View Full Version : Corellia

Captain Untouchable
Nov 11th, 2012, 08:38:16 AM
A little while ago, we tossed around ideas for doing some resistance fighting stories on Corellia. The main gist of it was to give us somewhere for Imperial, Rebel, and "third party" (civilian, criminal, government, law enforcement, etc) characters to interact regularly over the long term, rather than just the occasional skirmishes we have right now. It's the sort of thing that could easily involve just about anyone on the boards: not just Rebels and Imperials, but bounty hunters, Black Sun, Jedi, darksiders, and all sorts.

We were also talking about tying things in with the Liberation of Duro, since that was likely to make the Rebels more bold and the Imperials more ruthless in their efforts against each other.

Would anyone still be interested in doing this?

* * *

I figured I'd toss up a list of who is involved and what-not, to give us an idea of what groups are around and such-like. If you need adding, just let me know what to put and I'll add you in.

Moff Delgado Xaanan - The Moff of the Corellian Sector
Brigadier Rinzai Terius - Commander of the Avenger, the Moff's flagship
Jacob Tur'enne - The District Attorney for Coronet
Detective Cassus Wain - A Detective in Coronet City
Detective L. Rufus Bailey - A Detective in Coronet City; secretly half-Felacatian
Shar Drakken - An Urban Combat Specialist in SpecForce
Oran Jsorra - A slicer in SpecForce
Kal Olorin - The man in charge of Black Sun's casinos; a Black Sun Vigo
Garrick Kane - Manager of The Eldest Brother casino in Kor Vella (a front for Black Sun)
Andana Callax - A mercenary on the Black Sun payroll
Nen Lev'i - A slicer on the Black Sun payroll
Alis Diuvo - Classy lady; space yoga instructor

* * *

Corellia: It's A Small World (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23031) - Serendipitous pass-the-baton intro thread. Open to all!
Corellia: The Eldest Brother (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23026) - Garrick Kane meets with his boss, Kal Olorin.
Corellia: By A Thread (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23029) - Detectives Wain and Bailey investigate a mysterious murder. Will you be a suspect? :ohno

Cor Drakken
Nov 11th, 2012, 03:00:48 PM
Definitely still interested!

Nov 11th, 2012, 04:24:53 PM
Given my schedule, I don't know how active I'd be (i tried to post last night but I'd forgotten Palara's password!), but I'd definitely be interested in playing a Cor-Sec officer/detective.

Nov 18th, 2012, 11:49:29 AM
Definitely interested. I need a timeline jump to the present since I slowed on my story. And this would be an ideal back to the future.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 20th, 2012, 07:54:50 PM
I had an idea for a cool way to start introducing Corellia as a roleplay setting.

It's kind of a serendipity / pass the baton style thing: Person (or persons) A start with a scene that introduces and establishes their characters. At the end of that scene, someone leaves and walks into an elevator; out of the elevator steps Person B, who does their scene which ends at a bar where they look at a screen showing a weather forecast; cut to Person C, who is also watching the weather forecast, but in a different room on a different part of the planet... and so on.

It wouldn't be an in-depth introduction or anything: just a few quick snatches so that we know who is where, what they're doing, and so on. The more characters we have, the longer we can keep the thread going... and the more fun it'll be trying to stitch everything together.

Anyone be up for that?

Shar Drakken
Nov 20th, 2012, 10:05:44 PM
Love that idea!

*boots his idiot twin out of the thread because his stupid writer can't keep her own alts straight*

Alis Diuvo
Nov 22nd, 2012, 03:46:28 AM
Notch me down for that notion, too. Great way to get an intro in. :)

Cassus Wain
Nov 22nd, 2012, 09:52:25 PM
I like it, though I think perhaps for Cassus it may be a way to introduce him rather than his character and kick off his story arcs. That will be a bit of a challenge, and honestly I'd like that.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 22nd, 2012, 10:03:28 PM
Thus far, I've been putting "Corellia:" at the start of thread titles so that we know what to keep an eye on. It would probably be a good idea if we made that a common practice type thing or something, just to make everyone's life easier.

I've also posted stuff in the main Star Wars forum for now, because the vast majority of characters are neutral (at the moment). However, there is an "Imperial Core" forum in the Galactic Empire doodad that is intended for stuff happening on Core worlds, of which Corellia is one. Would people rather post here, there, or somewhere else entirely?

I like it, though I think perhaps for Cassus it may be a way to introduce him rather than his character and kick off his story arcs. That will be a bit of a challenge, and honestly I'd like that.

Which reminds me - as soon as I've hit on a gloriously fantastic CSI: Miami style pun, expect to see a Detective thread showing up in here some place. ;)

Cassus Wain
Nov 22nd, 2012, 10:23:50 PM
I've sent you a message on the book of faces about that. Answer whenever you've the inclination and the time.

L. Rufus Bailey
Nov 22nd, 2012, 10:53:09 PM
Boom (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23029).

You're not allowed to know what has happened yet, because otherwise you'll steal my awesome puns before I get a chance to use them. :colbert

Carré Inirial
Nov 24th, 2012, 08:49:12 PM
*wanders through, thwaps Garrick, wanders back out again*

Can we do a list of the Corellia threads and what/who is supposed to be involved in each? I'm a bit (ok, alot) absent-minded, and need help remembering where to put the voices.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 25th, 2012, 02:07:19 AM
Added a list to the first post, as requested. If you guys a) post about threads here, and b) include "Corellia:" in the name (so I can find it), I'll make sure they get added to the list.

Re: By A Thread - over the course of this thread (and other Wain & Bailey cases), Vince and I are planning to interview a couple of characters as witnesses / suspects / etc. If you're reading one of our threads and think: "Oh hey, my character could totally be a possible witness to that!" or, "Oooh, I just had an awesome idea for a character that would fit in there," feel free to PM / AIM and let me know! :dance

Lastly, there are a couple of holes / slots / orifices (:uhoh) that don't have any characters right now: people like Rebel leaders, Imperial officers, politicians, and that sort of thing. If you fancy RPing something like that you should probably speak up now: otherwise I'll be compelled to make a bajillion new characters, making me the de facto tyrannical overlord of everything.

And trust me, you don't want that. >D

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 29th, 2012, 10:00:15 PM
I'm a little late to this party, I think, but Wei's home planet is in the Corellia System. Talus is the smallest of the "Five Brothers." Given his past, and his determination to put an end to the Empire, Wei would have a personal interest in helping with the liberation.

If Wei can be of any help at all, he would jump at the opportunity to see his home system liberated from Imperial rule