View Full Version : Mending Fences, Making Alliances: The Saalarian Pirates

Taylor Millard
Sep 20th, 2001, 01:35:27 AM
Continued from: http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderdiscussionchamber.showMessage?topicID =635.topic

Admiral Taylor Millard sat on raised command chair on the bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior awaiting the arrival of The Sith Order.

He was unsure if they would come or not, things had been relatively quiet around there recently. Earlier, Taylor had received rumors about a potential planet assault. The rumors had given him hope that the inactivity would come to an end.

But that damn non-aggression act spoiled it all. he thought, his blue eyes closing to slits. He understood the non-aggression act, but he didn't like it. This provides what I need though. The Saalarian Pirates have done enough...to me, and to the universe. These traitors to the Empire must be destroyed.

"Admiral," Tomar's voice came from across the bridge, "Do we know if they will arrive?"

The Sith Apprentice turned his head towards the captain, "No we don't. If the Sith Order decides to help us destroy the Saalarian Pirates, then they do. If not...then we go on ourselves.

"Drake has secured himself into Zakan's organization...or whoever is running it. We'll find out soon enough.

"We'll stay here for another couple of days...then we'll head on. Tell Captain Laran to meet me in my study in a few hours."

With that, Millard walked out of the bridge and into his study.

Serena Laran
Sep 20th, 2001, 03:16:41 AM
Laran stood in front of the Admiral's door, and pressed the button, alerting him someone was outside his study. She had walked over an hour after she had gotten word that Millard had requested her presence. She had been in the middle of some paperwork, filing requests to GMA and other dull reports. As the door slid open, she stepped through into the room.

"Captain Laran, reporting as requested, sir."

Taylor Millard
Sep 20th, 2001, 07:23:03 PM
"Ah yes, Serena. Come in. Come in." Admiral Millard welcomed Captain Laran into his study. He sat behind his oak desk, a glass of Corellian Brandy in the sifter in hand. Art circled around the room, casting a muted blue glow in the dim light.

Filling a glass half full, Millard offered it to the uniformed Captain...a nod of approval as she accepted it.

"I hope you enjoy it, Captain," Taylor let the words roll off of his lips, "It's been aged 20 years...I had it with me when I left the known universe for the Unknown Regions.

"Normally...I don't drink...Only on special occasions. Or...when I feel like it."

The Sith Knight pulled a wooden chair back, letting the red-haired officer sit in the chair before him.

"In case you were wondering, with this 30 day non-aggression pact being signed...it is time for us to make our move on the Saalarian Pirates. Our contact within their organization, has provided us information regarding their moves.

"For some reason..."Taylor mused, taking a sip from his brandy, "They have decided to spend this 30 day Non-aggression time to fall back and regroup, before launching a major offensive. We are unsure where and when though, but I plan to launch an attack on them...with the help of The Sith Order. Or those who decide to assist us in this endevour.

"Also...I have sent for the Imperial Star Destroyer Admonitor. It will take you to Bonhelious...it will also...be your new command."

He paused, taking another sip...awaiting her reply.

Live Wire
Sep 21st, 2001, 04:23:35 PM
The Lightnings Strike came out of hyperspace at the coordinates she had recieved at TSO. After making sure things were in order back on Correllia she sped off to assist TSO's newest knight, who had also become her friend.

She could see the ISD Superior out of the cockpits viewports and she opened a communications channel with the ship.

"Imperial Star Destroyer Superior this is Sith Mistress Live Wire requesting permission to dock"

Serena Laran
Sep 22nd, 2001, 01:46:41 AM
Serena left the brandy in her glass untouched. He is offering me a command on one of his ships. But she was in service with the Galactic Military Alliance, only here because she had been assigned the liason position by the Diktat himself. Laran cleared her throat, the only indication she had been caught flat-footed by his simple offer.

"I must refuse the offer of a command on one of your ISDs, Admiral, although I am flattered by the consideration behind it." She chose her words carefully, so as not to offend. "I am a commisioned officer of the GMA, and my service lies with the Diktat Viscera. I am sure that my time at Bonhelious will serve you better, as I determine how best the GMA can help you in your...reintegration to Known Space."

Taylor Millard
Sep 22nd, 2001, 10:30:29 PM
Captain Tomar listened to the Sith Mistress Live Wire as her ship hailed the Superior

"Ah Mistress Live Wire," he spoke conversationally, "This is Captain Tomar, welcome. I have been given instructions to meet in Docking Bay A1. You're cleared for landing. The Admiral is in a meeting right now...but I will alert him of your presence onboard."

That's one, he thought.

In Admiral Millard's study...Taylor regarded Captain Laran's comments with a happiness.

Good, she's loyal.

Taylor began realizing how much he did like the red haired GMA officer. Her loyalty and honorability...her...spirit. While he had yet to gain her trust, he had respect for her. With this respect, he refused to read her reports to Darth Viscera, unless Serena allowed him to read them. So far, she hadn't.

He spoke, another sip of brandy touching his lips, "You will though, go to Bohelious. While you are not under my command...that is a requirement. To see my men at work, would be a benefit to you.

"I appreciate you refusing the command position. It shows your loyalty to GMA...a trait I admire greatly. I do hope, you do not mind taking command of the Superior were it to come to pass."

The comm on his desk blinked, a white unyielding light. Pressing the button below, Millard spoke.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Captain Tomar,sir. Letting you know Lady Live Wire of the Sith Order has arrived. Shall I bring her to your study?

"That is correct Tomar. I'm finishing my meeting with Captain Laran, so have Lady Live Wire up here in 10 minutes. Millard out."

Turning from the comm, Millard allowed his blue eyes to focus on the lightsaber behind his chair. The one he'd taken from Luuke Skywalker on Tatooine, after severing his cloned head from his cloned body.

Trophies of past events. he thought Now...focus on the present.

"What guarentees do I have from the Galactic Military Alliance they will not put me on trial for treason?" he spoke to Laran, his blue eyes matching to her green ones, "Will they reward my men for their past service? Will they break them up or keep them under my command?

"In fact..." he spoke, an idea coming to his mind, "What would you do, Captain, if you were in Darth Viscera or whoever else is running GMA's spot? Would you keep the current group together, or split them up? Tell me please, our company is on her way."

Serena Laran
Sep 26th, 2001, 01:18:39 AM
Laran sat even straighter in her chair, readying her words carefully. "The GMA has no intention of breaking up the group in Bonhelios. The Diktat will not take actions to disrupt your personal chain of command, but I will be working with you and GMA to bring about situations that are mutually beneficial."

She set the brandy down. "There has been no talk of treason. And if sufficient documentation is given, your men will be rewarded according to their dues. I have no doubt that you are an exacting record keeper, and any recommendations you give to me will be forwarded to GMA for consideration."

There was some noise outside the door, the Admiral's company was arriving. Serena got to her feet. "If I were the Diktat, I believe I would give your men a choice. Either they could stay under your command, as they have for so many years, or they could transfer to a station of their choice. Your service in the Unknown Regions is extensive and undoubtedly took its toll on your men. Although I would not wish to break up your 'group' ...my concern would be for the overall workability of any arrangement." She excused herself.

Taylor Millard
Sep 26th, 2001, 06:07:26 PM
She shows restraint...excellent. She shows discretion even better...excellent. Millard kept his smile concealed as Laran started her exit.

"Captain," he said setting the brandy in its cabinent near the desk, "Please tell Captain Tomar he needs to remain in the Docking Bay for more of our guests. You have command."

He gave her a salute as she stood, her gaze unchanging. He concealed his smile, as she exitted his study.

There are times, I love being unpredictable.

He stood a bit straighter when his next guest entered.

"Lady Live Wire, let me officially welcome you to the ISD Superior. I trust your journey was uneventful? Can I get you something to drink?"

Pulling out a chair for her to sit in, he awaited her reply.

Live Wire
Oct 2nd, 2001, 10:45:29 AM
Live Wire surveyed her surroundings silently. This was the first time she had been aboard the Admiral's ship and it was quite interesting to see the other side of his life.

Sitting she shook her head refusing the offer of refreshments. "The journey was quite uneventful. A nice change from the norm I must say. I assume Im the only one from TSO to have arrived so far?"

She was unsure how many from TSO would come but she felt it was her duty to assist on this matter. The mundane work at tso could be left for awhile. It would be there when she got back unfortunately.

Taylor Millard
Oct 3rd, 2001, 12:22:52 AM
"So far, yes," The Imperial Admiral and Sith Knight stated, taking a seat behind the desk. Pressing a switch behind the desk, the art surrounding the two disappeared leaving the two in the muted grey surroundings.

"I had hoped for more, honestly," he said, deciding it was easier to speak his thoughts than keep them silent, "While the Saalarian Pirates attacked only the two of us; I had hoped your allies in The Sith Order would come and help.

"I say your allies," Taylor interupted LIve Wire's question, "Because I only know a few people. You, Master Darkserpent, and Jeseth Cloak. A folly of mine? Perhaps, but I may be able to make new allies...if more show up. We will remain here two more days. If no one shows up, then it will be up to you, my crew, and I to face the pirates alone. I only hope more do show up."

Millard paused again, his right hand movind to the lightsaber on the shelf behind him. It wasn't his lightsaber, but Luuke Skywalker's. Taylor's own lightsaber rested in a drawer in his desk. He pulled the black saber out, fingers almost carressing the black metal. He snorted, then clipped the lightsaber to his belt.

"I must say, I am pleased to see you, my lady. Your presence here is a good sign. And it honors me you decided to help me rid the universe of this scum.

"The Saalarian Pirates have done enough to hurt this section of the galaxy. They began their terror years ago, back when they were a part of the Empire."

The memories flooded his mind as he retold the story of the rogue admiral Pytra Zakan.

Gav Mortis
Oct 3rd, 2001, 02:56:26 PM
Two empty weeks had crawled by since Gav had returned alone from his training mission with Jeseth and Seth; he still refused to talk about their whereabouts. Externally he seemed dormant, still and weary as he trudged about the Orders infrastructure - the palace had been rebuilt and was looking better than ever, he remembers the barren wasteland that was once there - so much was changing all around.

Yet beneath the surface, he knew this was no longer his home and his mind stirred with thoughts and concepts he had once thought impossible - yes, all doors had opened before him so it seemed - he was strong and could do whatever he wanted. So why was he just standing around?

Suddenly, it dawned on him that a task force in orbit of the planet was leaving in two days to embark on what has been described as an adventure for those after some unpredictability in their life. Gav was twenty-four, he felt like he was fifty; this venture would suit him down to the ground.

- - - - - - - - -

It didn't take him long to get ready for the impending excursion, with a change of clothes in a bag along with a few other items and Sith essentials he was ready to leave. Never again would he check-in or follow any kind of formal procedure, he made his way to a shuttle bay without having to go through security and whatnot because he was either too well known or too well feared.

Soon enough, the Sith Master sat amongst a group of inexperienced cadets signing up for this mission to make a name for themselves - the only name they will end up making for themselves will be in an obituary or other suitable memorial. None of these youngsters knew who Gav was, he had been away for so long that he had almost become an anonymous figure in the Orders hierarchy.

It took no more than fifteen minutes to reach the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior and once cleared and docked, Gav made his way past the security with ridiculous ease, a slight mind trick here and there, etc. and he was in. Soon he found out were a certain Admiral Millard could be found from a randomn officer, who under Gavs influence would reveal what colour lingerie his own wife wears.

Soon enough, after navigating his way through the insides of the ship Gav came to the turbolift leading to the bridge where he spoke with the security there and with sufficient persuasion he was escorted to what was known as the Admirals study. No form of precedure had been followed, not that it mattered to Gav, the good Admiral could either accept or reject his offer of participation. He knocked on the chamber door.

Taylor Millard
Oct 3rd, 2001, 03:43:10 PM
"Admiral Zakan began his betryal of the Empi-" Millard was interrupted by a knock on the door. A slightly perturbed look on his face, Taylor said, "Enter."

The doors slid open silently, revealing a thin young man in a black jumpsuit, a lightsaber on his belt. His blue eyes stood out from his spiked, black hair. The eyes were attentive, taking in the entire surroundings. The man would certainly blend in to almost any setting, Millard mused.

What was noticable about the man, was the scar on his neck. Taylor had seen war wounds before, yet there was something about it...

In a way, Millard thought, He reminds me of Master Darkserpent...Although there is something much different about him. He's not Seth at all. He's stronger in the Force...and tired. Hmm, interesting.

"Yes?" Taylor askes, one of his eyebrows raising towards the figure, "May I help you sir?"

He noticed Live Wire's expression as the man walked in his study. Her eyes lit up like the twin suns of Tatooine at the sight of the Sith. It was then Millard realized who stood before him.

Courteously, The Sith Knight said, "You are the Sith Master Gav Mortis correct? I greet you. It is an honor to have you on this mission. May I get you something to drink sir?"

Millard paused a bit, then spoke again, "I cannot help but noticed I was not informed of your arrival. I take it you, sneaked aboard?"

Live Wire
Oct 4th, 2001, 12:05:28 PM
She remembered clearly how her and the admirals' entourage had been attacked. Anyone brazen enough to attack a council member of the sith order was indeed someone that TSO wanted to deal with. It was an organizational matter. Of course the fact that it had been her life on the line made it a little more personal.

She looked up as his story was interrupted by a knock on the door and she wasn't surprised to see who stood behind it. She had sensed his comforting presence in a way no one else would have. Even though she was unsurprised she was still glad to see him.

Live Wire smirked at the Admirals question. Gav was never one for a traditional entrance. If he wasnt blasting his way in the front door he was in the shadows somewhere probably getting ready to blast in the front door. It made him unpredictable at times but it was what made him such a valued and respected sith Master. LW nodded respectfully at her college and friend as he entered the study with a smile on her lips that only she knew was there.

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2001, 02:51:01 AM
Millard walked back behind the desk as the Sith Master took a seat next to Lady Live Wire. Taylor, himself, sat behind his desk finishing his drink with one last gulp. He took a deep breath, keyed a button on his desk, then turned as a holographic photo appeared off to his right.

He indicated the holo, "That...is Admiral Pytra Zakan, formerly of the Imperial Navy. All reports we have is he died at the Battle of Dantooine before the assault by the Rebels on Endor. But new information, specifically the attack on Lady Live Wire and I, have led me to believe he may yet still be alive. Somehow."

The holo of Zakan disappeared, replaced by that of a goateed man, glitterstim pipe in his mouth. His short hair matched the tan skin well. A look of disdain was on his face, with his black eyes staring straight ahead.

"This," The Sith Knight spoke, "Is our contact, Steven Drake. Formerly of Imperial Intel, he's been a good source of information for me, when I first began exploring the Known Regions again. I trust him."

The Imperial Admiral pressed another button, watching Drake disappear and the schematics of a planet replace it.

"We will leave 3 days from now, in case there are any late comers to this, and meet near the planet Saalaria; home for Zakan. There we will send a team of two to meet with Commander Drake to gather information.

"Our strike is a two pronged attack, but I will elaborate on it later. I do expect some help from my forces in the Unknown Regions, specifically the ISD Admonitor but that is it. The non-aggression act you know.

"Are there any questions?" Millard finished his statement, waiting the two Sith's reply, if any awaited him.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 8th, 2001, 09:28:56 AM
When Grand Admiral Thrawn had returned, he'd discovered that he was nothing more then a clone produced by the Chiss to spy on the Empire. The fact did not surprise him, but he flatly refused to help his brethren. His true brethren were those of the Galactic Empire, his loyal officers. Thrawn saw this as a second chance to complete his goal and further the Empire's glory.

The blue skinned alien thought it would be wise to contact old friends and people he could really trust. Among that list was an Admiral Taylor Millard. Taylor had quite a history with Thrawn, the boy had been his one-time pupil, long ago. Taylor was now an Admiral, and a Sith Knight. It hadn't been hard to discover Taylor's current wherabouts. He tracked the man all the way to Corellia, which belonged to a group dedicated to the revival of the Dark Side, the Sith Order.

After notifying Diktat Viscera of his short departure to venture to Corellia, the annoyed Diktat flatly refused. Thrawn mentioned that he was going to meet Admiral Taylor and possibly recruit him into the Imperial Navy. As Thrawn had suspected, Viscera had heard of Taylor before and probably tried to recruit the Sith Imperial himself.

"Yes, I believe it would be in the Empire's best interests if you went." Thrawn still remembered those words uttered by the Diktat. A small smile crept on his face as he told theDiktat which ships he was going to bring with him on this excursion. Once again, the Diktat refused with a less then calm demeanour. Thrawn suggested that the Sith Order or Dark Axis might find this a conveniant time to prey on the Empire. With a sigh, Viscera agreed and dismissed him.

Immediately Grand Admiral Thrawn summoned the fleet and boarded his flagship Pandemonium. It was a well equipped ship, and a miniature fleet in its own respect. Thrawn issued out the proper orders and set his sights toward Corellia.


The Pandemonium emerged from hyperspace along with the ISD Borgil, the ISD Remmirath, and the two VSDs Anduin and Oridruin. As Thrawn suspected the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior orbited the great planet of Corellia. He smiled at the thought of those living on the planet. Thrawn pondered if they all lived in fear, it was a slightly amusing thought.

"Captain Renthal." Thrawn addressed his faithful and loyal Captain. "Open all comm frequencies to the Superior and state our intentions."

"Sir, I am unclear on our intentions here." Renthal replied.

"Tell them that we are here not to engage in combat with them, but to speak with an old acquaintance of Grand Admiral Thrawn's. Request that they allow me to dock the Superior." Thrawn finished. Memories that seemed artificial began to flash through his head. One was of Taylor and himself leading a task force against the rogue Imperial Zakan. It was believed that Zakan died in that crash. Thrawn was willing to admit that there was a slight possibilty the rogue survived somehow. Everything and anything was possible.

As Thrawn left the bridge and headed toward his personal shuttle, he was escorted by two officers. The Grand Admiral took a moment to wonder why the fleet had been assembled in orbit. He would have to get caught up on current events with the Admiral, and he planned to do so. Thrawn stepped up the ramp and took a seat in the belly area of the ship. He suspected there were other Sith aboard that Imperial Star Destroyer as well, but yet Thrawn did not carry any weapons or ysalimiri.

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2001, 12:27:49 PM
As Millard awaited any questions from Master Mortis and Mistress Live Wire, the door chime sounded again. Taylor looked towards the door, expecting another Force user. Instead it was Captain Tomar, a look of suprise and almost wonderment on his face.

"Captain? What is it?" The Imperial Admiral asked, concern on his face.

Tomar approached the three Sith, standing at attention, "An Imperial fleet has just come out of hyperspace. The commander is wishing to speak with you, sir." He still looked nervous.

"Very well, Tomar. Is he on the comm?" Millard looked slightly confused, refusing to use his Force powers on his friend. Tomar came slightly closer, the look still on his face. Taylor wasn't sure if the expression was wonderment, joy, or fear.

"He wishes to meet with you," The Imperial Captain stated, wiping his head with his arm sleeve, "In fact, he's on his way."

Millard's blue eyes blazed briefly, "Who is he?"

Tomar approached him, whispering something into Taylor's ear. His eyes widened, and his expression matched Tomar's.

"Pardon me," Millard stood up, moving towards the door, "I have...pressing matters to deal with. Jaranda Piett will show you to your quarters. Will you have seperate quarters or the same one?

"We will meet back here at 1400 hours. Hopefully, more Sith will be present. Jaranda-" Millard pointed to the red haired, non-military personall standing on the bridge, "-show Lady Live Wire and Master Mortis to their quarters. Thomas, Tomar with me. Laran you have the bridge."

As Millard got on the lift, he swore he could see a wolfish grin on the face of Serena Laran.

Grand Admiral Thrawn is back?!? incredulous thoughts filled the mind of Taylor as he, Thomas, and Captain Tomar walked quickly towards the Docking Bay. This is wonderful, if it's true. Thrawn was-is a genius, and a good teacher. If this is him, it will be an honor to see him again.

A voice spoke to his left. It was Thomas, "This is certainly interesting, Admiral. I notice you only have your lightsaber with you."

The Dark Jedi walked a bit faster, "If this is Thrawn, it will be good to see him. But where's he been the last 20 years? Why didn't he contact me?"

"Perhaps he was held prisoner somewhere; or maybe he'd been injured?" Tomar mused, "Or maybe he's something else."

"Something else?" Thomas said. If Millard could've seen behind the red mask of the Imperial Guardsman, he would have seen an eyebrow raise questionably.

"A clone maybe? Jaranda did say Thrawn was looking for Spaarti Clone cylinders when he came back, 20 years ago," the Imperial Captain said.

"Whatever he is. Clone or not. It is good to see him again. But stay on alert. It could be a trap," Millard said, as the trio exitted the corridor and entered the hangar.

They stood awaiting the arrival of the shuttle, watching as it entered the hangar, and landed a perfect landing on the deck. Taylor stood at attention and saluted as the ramp lowered. He sense no deception from the shuttle, but he did sense the familiar, yet different presence of a Chiss. Of Grand Admiral Thrawn...but a strange buzzing in his head as well. Taylor wasn't sure what it was. But he was still pleased to see the Grand Admiral.

"Attention on Deck! Grand Admiral entering!" Tomar shouted, causing the busy hangar to stop, look, then salute quickly. The deck lowered and a trio of individuals came out.

Serena Laran
Oct 9th, 2001, 01:21:03 AM
Rear Admiral Laran, who was somewhat unwillingly "undercover" as Captain, sat calmly in the command chair on the Superior bridge. She turned her head to the comm. "Monitor all communications between the fleet. Let me know if something comes to your attention." The ensign nodded, and turned back to her console.

Serena tapped her fingers on the armrests. Just a few moments ago they had detected a surge in real space, indicating ship or ships reverting from hyperspace. The SSD Pandemonium, the ISDs Borgil and Remmirath, and the two VSDs Anduin and Oridruin appeared in the system, and quickly neared the planet, where the Superior lay in orbit. Laran kept her head, recognizing the ships approaching, although the sentiment around the bridge was not one of friendship.

They recieved the communique from the Grand Admiral, and Tomar left to deliever the message. Laran had no choice but to give clearance for the Lambda-class shuttle to dock with the Superior. The security codes they transmitted matched with TGE protocols..although had she not been here, no one would ever have known. All the information and codes they had on record were out of date...by years. Considering the half-life of security codes, it was an incredible oversight for an Imperial vessel.

Of course, this wasn't and Imperial ship. Hadn't been for years. Laran straightened her uniform. The Grand Admiral and Admiral would probably be coming to the bridge, if she was not mistaken. She stood, walking over to the tactical officer.

"Keep your finger away from the turbolasers, Lieutenant." He looked at her, and she raised an eyebrow. "They aren't here to hurt us."

"Yes sir." He didn't argue with her.

"All the same, keep continuous sensor sweeps, just to be on the safe side. If weapons get charged, I want to know." They wouldn't be, of course, not with the Grand Admiral on board. However, there was a remote possibility that it was an elaborate hoax, that Thrawn was not here, and that transponders and security codes had been faked. It was remote.

But it gave the tactical officer something to do. He looked pale and sweaty. With reassurance that the opposing fleet was not a threat, he would relax quickly. Serena walked back to her chair.

"Shuttle has entered docking bay, magnetic shields holding." Laran looked over to the comm officer.

"Stormtrooper squads in place?" Laran's eyebrow raised in query. The ensign nodded. "Good." She had sent the order through Tomar. A Grand Admiral needed a grand reception.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 9th, 2001, 04:07:42 PM
Grand Admiral Thrawn unfolded his arms as the shuttle carefully docked in one of the main hangars of the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior. He unbuckled himself and stood up rather stiffly. Behind him, two Stormtroopers moved into position to escort him out of the Lambda class Shuttle. Thrawn stared into the shadows, almost half expecting to see Rukh there. The Noghri bodyguard had been his demise over a decade ago.

I wonder if it would be wise to trust anyone to an extent. Hopefully young Millard hasn't changed. Thrawn thought to himself. As he was taught in the Imperial Academy on Carida, Thrawn assumed a position in front of the ramp. Both Stormtroopers stood at either side. They raised their blasters up, and waited. Slowly the ramp descended, and with a thud it stopped.

The Grand Admiral clasped both hands together at the small of his back and began to walk down the ramp. The Stormtroopers followed in their white gleaming armor, only to find at least two to three squads waiting for them. They had been assembled in a military fashion that made Thrawn proud to be an Imperial. He'd always seen the Empire as being very neat and organized. The Empire reminded him of sculptures. If sculpted the right way, they would conclusively look magnificent. In the hands of someone that could not sculpt, the Empire would be nothing.

The Admiral hasn't done a bad job for himself at all. Thrawn thought as he began to enter the rows of the troops. Disciplined troopers were hard to find after the Emperor's demise. Thrawn knew that behind those masks of white and the armor that protected their body, they were humans. Weak, emotional humans. At least someone like the Emperor usually kept his emotions in check. Thrawn wished all of the humans were like that. Lord Vader had been affected by the emotions for his son, like a typical human.

There were three human males awaiting his presence at the end of the stormtrooper formation. Two he could recognize almost instantly, but one was in an Imperial Guardsmen uniform. Thrawn turned his head to the human on the right, who he knew as Captain Tomar. Thrawn had personally promoted him to Captain during the battle of Dantooine. Tomar proved himself to be loyal that day, something Thrawn valued.

The other human was none other then Taylor Millard. The young man from Balmorra had aged quite a bit but still retained most of his youthful looks. The memories of Taylor and Tomar were different from his other memories. These ones seemed real, they felt real. He couldn't really explain it, nor would he allow himself to dwell on the thought. More important matters were at hand, at the moment. He didn't have the luxury of sitting down and pondering the fine points of his existence.

As he stopped only a few feet away from the Admiral, Thrawn did not speak at first. Instead he smiled a close-mouthed grin that probably would send chills down an enemy's spine. There he stood, a blast from the past in his impeccably clean white uniform. His rank badges had been polished to the point that one could see a clear reflection in them. Although he stood silent for a few minutes to allow Taylor to evaluate him. Surely this man probably did not believe the sight before his eyes. Thrawn would be quite surprised if he did.

"Admiral Millard," He cocked his head to the side, "and Captain Tomar, it is a pleasure to see you both again. It would seem that you are both in good physical and mental shape, although looks can sometimes be deceiving, no?" Thrawn wanted the others to wonder if he was implying something. He could tell it worked by the bemused look on their face. "It seems that we have much to catch up on. I commend you on the reception that you have set up for me, though totally unnecessary I might add. I was never one for big crowds as you might have remembered."

The blue skinned Chiss shifted his focus to the Lightsaber that hung at Millard's belt. It reminded him of the one Vader wore, when he appeared in Imperial courts, or when Thrawn was summoned before the Emperor. He'd studied the Force as a passtime and found it to be quite the conundrum. Although there was only one puzzle worth solving. The utter destruction of all of the Empire's opposition. Soon enough, that day would come and Thrawn would only hope that Admiral Millard would be assissting him, like he had before.

"And I see you have not done bad for yourself either. That Lightsaber that hangs proudly on your belt, it indicates that you are a Dark Jedi, correct? Quite a laudable achievement, by my standards. It is rare to see an Imperial official wield the Force, but it also proves to be a valuable trait." The memories of reading all those books were quite hazy, but still there.

The Grand Admiral paused.

"Perhaps we can adjourn to a place a tad more habitable to speak of times past and future ambitions." He finished, maintaining that smile of his. His red eyes glowed with a brightened flame that represented his loyalty and love toward the Empire.

Gav Mortis
Oct 9th, 2001, 04:37:34 PM
Throughout the briefing Gav had as ever been silent and simple answered with gestures of confirmation unless more thoughtful answers were required. When asked if he had sneaked onboard, Gav simply smiled and answered, "Well sometimes Imperial procedure can get rather long-winded at times."

Taking his seat he listened intently to what the Admiral had to say, yes he was tired, he hadn't slept in some nine days now - his personal routine of physical conditioning (which currently he has adapted to allow him to devellop a long-term resistance to fatigue) - luckily, he would have three days to rest before his assistance would be required.

Gav was eager to see some action, he needed some outlet through which he can vent his frustration and general irritability - he needed to get some sleep - although the Siths curiosity was raised considerably once Millard had received a important message, the look on his face said it all, who was here to see him? Someone important? Perhaps.

Once the Admiral had departed for the hanger bay, the two Sith were left with Jaranda, who would escort them two their quarters.

"Can you show us to separate quarters?" His reply might have seemed somewhat contraversial, specifically to Catherine, whose eyes he couldn't meet for the time being after the unfolding of events before he'd left Corellia for three months. That day, that day on Corellia at Lake Porelli, so many complications, matters of the heart were difficult and frustrating - however he held no grudge against Catherine - he was sure it hadn't been easy on her either. It was simply his inexperience with such matters that forced him to act this way, he suddenly overcome by an awful feeling of discomfort.

He was exhausted and irritable. No doubt if he had to spend a great deal of time with her it would be strenuously taxing on his nerves and mind. He needed rest and then he'd be able to deal with situation with some degree of professionalism, hopefully.

"Please, do lead the way." Attempting to sound courteous, although he had no real respect for the Imperial officer, he couldn't be bothered showing his feelings and the resultant awkward consequences until he'd had sufficient rest.

Whilst making his way to their destination Gav could do nothing but think about the prospects of this mission; this could be just what he needs, some mindless violence.

Taylor Millard
Oct 9th, 2001, 05:02:45 PM
Millard stared directly into the red eyes of his former teacher. Their gazes locked, and for a moment, Millard could see into the mind of the returned Grand Admiral. Something caught in his mind, and he saw it.

Tubes...Massive amounts of tubes were around the dark room. The fluid within the large container provided life to the being inside. Millard walked forward towards the structure, pressing a gloved hand against the cold surface of the cylinder looking at the life inside. It was a small being, pale blue in skin. Small blue-black hair came from its head. Taylor moved closer to figure, their faces equal.

Suddenly, the eyes opened. They were red. Millard fell into them as they consumed him and his body.

The Imperial Admiral's vision cleared quickly as his mind came back to him. He was back hangar staring at the returned Grand Admiral Thrawn. Taylor shook his head slightly, smiling broadly.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Grand Admiral," Taylor spoke slowly, "Let us adjorn to your former study on the bridge. I will have the liason between the Galactic Military Alliance and my forces meet us there as well."

Millard allowed the Grand Admiral the lead as the quartet of men walked from the hangar bay to the bridge of the Superior. Thoughts racked the brain of the Sith Knight as they made the journey.

He meant something by saying 'looks can be deceiving'. That wierd buzzing in my head is really bugging me. As was that vision I saw. Something is up. Why would Thrawn show up now, here? Is Viscera that concerned with me not being a member of GMA he would stoop to this level to get me to join? No, I'll trust Thrawn. I sense no duplicity from him. This may as well be Grand Admiral Thrawn. I will have to ask him, when we arrive at the study.

The group was silent as they rode in the lift towards the bridge. As the doors opened, Millard heard Laran speak,

"Admiral on deck!"

Taylor sense even she didn't know what to make of Thrawn's appearance. But he also sensed something else from her. She is hiding something, but not what.

"Captain Laran, meet me in...The Grand Admiral's study. I believe there is much to discuss."

The trio of officers entered the darkened study, Thomas staying outside the door as guard. Taylor walked over towards the cabinent holding the various liquers kept in the study. Millard pulled a green bottle of red liquid.

Pouring a glass, Millard spoke, "A glass of wine perhaps Admiral? And please, take your seat behind the desk.

"It is good to see you, sir. How is it you've come back?"

The doors opened, allowing Captain Laran's entry. The Dark Jedi indicated the liason.

"Let me introduce Captain Serena Laran of the Galactic Military Alliance. She is the liason between I and Darth Viscera's forces. Now, please tell me how you've come back?"

Live Wire
Oct 11th, 2001, 02:55:01 AM
Live Wire paced in her temporary residence thinking. 3 days to plan and rest up would be sufficient and would give her time to contact anyone else at TSO and order their presence on this mission.

As she paced her mind drifted back to Gav's attitude which she quickly brushed from her mind. They had their own issues and those would be delt with on their own time. They were both adults and personal matters didnt complicate missions. But she would have been lying to say that she wasnt just a little bit hurt by his lack of acknowledgement. However it wasn't surprising.

She flopped back onto the bed only half reading the data pad in front of her. She was more interested in the feel of the crew of the ship. There was nothing there out of the ordinary. The usual apprehension before the start of a new confrontational mission. A ship full of people somehow made her feel better.

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 11th, 2001, 01:37:09 PM
Hyperspace tore open above Corellia, and spat out three ships in a neat triangular formation, each 800 meters in length, bearing a passing resemblance to a Hapes Nova class cruiser, but with shorter, slimmer wings that didn’t droop. The ships were matte black, with dark, blood red hawks portrayed swooping down on prey on the wings.

The Lieutenant aboard the Superior stared at the readout for a moment, trying to grasp the ship design.

“We have three ships that just pulled out of hyperspace, of unknown design. They resemble Hapes Novas, but are much larger. The computer says they are Kreikiv Vitiku Snow Hawks, but I’ve never heard of the design or the manufacturer. They are hailing us.”

A female voice spoke, slightly deeper than most women: “Clan Vitiku demands Kresh’ve’teh, Trial of Renewal, Millard.”

Serena Laran
Oct 11th, 2001, 03:22:50 PM
Laran paused just inside the study doors as they swished shut behind her. "I have read and heard much about you, Grand Admiral. It is an honor to meet you in person." A slight noise caught her attention from the bridge, barely noticable through the doors behind her.

She nodded briskly. "If you will excuse me." Serena turned and walked through the doors, re-entering the bridge just in time to hear the lieutenant's description of the new arrivals. She studied the ships on the viewer.

"Tactical, watch those ..Snow Hawks. I want to know if they so much as sneeze towards us." She saw that the five ships that had arrived with Thrawn were changing their vectors, rearranging to better face this threat.

"Clan Vitiku demands Kresh've'teh, Trial of Renewal, Millard" The deep woman's voice transmitted over the distance between the ships. Laran raised an eyebrow while sitting down again.

She tapped the comm. "Admiral, you'd better come out here."

Taylor Millard
Oct 11th, 2001, 08:00:42 PM
"Pardon me, Grand Admiral," Taylor spoke as he quickly exitted the study to the bridge of the Superior.

"Report!" he ordered, before turning to the viewscreen. He stared at the Five Snow Hawks, his blue eyes narrowing.

Has it been five years all ready? his mind asked, as he closed his eyes clearing his head.

"It's all right Captain Laran," he spoke slowly, "Lieutenant, open communications with them."

Why did they have to show up now... his anger flared then faded.

"Clan Vitiku, this is Admiral Taylor Millard. I believed Alexander Kozkis and I had an understanding. The Trial of Reknewal would not happen until I returned to the Unknown Regions, in a month.

"But if you wish to have Kresh've'tesh now...I believe I can accomondate you." He crossed his arms, waiting a response.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 12th, 2001, 03:54:49 PM
The Grand Admiral had also followed Taylor's lead and exited the study. His arms were crossed, and he had an emotionless look on his face. The Grand Admiral entered the bridge of the Superior, recalling the familiar set up. He had stood on this bridge such a long time ago, and experienced so many ventures. It was on this bridge that Thrawn had crushed Zakan's rogue forces. Such was necessary to further the Empire's glory.

It was a shame that Palpatine was killed by Vader. Thrawn knew that Lord Vader rarely thought before he acted, or issued an order. Quick thinking was an essential ally when it came to battle. As always, Thrawn's objectives were to destroy or engage in combat with the opposing forces and lose as little ships as possible. Even though it sounded repetitive, it was not at all. The Grand Admiral had engaged in fleet combat many times. Each time his enemy was larger, smaller, different.

It was only a shame that most of his memory seemed artificial. He could recall events easily, but they seemed unfamiliar. Unfamiliarity made him uneasy, although he rarely showed his emotions. Thrawn believed it was a good tactic to mask his feelings. Feelings and emotions just got in the way of the tasks that needed to be completed.

"Admiral Millard, what seems to be the problem?" Thrawn asked calmly, and in a low toned voice.

He stared out of the viewport and noted that three ships were approaching the Imperial Star Destroyer. Thrawn wondered if they meant trouble, and decided that probably was the case, it always was the case.

"Might I suggest that you raise your shields? This tactical readout suggests that they might begin to fire on us, once in range." Thrawn kept his voice low. "And if you would like it, I could order my own division to engage in combat with these...ships and help destroy them. If they are hostile of course." Thrawn concealed the smile that tried to pull his lips apart. Battles always calmed him, and made him feel better.

He could only hope these strange designs would dare to fire on the Superior.

Taylor Millard
Oct 12th, 2001, 05:16:48 PM
"Thank you Grand Admiral, but no...not now atleast," Millard said, keeping his eyes on the Three Snow Birds on the viewscreen, "They are not hostile-for now. They are actually, in a way, allies.

"A race we ran into in the Unknown Regions. We made a deal with them...a fight every five years for something called Kresh've'teh or 'Right of passage'. I'd worked a deal with the leader of the tribe, Alexander Kozkis, to hold it off until I returned to the Unknown Regions a month from now.

"It appears," Millard narrowed his eyes, "They've altered the deal."

The Imperial Admiral walked towards the command chair of the Superior taking a seat.

"If they wish the call Kresh've'teh," Millard glowered, butchering the pronunciation on purpose, "Then we should accomodate them. They have been a powerful ally in the Unknown Regions.

"If they launch a shuttle allow them to dock. If they charge weapons, raise shields and prepare to fire. But only if they do that."

Millard waited a response from this Tasha Kozkis

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 13th, 2001, 12:25:04 AM
"Alexandar..." the voice paused, "...moved on, inconviently. Proper consession were not made, and some record not kept. He was not man of writing. We did not know of arrangement. I board, disscus trial, yeh?"

"Yeh." Millard returned the proper response.

Tasha killed the comm circuit and headed for the ship bay, boarding the waiting assault shuttle, a sleek, angular affair with stub wings and heavy sheilds. She squeezed into the somewhat cramped cockpit, her black ceramic mail armour clinking quietly against her torso and upper legs as she settled into the pilot's seat. Then she pulled her flight helmut on over her short blonde hair, dark brown eyes in stark contrast on the HUD's plastic.

"Are we ready?" She quired the four others who were providing fighter escort in her tounge as she pushed up the control that raised the boarding ramp.

After a series of "Yeh" from the others, she gently cruised out of the Dozdeyv's Vit Glrey. The fighters formed up around her in a neat delta formation, and she eased the throttle to eighty percent, quickly eating the distance between her and the Superior's maw of a docking bay. The shuttle slowed and drifted gently into the bay, settling on it's three landing struts with the noise of an owl's wings, and she ordered the fighters home. Tasha removed her helmut and dropped the boarding ramp, heading for the polished floors of the Imperial ship.

Taylor Millard
Oct 14th, 2001, 11:13:19 PM
"Tomar, Thomas with me. Laran you have the bridge. Admiral," Taylor made sure to acknowledge Grand Admiral Thrawn as he exitted the bridge.

The three collegues stood in the lift as it led back to the hangar bay. Each was silent, mulling over the past events.

They came early, The Admiral thought, I trusted Alexander Kozkis to keep records of our deal. I suppose I trusted him too much. Could the Kreikiv Viktu be hear for other reasons outside of this 'Trial of Reknewal'? If they plan an attack, they are going to fail miserably. If they kill me...someone will replace me. It may not be Tomar or Jaranda, but someone will.

His second-in-command Captain Tomar was mulling the same things, They try to kill Taylor and I'll take the blaster bolt for him. Millard needs to be here commanding the men. Someone else can take over for me. Plus, the admiral does have the Force with him. And with the Imperial strike force outside...

Tomar had never seen the Snow Hawks in action, but he knew the damage they could cause. He'd been planetside when Millard's forces had their first run-in with the Kreikiv Viktu. When he'd returned, the ship needed heavy repairs. But it had been one ship the Viktu had encountered...not 8.[/i]

"An interesting turn of events," Thomas spoke beneath his red Imperial Guardsman garb.

Taylor allowed a small smile, "You speak the obvious Thomas. Something I didn't expect of you."

"I supect," The Imperial Guardsman continued, "We may be able to use this to our advantage. If the Kreikiv Viktu decide to assist us. We could destroy the Saalarian Pirates rather easier. A united front."

"That is true, sir," Tomar said, "What do you think about.."

"The return of Grand Admiral Thrawn," Taylor finished the question, "It's an unexpected pleasure. I have not decided whether to join The Galactic Military Alliance or not. If Thrawn is real...or atleast a real enough clone. It is possible I will request membership.

"But we have better things to focus on gentlemen," The Dark Jedi silenced the discussion, as the lift reached the hangar bay, "Let us go meet Tasha Kozkis."

The three reached the shuttle as the ramp began lowering. They all bowed to the approaching blue skinned alien.

"Welcome Tasha Kozkis," Taylor spoke courteous, Seems I've been doing that alot lately.

"Welcome aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior. Now why have you come all this way over the 'Trial of Reknewal'?" Millard let his irritation show ever so slightly, "May we withdraw to my study to discuss terms of this...oversight by Alexander Kozkis?"

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:18:57 AM
Tasha returned the bow, but had to think of the proper ways to put her words into Basic, which she knew was not perfect.

"Neh, misunderstanding? That proper word?" Taylor nodded, and Tasha continued as they began to walk for to the study. "Alexandar moved on in riding mess up. Stupid thing, but such is life, yeh?" She sighed, "My broother Jahzek now Krem Vitiku, so he going over records, and saw date of Trial. Alexandar, though much love, poor on record detail. But to point: Jahzek good with records, Alex move on, so I here to give Trial."

The group entered the turbolift, and Kozkis looked around, examining it. She had been on an Imperial ship before, but it had been a while.

"This safe place to talk about special records?"


"Yehhehyah. I wait."

They departed the lift, and took the short walk to the study. Once there, Tasha reached into her pocket just beneath waistband pulled a datacard from beneath the mail leggings.

"Commander of your outpost said 'Give this to the Admiral' Outpost was hit jekkitjezk Saalarian Pirates," she said spitting on the floor in disgust at saying their names, "some signal damaged."

Tasha handed the disk to Millard, who looked at the object with interest and set it on the table.

"For Kresh've'teh, now or later." She stated, her apparent body language neutral. Personally, she had found the Imperials honorable after the initial skirmish, which had simply been a misshap of communication, or lack thereof. But Millard in partictular, he had been purely honorable in all of his dealings with her clan, and seemed to respect their rituals.

She stood silent, eyebrows raised.

Taylor Millard
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:31:25 AM
I thought I told them to be cautious...feh. Millard thought, frustration rising.

"Very well, Lady Kozkis. I will send a team to fix the communications. As for our 'Kresh've'Tesh; we can do it en route to the Saalarian Pirates base. I believe the recreation room here on the Superior will suffice for it."

Millard then switched to Kozkis' language, making it easier for her to undersand, "If not, shall we do it on your ship then. That fine, yeh?"

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 15th, 2001, 11:29:55 PM
" Your command of my tounge is impressive, Admiral Millard."

"But yeh, your practice room will probably do quite nicely. After the Trial, would you like my ships to accompany yours to decimate the coward pirates?" She replied in her native language.

Tasha was most pleased. Millard respected the ritual, even when there was a previous agreement of postponement, and his command of her language was very impressive for an outsider. A strong leader such as this must command respect from his people.

She did wonder what was on the datacard. Perhaps it offered insight into those strange pirate ships which could simply dissapear? Maybe she could coax an explaination out of Millard or one of his people later.

Taylor Millard
Oct 16th, 2001, 01:20:18 AM
"That would be an honored pleasure Lady Kozkis. Taylor kept conversation in her people's tongue.

Millard took a seat behind his desk, taking a small glance over the datapad. It contained information regarding the attack, as well as information over the daily runnings of the compound on Bonhelious. The rest was in a heavy encrypt for his eyes only.

He motioned for Tasha to take a seat in the chair infront of his desk. He also noticed Grand Admiral Thrawn standing in the shadows, his red eyes closed keeping the glow from revealing his position. Millard sensed him with the Force, the only way he knew the Grand Admiral was in the room.

It will have to wait for later, The Imperial Admiral thought.

"I must ask, Lady Kozkis two things. One, what is your relation to Alexander? Brother? Uncle? Father?"

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the mahogany desk, "And why is it you're helping me? The Saalarian Pirates have never attacked your territory. While my study of your culture says you defend your allies and territory; Bonhelious is not in your territory, nor is the Pirates' base to our kackerko (knowledge)...is that how you say it?"

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 16th, 2001, 07:06:08 PM
Since Taylor had left, Thrawn found his way into an empty room that stored most of the art that he chose not to put in his study. He seemed to recall a series of holopaintings stacked up against the left wall, three sculptures that used to rest upon three designated pillars, at the corner of the far wall on the end. He remembered one of the sculptures was of a limbless human. It represented the remorse that human beings felt when something of value was taken away from them. The more important that item was, the longer their remorse lasted.

Thrawn would never admit to it, but he felt slightly remorseful when the Chiss had banished him from the Mitth'raw'nuruodo clan. Eventually, in his dealings with the enemies of Chiss, Thrawn used methods too extreme for the Chiss to tolerate. They brought him up on charges, stripped his rank, and sent him into exile on an uninhabited world at the edge of Imperial space.

But then why would they revive me to spy for them? Thrawn walked over to a wooden chair, amongst others, and shakily sat down on it. This chair was different then the one he had possessed so long ago. It's texture was harder, and it proved to be less comfortable to suit his needs. Nevertheless, he dismissed the feeling of uncomfort. This was a perfect oppurtunity to ponder his exsistence.

Almost a month ago he had returned to Coruscant aboard an unmarked transport. After examining it more closely, Thrawn knew it's designer was his people, the Chiss. Upon his "awakening", he remembered the doctrine he had been put through. An audio recorded computer program had tried to format him into a Chiss spy, relaying Imperial data to them. Cleverly, Thrawn had rejected the traitorous thoughts by making the computer believe it had succeeded in convincing him to spy for his "people". The same people that had rejected him...Yet he still felt the sense of loyalty that he had been taught in his adolescense.

One question among the other significant questions bothered him the most. It was that concerning his current loyalties. He did not like the Rebellion one bit, and that made him an Imperial. He believed in their cause, but frowned upon their uncivil treatment toward others, and their xenophobia. Thrawn did not consider himself a human, and did not want to be one. He was the only alien in the Imperial Navy to ever receive such a prestigeous rank.

But I am not Thrawn, I am a copy. The Grand Admiral wished he had a glass of wine present. Sipping the refreshing liquid aided him whenever he thought about things. Nonsense, I am the Grand Admiral Thrawn. Not a Chiss spy, not a cheap clone.

The word clone reminded him of Joruus C'Baoth. He had once cooly told Pellaeon that the the real Jorus C'Baoth had died aboard a ship with several other Jedi Masters. Joruus C'Baoth was a clone of the original, gone mad. Since then, the clone defection had been corrected. Even if I was a clone, does it matter? I have been given a second chance to crush the Rebellion. Then perhaps I can think about my people, and my loyalty.

Thrawn stood up from the chair, and thought he caught glimpse of two glowing eyes. The Grand Admiral staggered back, but then stopped. The eyes had...disappeared. Was this a picture conjured up by his imagination? As if feeling a wound reopen in his chest, Thrawn's blue hand brushed across his white Grand Admiral suit. There was nothing, no blood, no wound.

Formally, he cleared the wrinkles in his white suit, and spun on his heel. Leaving one hand behind his back, he extended the other and pushed the door button. It slid open, and Thrawn stepped through. He would have to find Admiral Millard and bid him farewell. The Grand Admiral would effectively begin integrating all the Imperial groups and uniting them as one. He would begin planning against his enemies, and soon bring about their downfall. But he could not stay in the past no longer.

"Deck Officer, would you happen to know where Admiral Millard is currently stationed?" Thrawn asked a human in a black uniform that was quickly passing by.

"He's in his study, Admiral." The officer replied, recognizing the man's uniform.

"Thank you."

"Yes sir." The Officer replied, saluting and then walking away.

The Grand Admiral quickly made his way toward Millard's study. He would have to arrange a meeting with the Admiral some other time on Coruscant. Now was not the time to reminisce about the past. Taylor Millard was obviously a busy man.


Admiral Millard's Study; Twenty Minutes Later

The Grand Admiral had entered Taylor's study, just a few seconds before he and a woman had entered. The Grand Admiral quietly moved into one of the darker parts of room. The shadows did a good job of covering his white uniform, but his eyes still hinted his presence, visually. Of course he knew Taylor would probably use the Force to sense him anyhow.

Interrupting their current conversation, Thrawn stepped out of the shadows and toward Taylor. It was then that he noticed the female was blue skinned like himself. But certainly she is not a Chiss.. The Grand Admiral was all but awestruck at her resemblance to his kind. Quickly he diverted his attention to the Admiral, and gave him a relaxed look.

"Admiral Millard, forgive me for interrupting your conversation, although I found it necessary. As you know, I came here during my short leave, but it has occured to me I have no place here. My place is on Coruscant, assembling the fleet and defending the core territories." He paused for a moment, and glanced back at the woman, acknowledging her. "As your place is here, now. I believe from listening to your conversation I have been able to piece together this situation. You are going to rid the Galaxy of the Salaarian Pirates, which are the splinter of Admiral Zakan's rogue forces."

Taylor did not seem surprised that Thrawn knew his share about the pirates.

"I wish you good luck in your endeavour." He finished, wishing to leave after Taylor responded.

Taylor Millard
Oct 16th, 2001, 08:06:51 PM
"Yes, Admiral," Taylor said, his thoughts swirling aroud him. Thrawn's leaving? I suspected he wouldn't stay too long, but I was hoping for him to help with the capture and destrution of the Saalarian Pirates.

"We are going after the Saalarian Pirates, but I am unsure if they are a splinter group of Zakan's forces. All of our information suggests Zakan may be running the operation in secret. My contact has yet to discover anything just yet, but he does suspect it."

Millard stood, walking towards the Grand Admiral, "If you wish. I can accompany you to the hangar bay for your departure. Or do you wish to go alone?"

He spoke to Tasha Kozkis, "If he says yes, will you allow it? I would hate ot keep you waiting for too long.

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 18th, 2001, 05:11:21 PM
Tasha smiled slightly as she carefully sat in the comfortable leather chair.

"Your proununciation is a little off, add more emphasis on the last 'k'. Anyway, since the passing of Alexandar, my father, to answer your question, we sent a ship to contact Bonhelious. The universe has an odd sense of timing and purpose, and she was attacked. I belive that a Vitiku ship fall under "territory."

Another person spoke, a male. Tasha turned and looked over her shoulder, assessing him. He had blue skin like the Kreikiv, but lacked the pointed ears, and his eyes glowed red. He wore a most unsual Imperial uniform, one she had never seen before.

Tasha simply nodded in response to Millard, and pondered this new Imperial.
"You may go. I have much to think about."

Steven Drake
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:19:55 AM
On the Planet Saalaria

Steven Drake sat in a cantina, smoking his glitterstim pipe. His black hair cut short with an eye patch on his left eye, he looked the normal space pirate. But in reality, he was a mole. A man who was spying on the Saalarian Pirates for his commander, Admiral Taylor Millard.

Drake was no stranger to espianoge, his time with Imperial Intelligence provided him with enough background for this assignment. Sometimes he had to live the part too well.

Weeks prior, he'd been assigned to the raid on the planet Bonhelious, the command center of Millard's forces. Drake hated doing it, but he knew his duty. As he sent his out dated Z-95 Headhunter down to knock out the communications relay, he dropped a brief message for Admiral Millard.

Sorry for attack...had to prove loyalty. Zakan is alive. Will wait for you in 2 weeks at Hard Gammor Cafe on Saalaria...Everything well...bring some fine Sith Ladies when we kick Zakan's bloody behind...

He'd also fed a bit of technical data, including the fact he'd been inside Zakan's base, but never seen it. He'd also informed the Imperials forces under Millard, Zakan still had working cloaking devices.

"So tell me something.." a gruff, prickly voice said. Drake raised his eye. It was Kalred, the Grann.

"Why're we still here? And how come we've never seen the exterior of the base?" Kalred was a new to the Saalarian Pirates as Drake.

"I'm unsure," Drake spoke back, "I assume they don't trust you at all."

Kalred let a whiny laugh come from his lips, "And you assume they trust you more? Human, you are more blind than I thought."

Touche Drake let a halfsmile come on his face, as acrid smoke came from his brown pipe. "Atleast I can see," he shot back, "I didn't slam my TIE into one of the boss' ships on the way back."

Kalred let out a combination whine/growl, then grabbed Drake, spilling their drinks.

"Careful, Kalred. You'll get yourself thrown out." Kalred threw Drake into a table, spilling the contents on the human. As the Gran advanced, a beat up droid hovered in front of him.

"You..."it clicked, "Have caused...a...disturbance. Please...remove...your-self...from these...PreMEsis...immediately."

Kalred threw the droid away, then fell to the floor as electricity shot through his body. Drake scrambled to his feet, making sure his eye was covered, staring at the source of his rescuer.

A human stood there, disheveled and unclean. His blond hair came to his shoulders and a smirk was on his face.

"Looks like I saved your kirsh again, Drake," He prattled like a pretty boy, "That's two you owe me."

"Yeah yeah, Broll. Let's get Kalred out of here, " Drake picked his undamaged pipe off the tile floor, "The Boss still wants him eh?"

"Feh...he can keep the toom-jat," The Balmorran swore, "But he does want him. And the boss wants to speak with you too, Drake."

This'll be interesting, Drake thought, making his way out of the cantina towards the shuttle awaiting him.

"Hey Drake!" Broll yelled, as Stephen boarded the shuttle.


"Good job on the raid. Boss said he liked it!"

Good. I'm glad he did. Drake entered the shuttle without further comment. Time to see Pytra Zakan...

Grand Admiral Thrawn
Oct 19th, 2001, 02:35:58 PM
"That is unnecessary, Admiral Millard. I would not want to interrupt your conversation any more then I have already." Admiral Thrawn smoothed the front of his white uniform, as he usually did when in the company of others. The Imperials were neat, unlike the unorganized band of Rebels. "I will request your audience on Coruscant in the near future so we can continue our own discussion."

Placing one hand behind his back, the Grand Admiral paced toward the door. The familiar door, that he had seen many times when he was aboard the Superior. Since then, the Imperials had grown considerably. Their fleet, now considered "uber" was vast, compared to what they once had. Although Thrawn knew better then anyone that this did not make the Empire invincible. If a small band of Rebels, succeeded in chopping it down all those years ago, it could happen again.

What we need is order amongst ourselves. Then we will focus on the enemy, Thrawn often told himself. There was no one in his crew that he would feel comfortable voicing his suggestions with. The crew of the Pandemonium saw him as some sort of storybook Imperial. Some even believed he was not the real Thrawn, and just another hoax. The Grand Admiral didn't really blame those who did not believe in him. An Imperial Moff trained and disguised a con man to look exactly like Thrawn in the past. It had almost tore the Empire apart. Although Thrawn hated disposing of good officers, he would have to execute those plotting against him. In Diktat Viscera's frequent abscenses, the Empire would suffer without Thrawn.


The door opened, as soon as Thrawn's lower palm pushed into the red button beside it. He stared at Admiral Millard, and the female sitting across from the desk. She spoke in an unfamiliar tongue, as did Taylor. The Grand Admiral wondered where she came from. It was something he would have to research whilst back on Coruscant. After all, he finally was allowed access to the vast chambers of knowledge that only the best slicer in the Galaxy had a chance of cracking.

"Farewell Admiral Millard, and I wish you a swift victory against the Saalarian Pirates." He slightly tipped his head to the side to acknowledge the woman. Instead of voicing his thoughts, he just slightly nodded. He did not know if she understood basic or not, and did not want to risk offending her. Shifting his gaze back to the Admiral who was once his apprentice, he gave Millard a grand Imperial salute. Taylor returned it, with as much pride and patroitism as possible. Thrawn stepped back, and the doors closed behind him. Once again, the Grand Admiral was out of Taylor's life, but this time it would not be for another twenty years.

Taylor Millard
Oct 21st, 2001, 09:07:57 PM
Millard watched the study doors close, signifying another exit of Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was alone again, but this time not for too long. Plus, he had a battle to fight.

The Imperial Admiral turned back towards his other blue skinned guest, this one a female. Highly muscular, Taylor regarded her with more respect and courtesy he did any other real alien. He'd learned the benefit of alien assistence in the Unknown Regions.

The Dark Jedi took a seat behind his desk.

"If you wish time to think, Lady Kozkis, I can allow it. If I may, I'd like to make a special request.

"I have kiotalat (guests) on board my ships. We were preparing the destruction of the Saalarian Pirates. I wish them allowance into our briefings. I have given them some information all ready. We should be ready to depart in another day or two."

He leaned back in the comfortable chair, staring out at the stars.

"I plan on holding our ships in a system outside of Saalaria, although I doubt any of your ships would be recognized, but I will only allow it, if you do.

"I also suggest we take care of this 'Trial of Reknewal' during our trip through hypersprace. Do you agree?"

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:42:16 PM
"Agreed, Admiral Millard. The trial shall take place in hyper-space, and my ships shall accompany yours. They will not even have one last chance for honor. I shall repay the unprovoked attack in kind. As such, I feel the need to be aquately briefed along with your people. We need to use the assets avialable to their fullest, yeh?" Tasha looked intently at Taylor, curious. How much do they trust us? They were not Vitiku, Kriekiv, nor ages old allies. She did not worry, though. If the Admiral continued his pattern, there would be more than a token discussion in regards to the assault.

If as wise as he seemed to be, he would want information on the Snow Hawk's capabilities, only witnessed during the initial encounter between the Imperials, and most data the Imperials acquired during the exchange wasn't very intact.

The pirates would be repayed for their blantant dismissal of a Trial.

Taylor Millard
Oct 24th, 2001, 09:18:12 AM
"It is their custom," Millard said with a small snort, "To not trust anyone. Although I tend to agree with them on that respect. But the Clan Vitiku have been allies to me for over a decade, and thus, I have faith in your people."

Taylor thought, They also have an interesting culture and art.

"But," The Sith Order member continued, "They do trust me, and I will vouch for you. I would like to request another thing of you. The schematics of your Snow Hawks. Though I have personally encountered them, it would be wise to know their full potential.

"Although I do not expect a full planetary assault, we will almost certainly be attacking an installation of some sort. And we will be encountering resistance of the capital ship kind. Does the Snow Hawk carry any type of fighter or bomber? It would do us well in the battle against the Saalarian Pirates. Pardon me for a minute."

Taylor turned staring out of the window towards the Imperial Fleet. He hadn't seen Grand Admiral Thrawn's shuttle leave the Superior yet. Keying the comm he spoke,

"Tomar. Prepare an escort for Grand Admiral Thrawn. Take Thomas and fly in the Missile Boats over. Have Stark and Jyyt fly TIE Advanced."

"Understood," his second in command spoke. "Anything else?"

"Yes. Inform all Sith Order members they are to meet in my study at 1900 hours." His cold, blue eyes began to glow, "It is time we planned our attack."

Tasha Kozkis
Oct 28th, 2001, 05:10:58 PM
"This," Tasha said, pointing at the holo, "is Kriekiv Vitiku Snow Hawk."

"She is 802 meters, has 32 Turbolasers, 64 ion cannons, which are weaker, maybe half for ion and two third for turbolaser than those on your Star Destroyer, and 64 rapidfire laser cannons for anti-fighter. She is a faster ship, about three-forth again as fast." Tasha hilighted the nose of the holo, showing the two meter hole.

"That is output for Snow Hawk's ion beam projector." She cued the simulated footage constructed from the data recorders of the initial Vitiku/Imperial encounter. An Imperator MarkII drifted with two massive blue-white ion beams pouring from a pair of Snow Hawks, and the energy flickering over the Imperial ships hull. The Imperial ship remained adrift in space.

The footage halted as Vitiku fighter blurred by chased by a pair of TIEs, and shifted to a diagram.

"She carries 32 many-role Sky Shadow Mk.IV fighters. They are shielded, and from the data I have, are similar to Rebel X-Wing in sheilding, but faster and more agile by small bit, 10 percentage. Firepower similar, but also has ion cannon. The cannons on wingtips are very fast firing, twice as fast as TIEs, but have power output cut when ion cannon charged. Can carry concussion missiles or torpedos in weapons bay. Can have hyperdrive, but at expense to torpedo capacity and power output."

Taylor Millard
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:04:33 AM
"Excellent," Millard said, switching to Basic and taking a sip of his drink again, "They should help us nicely as we get rid of the Saalarian Scum.

"It appears, we have all of the Sith Order members who are willing to assist in this mission. Pity, I was hoping for more."

Shows what I can do to trust them. Millard thought darkly, Even Master Darkserpent isn't here. But, from what I sense in the Force, he's having problems of his own. I hope he can work through them. He is an excellent teacher.

Keying the switch on the comm, Taylor spoke, "Captain Tomar, prepare for departure in one hour. Alert Master Mortis and Lady Live Wire; I expect them in my study in 4 hours. We must finalize our plan of attack. Tell Captain Laran I expect her there as well. I want to see if she has any 'suggestions' herself."

"If someone should ask" Tomar responded, "Where shall I say you are?"

The Sith Knight thought for a second, "Tell them...I am in the recreation room, preparing for Kresh've'teh. If they ask further, tell them it is something of importance. Millard out."

Turning to the female blue-skinned alien sitting in front of him, Millard spoke in the former's language, "Shall we prepare for Kresh've'teh? If so, meet me in the recreation room in 1 and a half hours. Take anything you need from your ship: supplies, food, weapons. In the past, Alexander and I fought hand-to-hand. If you wish for a weapon, I will allow it, my lady."

He finished his glass, then awaited her response.

Gav Mortis
Nov 7th, 2001, 10:29:56 AM
A couple of hours Gav wasted by drifting of into sleep in his dimmed quarters, no matter how much he'd changed over the last decade; the low hum of starship engines were still soothing and aided his efforts to sleep off fatigue. He'd been pushing himself non-stop over the last three months and his brief return to Corellia has resulted in him embarking on another adventure.

He enjoyed the familiarity of Live Wire being there, many a time when he was younger he would go gallibanting off on some blind crusade and many a time she had bailed him out. He'd mayured a little since then but still fate keeps them closely knit and he couldn't deny it was comforting. She was several rooms away, up the corridoor, she was probably a bit frustrated about his attitude but now was not the time for talking. They were both professionals when it came to their vocation and no matter how strong the emotional bond, they could shun it aside for the mission. A cold truth of a Siths heart.

When he awoke, he felt somewhat refreshed. Wearily he propped himself upright and stretched awkwardly before turning the lights back on. He had changed out of that awful jumpsuit which he loathes wearing and was now wearing something more casual and comfortable. Loose flannel trousers and a log, flannel top which reached to his knees; in it's dark grey entirity what he wore was very much like that of a traditional monk. Leaving his quarters and making his way up the corridoor towards Live Wires' room where he planned to speak with her.

That was until he felt something odd, it was a presence he'd encountered only once before. It was a distinct presence; an individual with a great deal of confidence and an air of dignity and pride radiating from him. Gav had encountered this person before, in a conflict when he was an apprentice and although he'd incapacitated this man, he was almost left for dead. How he'd wanted revenge on him since that day. How much he'd wanted to kill the blue maggot and watch him squirm in fear.

He followed the scent of his prey toward a hanger bay, then when he arrived there he finally caught sight of Thrawn himself. It had been seven years ago they'd encountered each other when Gav was an apprentice and Thrawn had been strong in the ways of the Dark Side back now. Gavs' steely gaze burned through the glass at the Admiral himself and reaching out Gav realised something about the Chiss and then began chuckling discreetly to himself. He'd almost forgot; he was a Sith Master and Thrawn was now in comparison a true maggot, or at least as weak as one. Gav could crush him like an insect; in comparison, the Grand Admiral was pitiful and happily Gav turned and walked away. He knew now that it would be a pointless waste of his time to kill Thrawn, he'd just let him sit happily on his ships feeling powerful when really he had no power at all. It was pathetic and made the Sith laugh to himself.

The arrogance of men to think that ships can give power!

It was astonishing how much the tables had turned since their last encounter, it was hilarious really. Gav felt indestructable, powerful. He couldn't wait to bring about carnage to these pirates now and made his way back to his quarters, forgetting entirely about Live Wire down the hall. With whom he'd had intentions to talk.

Serena Laran
Nov 10th, 2001, 02:00:05 AM
Serena was on the bridge of the Superior again, reviewing tactical data on the Snow Hawks, when Tomar entered. She stood and they formally greeted each other.

"We are to leave on the hour, Captain Laran." Tomar spoke, and Laran nodded.

"Very well. What is our destination?"

He handed her a datapad with the coordinates on it, and she glanced over them before he spoke again. "The Admiral asks that you join him in his study in four hours for the meeting. I will take the bridge to relieve you."

She slightly raised one eyebrow, and glanced at a chrono. "In three hours then, Captain?" Tomar agreed, and she walked towards the helm as he exited the bridge. Serena handed the datapad to the ensign, who started the navicomp caluculations.