View Full Version : Fleet Future at TheHOLO.net/Fans

Mar 26th, 2013, 08:52:47 PM
SO I know there are only a handful of us here who mess with the Fleet end of this all. And with the shape of the galaxy changing the days of large fleet engagments or even medium to small fleet battles is not something that makes sense. I figure future fleeting would be small one on one or small partol group type battles. Which are right up my ally. A squadron of gunships vs a star destroyer is always fun. A single Destroyer on patrol, a frigate engaging pirates. stuff like that. Smaller task forces and battle groups like what the 42nd already has would be the biggest groups active really.

The NEw ship program will be starting with the Alliance so the future of the Alliance fleet will move to one of carrier groups. Endurance with 4 or 5 escorts. Small patrol groups with Sacheen and Coronas. Gunship squadrons with Warrior and Ranger gunships in groups of 3

As for the Empire. A star destroyer is pretty much a fleet into itself. Groups of 2 Vic Mk IIs. But I would like to see some of the smaller Imperial ships to get used. So often they are just fodder. Cruiser Squadrons with Vindicators, Enforcers, and Strikes would be cool. Enforcers and Vindicators are great working by themselves.

With the Empire and Alliance playing nice who will be the new enemy? Pirates, Unhappy Imperials, Hutts, some crazy bugs from the unknown regions?

I have an idea that I have been working out in my head where The Chiss are not happy with the peace in the known regions. It puts more of a strain on any relationship they have with the empire, or even the alliance for that matter. Not that they would directly be envolved in anything I think Lash would work out a way to get support to some pirate or smaller organization to draw attention from the Chiss Ascendancy.

It get Lash active which I would love. He is a wonderful character in my head I just have never found the right spot for him in the past reset.

What about Imperial rouge captains aka warlords. running off with a star destroyer to set up his own empire?

I am cooking up some other stuff so any ideas?

Park Kraken
Mar 26th, 2013, 09:15:03 PM
My thoughts;

Bigger Battles, if there are any, would just be a large group of smaller engagements from here on out.

Most of the engagements that would happen would be in the Outer-Rim, skirmishes and small world liberations. Older and/or smaller types of Imperial vessels like Reshmar mentioned would be the most likely used vessels of choice here.

Pirates, Unhappy Imperials (some of which could go rogue with a sizeable sector and sector fleet if desired), Hutts, plus anything else we can dream up, including possibly invented enemy foes to fulfill desired types of RPs. One idea for dealing with Pirates would be post-Atravis Sector Liberation; Before the campaign began Pirates were being hired on as Privateers and outfitted with the latest equipment and weaponry for their raids. Post-Liberation all were offered Alliance Navy commissions to keep them off the lanes but a few groups could still be a problem.

There will be other types looking to take advantage of a lull in the overall active fighting. Corporate type factions will look to head in and pick up the pieces. Territory will be consolidated and assessments taken stock of.

And people will be able to travel and take openly that they wouldn't normally do during an all out fighting period. More attention can be paid to covert warfare, proxy warfare with client states, and intelligence and sneaky sneaky type stuff as well.

Park Kraken
Mar 26th, 2013, 09:23:06 PM
Here's an idea for a bigger set of storylines; the Hutts throw some money at rogue Imperials and annex cut-off Imperial Sectors as a beginning to launching a campaign to expanding their space, targeting both Imperial and Alliance worlds. We could have Imperial vs Imperial, Imperial and/or Alliance vs Hutts, etc etc with any number of other possible scenarios with such a move. Smugglers and Pirates will really come into focus with such a storyline as well.

Mar 26th, 2013, 09:33:51 PM
As I understand it, while the Galactic Civil War has officially been halted, we could still see proxy wars and conflict aplenty in disputed space, and on a galactic scale, those conflicts could still be pretty big. This list (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conflicts_related_to_the_Cold_War) might be a good starting point for inspiration.

Granted, I don't know enough about the galactic map or the political situation to say for sure where those conflicts might take place, but I could see Imperial groups trying to push their influence into a distant corner of the demilitarized zone to grab up a few strategic planets, or perhaps the Rebels trying to corrupt a few border worlds with their seditious, democratic ways, prompting an Imperial "peace-keeping" initiative.

We could also see border skirmishes reminiscent of Cold War submarine actions, only with more shooting. These would certainly be smaller, more tactical engagements than we might have seen in open warfare, something more like a cat-and-mouse game rather than a couple hulking capital ships blasting away at each other and moving their support around like chess pieces.

I've barely done anything resembling fleeting - just a couple threads with my Cizerack huntress captain and a few starfighter threads - but I like the idea of smaller, nimbler actions with the potential for more character focus. But if there's still interest in larger engagements, it shouldn't be too hard to find an excuse to shoot at each other. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 27th, 2013, 10:17:00 AM
Cizerack forces and Hapan forces being part of the Alliance also brings open more interesting fleeting possibilities. Patrolling for smugglers and sneaky spy missions is still fleeting I think. :)

Park Kraken
Mar 27th, 2013, 08:21:38 PM
The more I've been thinking about it, the more the Hutts make sense for the bigger storylines and for several reasons. I'll post more on this later.

Mar 27th, 2013, 09:26:56 PM
I have been working out something. It started as a way for Resh to get a new flagship but now I like my new Idea batter. A Clone War Quarren Admiral who was part of developing the Malevolence gives the Alliance the location of a 3rd Subjugator class built and hidden by the Free Dac Volunteers Corps in of all places in a deep trench on Dacs ocean floor.

He accompanies someone, lets say Reshmar to the ships location but its a trap set by Quarrens who are set in their old ways. and he takes control of the ship and kidnaps Reshmar. They then surface the ship. Blow up a major city on the surface and disable what few ships are in position to engage then jump to hyperspace.

So whats close by, Let see. Corporate sector? Hutt Space? The Centrality? speaking of whos running things in the centrality these days?

This could open up a bunch of stuff. I have been wanting to get resh into more than fleet work now that he is Supreme Commander. I figure the Quarren senators would have alot to answer for. as would the Quarren in general which would push relations on Dac back to where they were pre-Clone Wars. A ship like a subjugator class would be tough to engage with a fleet. And it the Hutts or anyone else helps for that matter it would be nearly impossible. SO that means something small, hard to hit, combined with boarding and corridor fighting. Maybe something for Novgorod and Colonel Connors Marines to do together. who knows who would get involved. Disableing the ship or at least the ion weapon so a fleet element could engage would be awesome.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Mar 27th, 2013, 09:29:34 PM
Novgorod is ideally suited for that kind of mission, since they rely on speed and stealth more than guns and armor

Mar 27th, 2013, 09:40:51 PM
Get the Marines close enough to do an EVA dive to the ship. Cut in and try to take down the Ion Weapon.

Park Kraken
Mar 28th, 2013, 06:56:14 AM
Okay for the Hutts my expanded storyline idea revolved around them making a power play to expand their territory and keep themselves lucrative despite the Alliance now controlling territory around Hutt Space.

The Hutts main motivation would be several-fold but the primary ones that I see would be the Mon Calamari pushing for tighter control on smugglers and the crackdown on spice and other contraband plus the lack of corrupt Imperial officials either being bribed or having rare black market items smuggled in for their collections.

Both low and high ranking Imperial Officers would be disgusted at the so-called armistice and would want to pursue the Rebellion on their own agenda. Bribes and promises of provisions and support from the Hutts could lure these officers and their ships to Hutt Space to form the backbone of the Huttese Navy. I could even see a Grand Admiral or two hauling off with a Star Dreadnought, along with Reshmar's Quarren idea (which I would like for Anne to be involved in for the rescue operation as the fleet support units) being a Hutt scheme as well.

Another thing the Hutts could do would be to hire or pay Pirates to prey on Rebellion shipping Galaxy-wide to disrupt Alliance interests.

Mar 28th, 2013, 04:53:07 PM
Having Anne involved is cool. She can lead the Group that jumps in once the Ion weapon has been disabled. I do not want to put too much into the whole Hutt connection with this. Sure we can hint to it for later stuff but Lets not get the Hutts involved directly. They would not be ready to make a move yet I am sure.

As a former supporter of the Empire The Centrality would be a good place for rouge Imperials to go to. I like the idea of rogue Imperials there better than with the Hutts. Im thinking of taking Moff Greth there with his destroyer Squadron. He has never been a fan of the New Imperial Government and with this peace he would be looking for a place to hide. Valc is too close to the Empire for his force to make a difference. There is a Mandator Mki in orbit there being used as fleet HQ. but man it would take a long time to get across the galaxy with it. Might make for a cool Hunt the Bismark Scenerio.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 28th, 2013, 05:01:25 PM
I would think trying to RP any sort of galaxy power play by the Hutts or anyone else at this point directly after reordering things to simplify and make the overall story easier to follow would be a mistake.

Mar 28th, 2013, 05:07:00 PM
That was part of what I meant. Having the Hutts jump in so soon is not something I want. But The rouge Imperials might just jump ship so soon after the peace. Im not saying they would be active as far as attacking but they would try to find a place away from both the Empire and the Alliance to go.

Park Kraken
Mar 28th, 2013, 07:04:56 PM
Good points all. Well the Hutt idea is out there but as others as said it shouldn't be introduced for a while at least if at all depending on how things go.

So when Reshmar realizes that it's a trap, is he going to yell it out? :3:

Mar 28th, 2013, 08:28:28 PM
Sure, That would be classic. I have alot of the first post done already but it was for resh a new ship I will tweek it. I am going to set it around 10.100 That will give time for Resh to settle into his office so to speak.

As for Greth. Would Kraken be down to Hunt down the Mandator if he stole it?

Apr 4th, 2013, 01:08:48 PM
List of major shipyards in the galaxy.

I thought this might come in handy in case anyone needed the info. While this list comes from wiki sources. I have narrowed down which group they are held by and what size ships they can service.

Imperial Shipyards
Bilbringi - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 20 km
Byss - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 20 km
Bestine IV - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 500 meters
Eriadu - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 1 km
Fondor - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 20 km
Gyndine - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 500 meters
Jaemus - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km
Kuat - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 20 km
Loronar - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 1 km
N'zoth - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 20 km
Ord Trasi -Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 500 meters
Rendili - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 1 km
Selonia - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 200 meters
Tallaan - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 500 meters
Valc VII - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 1 km
Yaga MInor - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km

Alliance Shipyards
Bothawui - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km in size.
Dac -Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 20 km in size.
Hapes - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km in size.
Hast -Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 20 km
Keppaa Brens - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km
Krinemonen - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 500 meters
Minntooine - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km
Moonus Mandel - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km
Mustafar - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 10 km
Olanji - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 4 km
Pammant - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 4 km
Ruisto - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 200 meters
Sluis Van - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km
Sullust - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km

The fallowing are now independant of any control and I guess are doing business with any one who can afford their prices.

Independant Shipyards
Corellia - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km
Duro - Has many Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 2 km
Lianna - Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 200 meters
Rothana - Has many Shipyards in orbit capable of building, repairing and upgrading vessels up to 1 Km

Park Kraken
Apr 4th, 2013, 07:55:50 PM
A Year 9.000 Upgrade to all four yards means Mustafar can now construction, repair, or upgrade ships up to 10km in size rather than 2km.

Apr 5th, 2013, 07:58:50 AM
Ok Ty for letting me know. Mustafar is one of the Fans site yards I was not sure about the size.

Captain Untouchable
Apr 5th, 2013, 11:17:37 AM
Could you expand a little on the "special allowance was made by the Empire and Alliance so CEC could continue to service and build ships for the Alliance" part? I don't think we've outright decided if Corellia is still Imperial or if it's neutral... but given how many other shipyards we have it seems that it might be easier if CEC just built ships for the Alliance somewhere else. After all, Alliance facilities have been repairing/upgrading CEC ships elsewhere for years.

T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2013, 11:43:21 AM
Keppaa Brens is the main shipyard world for the Cizerack, and would be a war asset to the Alliance. The facility there is capable of servicing vessels up to 4 KM.

Palara Iscandar
Apr 5th, 2013, 12:46:34 PM
Could you expand a little on the "special allowance was made by the Empire and Alliance so CEC could continue to service and build ships for the Alliance" part? I don't think we've outright decided if Corellia is still Imperial or if it's neutral... but given how many other shipyards we have it seems that it might be easier if CEC just built ships for the Alliance somewhere else. After all, Alliance facilities have been repairing/upgrading CEC ships elsewhere for years.

I'd think publicly the CEC would not sell to the Alliance if it's Imperial. If it's neutral I can see them selling and servicing for both sides. CEC is known for being one of the easiest to self-service.

Also, what about the Inquisitorial classes of ships? Will we be scrapping them or folding them into the Imperial Navy proper? I can see them becoming the stealth attack subs of the Imperial Navy, doing deep reconnaissance missions.

Apr 5th, 2013, 01:05:12 PM
The Inquisitorial classes are built at the Byss yards. They are still in service but with the Inquisorate's new standing in the empire I am not sure how their ships would be used.

The CEC / Lianna thing comes from the Empires need for Lianna to continue building fighters. They build 80 to 90 percent of the TIE series fighters for the empire including the defenders. The Empire would not have wanted to give that up. Also Lianna had always been very independent and They would not want what is basically their entire trade income cut off.

Corellia is in Imperial space. Even if they were independent We would still need to get there if we were to get new ships, fighters, speeders, what ever. The Empire would not give up Corellia for any price. Sure we could repair the CEC ships. But with a open pipeline to the system we can aid the resistance there.

These were my thoughts on the shipyard thing with Lianna and Corellia.

Park Kraken
Apr 6th, 2013, 04:04:03 AM
In the historical timeline Corellia had thrown off the yoke of the Empire by this time and would've been ruled by the Diktat however in our timeline the Empire is much stronger and so would've been less likely for this to occur. As for CEC normally they were rated as a civilian yard and sold to whoever but with the Empire in charge they had to make their sales to the Alliance go through third parties to avoid *ahem* sanctions. For the Empire itself they were known to produce the Assassin class Corvette, a more militarized version of the CR90.

If Lianna builds 80-90% of the TIE series Starfighers for the Empire then wouldn't it be owned by Sienar Fleet Systems and not CEC?

General Forlon
Apr 6th, 2013, 07:26:57 AM
Lianna was strongly independant, thogh very supportive of the Empire. They were the base of Santhe/Sienar and had a special Charter with the Empire for their independence. They produced so many of the Empires fighters that they used that against them to pressure the Charter and maintain it. They are a hard core Imperial world in Alliance space. most of the population will not be happy under Alliance rule. This was a way to kinda give these 2 worlds some story line ammo more than anything. Corellia is basically under Imperial control. thus the resistance there. Lianna will be a hot bed of Imperial uprisings and most likely attacks against Alliance holdings there. If you guys just want to do away with this its cool but these 2 worlds more than any are on the wrong side of the tracks so to speak. This was a way to make them being handed over in the peace make more sense. The alliance would have tried hard to get the Corellian sector. The empire would have tried hard to get Lianna.

Anne Phoenix
Apr 7th, 2013, 07:52:17 AM
It seems to me that if Lianna is currently in Alliance space that it would want to remain independent of the Alliance as well but either way the Empire will want to move primary production of its starfighter force into a world deep in Imperial space, perhaps a world in Sector Zero.

Apr 7th, 2013, 08:58:05 AM
I agree, Lianna remaining Independent makes alot more sense. They would not want to be part of the Alliance. But how will we deal with worlds in Alliance space that do not want to be part of the Alliance? I am sure not all the worlds now inside the borader want to be aligned with the Alliance. This still leaves the issue of having to move the fighters produced there to the Empire. Some sort of allowance still has to be made so that lianna can continue supplying fighters.

Santhe is Sienar, They have owned the company since 99 BBY. I do not see them moving their production off world and putting millions of people out of work. How about they just remain Independent and sell to everyone. that is what they did when the New Republic came to power. As for CEC It is a fine line they live with the Imperials. and The only current production lines still produced by them is the CC frigate Line and the DP gunships lines. With the New line ships now being built the alliance dosn't need these ships, but i do not see us giving up on Corellia.

Apr 7th, 2013, 09:02:14 AM
Keppaa Brens is the main shipyard world for the Cizerack, and would be a war asset to the Alliance. The facility there is capable of servicing vessels up to 4 KM.
Thank you for that. I was not sure about where the shipyard was. BWY. is there a map made of the cluster? I am just curious.

Also I move Corellia and Lianna to Independent yards. That seems to make more sense.

Park Kraken
Apr 11th, 2013, 06:19:36 PM
Even if Lianna remains independent and sells to everyone the Empire wouldn't be comfortable with the world remaining in Alliance space. Although the new I-7 Howlrunners and A-9 Vigilance Interceptors are coming online for the Imperials they would still want a guaranteed source of TIE Starfighter production which means a facility probably around Kuat. It would be a licensed Seinar factory and would only produce about 10% of the Fighter force with most of the rest still coming from Lianna. That way if something suddenly happens to Lianna other factories could be built using that factory as a prototype.

William Jeffers
Apr 17th, 2013, 10:55:25 AM
I decided to make an Imperial dude.