of which were blocked by Alpha's swords, but the occasional nick got through, doing very little. Out of seemingly nowhere, his attacks get much quicker, and stronger. Alpha feels pressure behind his left knee suddenly, but not force pressure, it was too sudden. Tempist's tail knocked his knee inwards, and the knight decended slightly. His fall was met by a fist beneath the chin, and a glance at tempist.
This knight was better than tempist had thought, or atleast better than other jedi he had faughten. This one did not use deception and trickery, just physical hand to hand combat.... displaying honor and courage..... somthing he had not seen in any jedi before this match. Tempist almost didnt want to have to try to kill this one, but it was his duity, and he would not fail.
Tempist steped back and waited for Alpha to regain ballance.
Sep 24th, 2001, 08:03:22 PM
Alpha gets up, growling as he does so, and recalls his weapons, getting into a fighting stance. Without warning, and seemingly too suddenly, the tip of Tempest was in Tempist's arm, scoring a hit. Alpha had stabbed so suddenly it would've been hard to block even if the enemy had known about it. Alpha pulls his blade back, and smiles, blocking slashes stabs and slices with both of his blades. This Sith might actually pose a tough fight...
Tempist Opps
Sep 25th, 2001, 04:05:43 AM
Tempist felt the tip of the sword that shared his name go into his arm. Very quick attack.... tempist sent a quick barage of slashes and stabs at the knight. All were blocked. He used the pain in his arm to fuel the force, and enhanced his speed... his muscles augmented with the force were indeed incredably quick. He made two stabs, both were blocked, but only barely. Tempist spun on his heel, and held the tip of his sword out. Alpha tried to block it, but the very end of his blade grabed his skin, and left a large slash on alpha's arm. Although he was pleased with the attack, he wouldnt let his guard down. Tempist droped to his knees and rolled to the side, avoiding a downward hack at him, an otherwise fatal attack. He got to his feet about 10 feet away from where alpha stood, and got into his usial stance.
"Very nice...."
Sep 25th, 2001, 06:15:48 AM
"Thank you. You're not too bad yourself."
Alpha uses the Force to stop the blood flowing from his cut as he says this, wondering what his next move should be. As he was thinking, Tempist attacks the Young Jedi Knight, his attacks blocked. Alpha catches Tempist's blade with the hilt of Dfender, and lands a strong punch with his Tempest's hilt to Tempist's jaw, knocking the Sith backwards, and knocking two teeth loose.
Tempist Opps
Sep 25th, 2001, 07:41:52 AM
::sigh:: "The young never know when you shouldnt hit...."
With that being said, Tempist ran at Alpha, and droped to the floor, spining on his hands. His feet connected with the knight's ankles, knocking his legs out from under him. Before he can recover, tempist landed a quick punch to Alpha's stomach. He allowed the knight to rise, and regain his footing. He liked a fair fight, even if he is a Sith.
Sep 25th, 2001, 05:09:52 PM
Alpha gains his footing back, and smirks.
"An honorable Sith? Is that an oxymoron?"
Tempist charges Alpha as he finishes those words. Just as Alpha had hoped. The Young Jedi Knight smiles, and ducks a roundhouse punch, coming in with left hooks, then follows up with a spin kick, knocking back the Sith. Alpha charges Tempist, and jumps. The Jedi Knight aims a double kick at Tempist's left arm...
Tempist Opps
Sep 25th, 2001, 10:33:55 PM
... and the first of the double connects. The second is stoped in midair by tempist's right hand, as he grabs his ankle during the attack. Using Alpha's own momentum, Tempist slams him into the ground, giving an aduable thud as his body hits the dirt. Normaly Tempist would have waited for him to get up, but he was no longer patient enough. He helped him up, and landed a quick jab to his stomach.
Sep 25th, 2001, 11:07:51 PM
Alpha gasps, and immediately, even before hi breath comes back, uppercuts Tempist, knokcing him off the ground and backwards. The Jedi waits for his breath to get back while the Sith picks himself up off the floor, and then attacks. He begins with a left axe kick which is promptly blocked, but Alpha quickly switches to a vertical punch, knocking th wind out of Tempist's body. Alpha smiles and then sweeps the Sith's legs outf rom under him...
Tempist Opps
Sep 26th, 2001, 01:34:27 PM
As tempist falls from this blow, he hooks his left foot around alpha's ankle, draging him down with him. Instead of just letting his opponent get in another attack, tempist fliped backwards, and took a deep breath. Now he might have the oxeygen to continue....
As alpha stood, he leaped at tempist, with his fists ready to strike. Tempist side steped this attack, and slamed both fists into alpha's back, speeding his decent.
Sep 26th, 2001, 06:50:18 PM
Alpha hits the ground in a shoulder roll, coming out of it on his feet, and back kicking Tempist. The kick, due to not aiming, flies past the Sith, but a second one, better aimed, hits the sith in the chest. Alpha flips over Tempist, landing behind him, and then lands a hook kick, followed by two very fast uppercuts, knocking the Sith to the ground. The Jedi backs up a step to allow the sith to get up. to make it a more fair fight.
Tempist Opps
Sep 27th, 2001, 12:23:28 PM
Tempist threw his weight into his feet, and fliped backwards instead of a smiple stand. He extended his fingers, beconing the jedi to come closer to fight. Before he could take a step, he felt his knees give out from a force push to the back of his legs, Tempist's favorite force attack. Tempist steped back a few feet, expecting Alpha to use a counter, physical or force, it didnt matter. He was ready.
"You are very good, the first powerful jedi have ever met. Why would a person of your power join an orginazation so weak?"
Sep 27th, 2001, 08:24:58 PM
"Because, I've joined the Sith before, and I saw the errors in it!'
Alpha uses the Force to knock Tempist backwards, and rolls, picking up his two swords, and coming back up on his feet. Tempist, who had retrieved his own weapon, comes at the Jedi with a furious barrage of slashes and thrusts, all of which were blocked. Alp[ha launches his own set of attacks, which Tempist blocks. The Jedi hits his opponent with a powerful axe kick, knocking him back. As Tempist stumbles, Alpha give his outfit a mental command, and it turns into armor, his cloak turning into a set of angel style wings.:wings Alpha jumps up, and his wings slice the air, bootsing his jump, and letting his momentum carry him behind Tempist. He lands behind the Sith, and lanches a flurry of punches, one hitting Tempist in the kidney, making him fall to the ground.
Tempist Opps
Sep 27th, 2001, 10:48:45 PM
Sensing that he would be urinating blood for a week from this attack, Tempist was not happy. In fact, this attack was low enough for him to do somthing he hoped he would never have to do in battle....
His body began to ripple, like a pond when you throw pebbles into it, and change in form. Two large wings sprouted from his back, very dark blue, intimidating wings. He slamed his wings forward infront of him,isolating Alpha between them. Alpha had been about to land another blow before tempist shifted, but his shifting usaily leaves people dumbfounded for a moment anyway. He pulled Alpha close enough to land a kick to his hcest, then droped him, and lept into the air.
Sep 27th, 2001, 11:07:49 PM
Alpha growls and follows the Sith through tair, activating long unused matrices (plural of matrix in case ya were wondering) in his skin and allows plasma energy to flow from batteries in his armor into the emitters in his hands. The Jedi forms a plasma ball and throws it at Tempist, the blast clipping him in the shoulder...
Tempist Opps
Sep 27th, 2001, 11:35:30 PM
Tempist does a midair shift, recoiling his wings back into his body. He lands on his feet, allowing them to absorb the shock of the impact. A large rock, about half the side of him, flies at Alpha thrugh the air, and smashes into his wings, alowing a rain of pebbles and other debris to fall down.
ooc: whats your AIM sn? it would go faster if i know when your on so we go back and forth with it.
Sep 28th, 2001, 05:23:48 AM
{OOC:I dont have AIM...I have the MSN IM though.}
Alpha hits the ground hard, his wings more or less destroyed. He rolls to absorb the impact but still losses his breath. In addittion to that, Tempist hits the Jedi with a right cross that knocks him flat. Alpha flips back to his feet and charges the Sith, launching a series of one-two punches, that send Tempist backwards. A snap side kick throws Tempist back into the dirt and Alpha gets into a proper fighting stance...
Tempist Opps
Sep 28th, 2001, 02:56:51 PM
ooc: damnit. i have AIM and YIM.
This fight was turning out to be more ofa challenge than Tempist was expecting, but it was still fun. He rose from the ground, and thought aloud.
"Ive seen errors in the jedi ways too...."
Memories of his life and past encounters with jedi flodded his mind as he said theise words, and he visibly cringed from it. His eyes turned blue from the anger, like they usaily did in fights, then blood red, a shade that had never been seen anywhere near him before this moment. A split second afterwards, two large stones smashed into Alpha's sides, from both directions. Tempist was very pissed off apparently....
Sep 28th, 2001, 05:18:52 PM
Alpha gasps and cries out from the pain. Even with the armor, those rocks still broke two ribs. The Jedi falls to his knees, and then opens himself even more into the Force, causing Tempist to step back a bit from surprise at this young One's power.
"Having trouble thinking about the Jedi in a positive light?!"
The Young Jedi Knight uses the Force to help propel himself upwards, and he lands on his feet, using pain shunting techniques to help ingore the pain. Alpha smiles grimly and uses the Force to create high winds, rocks and other items swirl around the sith.
"Now let's see how well you do!" >D
Tempist Opps
Sep 29th, 2001, 11:01:38 PM
Standing in the eye of the storm, he was uneffected by this move. He simply couldnt leave it yet. Tempist allowed a small smile to himself, unseen by Alpha due to the winds. He drew Infinity, and jabed the energy blade of the saber into the winds, grinding up rocks, logs, and dirt as they rushed against it. He retracted the saber, and then gave a powerful force push into the side of the wind, knocking rocks and other things out of the whirl wind and into Alpha's general direction. Most of the debris flew past him, but some gravel and splinters slamed into him. Hard. The force of the wind was enough to make it a blow painful enough to draw blood.
"I'd like to think I am doing fairly well, little one."
The wind died down slightly, evidently Alpha had not been expecting Tempist to respond at all.
Sep 30th, 2001, 02:27:49 AM
Alpha's armor, amazingly to Tempist, flows over the small wounds, putting a little bacta in them from small storage places on his armor. The jedi jumps at Tempest, tackling him and knocking them both to the floor. Alpha lands a hard kick to Tempist's ribs as he gets back up. The Sith jumps back up, and is met by Alpha's foot, the kick taking the Sith in the face, and knocking him backwards.
Tempist Opps
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:42:14 AM
ooc: isnt your whirlwind still up?
As he fell, he held his hands out and landed on them, doing a backwards flip. Tempist drew his saber while he landed, and Infinity let out a low hum from its blade. Alpha drew his saber as well, and the match began to slowly wind down, into a near typical Lightsaber match. The black blade of Infinity clashed against Alpha's near constantly, from the light weight of the saber. Tempist was used to fighting with heavier weapons, so the power and speed that he was using his saber with is phenominal. After many attacks and blocks from both of them, Tempist finaly managed to land a blow, a small nick to Alpha's side. It sered through the armor into the skin, and melted the wound shut, leaving a nasty, painful scar.... a reminder for him of this match till the day he dies.
Sep 30th, 2001, 12:41:58 PM
{OOC:Maybe I should've posted this, but I was thinking that when I tackled you, it knocked both of us out of the whirlwind, since that was in a concentrated area, and our fighting grounds are fairly large.}
Alpha hisses in pain, and lashes out with a fast side slash, which is promptly blocked. The Jedi draws a small dagger with his free hand, and blocks a counter from Tempist as his armor flows over the wound. The two cambatents clash again and again, neither gaining an advantage, Tempist even dodging Alpha's dagger. The Young Jedi quickly feints with his sabre, but comes in hard wioth the dagger, slicing into Tempist's side, a shallow, long and painful cut.
Tempist Opps
Sep 30th, 2001, 01:08:34 PM
Lashing out instinctivly as a reflex, Tempist dug his claws deep into Alpha's armor, cutting through and digging into the skin about a half inch inward. "Eye for an eye times five" he thought to himself. Alpha's armor flowed back inward, but he would still be hurt from this move. Tempist steped back, and retracted his saber, and bore his claws.
"Are you ready yet?" he said impatiently.
Oct 1st, 2001, 04:45:15 AM
Alpha gasps in pain, until his armor pumps painkillers into his system, and then he answers, "Ready for what? To die? To surrender?"
Alpha disengages his sabre and puts his dagger up, smiling as he gets an idea. One thought to his armor makes claws extend on his hands and talons on his feet, his armor taking on a draconic look.
"How bout we fight with just claws since you seem to be so fond of them."
Alpha jumps up, and then flips, landing behind Tempist. The Young Jed quickly brings his claws down in a slashing motion.
Tempist Opps
Oct 1st, 2001, 01:12:13 PM
"No, ready to finish this match. I know I cant kill you, and I dont expect you to surrender, but I'll be damned if im not gonna give you a helluva fight."
Tempist blocks Alpha's attack with his own claw, and whips his arm with the tail. In the young jedi's recovery, Tempist lands another slash, this time to Alpha's arm, not as good as his previous one.
Oct 2nd, 2001, 05:25:16 PM
Alpha grits his teeth in pain, and goes on the defensive, blocking attacks from the Sith. Sparks fly as claw meets claw, as the two combatents fight. Alpha blocks attack after attack, a few slipping through to score only deep grooves, and, sometimes, going thorugh his armor. The Jedi smiles and ducks under another slash with claws, putting Tenpist off balance for a second. Alpha jumps to Tempist, his claws aiming for the Sith's left arm...
Tempist Opps
Oct 2nd, 2001, 06:42:08 PM
Alpha lands a hit on Tempist's arm, digging deep into it. Blood, or somthing like it, came pouring out from the wound, and filled in the gash, leaving a metalic looking scar in its wake. It hurt badly, almost enough to stop him from using it at all.... almost. He pulled his arm back, and defended himself from Alpha with his other arm, it now moving faster than the jedi had expected. Tempist reached out beneath Alpha's arms with his dammaged arm, and took one offensive slash. It started to dig into Alpha's armor, and almost into the skin, but the knight hit it off of him, and pulled off some of the armor as it went. It slowly melted back into place, but while it did so Tempist fliped backwards, and dug the claws on his foot into his armor, this time breaking skin once more. He wasnt sure how deeply, but he did feel and see blood on his foot when he landed.
ooc: my day is not complete untill ive terrified a complete stranger. just felt like sayin that lol
Oct 3rd, 2001, 05:15:11 PM
Alpha ignores the pain and sneers, running and backhanding Tempist, knocking him into the ground. Alpha grins and slams his foot down, cracking one of Tempist's ribs. The Sith, thoroughly enraged, grabd Alpha's foot, and begins twisting. Hard. The 13 year old Jedi jumps and spins with the force of the attack so he won't break the ankle. Alpha uses the Force to break Tempist's grip and to push himself away, coming down to the ground in a roll.
{OOC:LOL. I just scare most people on a daily basis...}
Tempist Opps
Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:19:23 PM
Tempist was getting bored with his claws, somting that happened very rarely. He drew his two throwers and launched them at the rolling jedi, and one of the two embedded itslef in his arm, and was further shoved in by him rolling on it. He must have not realized it was there at first, because he kept rolling, but after a moment, he screamed in pain, and rose to his feet. Tempist drew Infinity, and sent a force message to Alpha.
Would you like to finish this the old fashoned way, saber to saber? Because you are the first decent opponent Ive had in a while, I am giving you the option.
Oct 3rd, 2001, 11:00:15 PM
ALpha growls, and, as a response, ignites his black sabre, the pure black blade putting out no light whatsoever. With his other hand, he yanks out the wepaon in his arm, the armor sealing the wound. The Jedi smiles and sketches a quick salute with his sabre, a very unusual thing to do, but this was a worthy opponent.
"Let's go..."
Alpha takes a quick swing, easily blocked, and then speeds up, slash after slash are blocked, though the blade does get in a few times. The sound of sabres colliding and the smell of ozone fills the air as the two fighters collide time after time. Alpha then steps back, avoiding a slash, and quickly stabs inward, his weapon taking up the distance in a flash...
Tempist Opps
Oct 4th, 2001, 03:11:49 PM
Tempist steped back a foot or so, and the saber passed in front of him. Too close for his tastes....
He took a few quick slashes at Alpha, and flashes of energy flew as the dark blades colided. Tempist's mind drifted for a moment, and fought on instinct. A jedi with a pure black blade? That seemed very peculuar to him. How far had this jedi gotten as a sith before he left?
This thought was interuped by Alpha's blade passing only inches from his face, and he pushed back hard with his saber, making Alpha stumble slightly. In his moment of weakness, Tempist took a slash at Alpha's legs.
Oct 4th, 2001, 04:15:00 PM
Alpha has a flash from the Force, and he automatically uses the Force to push himself upwards, avoiding the sabre by inches. Alpha lets loose a kick, knocking Tempist backwards, and then goes at the Sith with his sabre. The two clash once more, and Alpha smiles, hitting a switch on his sabre. The blade changes, gaining an orange sheen to it, and gaining six inches in length, turning it into a greatsword style sabre. Tempist steps back, suprised at the change, and Alpha slashes downward. The Sith, determined to block the blade towards the top brings his sabre up, but Alpha switches his sabre back to its original size and color, stabbing in quickly and hitting Tempist's sword arm.
"Might want ta pay more attention to the fight..."
Tempist Opps
Oct 4th, 2001, 06:47:13 PM
Tempist throws his saber to his other hand, and wrenches in pain. He wouldnt be stoped that simply though....
"Too bad for you, im ambidesterous (sp?). I hope you can say the same...."
Tempist lashed out with his saber, and got into a fencing position, changing his fighting style drasticly from what Alpha had been used to. The saber was lighter than the rapiers Temp was used to for this style, but that only made him faster. He flicked his wrist a few times, and Alpha managed to block a few of them. Two nicked his arm and hand, leaving very large, painful cuts. Tempist continued to fight in this manner, as if dancing with a blade, like this battle was simply a show, and he was one of the leads.
Oct 5th, 2001, 08:17:09 AM
Alpha ignores the pain, and concentrates on blocking. The Jedi uses his dagger to block the sabre just below the hilt, and Alpha takes the advantage and kicks Tempist under the jaw, knocking the Sith back a bit. Alpha reverts to using the sabre as a katana, a two handed grip, and sheaths the dagger. He attacks Tempist with a few heavy slashes, and while they get blocked, Tempist counters with his fencing style. Alpha blocks most of them, getting a cut in his ribs for his trouble...
Tempist Opps
Oct 5th, 2001, 02:13:51 PM
Tempist had his fun with fencing, but it was begining to bore him. He pounded his hand against the end of the saber's hilt, and it fliped into the air. He steped aside as Alpha took another lunge at him, and the saber came down, clashing against his, very close to his hands. Temp then pulled the saber back to him with the force. He was wasting time now.
Oct 5th, 2001, 03:30:11 PM
Alpha jumps back quickly, glancing at his hands to make sure they were still in one piece.
"That coulda hurt..."
Alpha quickly stabs and slices, hoping to catch Tempist once or twice. His hopes were dashed however, as Tempist blocks the attacks. As the Sith counters, Alpha ducks underneath the attack, and brings his sabre in, the blade burning a long swath on Tempist's stomach. The Jedi gets kicked away, and Alpha feels two ribs break...
Tempist Opps
Oct 8th, 2001, 03:40:07 PM
Tempist allowed himself a low curse. That move hurt alot. He looked at the jedi, starting to rise from the floor, with a look of anguish on his face. His kick must have done somthing after all. He walked twards Alpha as best as he could, the burn still hurting very much. Infinity was drawn, but he didnt use it. He looked at Alpha for a moment, then extended his hand for him.
"This has been a very good match, you are better than most jedi I have seen or heard about. For this, I will not extend this match anymore. I hope that one day we may fight again, perhaps finish this match."
Oct 8th, 2001, 05:04:13 PM
"As do I. It would be an honor to fight you again..."
Tempist Opps
Oct 8th, 2001, 06:13:51 PM
With that being said, Tempist left the feild.
Miryan no Trunks
Oct 8th, 2001, 06:19:33 PM
*As Tempist walked over to Satine, both exchanging comments, MnT walked forwards, seemingly fading in from where there had previously been nothing.. As his force prescence suddenly appeared to the two, they turned, surprised not only to see the Knight there, but also because he was clapping..*
... Well done, both.. Tempist, my apprentice, you fought very well in this battle.. You've been proving your impressive skill to me with each encounter, and I'm quite proud.. And Satine..
*He saw the jedi cringe just slightly when he said his name.. Slightly humorous, but he was not here to make him feel uncomfortable..*
... Satine, you've improved quite a bit since we last fought, and I'm likewise impressed..
edit: Damn, err... this comes before Tempist's last post /=|
Oct 8th, 2001, 08:59:25 PM
"Thanks Miryan. Maybe next time it will be you I fight. I might even beat you."
Alpha smiles with the last of his comments to Miryan.
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