View Full Version : Letsss Wrrressstle!!!

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 20th, 2001, 12:59:53 PM
<font size=10>YYYEEEAAAAAGGGHHH!!!!</font>

The Hyuu-mann male with a beard went flying from his position on Cirrsseeto's back. He'd tried a sleeper hold, but Cirrsseeto was able to pluck him off, throwing him across the ring like a child's toy. The man fell into a crumpled heap, knocked out.

It was Cirrsseeto's fifteenth win in a row. He grinned toothily, hopping up and down as he mewled.

jI wjin! jI wjin! jI wjin agajin!!!

Draken Chakara
Sep 20th, 2001, 02:02:33 PM
Draken climbs into the ring slowly, eyeing his opponent. He has heard of this creatures strength and prowess in battle. Hopefully, they would be equal in strength. As for the problem of his claws and teeth...

Draken concentrates on the Force, using it to enhance his race's ability to harden their skins. He comes from a planet near a red dwarf, which causes massive radiation spikes. His race has developed the ability to temporarily change their skin to a more impervious substance. The Force merely strengthens this ability. In a quick flash of light, his skin is gleaming in the light. Now, to face his opponent.

"Greetings, behemoth. I wish you luck in our battle. I am ready."

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 20th, 2001, 02:48:31 PM
Cirrsseeto smiles widely, unsheathing his claws and swatting the man in the face.

jI wjin agajin!!!

Morgan Evanar
Sep 20th, 2001, 05:48:15 PM

Sep 21st, 2001, 05:20:48 AM
Tassk, the son of Bossk, watches the feeble looking cizerack wrestle ... from the darkest recesses of the room. He sniffs the air... catching the scents that are so alien to the T'doshok such as stale sweat, tobacco, and alcohol... but so intimately familiar as he has spent much time with warm-blooded galaxy crud. A low gutteral growl issues forth from his bowels as witnesses the cizerack best another foe.

These cizeracks are not all that different to him than those tree-dwelling rodents of Kashyyyk. Tassk's right taloned hand grips the sling of the Relby v-10 mini-mortar rifle slung around his right shoulder as he reflects silently, "The Scorekeeper would not honor such an easy kill... seeing the challenge of the hunt is absent."

He grins as much as it is possible for a trandoshan, deep in reverie over the jagannath points he is yet going to obtain from the Great Scorekeeper...

Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:32:35 AM
(The large, black Barabel watched the small game of wrestling from nearby. True, the Cizerack male seemed to be winning quite a few hands, but he had yet to actually go up against someone equal or better to his strength.)

(Though he himself did not exactly consider swatting someone's face a winning to a wrestling match. It had been amusing to watch, though.)

(A familier scent wafted past his nostrils. The bony ridges above his yellow, reptilian eyes came together as he scanned the room. His eyes came to rest on what he knew the scent had originated from. Another reptile. Trandoshan by species name. And no doubt on a hunt as most of them usualy were. Not to mention he held onto his weapon with great care.)

(His scaley lips peeled back to reveal very many, very sharp, and very long teeth. It was the best he could do to imitate a smile, though to many, it would have looked like a challenging snarl. No, most reptiles couldn't smile in the same way mammals did. And most reptiles knew when another reptile's smile was genuine or otherwise.)

(Letting his eyes linger just a bit longer on the Trandoshan, he returned his gaze back to where the Cizerack was sitting, looking very pleased with himself.)

(He would wait patiently for his turn, if it ever came.)

Draken Chakara
Sep 22nd, 2001, 12:50:59 AM
OOC: Hey, I'm not out of this yet...

Draken turns back from the swipe to his jaw. The claws, though formidable, did not penetrate his hardened skin. He turns the large Cizerak around with his right hand. As the man turns, he punches him squarely in the face.

"I would not be too hasty, were I you."

Sep 22nd, 2001, 02:08:00 AM
The trandoshan stands in the shadows, his orange elliptical eyes capable of infra-red vision, sees into every dark corner of this rowdy gathering... as clear as day.

Sniffing the air yet again, he savors all the scents surrounding him... sweat, blood, tobacco smoke, even urine and vomit. But through the flood of scents bombarding him, he identifies a scent belonging to something cold-blooded and just as dangerous as a trandoshan. Tassk peers curiously left and right, when he spots the barabel sizing up the cizerack sitting near the center of the ring.

He smirks wickedly... when a human staggers drunkenly out of the crowd, falling against Tassk. The human laughs, begins to say, "Sorry s-s..."

Tassk's right taloned hand swiftly grabs the front of the man's shirt lifting him three feet off the ground. The man is speechless, eyes wide with fear. Tassk flickers out a serpentine tongue then speaks with a gutteral growl, "You hairless rodents should watch who's toes you step on."

Grasping his compact BlasTech EE-3 blaster rifle from his left thigh's holster, shoves the barrel through the man's teeth, fires off a kill bolt, frying his brain before he can even vomit back out his own teeth.

Dumping the body to the side casually, he strides off after having made a scene. After all he does have a hunt to pursue and also heard whispered through the underworld that a legend has returned from retirement.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 22nd, 2001, 06:11:14 AM
Cirrsseeto falls on his backside, his ears lowered in shock from what happened. He thumbed away a blotch of blood from his nose, and sneezed at the same time, fluttering his ears in frustration.

He stood up, icey-blue eyes narrowing as he stared at the man who had punched him.

Oww...that hurrrt!

Reaching out, Cirrsseeto grabbed the strange man by the face, locking his claws to the edges of the man's jaw. From this position, he threw the alien to the other side of the ring, where he slammed into a turnbuckle

Draken Chakara
Sep 22nd, 2001, 09:10:20 PM
The jarring shot into the turnbuckle causes Draken to become disoriented momentarily. Though he takes no actual damage, too strong of a shock still has an effect on him. He slowly returns to his feet, shaking out the cobwebs.

Now, the kid gloves are off. This creature is more dangerous than he previously imagined. He rushes the cat, raising his knee as he gets in range. Once his knee hits, he then strikes Cirr with a double axe handle blow to the back.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 22nd, 2001, 09:45:14 PM

Cirrsseeto's mouth gaped open as he gasped from the knee to the stomach, only to be slammed to the ground by a strike to the back. For a moment, his legs curled over his tender belly as he gasped for air, his tail flapping back and forth frantically as he tried to gain his breath.

The only thing he could see was his attacker's ankle.

Oh well...not the best place to counterattack, but it would do.

Quickly, Cirrsseeto grasped the man by the ankle, yawning his mouth wide and chomping down across the shin, trying to sink his fangs down to the bone. No sooner did he do this than he pulled away from Draken's leg, spitting and making a face.

Blech! Tassstesss bad!!

Draken Chakara
Sep 22nd, 2001, 09:53:08 PM
Draken barks out a quick yell as he feels Cirr's teeth on his ankle. Though they do not pierce, it was totally unexpected. He jumps back from the surprise, making him unable to capitalize on the cat's prone position. He drops into a defensive stance, waiting for his opponent to rise.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 22nd, 2001, 10:27:10 PM
Cirrsseeto quickly bounds to his feet, springing into the air with agility that only a feline could possess.

<marquee><font size=50><font color=990000><u>RRRROOOUUURRRRRR!!!!!!!</u></font></font></marquee>

With claws and fangs bared, Cirrsseeto pounced fully onto the alien, his toe claws hooking at the man's sides, and his hands clamped over his shoulders, using his maximum inertia to deliver a 265 pound flying tackle.

Draken Chakara
Sep 25th, 2001, 02:16:28 PM
As the felinoid slams into Draken, he holds on tight to make sure they BOTH hit the mat. As soon as he lands, Draken concentrates, charging both hands with the Force. He releases his grip on Cirrsseeto's sides just long enough to take aim. He slams his Force-gauntleted hands into the creatures ribs, punching as hard as he can from the position he is in. His hands immediately return to normal, as the Force gauntlets require a large amount of strength. Hopefully the strike was strong enough to allow him to catch his breath.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 26th, 2001, 12:56:05 PM
The attack launches Cirrsseeto airborne, sending him tumbling backwards in a disoriented heap. His ears hung low as Cirrsseeto stared cross-eyed at the creature, blinking several times to correct his misaligned sight. He moved to stand up, but fell on his face.


Coughing, he stood up, removing his loose-fitting green jacket, and exposing his cream and tan marbled skin, adorned around his powerful musculature. He fully extended his claws and snarled, saliva dripping off his pointed fangs. Dropping to all fours, he burst forward quickly, striking the alien in a low tackle, and clawing him across the back as he slammed him to the mat.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 26th, 2001, 01:51:01 PM
Seer watches from the shadows, impressed at how well Cirr was doing against the forrda. She smirked but stayed quiet since she didn't want to distract him from the fight. With her tail swishing back and forth behind her she continued to watch, purring very quietly.

Sep 26th, 2001, 04:49:16 PM
I heard this is all fake you know........

:: Rama leans back, takeing up three rows with his outstreched body. Legs corssed at the boots, large hat turned down to cover his eyes. ::

....like a dance.

Sep 27th, 2001, 02:14:49 PM
OOC: Nevermind

Draken Chakara
Sep 30th, 2001, 11:06:56 PM

Draken slams into the mat once more, again being nearly knocked silly by the furred wrecking ball. If not for his armored body, this fight would be over by now. As the fight continues, Draken's ability to hold the armor is fading. This has to end quickly...

"I am sorry friend, but you leave me little alternative..."

Draken locks his left hand on the Cizerak's throat, squeezing tight. Using his Force-enhanced strength, he rolls, slamming him into the canvas. He then concentrates with the Force, summoning one of the compressed Force pushes he has recently learned to generate. The boom from the blast is audible throughout the arena, his arm recoiling like a jackhammer. The Force blast, fired at such close range, slams the felinoid neck-first through the canvas. Draken retreats from the resulting hole in the mat, attempting to recover from the exertion.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 1st, 2001, 10:57:30 AM
Seer pays little attention to the dirty forrda and instead winces as she watches what happens to Cirr, even though the Cizerack were strong, she knew that hit would still hurt Cirrsseeto.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:19:09 PM
In the crater's epicenter, Cirrsseeto lay mostly motionless, with the occasional twitch. His pale blue eyes were glassy and unfocused, and his pink tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. It went without saying that the Cizerack was incapacitated and could not move.

Draken Chakara
Oct 3rd, 2001, 11:55:21 PM
Slumping in a corner of the ring, Draken takes a moment to catch his breath. After his last attack, all Force energy is drained out of him. He sits to catch his breath, letting the armor fade. He is simply too tired to hold it any longer. After several tense minutes, he realizes that he has won the fight.

"Whew... I'm sure glad that last shot did it," he mutters. Another hit... I shudder to think about it..."

He slowly regains his feet and moves to check on the near-comatose Cizerak. He drags Cirrsseto half out of the hole in the canvas, draping him across the mat. Once he is sure that the creature is alright, he tiredly drags himself out of the ring.

Oct 4th, 2001, 01:24:32 AM
(Raunkks chuckled under his breath as the armored man placed the Cizerack on the wrestling mat. He shook his head. No way that cat would be standing up anytime soon for another match. Well, not standing up steadly at any rate.)

(He nodded to the man as he walked out, acknowledging and congratulating him on his victory.)

(Raunkks sighed. There would be other challenges.)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 4th, 2001, 10:28:07 AM
When the dust cleared and Seer saw the extent of the damage, it took all of her control not to leap at the forrda and rip him to pieces. Instead she jumped nimbly over the arena¡¯s ropes which she did without thinking and even though he was not her manservant, she still had felt something when she had seen Cirrseeto lying there as he was. With her ears drooped dispiritedly, a fearful look could be seen in Seerrasseei¡¯s eyes as she looked him over. Cirr was still really out of it but the fact that Cirrsseeto was still breathing although a bit ragged was a small sign of hope. Kneeling down beside him, her eyes darted back and forth as she tried to figure out what to do. Even though he was not her responsibility, she knew she would never be able to leave him there.

What jisss the matterrr wjith jyou people?!?! Don¡¯t jussst sssjit therrre, sssomeone help me wjith hjim! Seer yelled then turned to back Cirrsseeto.

Cjirrrrrr? jIt¡¯sss Seerrrrrrrasssssseeji, jif jyou can hearr me, pleassse anssswerrr me¡*..

But the glazed over look had not faded from the male¡¯s eyes and Seer leaned in close, continuing to talk to him. (Please be alright¡*..) She thought as she continued talking to him and watched for any sort of change from Cirrsseeto.

Oct 5th, 2001, 05:36:03 AM
(Raunkks looked at the female Cizerack, tilting his head slightly. He knew the male Cizerack would come through this ordeal, but the female seemed to perhaps think otherwise.)

(In either case, it was not becoming for someone to yell for help and not receive it.)

(Somewhat reluctantly, then more purposfully, Raunkks climbed into the wrestling ring, the mat denting quite a bit under his weight.)

(Looking at the female Cizerack, he nodded his head, and then bent down, scooping the prone Cizerack into his arms. He grunted, hefting the weight of the large male felinoid. My, but this fellow weighed a ton! Snorting softly as he shifted the Cizerack in his arms to destribute the weight a little better, he stood. Slowly, he came to stand at his full height. Once doing so, he eyed the female Cizerack.)

Where would you have him brought to?

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 6th, 2001, 12:58:53 AM
Seer smiled at Raunkks for a moment before turning her attention back to Cirrsseeto while she thought.

Well jI guessssss back to the Prrrjide, jif he'sss not too heavjy forrr jyou, jI asssk that jyou follow me wjith hjim to mjy rrroom, jit'sss not farrr frrrom herrre. jI would prrreferrr he be jin mjy carrre untjil he wakesss up, that jisss jif that jisssn't too much trrrouble forrr jyou.....and alssso jI am verrrjy grrreatful forrr jyourrr help, he'sss too heavjy forrr me to move, jif jyou everrr need anjy parrrtsss, jussst asssk and thejy'll be frrree of charrrge......

Seer smirked a bit at Raunkks then waited to see if he was willing to do what she asked.

OOC: gtg, only on long enough to make this post......editted a typo....

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 8th, 2001, 12:16:46 PM
OOC: ttt....since editting doesn't bump it up here....

Oct 9th, 2001, 04:55:35 AM
(He nodded his head slightly.)

It is no trouble at all, madame. He may be heavy, but he isn't so much that I cannot carry him.

And I thank you for your offer. It is a generous one and will be remembered.

(He stepped off the ring with a little bounce, landing solidly on the ground. The floor boards creaked under the weight not only because of his body, but also of the Cizerack draped on his arms.)

(He looked down at the Cizerack female, and gave her a toothy grin, that which was equivilent of a smile for a Barabel.)

Lead the way, madame.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 9th, 2001, 11:00:13 AM
Seer smiles at Raunkks then stoops down to pick up Cirr's jacket that he had taken off during the fight.

Well jit'sss thjisss way, jit'sss not too farrr....

Seer said quietly before she began to lead the way. It wasn't long before they were back at the pride and only stopped a few times by the guards but once Seer explained, the guards let them pass.

As they came to Seer's door, she let Raunkks pass with Cirr before she walked in herself.

Jussst ssset hjim down on the bed, he'll be morrre comforrrtable therrre untjil he wakesss up.....and thanksss agajin forrr jyourrr help.....

Raunkks set Cirr down and Seer sat down on the bed near Cirr and leaned on the headboard as she watched Cirrsseeto. She then smiled up at Raunkks and hoped he would take the hint that she wanted to be alone with Cirrsseeto.

Oct 9th, 2001, 09:08:26 PM
(He gently lay the semi-unconcious Cizerack on the bed, and watched as the female set herself down on the bed beside the prone male. He knew what the smile meant as she gave it, but never the less, the smile reminded him of the toothy sneers the shenbit bonecrushers on Barab I gave just before they dispatched their prey.)

(Raising the bony ridge above his left eye, he bowed slightly towards the female. It was not his place nor his right to question the actions of other beings. And, yet, he couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for the Cizerack male.)

(Smiling, he addressed her.)

I am sure you will see to it that he recovers, madame.

(Most likely in the fastest way possible.)

I will now take my leave of you.

It has been a pleasure, and I look forward to when we can do business.

(With that he turned and walked to the door, leaving both Cizerack alone; one giving off a scent of anticipation, and the other oblivious to what was most likely about to occur.)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 10th, 2001, 12:16:20 PM
Seer watches Raunkks leave then goes back to waiting for Cirr to wake up, she didn't understand why but she was worried about him, he had been out for quite awhile. For now, Cirr seemed to be asleep since he was snoring slightly which Seer didn't mind at all, she was content to wait. She still didn't know why she acted as she had, but something told her that she would never have been able to leave Cirrsseeto there. Feeling somewhat tired herself, Seer leaned on the headboard a little bit more as she waited for him to wake up.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 11th, 2001, 04:33:20 PM
Slowly, Cirrsseeto regains conciousness, stirring and finally sitting up on the bed. His jacket was missing, and his entire torso ached from deep bruises and rib fractures. Growling to block out the pain, the felinoid stood up, wandering to a nearby mirror, glancing at the damage he took in the fight. Fortunately, Cizerack physiology was exceptionally robust. The bruises and light fractures would heal within days. He yawned, fangs glinting in the room's pale light. Then...in the mirror's reflection, he saw who was lying on the bed.


Cirrsseeto turned around quickly, nervously nodding his head in respect. His blue eyes shied away from her, as he fumbled for his jacket to cover himself. As his tail flitted about in a jittery manner, he cracked a worried smile. A Cizerack proverb said that Lightning never struck twice. What had once gone on between the two had been a temporary thing. It was Kree-Arr...and she had obliged to be with him.

However...it now seemed that maybe it wasn't all coincidence. Seerrasseei may have plans to make him her own...and to even think about such was traitorous to his own Mistress. Saarrreeaa would throw down her ire upon him like fiery arrows if he strayed from her touch. He knew she was very possessive of him.

Seerrasseei was pleasant, and their evening together was gratifying...but now, it was dangerous for them to be together. If Saarrreeaa even suspected that Cirrsseeto was mating with another female, she would kill him without a second thought. He knew his place in life...unquestionably by her side. His wants and needs were secondary to hers.

Turning away, Cirrsseeto stammered as he talked.

jI...jI..mussst be gojing....

Oct 11th, 2001, 07:34:18 PM
(As Raunkks walked down the stairs, his foot landed on something hard. Lifting it up, he looked down. There, glinting in the light, was a small gold bracelet. A very expensive looking bracelet.)

(The reptile picked it up and glanced at it. He looked at the inside, and in shiny little letters was the engraved name: Seerrasseei. Perhaps it belonged to the Cizerack female he had just aided.)

(For a split moment, he tought of pauning the gold bracelet. But then he'd seen how concerned the female was for the male, and began to feel sorry for her. Great, he was growing a soft hide.)

(Grumbling, and somewhat reluctantly, he walked back up the stairs leading to the room where he had dropped both cizerack off. Once reaching the door, he let his fist hover over it's elaborate wooden frame. he looked at the bracelet. Ah, frell.)

(He knocked softly on the door.)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 12th, 2001, 11:49:39 PM
Seer looked up, raising an eyebrow to Cirr's nervousness

Dessspjite how thjisss majy ssseem, jI only brrrought jyou herrre sssjince jyou werrre knocked out jin that fjight jyou werrre jin. jI don't thjink jyou wanted to be mugged orrr worrrssse whjile jyou werrre out cold on the floorrr, but jif jyou wjisssh to leave, then do ssso....

Seer said quietly before a knock came at the door, she knew it was probably just the one who had helped her get Cirr here, but she knew Cirrsseeto would freak out, thinking that it would be someone else.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 14th, 2001, 02:19:40 AM
(If that isn't Raunkks, I need to hide Cirr somewhere) Seer thought to herself as she motioned to Cirr to hide in the closet. Cirr seemed worried but complied quietly. With that being done, Seer answered with.....

Be therrre jin a sssecond

And then she opened the door, to find Raunkks standing there.

(What's he doing back here?) She thought to herself.

Oct 18th, 2001, 11:16:51 AM
OOC: ttt....

*raises an eyebrow* why the hell did it post as Videl?

Oct 18th, 2001, 10:15:53 PM
(He lowered his head slightly in a short bow, and looked down at her, raising his right claw to be level with her eyesight.)

I found this gold bracelet at the top of the stairs as I was taking my leave. Seeing as we were the last ones to climb those stairs, and it had not been there previous to my passing, I though maybe you had dropped it.

(He twirled the gold trinket, letting the light catch it.)

I thought it might be yours, and would return it.

(He looked at it.)

Of course, if it isn't...

(He would never get to finish his thought. A tail was sticking out from between the closet doors, swishing back and forth, almost trembling, catching his eye. And then it went straight as an explosive sneeze emitted from the closet, opening one of the doors. There, inside, stood Cirrsseeto, rubbing his nose.)

(Raunkks had to laugh a little. Seemed even the Cizerack were sensitive to dust. And the bigger they were, the harder they sneezed.)

Gesundheit, my large comrad.

(He laughed harder.)

It's a wonder the whole Pride didn't hear you sneeze!

(Sobering his laughter, he nodded to the felinoid.)

Glad to see ya up and about. That was some heavy wrestling you went through.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 19th, 2001, 10:30:26 PM
Seer's hand automatically went up to her wrist to check for a bracelet that was no longer there. Looking at the one Raunkks held, sure enough it was hers as her name etched into its surface shone up at her. But before she could reply, Cirrsseeto sneezed. Noticing that he was trembling even more now, she wrapped her tail around his tail in an attempt to calm him.

Thjisss one jisss fjine, Cjirrrrrrsssssseeto, he wasss the one who helped me get jyou herrre. JI owe hjim sssome parrrtsss forrr hjisss help, ssso he'll keep qujiet….

Seer then thought about how it was weird how different Cirrsseeto was compared to her last manservant Kirreeta. Kirreeta had been recruited because of his knowledge of ships but his attitude was always callous. Standing at about 6'7, the male's smoky grey dark striped battle-scarred hide and attitude in general seemed to warn that he was a force to be reckoned with. Never seeming to be willing to forget about his past, Kirreeta still carried most of his weapons with him. One of his favorite pastimes was to polish to his long sword at every opportunity while smirking toothily to frighten anyone around him. Often he would also suddenly bring up the blade to a passerby's throat and try to get them to beg for mercy and given the male's size and appearance no one dared to fight back. Upon getting what he wanted, Kirreeta always responded with a heartless sounding laugh which caused Seer to cringe in annoyance every time she heard it. And despite Seer's kind nature, the male and Seer had never gotten along and had not bonded in any way. After almost ten years of duty to Seer, Kirreeta and Seer could still not stand to be in each other’s company. Whenever the pair was together, there was a kind of silent agreement just to leave the other alone or a bit of growling from one or both of them. It got to be so bad that Seerrasseei dreaded traveling since that meant a month or two alone with Kirreeta. And even though this went on for several years, Seer's mother still forced Seer to keep Kirreeta since the male was feared among the Pride because he had been a ruthless member of the Hunter Forces before and her mother wanted someone who she thought would keep her daughter safe. Even though Kirreeta had no likeable qualities to speak of, he was one of the most skilled warriors within the Pride and earned himself quite a reputation of attacking brutally when threatened which Seer's mother somehow thought would help in him watching over her daughter. And as the years passed, Kirreeta only got worse, getting drunk a lot and talking back to Seerrasseei anytime the opportunity presented itself. But about three months before Seer had come to this planet, Kirreeta had been fired from watching over her when he had attacked her one night completely unprovoked while drunk again. Last that Seer had heard, he was demoted as far as possible within the Hunter Forces, which she thought was an apt punishment.

But Cirrsseeto and Kirreeta were as different as night and day. Even their personality types were complete opposites, Cirrsseeto was generally good natured whereas Kirreeta growled at strangers and looked for trouble at every opportunity. And unlike Kirreeta who was more likely to say something boorish back to Seer, Cirrsseeto seemed pretty even-tempered and courteous. She didn't quite understand why but she couldn't help but get along with Cirrsseeto.

Although he had stopped pretty much stopped trembling, Seer could still feel slight vibrations of fear from him since her tail was still twisted around his tail. Seerrasseei purred softly, low enough that she assumed only he would be able to hear her but then remembered that Raunkks being reptilian could hear it. Seer found it somewhat sad that Cirrsseeto was that afraid of his mistress's wrath that he was driven to getting so freaked out at Raunkk's knock at the door. Things had never worked this way at home, the males under her mother's service were treated well and didn’t have much fear of their mistress. Her father Rokerra was treated a little bit better than the others since he was the favorite and her mother usually valued his opinion. All of this caused Seer to feel really sorry for Cirrsseeto since she would never do anything to make him fear her wrath. She felt like asking Cirr to come out of hiding since it was all right, but she knew that Cirr most likely wouldn't move until Raunkks left. So instead of prodding him into doing something he wouldn’t want to do, Seer turned her attention back to Raunkks.

jYesss, that jisss mjine, jit wasss bought sssoon afterrr jI fjinjissshed wjith Krree-rrrou. Thanksss forrr rrreturrrnjing jit, mjy motherrr would have kjilled me forrr losssjing it.

Seer said quietly as it was handed back to her and she put it back on. The bracelet although small and delicate, was quite expensive and since it was a gift, her mother would have been irate when she found out that Seer had lost it.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 19th, 2001, 11:30:49 PM
Saarrreeaa entered the smokey bar, the sounds of the crowd filling her sensitive ears as she peered through the packed masses of beings. Cirrseeto's scent was present, although she could not find her manservant. She frowned, brushing her hair out of her eyes as a husky alien male pushed past her.

She purred at his accidental touch, and considered following him, but returned to the matter at hand. Cirr was missing. He had been told to be at their apartments quite some time ago. It was unlike him to be late. Although she could have sent any number of guards out after him, it was more...stimulating to find him herself.

The female Cizerack pushed through the crowd to the bar, where a drink magically appeared in front of her. The 'tender nodded down the length of the endurawood bar. Saa winked at the man who had bought her the drink, set it aside, and leaned over to question the bartender. It was so noisy from the wrestling matches, she had to shout in his ear. "Have jyou ssseen a Cjizerrrack male herrre tonjight? Anssswerrrsss to the name of Cjirrrrrrssseeto?" The bartender was hard to get an answer out of. He kept staring at her cleavage, which was threatening to spill completely out of her shirt.

Saa grabbed him around the throat, and slammed him face down on the bar. "Anssswer me forrda!" As blood trickled from his nose, the 'tender managed a nod.

"Yeah, he was here. Think he went upstairs." The male pointed behind her and to the right. Saa turned her head, in time to see some prostitutes descending the stairs. Her eyes narrowed. Cirr's time of Kree-arr was well over. He would need reminding of his place.

She shouldered her way through the crowd, making her way towards the stairs.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 19th, 2001, 11:51:26 PM
Seer's ears perk up as she hears a voice that sounds too familar....(Oh ssshjit) She thinks to herself

Parrrdon me, but jI have sssomethjing to do....

Seer says quietly before walking over to the door that connected her room to the one next door as it did with all of the rooms in that part of the rooms. It was unlocked since no one resided there and it was the same for the next few rooms. She motions to Cirr to remain quiet and follow her which he hurried over noticing her nervousness. Seer opened the door and walked Cirr through 2 or 3 of them before stopping.

Jussst ssstajy herrre untjil ssshe callsss forrr jyou....

She said nervously as she walked back the way she had come and shut the door, leaving Cirr there to wait until Saa found him. Shutting the other doors behind her, she walked back into her own room and whispered for Raunkks to just chat about nothing until another Ciz woman passed. Raunkks raised an eyebrow to her but did what he was asked.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 20th, 2001, 12:11:38 AM
Cirrsseeto found a seat, and sat down, resting his chin in his palms as his ears drooped low. With a sigh, the felinoid wondered if Saarrreeaa would be angry with him? He hadn't done anything wrong...but what would she think of him being near Seerrasseei? He knew his younger mistress was short-tempered...but she'd never done anything rash to him in anger. He'd been hit a few times...but he probably deserved it, the more he thought about it. He wasn't exceptionally bright, he knew...and sometimes he messed things up. He brought her the wrong suitcase for a trip once...and she clawed him across the face in a fit. It healed well enough, but reminded him that his mistress was demanding.

Cirrsseeto smiled. But, she was also rewarding. Sometimes she was very comforting. The times were few, but they existed. After all...it was his place to provide comfort for her, not vice versa.

Still...he couldn't help but feel a pang of fear and mock-guilt over his situation. He hoped that she wouldn't be upset at the situation...and not jump to conclusions.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 20th, 2001, 12:24:47 AM
Saa made her way upstairs, pausing long enough to throw a groping male down the stairs. She was not in the mood to have these uncivilized beings pawing at her. A good male would give himself when asked, not make demands himself on the female. She didn't pause to watch the male crumple up at the foot of the stairs, but took them two at a time, bounding upwards.

She inhaled deeply in the hallway, smelling an assortment of odors, some of which turned her stomach, and others which turned her on. One in paticular stood out. It was blood. And it was Cirr's blood. Saarrreeaa walked down the hall until she came to the door where she was sure she smelled him, but on closer inspection realized he was further down the hallway.

Coming to the correct door, she tried the knob, and it opened easily. Saa peeked around the door, and saw him sitting there on the bed, head in his hands, ears drooped low. He looked... "Pathetjic." He looked up at her as she spoke, and she laughed unexpectedly.

Closing the door firmly behind her, Saa frowned. "Whjy have jyou been herrre all thjis tjime?" He looked slightly bruised, and his shirt was missing, exposing his impressive body. She approached him, and ran her hands over his chest, inspecting him. It wasn't bad. "Wrrressstljing agajin?" There was an edge to her voice, but Saa kept her anger in check for the time being. It was certainly stimulating to find him here, alone like this. But perhaps there was more to this than met the eye.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 20th, 2001, 12:32:12 AM
Seer let Saa pass by before she let Raunkks be on his way. Closing the door behind her, she then walked over and locked the side door and decided to try and call it a night, besides if Saa noticed a locked and dark room, she wouldn't be apt to be as suspicious. Noticing that Cirr's jacket was still on the floor, she picked it up and dropped it outside, she wasn't about to have Saa find it there if Saa decided to come in. Shutting the window, Seer changed out of her work clothes and into something more comfortable, Seer shut off the light and got into bed. Even though she was worried as hell, it would best for her to try and get some sleep.

OOC: edited, because of Cirr's left behind jacket....

Oct 20th, 2001, 02:41:56 AM
(Raunkks wasn't known for his small talk, but he did his best after the Cizerack woman had returned after dispatching of Cirr.)

(He bantered on about what she could sell him from her wearhouses and whatnot, haggling prices, and debating on which techniques were better for installing.)

(As he spoke, he was able to look out the corner of his eye and watch another Cizerack woman walk into a room a few doors down. That must have been who this one heard.)

(Slightly confused, but slowly forming an idea, Raunkks continued his banter until the Cizerack woman basically ended the conversation and closed the door, but not before Raunkks glimpsed the Cirr's jacket lying on the bedroom floor. He was about to say something, but the door had been closed. To polite to knock again, and seeing the light go out, he stood there.)

(A bit taken aback, Raunkks stepped back, pondering on the occurances of the evening. The way these Cizerack worked, it was possible this one was not to be with Cirr, and that the other was his mistress. He shook his head. It was still scetchy to him.)

(Shrugging, he walked down the hallway to where the other Cizerack woman had disapeared, knocking softly on the door that stood ajar.)

(Peeking in, he addressed the lady.)

Pardon my intrusion, but I wished to see if Cirr was alright.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 20th, 2001, 03:04:10 AM
Saa looked up, and frowned at the intruder. "Who arrre jyou?" The barabel male opened the door a little wider. Ssshould rrrememberrr to lock the doorrr next tjime. She stood to her feet, Cirr remaining where he was, his eyes watching his mistress intently.

"Cjirrrrrr wjill be fjine." Saa narrowed her eyes. "Do jyou know wherrre hjisss jacket jis? He ssseemsss to have mjisssplaced jit." She walked to the doorway, ready to dismiss the visitor.

Oct 21st, 2001, 01:51:18 AM
(He bowed his head slightly.)

Pardon, madam. My name is Raunkks. I know Cirr through our association with Mr. Prent. We have done some missions together. I also witnessed his wrestling match today.

He fought well.

(He through that last part in as an after thought, hoping it might better the females mood. Her scent told him she was angery, and he did not want to have to deal with an angery Cizerack. And a female to boot.)

(Listening to her question, he clacked his large teeth together quietly as he remembered where he'd last seen the jacket. It was in the other female Cizerack's room. But he'd seen what the other female had been like; secretive, quiet, hisstling Cirr into this room. No, he didn't want to be in the midst of a cat fight. Especially not with free components coming from the other Cizerack female. That wouldn't be good business.)

(Knitting the two bony ridges above his eyes, he nodded his head slowly.)

It may have been left in the room where Cirr wrestled.

(He hoped the big brute was smart enough to keep quiet.)

I remember him removing it to wrestle.

(He wasn't lying. But he wasn't exactly telling all he knew. Lucky for him his scent would reveal nothing. Too much practice in this sort of game with the work he dealed in.)

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 22nd, 2001, 12:34:15 AM
She narrowed her eyes at the mention of Prent, and looked the reptillian alien over. He was a Barabel, not a being to mess with. Saarrreeaa walked back to Cirrsseeto, and ran her hand through his hair. The very atmosphere of this place was exciting her. From the look in his eyes as he glanced up, Cirr could sense it from her.

Saa glided over to the doorway again. "jI thank jyou forrr the jinforrrmatjion." As she advanced, the barabel backed out of the doorway. "Cjirrrrrr alwajys rrreprrresssentsss hjimssself well. Howeverrr, jI need to get hjim home." She felt antsy, like she couldn't sit still, or stand still. Kree-rrou was still with her, and would be for a few more years to come. Saa walked to the window, her sharp eyes piercing the shadows that were forming below. She blinked. There seemed to be a spot of green fabric on the ground below. Saarrreea sniffed, and walked back to the door, flipping open her commlink and speaking softly into it.

"Excussse me..." Saa brushed past the alien, and darted down the hallway.

Her driver came up the stairs, holding the fabric she had spotted in his hands. It was Cirr's jacket. How djid jit get out therrre? Saa inhaled deeply, smelling the piece of clothing. It smelled slightly feminine..and familiar somehow. There was a female Cizerack involved here, she was sure of it. Saarrreeaa growled, and walked back up the hallway, the coat in her hand as she brushed past the bulky reptillian male again, entering the room with Cirr.

She threw the jacket at her manservant, and pointedly shut the door in the visitor's face. "Do jyou have somethjing jyou would ljike to tell me, Cjirrrrr?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 22nd, 2001, 12:40:31 AM
OOC: Saa, I meant that Seer threw it out the window not into the hall......and besides that would be really stupid of me to throw it into the hall, now wouldn't it? hehe....

Oct 23rd, 2001, 01:54:58 AM
(Raunkks looked at the Cizerack woman as she brushed past him, looking somewhat peeved. He watched as she grabbed Cirr's jacket from the driver. But, that would mean the jacket was outside. The bony ridges above his eyes shot up. The other Cizerack female must have thrown it out the window to be rid of it.)

(He swallowed a chuckle. Smart to get it out of her apartment, but the harm had no doubt been done. The jacket would carry her scent. Oh well, not his problem to worry about.)

(As he pondered all this, his suspicions were comfirmed when the Cizerack female came back up the stairs, more peeved and irritated than before, walking past him briskly, and shutting the door in his face. The wood paneling bounced off his bony forhead a bit, as he was still too close to where the door would stop. He shut his eyes and stepped back, cracking them open once more. There was a small dent in the door at about the height of his forehead.)

(Giving his forehead a swipe with his large hand, he turned and proceeded down the stairs. This was his que to leave, thank the gods he didn't have sweat glands, and get himself another drink. Something strong.)

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 24th, 2001, 12:27:11 AM
Cirrsseeto's mouth opened to talk, and then closed, his mind racing with both longing to see his mistress, and fear of his compromising situation. He smiled, then frowned somewhat, his ears fluttering as he kept his paws at his sides. His blue eyes looked at Saarrreeaa, then looked away, and back again.

jI wasss wrrressstljing, and jI went to sssleep.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 01:08:24 AM
Saarrreeaa pushed him back on the bed with her hand, and straddled him. "jYou fell asssleep?" She raised her eyebrows. "Ssso jyou don't know how jyourrr jacket got outsssjide?"

He shook his head, those ears fluttering as they always did when she made him nervous. Saa bent down and licked up the center of his chest, not stopping until her tongue was at the end of his chin. "Whoeverrr took jit frrrom jyou, jI wjill fjind herrr." Her words got lost as she kissed him hungrily.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 24th, 2001, 01:36:52 AM
Cirrsseeto was first shocked, then overjoyed, his ears perking as he wrapped his arms around her midsection, kissing back. She wasn't mad at him! This was excellent! He wasn't in trouble, and she wanted to play! Cirrsseeto ran his hands up her shapely torso, caressing her lithe body as he ran a rough tongue from her full lips, to her jawline, and at the base of her right ear.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 01:50:17 AM
Saarrreeaa bent down over him, and quickly pulled her shirt off, tugging it over her platinum hair. "jI want jyou tonjight, Cjirrrrrr." She pushed the jacket off the side of the bed and onto the floor, removing the other female's scent from the bedcovers.

Whoever she was...she would not remain hidden forever. Carshoulis Prime was overly populated, but the Cizerack that were off planet was an easier list to sort through. Saa shivered as her manservant caressed her, and then she grabbed the long hair on his head, slamming him back against the mattress. Cirrsseeto yowled, and she kissed him again, with more passion than before, her mewls of pleasure becoming louder as their actions became more frenzied.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:15:17 AM
Not too far off, Seer listened intently to the conversation, even though she couldn't hear what was actually being said but the female voice didn't sound angry. Although as soon as she heard what was going on next, she reached over and put on the headphones to what the hyuu-mann she had gotten it from had called a cdwalkman, so she wouldn't have to hear that. (Well I don't really need to hear that at all) Seer thought as the music she was listening to drowned out the sound. (Now all I have to do is try and avoid her for a bit, and maybe explain this when she's less likely to claw the hell out of me)