View Full Version : Thread Ideas

Serasai Onashi
Aug 20th, 2012, 10:55:26 PM
Okay! So I'm trying to get back into the swing of posting here, and while I don't want to try and juggle a whole bunch at once (especially once everything picks up steam again), I'm wondering who's all up for some posting and RPing with some accounts.

Mutants, Unite!: I'm looking to get a few Redención threads done with José before I launch his larger arc. Anyone up for some pranks/hijinks with a cheeky and randy teleporter? Alternatively, José could be up for a few other sorts of threads (especially concerning school, as that passed by with only one mention and use), specifically the one school-friend (hint-hint KAHLIA) that he's never really talked to yet.

Star Wars:

Onashi: Potential storylines I'd like to try and see through are his addiction and treatment with Vek Vek; and perhaps afterwards he'll raid an Imperial facility for some presents with the help of a wonderfully cheesy and equally bad-ass Zeke (or other Jedi/Rebel). Also there were talks of retaliation by a certain mother of the captain of the ship, but nothing's happened yet. Onashi's going to assume she's given up.

Ben: I did send out a PM about starting off the Bendiana Jones threads, but nothing particularly useful or compelling has come about as far as a plot and goal. I don't want to pull a Lucas and a "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" sort of thing, where I want to do one so I pick out of a series of lackluster ideas and then write it out badly. Also, in an attempt to keep it flowing smoothly and hopefully make it something like what I'm basing it off of, I'm of a mind to script out the threads, not to the letter, but hopefully it will keep them from become too long and unwieldy as far as different characters in different scenes.

More to come as I think of it. If anyone wants to do some with any of my characters, feel free to ask away here!

Aug 21st, 2012, 05:17:09 PM
I just replied about the Bendiana Jones ideas, btw :) sorry about that horrid delay. My muse has been a bit sluggish, but I did come up with some weird, random thoughts!

Always up for Mutants hijinks too - I'm sure José has met Lana, so that could be...entertaining :)

Aug 27th, 2012, 04:35:10 PM
Things are quiet on the mutant front right now but I'm down for some exploits with José and Jim, if that floats your boat. I'd enjoy building on their relationship, given their flaky start and that their future paths may potentially cross courtesy of Tom Harriman. Maybe we could co-ordinate something with Dee and have a José-Lana-Jim sandwich of a thread! I'm sure Alex won't mind, he's too busy being a dwarf at present, anyway.

Aug 27th, 2012, 06:13:57 PM
That's an interesting sandwich right there. Oh, the hijinks.

Rossos Atrapes
Aug 27th, 2012, 06:50:35 PM
I'm sure José has met Lana, so that could be...entertaining :)

I'm down for some exploits with José and Jim, if that floats your boat. I'd enjoy building on their relationship, given their flaky start and that their future paths may potentially cross courtesy of Tom Harriman. Maybe we could co-ordinate something with Dee and have a José-Lana-Jim sandwich of a thread! I'm sure Alex won't mind, he's too busy being a dwarf at present, anyway.

That would be beyond entertaining. Latin boy from the streets hitting on a taken upper class Russian girl? Dirty Dancing 3: Los Angeles Days, anyone? :dance

I'm definitely up for José and Jim doing some pranks about the house, or simply getting past their horrible first introduction. If anything, this could be like an American setting for a Misfits like story, only how it should be done as opposed to how it would likely be written for Fox or ABC, not to mention the horrible production values the show would get with Syfy.

Should I PM you guys with some ideas for some hijinks, or would you rather we discuss them here for simplicity's sake?

Aug 27th, 2012, 07:07:15 PM
The Misfits parallel is quite apt, I like that. Now I find myself regretting them not being slapped with community service for their part in the debacle downtown. But yeah, with that blend of goofiness and debauchery, I sense a slice of fried gold coming on. If you have an idea up your sleeve already, great, but if we're going to get into the nitty-gritty of it then I recommend taking it to PM's because, you know... spoilers!

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 28th, 2012, 02:35:39 PM
Anna is capable of assigning 'community' service. I'm sure there is some graffiti on our neighbors fences that needs painting over.

Aug 29th, 2012, 05:36:00 PM
Anna is capable of assigning 'community' service. I'm sure there is some graffiti on our neighbors fences that needs painting over.

Ms. Madeleine Flores would be amenable to making non-alcoholic sangrias and margaritas (soon-to-be mother!) and drinking them on the porch while shouting 'encouragements' to the kids.

Ashe Sieris
Aug 29th, 2012, 08:30:01 PM
I have a few Star Wars characters that need dusting off. I just got back on the site as well, so getting back in the swing.

Ashe: Renegade Jedi, mostly fallen

Ariesa: Naboo Senator's daughter who recently found out she has force powers