View Full Version : Little Moments OOC

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2013, 11:39:32 PM
I'm always open to folks participating in the Little Moments thread(s), so if you have a character you would like to involve in a venue, post here!

While the common thread throughout every vignette will be s'Il and/or Teagan, I want to include others who would like a small bit of the day-to-day norm and oddness to be injected into their own characters' lives. I don't care if you're Jedi, Sith, Independent, Alliance, or Imperial!

We can plan via PM or IM, and make the fun/funny/d'awww happen :)

Just remember, these are not big stories (1.5 pages max), just little snippets that highlight enjoyable and amusing times in life.

Zenas Codrey
Apr 9th, 2013, 12:04:24 PM
There were a few things I'd planned on with Zeke, Zenas, and Cassandra that didn't necessarily require interaction with other characters, that weren't big enough to be worth a thread, that fit the "little bit of day-to-day" criteria. Would it be ok if I posted them in Little Moments? Zenas can get s'Il/Acera in on his little bit of action (he's naming his JM-5K at long last) but I dunno how to get someone else in on Zeke and Cassie.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 10th, 2013, 12:29:07 PM
I think I forgot to mention in my OP, but this particular style isn't necessarily beholden to the here and now. Past 'little moments' are a good way to inject small events that happened times ago from which to draw memories and whatnot during current RP's, and while I have no problem with future vignettes being done, the major stipulation on those is that they are speculative.

So if you want (and if Zeke was at the Temple before the Purge), we could do a segment with him and s'Il during that time.

Also, if you're angling for something a bit more current, I can almost guarantee you that Teagan will want to know about this new Z-guy and his family ;)