Sep 20th, 2001, 03:00:39 AM
Im really considering doing a run of comic based props, like the doc doom armor im making anyway, but adding in stuff like the cosmic cube, caps shield, infinity gauntlet, webshooters, thors hammer, green lantern ring/lantern battery...
this isnt for resale type stuff, just me at home making it type stuff and i was wondering if anyone had actually made any of the above. i know i saw a lantern on the old board, and im working on an infinity gauntlet myself, but its a giant pain in the ass to sew a glove <im trying to get it to the real scale/size, and thanos has a HUGE hand>.
so.. anyone have any ideas/tutorials/etc they wanna share or any pics of things they own?
even tech specs would be great. i know some stuff, like caps shield being 2 1/2 feet in diameter, thors hammers measurements, but a lot of it im just guessing at. its mostly all in the planning stages right now but i figured it wouldnt hurt to ask.
so, basically, if you have any comic related props made, or just some pics of some cool stuff <like scans of a cosmic cube pic from a comic or something> please share. i think this is stuff a few of us would really like to make/build/share . im pretty sure 90% of us were comic geeks as a child/teenager anyway :p
anywho, post up if you want, or just drop me an email.
this isnt for resale type stuff, just me at home making it type stuff and i was wondering if anyone had actually made any of the above. i know i saw a lantern on the old board, and im working on an infinity gauntlet myself, but its a giant pain in the ass to sew a glove <im trying to get it to the real scale/size, and thanos has a HUGE hand>.
so.. anyone have any ideas/tutorials/etc they wanna share or any pics of things they own?
even tech specs would be great. i know some stuff, like caps shield being 2 1/2 feet in diameter, thors hammers measurements, but a lot of it im just guessing at. its mostly all in the planning stages right now but i figured it wouldnt hurt to ask.
so, basically, if you have any comic related props made, or just some pics of some cool stuff <like scans of a cosmic cube pic from a comic or something> please share. i think this is stuff a few of us would really like to make/build/share . im pretty sure 90% of us were comic geeks as a child/teenager anyway :p
anywho, post up if you want, or just drop me an email.