View Full Version : NHL Playoffs

Kyran O'Hurn
Apr 29th, 2013, 08:22:27 AM
I know that hockey isn't a huge draw south of the border, but know that we have a few around here who are follow. It's going to be an interesting playoffs this year after the short season.

Don't have a full read on the NHL like I usually would being in China, but here is my best guess.


PIT vs. NYI - Should be PIT in a walk. Biggest question is when does Crosby come back. This one is maybe the only one that has a 4 game sweep.

MTL vs. OTT - As a Leafs fan I'm trying to figure out how both of them can lose. Should be a fairly easy time for MTL but OTT has been surprising this year.

WAS vs. NYR - WAS was one of the hottest teams down the stretch, but over the course of 7 games... Comes down to two things. 1) can NYR shut down Ovie. 2) if they can shut down Ovie can WAS get scoring from someone else.

BOS vs. TOR - Ugh... My heart wants the Leafs to pull something out their hats, but don't think they can do it. Only real question is how gassed is BOS after all of those games at the end of the season. I don't think it'll affect BOS in the first round, but it'll probably come back to bite them later.

WEST: (don't know the west as well so...)

CHI vs. MIN - Don't think MIN can put up much of a fight against CHI.

ANI vs. DET - In the past this might be scary, but DET isn't the same without Lidstrom. Should be no problem for ANA.

VAN vs. SJ - Could be the upset of the first round. I don't like VAN personally, but what I know about VAN this year is that they are unpredictable and their PP has been brutal. The twins need to score, if they don't...

LA vs. STL - Don't think that LA is going to repeat, but don't think STL is going to be the one to send them golfing either.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 29th, 2013, 11:23:28 AM
I haven't been following the NHL at all this season >_<

but I'll definitely be trying to watch some playoff games... like the masochist I am.

Emelie Shadowstar
Apr 29th, 2013, 02:42:14 PM
>_> frakkin Red Wings...

Ilias Nytrau
Apr 29th, 2013, 03:00:46 PM
^This. Really, can they just... not be in the playoffs, for once? It almost happened.

The Leafs won't win. They can't. Seriously. We'll never hear the end of it. :p

Aside from that, I bloody well hope it's at least that it's a Canadian team, and optimistically either the Habs or 'Nucks. Heck, a Habs/'Nucks final would make me happy because I wouldn't care who won. Possibly unrealistic, but a gal can dream, right?

Apr 29th, 2013, 08:25:12 PM
I've been cheering on the Pens like every year, but what they've managed to accomplish in the face of so many injuries is incredible! I can't believe the depth they have, especially after the addition of Morrow, Jokinen, and Iginla. I don't want to take anything for granted, including the series against the Islanders, but even if they don't win the cup, I feel like this team has been special.

I'm torn between wanting Crosby back on the ice as soon as possible and wanting to be sure he's 100% with a minimal chance of re-injury. When he's performing at his best, especially when he's surrounded by so much talent, you're going to see some beautiful hockey.

I'll echo the sentiments on the Redwings, but primarily because I was really hoping the Columbus Blue Jackets would make it into the playoffs for the first time in their history. All it would have taken was a regulation loss by the Redwings. :(

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 29th, 2013, 08:34:25 PM
Avalanche got the first pick in the draft. :p

I've been paying more attention to the WHL - the Portland Winterhawks are Western Conference champions for the third year in a row. They also have the probable first pick for the NHL draft on the roster in defenseman Seth Jones.

Kyran O'Hurn
Apr 29th, 2013, 09:54:50 PM
^This. Really, can they just... not be in the playoffs, for once? It almost happened.

The Leafs won't win. They can't. Seriously. We'll never hear the end of it. :p

Aside from that, I bloody well hope it's at least that it's a Canadian team, and optimistically either the Habs or 'Nucks. Heck, a Habs/'Nucks final would make me happy because I wouldn't care who won. Possibly unrealistic, but a gal can dream, right?

I'm a realistic Leafs fan. We should not win this round or any other round. Though I will never say anything is certain since I know in sports that weird things can happen.

and there cannot be a Habs/Canucks final or then I'll never hear the end of it. Only thing worse would be a Sens/'Nucks final.

Besides the NHL would never let there be a two Canadian team final. It would be their absolute nightmare from a "growing the game" and tv rating point of views.

Ilias Nytrau
Apr 30th, 2013, 10:16:44 AM
Besides the NHL would never let there be a two Canadian team final. It would be their absolute nightmare from a "growing the game" and tv rating point of views.

True enough, true enough. I mean, the NHL itself has no control over who makes it to the final... but that is neither here nor there. In reality, a Canadian team hasn't won the cup since '93 - the last time the Habs won. It's been twenty years. It's time, really.

Well, I'm excited, at any rate. :eee

May 1st, 2013, 08:36:38 PM
I'd say the Penguins are off to a good start. :eek

Emelie Shadowstar
May 2nd, 2013, 08:38:35 PM
I'd say the Penguins are off to a good start. :eek

:P They're playing the Islanders. If they don't sweep I will be downright surprised.

May 3rd, 2013, 07:59:40 PM
If they don't sweep I will be downright surprised.

Darn you! You jinxed them! :x

This is why I never take the Penguins for granted. Credit to the Islanders; they certainly elevated their play tonight, and the Penguins weren't able to keep up. Now New York has the home ice advantage for the remainder of the series. Time to get your mojo back, Pittsburgh!

Dasquian Belargic
May 4th, 2013, 05:59:08 AM
:shakefist shaaaaaarks

Ilias Nytrau
May 4th, 2013, 10:47:50 AM
:shakefist shaaaaaarks

I would be surprised if the Canucks managed to win the series now - they have never come back from being down 0 - 2. That is a fact. :ohno

Dasquian Belargic
May 6th, 2013, 02:21:22 PM
You know, I'm not even annoyed this year. I pretty much expected this.

Gonna throw my support behind the Ducks because fuck if the Canucks are gonna do anything worthwhile post-season.

May 6th, 2013, 03:50:34 PM
The Senators and Canadiens combined for 236 penalty minutes in Sunday's game. (http://scores.espn.go.com/nhl/recap?gameId=400462015) o_O

Come on, guys. Somebody might want to watch some hockey here at some point.

Ilias Nytrau
May 6th, 2013, 05:55:33 PM
I watched that game, up until just after the hockey game morphed into a free-for-all poor excuse for a boxing match, and the Sens started hammering in more goals. It was just hard to watch after that because I am also a Habs fan thanks to my partner, so I opted to finish off Portal 2, instead. :rolleyes

As for the Canucks: Welp, if they pull this one off somehow, I'd be bloody surprised, but really, the best I can probably hope for is that they do something about this fucking mess in the off-season. :shakefist

May 7th, 2013, 07:39:00 PM
Wow, Penguins. Wow. Talk about a train wreck.

Emelie Shadowstar
May 7th, 2013, 10:08:18 PM
What...the...? XD Maybe I DID jinx them.



I regret nothing.

Ilias Nytrau
May 7th, 2013, 11:17:37 PM
The 2013 Stanley Cup Quarterfinals has claimed its first victim:

The Vancouver Canucks

...Big changes had better be coming. :shakefist

Dasquian Belargic
May 8th, 2013, 02:33:37 PM
Well, that saves me money on paying to watch the games at least :|

Ilias Nytrau
May 9th, 2013, 08:00:47 PM
The 2013 Stanley Cup Quarterfinals has claimed its second victim:

The Montréal Canadiens

I fear I am watching the canadian teams drop like flies. :\

May 10th, 2013, 10:25:31 AM
To be fair, they were playing another Canadian team. One of them was going to go.

Of course, I'm hoping the Senators will be on the way out next series, as they'll be the Penguins' next opponent IF they can get over the Islanders... fingers crossed!

I'm amazed how many Penguins fans are just piling on Fleury for the Penguins' struggles in this series. The Penguins have been awful to watch through most of games 2, 3, and 4, and while Fleury certainly fell apart at the end of game 4, that was after three straight games of abuse by an aggressive Islanders team with minimal defense from his own teammates. Even when they switched to Vokoun for game 5, he had to weather the storm in the first preiod until the Pens finally got their heads on straight and started controlling the puck. It was nice to see them dictate the pace of the game for a change. Now they need to repeat the effort in New York, because I'd really rather not see this go to game 7.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 10th, 2013, 11:37:24 AM
Winterhawks can win the WHL championship tonight on home ice.

I'll be home.

With the kids.

No TV.


Emelie Shadowstar
May 10th, 2013, 09:00:11 PM
:shakefist aughhh I am not mentally prepared for Game 7. At least it's at home...

Annnddd toodles, Blues. At least one person in this house can breathe now lol

Dasquian Belargic
May 11th, 2013, 04:09:45 PM
you know nothing, Jon Snow :rolleyes


May 11th, 2013, 08:08:32 PM
LET'S GO PENS!!!! :crack:crack:crack

Emelie Shadowstar
May 12th, 2013, 10:58:09 PM
:cry bye bye Ducks...

Guess ill be throwing my favor behind the otherrr team

Jo Holloway
May 13th, 2013, 12:33:06 PM
you know nothing, Jon Snow :rolleyes

Mouth open - it's him all right