View Full Version : Holy Nightmare, Batman!

Mar 10th, 2013, 08:05:14 PM
The next house on the Victorian tour was only eight miles away from the last. At least five members of the group had decided that they'd rather hike through the beautiful Minnesota forest than jam themselves onto the smelly, sweaty tour-bus with seventeen others. One girl was deeply regretting her decision, and it was obvious because she was quite vocal about that fact. Her glasses fogged from the crisp October breeze, combining with the heavy breath which escaped her thin dry lips. Her heavyset frame moved slowly in the back of the group. This girl, Jenna, was not cut out for a hike. It seemed that the others were nearing a breaking point.

"Is it possible to die from heat exhaustion if you're cold?" Jenna whined, leaning her weight against a large Red Maple tree. Bryson stopped, and doubled back to answer the girl.

"No, I don't think it is. We're only about three miles away now, more than halfway there!" He tried to keep his voice level and patient with his fellow classmate despite her annoyances and offered his hand to her, seeing that she had sat down.
Jenna lifted herself and resumed her tedious march.
Someone at the front of the group shouted back to them, urging them forward.

"We're COMING!" Jenna snapped.

"Seriously, Canada, relax a little." Bryson grinned at her, and took a drink from his water bottle as he ran ahed to catch up with the others in the group. From the corner of his eye, he saw a bit of a clearing, and what looked like a path.

"Hey! You guys see this?!" Bryson turned down the path, and as he walked it, it became a little less worn with footprints- and a little more like tall grass whipping at his jeans. A hidden tree root tripped him in his haste, but he stood up and brushed off his knees. He scowled a little, seeing that one now had a rip. Retuning his gaze forward, he saw it:

A house. Just sitting there, completely innocent. The trees around it were totally cleared for at least fifty yards on all sides. Behind it was sort-of a cliff, dropping off into Lake Superior. Shivering a bit, wondering how this went completely unnoticed, Bryson waited for the others to join him.