View Full Version : New Techno Union
Anne Phoenix
Apr 7th, 2013, 07:56:11 AM
This was being discussed in another thread but how does everyone feel about the formation of a new group called the Techno Federation or somethin of the sort? It would be located near the Duskhan League and would involve a breakaway branch of the CIS, the Yevetha, Muunilists, and a few others throwing off the yoke of Imperial tyranny and then declaring themselves as as independent group. Fleeting would be a mainstay of the group but there would also be plenty of positions for spies, smugglers, commerce workers, researchers and the alike.
Apr 7th, 2013, 09:36:53 AM
Would the Muuns take that chance? Sure the Yevetha would but would they want help. IS Black Sword Command alive in our timeline? with the new oversectors is sector 6 still around? If so The Chiss would be camped out watching everything that happens there. I like the idea of a Imperial Spinter group but I am not sure the Muuns would in appearance be part of it. Yes they hate the empire and do not want to be part of it but they still want to do business with them.
In alot of ways Muunilist is like Lianna, they offer a service to the Empire that allows them to operate outside the lines so to speak. The Empire can not afford to exsist without the InterGalactic Banking Clan. And It does business with everyone from the Empire and Alliance to the Hutts and other small factions. I still think if your going to have a splinter Imperial group the Centrality makes more sense. The Empire, the Alliance, and the Chiss would all put boot to ass if the Yevetha tried anything. Which would be an interesting story line all 3 working together but I do not see the yevetha pulling off a black fleet crisis type move in our timeline. not that it is impossible.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2013, 10:23:54 PM
I dunno about the Yevetha; sure they were used as slave labor and whatnot, and their ship-building mastery was exceedingly wonderful, but the level of their xenophobia would - to me - be a big "not gonna play in your sandbox, scro" thing.
I've always seen the Yevetha as technologically primal if you will. Add in their intense hatred of anything not of their species, and I'm not sure that them banding together with other races makes sense.
Think the SW equivalent of Predator. They have their own agenda, blood and death are on the menu, and they don't play well, if at all, with others.
Park Kraken
Apr 8th, 2013, 11:21:23 AM
I dunno about the Yevetha; sure they were used as slave labor and whatnot, and their ship-building mastery was exceedingly wonderful, but the level of their xenophobia would - to me - be a big "not gonna play in your sandbox, scro" thing.
I've always seen the Yevetha as technologically primal if you will. Add in their intense hatred of anything not of their species, and I'm not sure that them banding together with other races makes sense.
Think the SW equivalent of Predator. They have their own agenda, blood and death are on the menu, and they don't play well, if at all, with others.
They were but they would set that aside to work with whoever they had to in order to get what they wanted, as an example keeping the most tech savvy Imperials alive until they understood what they needed about the weaponry and shield systems. They had the ability to take whatever they learned and make it more efficient, which is why the Empire disallowed them to work on weapon and shield systems but allowed them to overhaul the other ship systems during refits.
In our timeline most of the Black Sword Command, including Intimidator which is now serving as Telan's Flagship somewhere, has been sent elsewhere, leaving a token force behind. The Techno think-tank that was sent into the Unknown Regions would have only about fifty members including a mix of Geonosians, Neimodians, Skakoans, and maybe a few humans. This would make an assisted liberation of the Duskhan League much easier in our timeline even through the Empire wouldn't just up and evacuate Koornacht on a whim. The Muuns would love to regain the powers that were stripped away from them and would be assured protection from the new Union in exchange for having their world and the executive level positions back from the humans that took over following the Imperialization of the Banking Clans.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2013, 12:39:05 PM
I don't think we're reading the same Wookieepedia page, heh.
When I see the words 'techno union', I have to be honest; Muun and Yevetha are not generally the races that I think of as being a part of this. Muun are bankers, and Yevetha hate everything alien with particular biting passion.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not poo-pooing this idea at all, I just think a different sort of application for a techno union would be more unique and not the same old same old. Something that isn't quite a defined area of 'this is our space now', and more of an all-encompassing blanket across the galaxy that is full of mechanically and scientifically minded peoples. Bith, Yaka, and Verpine strike me as possibly having a large membership base within the union, and depending on where you are in the galaxy and who's controlling the sector that you're in, you may have more of one race than another in your employ.
Park Kraken
Apr 8th, 2013, 05:14:00 PM
I don't think many people would like the idea of a new clone war breaking out, which is why I would think that after hailfire and battle droids plus mostly automated warships help the Yevetha break free that the Alliance and Empire would probably devote a few starkillers to quickly nullifying this threat; in the aftermath the new Union would go mobile, having a mobile Starfleet capable of collecting and processing resources while on the move and have advanced capabilities in prefrabrication and recycling.
This way the Union could also trade ideas and collect members from other civilizations to advance their own cause.
Apr 8th, 2013, 08:12:37 PM
I do not think we need to throw any more starkillers missiles around.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2013, 08:18:51 PM
I'm not sure how another clone war factors into this?
I have a feeling though, that we're approaching this thing from two different angles. What I'm leaning toward is something that is more akin to the labor unions like we have in the states here. I think it's a completely different and layered approach to the politics and groups we have in our SW setting and one that we can have a lot of fun exploring.
Parack Bell
Apr 8th, 2013, 11:20:41 PM
If I might offer a few options:
I don't think co-opting the Techno Union banner is probably the best way to do this from an Imperial standpoint. For one, the traditional power base of the Techno Union now lies in Alliance space.
There are some interesting ways to do things from a Banking Clan perspective though, if you go that route. Muunilinst is firmly in the Imperial holding, and you're right, they don't have the coziest relations with the Empire. Now, you combine them with, say, a good Neimoidian contingent (since the Empire holds Neimoidia itself) and you've possibly got an industry bloc to work with, among other disaffecteds to be added later.
The problem here is that I don't think it's the Banking Clan's style to opt for an overt rebellion. Maybe it gets less kind down the road, but the Muuns - bankers that they are, deal in evaluating risk. It's one thing to go along with the Trade Fed, the Techno Union, etc back during the Clone Wars, but another entirely to try and throw their lot with a smaller and more disparate group.
What I can definitely see them doing is evaluating galactic realpolitik and pointing out that the Corporate Sector Authority is now too isolated from the Empire's heart to effectively serve as an arbiter of interstellar commerce. They may want to assign designated systems as semi-autonomous free trade zones to take up that slack and keep the Imperial economy afloat. If the Empire's economy tanks, it hurts the Muuns, and they don't want that at all. Of course, they also probably still hold loans to planets that are now in the Alliance, and they also don't want to simply write off the obligations that some Alliance planets may owe them.
So you could have the argument start at free trade, and maybe the Muuns & Neimoidians rope the Chiss and Yevetha into this somehow (I don't really know much about either faction, so this is more of a pick & choose) and effectively try and deputize parties within the Empire to serve their needs in the same way as the CSA had their own interstellar fleet.
Maybe this pisses the Empire off somehow, and maybe that comes to a head in a few unanticipated ways.
Thoughts on that?
Apr 9th, 2013, 12:48:39 PM
The Chiss Ascendancy Would only react to events or actions which effect and threaten Chiss Space. Take the EU nest wars books for instance they saw the Kiliks as a threat. they took action against them. It is not unheard of for them to fire the first shot so to speak just very rare and not without much debate in the Ascendancy senate.
With the Galaxy the way it is now I can see the Chiss reaching out for trade. They have some very sought after weapons tech in the black markets and They have an intel library archive as good as any in the galaxy. We See All....
As far as the Yevetha, the Chiss would never do business with them. We look down on every race in the galaxy as inferior and when the rest of the galaxy looks down on you then We really do. You are all weak minded and primal the Yevetha the most so.
There is a colony of Chiss on Thule which is now on the border of Alliance space. I was thinking of setting up some sort of Chiss market economy there. Also Ilum would be a good meeting place for the CHiss to deal with the Jedi.
and Narauan is still there and would make a good market for Imperial trade.
This New Cold War style galaxy is perfect for the Chiss. We would be in everything and on the down low as much as possible. dealing with smugglers, info brokers, saboteurs and assassins if needed. But never directly.
Captain Untouchable
Apr 9th, 2013, 01:16:50 PM
My reservation about there being a whole new faction is that we haven't done anything with the factions we already have yet. We don't know that we have the players and interest to sustain Alliance-Imperial conflicts, let alone conflicts with third/fourth/fifth parties.
In my opinion, we might be better off trying to make the factions we have more multifaceted and interesting. The Alliance has dozens of races and factions to add internal conflict and intrigue: there's the Cizerack and Hapes as big new players, Bothawui and Mon Calamari trying to maintain their importance, the contentious prospect of dealings with their Hutt neighbours, the Jedi as sort-of but not-quite members... lots of angles, and lots of scope.
We might do better trying to breed that same sense into the Empire. Imperial dealings with the Chiss go way back, both in the EU and pre-Reset. The Imperial Knights have replaced the Inquisitors (sort of), forcing the INQ back into the shadows. Using the Banking Clans and/or similar groups as political parties could be pretty interesting: instead of the Empire being a united front, we start to see cracks where the non-humans, the KA, and other groups can sneak in and try for leverage.
That way we're cultivating and expanding what we already have, rather than running the risk of stretching ourselves too thin.
Apr 9th, 2013, 01:46:44 PM
I ahve always kept the Chiss alive out here but would never want them as a "Faction" They are too secluded and withdrawn to be a full blown faction so to speak. But if and when the need arises The Chiss are here.
I think the ascendancy's first task will be making sure the Imperials do not look to expand into the Unknown regions and Chiss space. Moff Greth has already started carving out his own little Empire out there and the Chiss are not happy About that. A story line I started but never really put much into. I may revisit it.
Im still pushing for something to do with the Centrality. A highly loyal Imperial section of space cut off and independant from Imperial command. I am not saying they are a faction just there is alot of room for story archs and what not there. Also whats up with the CSA?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 9th, 2013, 05:14:21 PM
I'm in agreement with Cap, which is why I was hoping for something more subtle and layered than a faction with a fleet and planets and whatnot. I like the idea of introducing the banking clans as an entity that can weave itself politically all across the spectrum of the factions that we already have, which is what I think would be a good application of a techno union. Something that is a group yet not a group.
Apr 9th, 2013, 09:24:38 PM
sounds good to me. I still want to find a place for Lash in all this down the line.
Park Kraken
Apr 10th, 2013, 06:25:04 AM
Your points made me think a little more on this Cap and I came to a belated realization; we already have a form of a new Techno-Union that came online in 10.000 ABY: Alliance Engineering Corporation, a conglomerate of several Alliance Engineering and Shipyard Companies that are working on the New Class of Starships and Starfighters to modernize the fleet with. This Corporation could be expanded to the civilian market following the success of the military modernization programs and be involved in R&D Tech, upgrading the merchant marine, working on rebuilding Sullust, and other odds and ends.
Other non-Alliance groups could join up, which is how we get the Banking Clans involved, along with my Skakoan and Geonosian characters that I was thinking about creating.
Apr 10th, 2013, 07:50:51 AM
Some sort of subsidiary of AEC would be a great idea. Also something like an Alliance Civil Engineering or something of the like would be cool.
The Quarren based yards on Minntooine would be an Ideal spot for a civilian Yard like this to kick off on. The former Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps people would be idea to kick off into a civilian group, at least from a Calamari stand point. another idea, If I know Bothans they would push to have the Civilian yard there. But anywhere this goes up I agree the Munns would more than likely have to help finance it. With the alliance becoming legitimate over night I am sure they are in hock up to their ear lobes with any and all Banking establishments through out the galaxy.
As for R&D I think military and civilian would be separate. AEC R&D for the foreseeable future is mostly spoken for. I do not want to just say POOF we have the new line. Its more of They started building prototypes shortly before Duro and now are working on the first run of things like the Sacheen, Republic, and Corona fallowed shortly by the Warrior. Realistically things like the Defender, Endurance, and Majestic would not be in production till closer to 10.150 or even 11.000 There would be maybe 2 prototypes built by 10.000 of these but no more I would think.
Duro and the fallowing few months before 10.000 left the Alliance with alot of damaged ships. The majority of shipyards would be repairing what we can and scarping what we cant.
There were 4 MC90's already being built at Dac. All of the Mon Cal sub yards would be working on Scapping out ships.
Mustafar is working on updating our old ships.
Hast is working on the 2 Imp Mk IIIs we captured at Duro and building a few New Line ships, mainly working out the bugs in the prtotypes.
Sluis Van took in alot of damaged ships so did Dac.
Sulust is still rebuilding.
Moosus Mandel and Bothawui would have gotten some of the damaged ships but may be building some Sacheens and Coronas. They would also be close to working on the Bothan Assault Cruisers and Frigates.
Hapes and Olanji are doing hapan type stuff I would think.
Keppaa Brens is working on Cizerack stuff.
Edit: Would the CIzerack be open to working on old Alliance ships? Would we send them there? or to Hapes for that matter?
Martin Stoddard
Apr 10th, 2013, 12:18:14 PM
If there's any way that I can help, let me know.
Would be rather interesting to do an rp thread between some folks that deals with pulling this stuff together.
Apr 10th, 2013, 04:04:39 PM
I am sure some sort of meeting should be done with Resh, some of the senate oversight people and banking/organizing/facilitating people to hammer out some sort of Military budget.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 10th, 2013, 10:25:46 PM
Edit: Would the CIzerack be open to working on old Alliance ships? Would we send them there? or to Hapes for that matter?
Great question :)
The Pride are kind of in flux. They were already faced with the notion they'd have to make big changes to their aging navy, and jumping into the Alliance along with developments like the Saanja project have kind of put them into a refurbishment frenzy. They were already upgrading some of their galleon fleet to accept Saanja and their frigates to add hyperdrive support for deep space escort, and they've had some tech swap with the Imperials before.
Royal Cana'darri Shipwrights is the nationalized company that produces the Trade Navy, and they will probably have their hands full with these kinds of matters. There are a number of private conglomerates that could handle refurbishments from outside of the pride, though. Koensayr-MeorrreiCorp has a lot of experience in component fabrication rather than constructing entire starships, and they'd actually dovetail into that kind of need pretty nicely.
Apr 10th, 2013, 10:31:40 PM
Maybe work in something with a Subsidiary of Alliance Engineering that builds modular parts for everything from Droids to starships. Would that be something they would work well with?
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 10th, 2013, 11:45:49 PM
I get the feeling that eventually Cana'darri Royal will eventually move up the food chain and become a part of whatever the greater franchise of Alliance military producers ends up being. If that means they're the Carshoulis office of AEC, then so be it.
It's probably something that would happen as the government moves along. Get these major producers on the same page and have them building the same spectrum of products, so that you have Korri'fei cruisers (ie, the 2nd generation dedicated warship) able to be built at Mon Calamari and stuff like MC cruisers being built at Keppaa Brens, Mustafar, whatever.
Apr 11th, 2013, 12:02:34 AM
The new program is all about modular building. Ships share basic hulls. mix and match components for operations type of stuff. Loronar did well with it and the New Belarus brought alot of the modular concepts to the rest of the New warships. Stencil designs will help get production to full steam. While the MC90's MC45's and MC60's are still very complex and expensive most of the other new ships could be built anywhere.
Also upgraded Dreadnaughts, Providence, Recusant's and Munificent's can be rebuilt using modular construction. The Quarren have a hole yard working on them.
Mustafar is upgrading frigates and such which I can see working in modular designs to speed up production.
I still think a military budget oversight committee meeting is in order.
Park Kraken
Apr 11th, 2013, 09:46:06 AM
I think a budget oversight committee meeting at the same time as a meeting of the various corporate heads is in order and should make for a good thread. We can lay out the progress for each of our various Alliance fiefdoms and talk about ways to be cooperative in our new guise as the AEC.
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