View Full Version : Paragon of Justice (challenge)

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 20th, 2001, 12:41:29 AM
:: The stirring winds whipped through the artificial canyons of Coruscant. Perched high above many layers of traffic, the Jedi Anbira Hicchoru gazed from a rooftop, extending his feelings as far as he could maintain them. What he felt was a disturbance...of conflict drawing near.

The grey-haired warrior drew his brown cloak tighter around himself, leaving little of the black coveralls underneath to be shown. ::

Sep 20th, 2001, 06:47:50 PM
It isssss NOT time for this yet, my host

The silent scream that echoed in the Fallen Jedi's mind was accompanied by a trailing wave of pain, and he was forced to stop and grope about for support. His hand caught on one of many artificial rocks jutting out from the wall by his side. He spoke aloud, through gritted teeth.

"I am not your puppet, insect!", he growled acidly. "I am not subject to your whims and wishes. If I could, I would sever you from my body like the cancer you are. I go where I want, when I want."

Nupraptor could almost hear the insect's venomous hiss and the faint clicking of it's mandibles. It was angry... whoopdefriggin doo. As far as he was concerned, that bloody thing didn't couldn't exert the slightest bit of control over him. He was, of course, vastly mistaken about this.

The insect wasn't nearly as simple as it portrayed itself to be: It knew that the former Jedi would consciously resist every command and request it gave. Instead, it played the role of a doting Soothsayer, suggesting things it didn't truly wish. Because it knew that he would do the exact opposite. It was a trick older than any other, but it was still just as effective on a certain cyborg not operating at full capacity.

Having regained his balance, Nupraptor continued walking at a hurried pace for several minutes: He was getting closer. The very idea excited him for reasons that he couldn't define or even put to words. He hesitated in his stride for only an instant, lifting his head into the air and sniffing it as an animal would. The very air was rich with the presence of the man he sought!

He rushed forward, running as fast as his leg muscles could carry him (which, enhanced by both the Force and the Fibre-Nerve endings, was quite fast) until, at last, he could see the other man within his vision. Everything else ceased to exist, his sight shrinking into a narrow tunnel-vision as he focused on the very man that, since he had first fought him years ago, had remained his unerring opposite in every way. The man who, regardless of situation, had always been the mirror image to every ideal he had held: Anbira Hicchoru.

His back was turned, but Nupraptor wouldn't have even considered taking advatage of the situation. Instead, he mustered every last ounce of his skill to approach him as stealthfully as possible: he wanted to be within hearing distance when he announced himself.

As he strode quietly towards his long time rival, the gray shade cast by the canyon became deeper, until it reached an inky blackness, and began to wrap itself around Nupraptor. His control over the darkness had become so absolute that it had long since ceased to be a conscious effort, instead responding to his mere presence. It flowed to him in dark tendrils, like sinister moths to a darkened flame, and quietly wrapped him in their dark embrace. He stopped, satisified that he was close enough to the other man, and spoke up. His voice was dry, bespeaking a throat that had long been denied a proper drink.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it... Abel?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 26th, 2001, 12:31:26 PM
:: The allusion was an intriguing one, causing the Jedi's eyebrow to arch. He did not turn. His grasp of the Force was sufficient to see for him. An aura of darkness growing like a tempestuous fire behind him. His eyes would likely deceive him if he allowed it. Instead, Anbira pondered the statement, and its intention. ::

<font color=0099CC>And_who_are_you_the_keeper_of,_brother?


:: He turned, allowing himself to gaze fully upon his opponent. The Coruscant breeze fluttered in his brown robe ::

<font color=0099CC>The_conflict_you_sow_is_the_destruction_you_reap.</font>

Sep 26th, 2001, 08:26:04 PM
The Fallen Jedi placed one hand on his knee, allowing himself a moment to catch his breath. In between his short, haggard gasps, a sort of laughter started to emerge.

"Heh.. heheh... heheheh... haha... hahaha."

His mouth curved upward in a maniac's grin. The teeth thus revealed, in a stark contrast to the rest of him, were immaculately white and perfectly ordered. The mechanical eye which replaced the one that had been ripped viciously from his body was now pulsing, bathing his face in its crimson hue in time to his breathing. Its glow would expand, then contract. Expand, Contract.

"Do you think.. I've not considered that, dear brother? Do you think for an instant that I haven't considered the consequences of my actions? Although the trappings may be different, I am still a Jedi."

This was punctuated by another short burst of laughter. Nupraptor straightened himself, standing at his full height. His maniacal grin seemed to grow a few inches larger, and now both eyes appeared to be glowing with an unnatural light. He opened his mouth to continue speaking when he was cut off.

No! You cannot do thiss! You are not ready yet., the insect screamed into his mind. It rushed the words out, portraying just the slightest trace of its trademark hiss.

"Ahh!", Nupraptor grunted with the fresh wave of pain it sent through his body.

Look at him, it spoke now in a persuasive tone. He doesss not even posssesss what you desssire.... yet. Leave him be - and leave thisss confrontation for another time.

"No," he whispered. "This has nothing to do with some bid for power and everything to do with seeing justice served. He will pay for his crimes."

The quivering look on the cyborg's face passed, and the maddening grin once again took its place.

"Anbira Hicchoru... You will pay for your countless crimes and atrocities; For the buckets of blood on your hands; For the lives you have stolen away... you will pay. You will pay for the Sins of your life, with your life.