View Full Version : A challenge

Elieen Cross
Sep 19th, 2001, 11:51:43 PM
I want to try the new place out

Miss De'ville, would you care to accept?

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 20th, 2001, 12:12:33 AM
"It would be an honor." De'Ville stepped into view, her jumpsuit fitting snugly on her slim body.

ooc: for the purpose of testing the forum ;) lets just have her not be pregnant for the fight. Fighting while prego makes me nervous :) But she could kick your butt either way. /ic:

Elieen Cross
Sep 20th, 2001, 12:46:10 AM
I shrugged my shoulders, loosening up as I stepped into the arena where I and my opponent were to face off. In one hand i hand my Force Pike, in the other, a blood red sabre.

ooc / If you want to fight when not pregnant, fine by me. I will win either way :P

Morgan Evanar
Sep 20th, 2001, 01:53:59 AM
OOC: I smell..... EGO! *dissapears*

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 20th, 2001, 02:32:22 AM
De'Ville had her arm blades strapped to her forearms, the nearly indestructible edges gleaming in the light. Her lightsaber was clipped to her belt, and she eyed her opponent from across the arena, scuffing her booted toe in the ground for a moment.

Eileen held a force pike and a blood red saber, already activated. Apparently she thought she would need them both. De'Ville grinned, she's going to need more than that! She assumed a defensive stance, arms crossed in front of her body, blades out, allowing Eileen to make the first move.

Elieen Cross
Sep 27th, 2001, 06:11:49 PM
I looked over my opposition carefully. She was tall, but not overly. I had fought much taller and far physically stronger opponents and won, so her minor reach advantage would not matter. What I would be more concerned would be her skill level, which I was unsure of. It was a truism of all battles, to test your opponents strengths and weaknesses before revealing your own. It removed the opportunity for a quick victory, but it removed rash acts and the equally possible scenario of a quick defeat due to your own stupidity. Thence I deactivated my sabre, seeing she did not carry one. That would seem to be foolish, but it was not. I was far more deadly with the Pike and had recently given it a few more surprises – one that I had copied from the Dark Jedi Venom. I reclipped the blade to my belt, then advanced, presenting the Force Pike in the en guarde position.

“Shall we dance sister?” I responded to her words. I moved abruptly forward, swing the sharp point of the Pike at her throat

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 28th, 2001, 12:50:48 AM
De'Ville watched warily as the other woman approached, her pike held ready for attack. She stood in the middle of the courtyard, the flagstones firm beneath her feet. Cross paused, still a distance away from her, and abruptly advanced, swinging the business end of the pike at her throat.

The Dark Jedi threw herself backwards, allowing the tip of the pike to pass over her harmlessly. As De'Ville flipped over and back up to her feet, she brought her arms up, presenting the blades to the continuing attack. Cross kept her forward momentum, swinging the pike around to catch her opponent off guard with the other end of it.

De'Ville held her ground, the pike hitting her blade on her left arm as she absorbed the shock and thrust out to the side, shoving the end of the pike away. At the same time she pivoted on her left foot, kicking her right foot at the knuckles of the hands holding onto the pike.