View Full Version : Year 10 and Wei.

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 16th, 2013, 05:29:58 AM
I keep thinking about Wei and what he will do in year 10. Wei is pretty much my only character, but I'd like him to be very active in a few different ways.

Wei and himself: Wei will of course be continuing to develop his lightsaber skills, but I also want him to start investigating the nature of his handicap and start striving to overcome/cure his condition.

Probably many of these threads will involve Master Ood Bnar and much exploration of the Jedi Library. Wei will also want to speak to any Jedi who know anything about healing. He will likely also get a physical from Vek Vek if Charley is up for it. The idea is that I want Wei to start working towards a way to connect to the Force without the clear tones he requires.

Wei and the Jedi Order: In addition to honing his own lightsaber skills, I would like Wei to take a Padawan if possible. I would also like to start making Wei available to Knights who are interested in specializing their skills in any of the lightsaber forms.

Outside of teaching other people to wield lightsabers, I think it would be a nice project for Wei to construct a lightsaber forge with the approval of the Jedi Council and also with the help of other Jedi who know about lightsaber construction. Again, this would likely also involve a great deal of exploration and excavation in the library, and may require a great deal of aid from the Alliance in terms of raw materials.

Wei and the Galaxy: After the story I'm currently writing with Vince is over, Wei will have plenty of reason to want to take down the Inquisition. By year 10 I would like for Wei to be on a first name basis (so to speak) with Atrapes and work to counter the Inquisition/Imperial Knights. As a Jedi whose only real skills are combat and has dealt with the Inquisition a great deal, I think it is a natural direction for Wei to take. In the wake of the Clone Wars and the death of his family, Wei will have a personal reason to end the Imperial Knights.

In terms of the Starkiller Cold War, Wei can utilize his Clone Wars skills on behalf of the Jedi Order or the Alliance to help in dismantling starkiller missles and the production plants within Imperial space if it becomes an objective later on.

I know it's kind of a lot for one person to do, but I think these are projects that make sense for Wei. They use his skills in ways that are helpful apart from being a foot soldier and have the potential to involve several people.

Let me know what you guys think about it. Whatever Wei wind up doing, I'm looking forward to year 10. :)

Alexia Sturkov
Mar 16th, 2013, 11:03:37 AM
You might see a familiar face in your campaign against the INQ/Imperial Knights. With the possibility of being asked/forced to join the INQ or perish. Meaning that Alexia could very well end up crossing paths again. A meeting she would enjoy far more than him.

Halajiin Rabeak
Mar 16th, 2013, 10:35:31 PM
Would love to have Wei and Hal have a nice practice duel/sparring session. Hal is beyond unorthodox, so it might be interesting for Wei to see something truly unusual from "the old days," and at the same time would be good for Hal to get some actual instruction and discipline, too.

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 18th, 2013, 07:23:49 AM
A rematch with Alexia would be fun. It would definitely give Wei a chance to regret leaving her to Palara back in the Form IV thread. But then, Wei was a different man than he will be in year 10.

I think Wei sparring with Hal would be fantastic. Wei is always looking for new experiences to hone his skills. I think both Wei and Hal would have plenty to learn from each other.

Kyle Krogen
Mar 29th, 2013, 06:19:36 PM
So I guess with the time jump it would be safe to say that Kyle has finally been rescued from Imperial clutches and would have been brought to the Wheel and now Ossus. Kyle is very broken now. He went through a lot of torture and hardship as the Inquisition tried to break his will and destroy him; and they succeeded. So he's more than a little dead inside and would likely be very PTSDish and violent as a result; kind of lashing out at everyone with his bitterness and inability to connect to others on any level.

I think it'd be fun to get Wei and Kyle together again. I don't really have a plot in mind necessarily. It's more a desire to just get them in a thread together for the first time since pre-reset. I miss those days. I figure they could do something on Ossus. A duel, a talk, both. Whatevers. Kyle is still a more combat orientated Jedi like he was before.

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 30th, 2013, 05:40:56 AM
I think it would be cool as well.

Perhaps a thread where Wei has to duel Kyle and talk him down from a particularly nasty episode? I think it would work as a basic plot, with the goal of course being to introduce Wei and Kyle to each other again and establish a friendship.