View Full Version : Replica Props - Frequently Asked Questions

Sep 20th, 2001, 04:28:16 AM
<center><h3>Replica Props Frequently Asked Questions</h3></center>

We welcome you as a new member to our forums! We would like to take the time to get to know our new members and make sure that they're familiar with the way our little community customarily formats its messages so that we can more easily communicate with one another.

Below are some frequently asked questions and information that may help. If you have any additions or corrections for this FAQ please let the administration of SWFans.Net know by posting in the General Frequently Asked Questions (http://www.swforums.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?forumid=21>Communications</a>) first, which covers issues related to the SWFans.Net Forums as a whole, such as poster behaviour, personal pictures, personal signatures, personal icons etc. The purpose of this topic is only to cover issues strictly related to Replica Props.

Q: What is the 'Replica Props' section of the SWFans.Net Forums?
A: It is a section for people who are interested in movie props, replicas of movie props, and building these replicas.

Q: Are there any terms used specifically within the 'Replica Props' section that I should be aware of?
A: Here is a list of commonly used roleplaying terms that you should be familiar with:

RPF - Replica Props Forum
RP - Replica Props
SSM - Studio Scale Modelling
OT - Off Topic - this is used in topic titles to denote topics that are unrelated to Replica Props.

Note: The terms 'RPF' and 'RP' also stand for 'Roleplaying Forum' and 'Roleplaying' respectively, which relates to another section of the SWFans.Net Forums. Be aware of this alternate usage when posting outside of the 'Replica Props' section to avoid any confusion.

Q: What is an active project?
A: An active project is when a group of builders work together on a prop project. By working together they are able to defray the costs on some parts by ordering them in quantity. They also build comraderie and a cool prop for their own collection.

Q: Can the sellers here be trusted?
A: Maybe. Always be aware that when dealing on the internet there is a good chance that you could be scammed. For the most part the dealers who post to the RPF are on the straight and narrow. If you read posts for a bit you will probably get a good idea of who to trust and who to stay away from. Regardless, there is no gaurantee that you will not lose your money to a dealer or person who posts here.

Q: Is there a list of good/bad dealers anywhere?
A: We try to avoid listing dealers in one single place, due to the possibility of studios using the information to issue Cease & Desist notices, or even lawsuits.

Q: Why do we discourage posting of dealer information?
A: By this, we mean please do not advertise a dealers product or what he does without his consent. The film studios do watch this forum, and however well intentioned your post may be, it could get someone into trouble.

Q: Is there any place I can look for information before posting?
A: Yes. There are numerous sites that deal with replica props. One such place is the SWFans.Net Replica Props (http://www.swfans.net/props/) section on the SWfans.Net Homepage

Q: What is on topic for this forum?
A: Most people think that since this forum is attached to a Star Wars site that any prop not from the Star Wars movie is off topic. This is not true. Back in May 1999 when the forum was first created we decided that lots of us share an interest in props from other movies/television/comics/etc. Not only that, but lots of times methods used to replicate these props are the same. We all machine, resin cast, sculpt, kitbash, and search for found parts. There may be places better suited to talk, say Ghostbusters props, but that doesn't mean you can't post about them here in the RPF. Chances are someone else shares your interest and can help you or point you in the right direction.

Q: What if I want to post something not related to props?
A: The replica prop forum is just that, a prop forum. If you wish to post about other things, then there are other forums available to do so. A good place to start is to look at the rest of the SWFans.Net Forums. There are forums dedicated to the Star Wars films, other films, Star Wars Expanded Universe, collecting, roleplaying and a Studio Scale Modelling forum. There is even a specific forum for people who usually hang out at the prop board to post their OT material. Please make use of the rest of the community.

A possible exception to this, is that introductory posts to let everyone know who you are, and perhaps some background on yourself, are an extremely good idea.

Note: It is a forum policy to move off topic messages on sight (bar noted example), to the Off Topic forum. This is to help free up forum space for prop related messages, and to keep OT threads from cluttering the first few pages of information.

Q: Why do we discourage the posting of auctions if you are not a buyer or seller in the auction? / What is a Third Party Auction?
A: Unlike most of the other SWFans.Net forums we do not heavily discourge the advertising of one's products for sale, be it direct to board members or via an ebaym, yahoo, etc. auction. We do discourage the posting of ebay auctions except in the following cases:

* You are the seller or a bidder in the auction.
* You suspect the seller may be running a scam.
* The auction is so outrageous nobody would bid on it (eg. Tatooine sand for $500)

If you feel an auction may be interesting to the group and you want to talk about it feel free to post a link to it AFTER it has ended.

There are reasons. It creates competition between board members. Some people tend to get their feelings hurt when others bid against them. At other times 'letting the cat out of the bag' can really upset people. For example:
Back June 1999 a board member had found a Graflex 3 cell on ebay. The word 'Graflex' had been mispelled at every instance so searching for the word with the correct spelling would not turn up this auction. He promptly placed a bid and he held the highest bid at $25 for several days. Then, the day before the auction ended, another member found the auction and posted their discovery on the forum. Within hours the price shot from $25 to $300+ when other competing board members took their shot at the flash.
How would you feel if you had found it first? Then you lose an awesome deal when someone (who was not even going to bid in the auction) posted it and informed everyone else? These kind of deals are out there for all to find, all it takes is a bit of work. If you do the work then you deserve the reward. Chances are that if you found a hot SW prop item on ebay others have seen it as well. There is no need for you to 'inform' others. Those who really care will already know, those who do not care to do the simple search on their own deserve to go without.

This is what is referred to as posting a third party auction. It is looked down on by lots of people who post here. Sometimes some people will get upset and flame someone who posts a third party auction. New members who are not familiar with the way we work do not deserve this, but may get unfairly caught in the burners. If you are reading this you now know, so you won't posting a third party auction, right? Please try to respect this rule even though you may not agree with it. Your stay on the forum will be much more pleasant.

Now, those of you feeling sorry for the sellers, they should check their spelling etc. in auctions and they are more than welcome to come here and post them if they so desire. Not only that, but who are you more loyal to, a fellow board memeber or some seller you don't even know?

Now, all that being said DO NOT expect other board members to hold their bids against you. Ebay is a place of no loyalties, the highest bid wins. Some people may do you the favor of not bidding against you, but it is not a favor you are entitled to. Just leave ebay to ebay and everything will be fine... you won't be kicked out of the group or anything for breaking this informal rule, but you may be chastised by some.

Thankyou for your time and we hope you enjoy yourself.