View Full Version : Who needs a van when you have a Star Destroyah?

Park Kraken
Mar 22nd, 2013, 12:41:17 PM
Here is my active character list for 10.000 ABY and what their planned activities are, any suggestions are welcome.

Park Kraken - Commanding the newly repaired ISD II Suppressor, leaving him open for any threads that might need an Imperial Fleeter, as most of my focus is on my Alliance characters right now.

Anne Phoenix - Transferring from Mustafar to the 1st Fleet Operations to do some coop RP's with Reshmar.

Numax Meltstrong - Senator from Mustafar and overall Governor of the Atravis Sector. Apart from any council meetings he'll be available for RP's.

Monthower Eisengomery - General of the Atravis Sector, will handle most military management of the Atravis Sector after Anne leaves, save for Tupak who'll handle fleet management.

Mar 22nd, 2013, 09:57:03 PM
How about a good old pirate hunt. with the fleet not having to concentrate on the Imperials we can hunt down the "bad guys" who helped us get to where we are now.