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Mu Satach
Sep 26th, 2012, 09:59:42 PM
disclaimer - this is just a long rambling post while I work out my thought process regarding a writing assignment that has gone south. For some reason sometimes I can only really work out my thoughts by typing... here.

Something about posting with you ragamuffins for over a decade has warped me. So feel free to chime in, ignore or hijack. While I have made a decision regarding the debacle, it won't leave my head. It feels unfinished and keeps rolling about my brain.. I need to get this out so I can focus on more productive matters I've got going on. I'm hoping that while I write this out I'll find the internal resolution and then move on.

cue the back drop...

summer, 2011 - it's been years since I was involved with any filmmaking type endeavor. Life is beyond crazy, but not doing anything creative and collaborative is adding to the daily stress. I need to find something small, something simple, something I can care about. So I start slumming with the locals again.

Enter Julie - a young ambitious woman with a vision, more than a vision she has a plan and the impressive vocabulary to go with it. Julie has dreams of creating an edgy web series that explores various aspects of life all based on true stories.

We meet, we talk, she tells me her plan and her need to find writers who can adapt interviews she's done for her series. I go over my credentials and offer to send her a writing sample. She jumps right past that and brings me on board.

I go away thinking "that was easy." Too easy. Dun dun duuuuunnnnn... I go over the interviews, none all that great, no probing questions, nothing there... just poorly written run on sentences of people saying junk about junk. I find a couple that interest me a bit and I ask if I can re-interview the individuals. To which the reply is "yeah yeah of course."

Great! Give me their contact information. "ummm... let me contact them first and ask them if it would be ok for you to contact them."

Ok. Awesome, give them my contact information.

Time goes by and I begin meeting with the other writers on the team and we start workshopping the episodes/stories already being written. After a few meetings I bring up the interviewees again. "Oh yeah right... I need to do that."

Ok... so that doesn't seem to be going anywhere and after working with the other writers and seeing the overall passion of the group I start pondering developing my own story. Cut to a few more writers meetings and Julie indicating to the group that those of us writing will not only have input, but will be a part of the production of our episodes.

Call me suckered.

I pitch an idea at one of the meetings. One I was already working on prior to meeting Julie. One that not only fit the style of the series, but was also based somewhat on my own experiences and that of a close friend of mine.

The idea rocks the casbah, tickles the elmo and so on and so forth. I begin in earnest outlining and writing the episode. However, even though young Julie has stated on more than one occasion she wants to write up contracts with us, the contracts have yet to be written out and signed. Every time I go to print out a draft there's a gnawing in my gut. So, I keep my writing to myself.

We continue to workshop the other scripts from writers less worried about a contract, together we outline 12 episodes and interweave them. For my section, I go over the outline, theme and character profiles with the group, while waiting for a contract to be written up before turning over any writing.
I read sections of it out loud to get feedback, but I don't go against my gut. And I'm not the only one who's not turning over their stuff just yet. A fellow screenwriter from the U who is doing the same as I am, we're waiting for the contract.

Jump to spring/summer 2012 - the writers are restless, we're waiting on the fearless leader to give us direction, to get us the contracts, to do anything... so the writer's hatch a plan, let's launch a website, film a trailer, get the buzz going, let's do a sizzle reel or something. We've all poured our hearts into this thing, it could be... it should be... it WILL BE! We're committed, we're energized, this could go from thought to form before our very eyes. We begin speculating about other ideas, a second set of episodes, we start listing out resources we have access to. A camera, equipment, people, locations...

This scares the fearless one as she puts a yes but NO to our plans. Time passes, our writer's meetings become group therapy sessions. I'm beginning to feel pretty damn good about not offering up my writing without a contract. I'm starting to wonder if there's a way I can gracefully bow out.

Low and behold it comes to me in the form of a five page impersonal email and an equally impersonal long post in our writer's group blog at the start of this month from Julie to all the writers. In short, it's her idea, her series, her company, her name, hers all hers, and she has the paper trail to prove it.

No contract will be coming, but if I and the other writers choose to, we can submit completed scripts on spec to be considered for possible production as part of the series and our potential re-insertion as a staff writer for the show.

Hello door, happy to walk through you and out of this mess.

I'm not really surprised. As I wrote this it became clear that all the warning signs were there that young Julie is too young, inexperienced, fearful of losing control and terrified of others to do this well.

Over the year the writers dwindled, and the reaction to the email from those of us who remain is similar to mine. Perhaps not as happy and relieved, but still now released into the fresh night air after being trapped for too long in a stuffy house.

I have until Sunday to give a response to the email & blog post. And right now I'm think of just rollerskating on out that door leaving only a smile in her mind.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2012, 10:22:18 AM
Holy cow! I'd be so mad. Good on you for holding onto your work. Is Julie taking all the completed scripts for free? What a jerk!

Mu Satach
Sep 27th, 2012, 03:00:37 PM

direct quote from the email/post

I am interested in optioning these screenplays, and will contact [writer's who turned over their scripts] individually to work out a deal.



Up until this point, working on [series name] has been a volunteer position. Moving forward, it still is. No one currently working on the project, including myself, will be financially compensated for their efforts on the show.

Number one - all of us knew there was basically no money coming at all. We were all invested because of the collaborative nature of the project and the promise of being directly involved in the production of our individual episodes we were the main writer on. In fact we were all so invested that for a time we were willing to give her money to help fund the production. Not a lot of money, but you know enough for bagels and to help beg borrow steal a camera and junk. And maybe just maybe if by some miracle of God it made any kind of profit it was going to be funneled back into the production company for more episodes.

I'm just putting this whole episode into the learning memory bank. And during the year while all this was going on my personal life is starting to straighten out.

After reading the email/post the first time I almost did a happy dance at being shown the door out of the whole thing. And then after reading it a few more times I decided to just finish up my script and shoot it myself. I have enough professional contacts out here to do the project well and if I do my budget right I can fund it, and maybe it will do ok in a few festivals. Mainly it would be nice to do something again to put to use all the knowledge I got from my last film and learn something new.

And in closing I thought I would share my favorite bit of the email/post

For [other screenwriter who held onto their work] and Natalia, each of you have pitched an episode concept to the writing group, but haven’t finished a completed screenplay. As I move forward, if you would still like to write for the 801 series, you’re free to send me spec scripts - scripts to be considered - for the show. I cannot grant either of you Staff Writer credit at this point, despite your participation in the writing group, because I have yet to see your completed work.

Each of you will have until Halloween to send me a spec script of your work in regards to the series. From there, we may work out a deal to bring you back into a Staff Writer position, if your writing fits the current direction of the show.

My intention is to witness your commitment to the series, your ability to meet a deadline, and to have a better idea of the written voice you contribute to the series. I know you from your participation in our writing meetings in the past, but I am very much interested in how that passion in person translates to a tangible screenplay draft.

I still don't know if I'll respond to Julie. I think just writing this whole thing out has given my brain closure. Maybe I'll just fade out of her imaginary empire and keep building my own little treehouse and sandbox to play in.

Sep 27th, 2012, 11:32:40 PM
Yikes Mu. Good for you to keep all your own work. I probably wouldn't even give her the satisfaction of a reply.

Is it possible you can team up with some of the other writers and together make something out of it as well?

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 28th, 2012, 02:40:47 AM
Sending her a big LOL in reply to her request for your script would probably not be productive, but WOW, she seems to be a real piece of work.

Keep your sandbox and treehouse, and teach me how to write screenplays. :3:

Mu Satach
Sep 28th, 2012, 10:30:24 AM
I floated the idea of making one of the other episodes with the writer and she said she really would like to see both our pieces made. So, next summer maybe I'll be doing 2 shorts. Who knows.

The other piece has some beautiful imagery that just blossoms in my head when she was describing it and reading bits of her script, I would really love to see it come to life.

Plus - the evil side of me would love to go BAM oh yeah take that miss Julie THAT's how passion is translated into a tangible FILM. And then let the passive agressive rumors and accusations of how I stole her stuff begin. MURAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Drama... SLC style. ;)

Sep 28th, 2012, 08:26:31 PM
As frustrating as that trainwreck had to be, it's awesome that you came out of it with a creative property of your own that you're still excited about. Go on increasing the beauty quotient in this world! And once you get those films done, let us know where we can find them. :cool

Mu Satach
Oct 2nd, 2012, 08:59:06 AM
Well - it's officially 3 writers now. One of the guys who had been turning in his work doesn't like the way things are looking and he's pulling his story as well. Now he wants to work with me and the other writer to try and get his story done the way he envisioned it.

I've contacted a local producer in the valley to get copies of the contracts she uses when she produces films and it's nice knowing I have a resource like that to go to for advice.

I've also got a guy who does the recruiting video's for the athletics at the U who said he'd be the shooter for me on any of the projects. He's got access to a Cannon 5D mark III.

And then there's another guy I've been in shorts with who works for a casting agent in town who's done work for some of the Disney flicks that have been shot out here.

So... if all goes well I could potentially have 3 professional quality short films done by the end of 2013.

Mu Satach
Oct 2nd, 2012, 09:01:35 AM
Oh and Holly - a huge chunk of what you need to know about screenwriting can be found in the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-keywords=screenwriters%20bible&linkCode=ur2&sprefix=screenwriters%2Caps%2C259&tag=natalmurdo-20&url=search-alias%3Daps">screen writer's bible</a><img src="https://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=natalmurdo-20&l=ur2&o=1" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

and <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1932907009/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1932907009&linkCode=as2&tag=natalmurdo-20">Save The Cat</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=natalmurdo-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1932907009" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> is also a good resource.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 2nd, 2012, 01:09:12 PM
That is awesome news, Nat.

(and thanks. :D)