View Full Version : Form V: Strength, Not Concentration.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 11th, 2012, 09:07:30 PM
Wei Wu Wei couldn't help feeling confused. After time indeterminable his pursuer with the Imperial Inquisitoriate let him go. Of course, she stipulated Wei's freedom was dependent upon him not making public appearances as a Jedi.
"Still, with her cohort bearing down on me and my route to you completely cut off, she could have ended the whole thing right there. It's odd."
If only you could let alcohol go as easily as she let you go.
Wei frowned. "I was her bounty, sure. But the thing that's hurting her is her association with the Empire and its Inquisitoriate. But I see what you're trying to say."
Without warning a flashing red light began blinking on the console. We need to stop for fuel soon. The nearest planet to here is Dorvalla. Mining world under Imperial Control. Small time operation with minimal imperial presence. We should be able to acquire some fuel there.
"We can't just land at the spaceport, though."
Granted. We will have to steal some.
Theft, huh? Suppose there was another way. A way to earn the fuel. It'd be a gift.
The whiskey Jedi took a deep breath. "How would that work?"
R4 seemed to assume Wei's question was directed at him. The mining operations use shuttles for planetwide employee transportation and hauling goods to spacestations in low orbit around the planet. We can get the fuel we need from them.
Land a few clicks from route Thesh. There's a depleted mine there where you can park the starfighter. We'll talk about what you can do for it after you land.
Wei scratched his head. "Is there a map of the mining routes?"
R4 offered a high pitched whistle, which Wei took to be an affirmative response.
"Then can you find a Route Thesh?"
R4 whistled again, and the pair descended into the atmosphere.
Aug 17th, 2012, 10:24:21 AM
Of all the guard details, on the worlds he'd ever visited, Zhe'chot was sure this one was the least entertaining.. Things with his unit weren't much different. "Zhe'chot, stand here and guard these pathetic workers! Zhe'chot, don't don't talk to the workers! Zhe'chot, you piece of Hutt slime, pay attention!"
Of course, he never slacked in his duty, though the uniformly non-human workers all gave him the hairy eyeball. He didn't have much sympathy. Rattataki made their own way, and took full responsibility for their successes--and their failures. Still, no Rattataki ever bullied another man for looking different, and the Imperial humans heaped abuse after abuse on these workers. Zhe'chot wasn't sure if they were slaves, serfs, or what. They seemed particularly nervous about some construction going on nearby--a big thing surrounded by walls and curtains to keep the curious out. He'd pulled a few guard details there, but hadn't been told what it was. He kicked a loose stone by his boot and sighed, looking around, checking the skyline. Nothing to see. He started practicing his Basic.
"Dis ees a plahnut I am standing on. Is a dort ground. My boots are block, my yooneefurm is gray, I carrying a pools raffle, nothing is inna sky botta cheep I neffa befur sin..."
He blinked, cocked his head to the side, and watched the flying blue wedge pass.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 18th, 2012, 04:13:01 PM
Wei landed the ship in the mouth of a cave near the top of a sheer rock wall. Far below he could see some sort or repulsor rail system and a load of insectoid sentients.
They're in big trouble. It's a Jedi's duty to save them.
Wei nodded.
People sometimes forget that the Jedi are meant to bring balance to the galaxy.
Wei nodded again.
Two pale blue forms shimmered behind him.
We will teach you what you need. A strong offense born out of a solid defense.
The power to turn an opponent's strength against them.
The former Jedi turned to face the figures. Anakin and Luke Skywalker hovered in the hair. Wei folded his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow in amused disbelief.
"There were rumors amongst some of the Jedi at the temple that you had a child. I wonder how many of them would have been as surprised as I was when the holonet started to display news of a Skywalker strong in the Force leading the Rebel Alliance against the Empire."
Anakin grinned and looked off to one side. It's unfortunate, but true. I'm glad Luke put a stop to me. It just goes to show it's never to late to redeem oneself.
Wei wasn't so sure, but he wasn't about to argue with Anakin Skywalker. "So teach me. What am I to be learning?"
Luke cleared his throat. Form V. The Way of the Krayt Dragon. The Perseverance Form. A brutal style of combat in two parts. Shien, which is used in ranged combat to deflect opponents' attacks back at them, is the first. The second is Djem So, which is mainly focused on dueling another opponent in lightsaber combat. It isn't concerned with simply stopping attacks, but instead turns every block and parry into a devastating counterattack.
Wei nodded. "Yes. Anakin did make a lot of use out of Djem So."
Anakin bowed humbly. "It suited a short-tempered and short-sighted Jedi very well. Luke managed to do better than I did. Shien takes cleverness and patience."
Wei held up his hand. "Ok, no more beating yourself up. It's done. Let it go."
Anakin smirked. Practice what you preach, Master Jedi.
The whiskey Jedi frowned.
Master Fisto told me about your habit. You can break it. Djem So style.
Wei grinned weakly. "I'll try my best."
Luke spoke up in a croaky voice. Do. Or Do Not. There is no Try.
Wei laughed in spite of himself. "Not a bad imitation of Master Yoda. All righty. Let's learn Form V."
Aug 22nd, 2012, 06:02:40 PM
The pale soldier pushed the button for his commlink. "Ahh, sir, eesa Prevot Zhe'chot reporting ins, onna canyun woll onna Route Thaysh," he said, voice wondering at what he'd seen. "Issa chip maeka landing fatha out from woll behind my posichen. Requay--"
His officer cut him off hastily. No officer with authority over him ever let him make a spoken request. They always cut him off with an order...usually the opposite of what they thought he wanted.
"Go alone and scout it out," was the answer. Zhe'chot smiled. They were often very terrible about predicting the opposite of what he wanted. He injected boredom into his voice.
"Iffa say so, sir," he answered, and trotted off on the last known trajectory of the blue spacecraft.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 25th, 2012, 02:50:17 PM
Anakin spoke first. Soresu is all about defense. You keep your opponent at bay until he makes a mistake or wears out. Djem So is about using your defense and turning it into a stong offense. It takes a great deal of physical power to use the style effectively.
Djem So isn't like Ataru, which uses the Force to enhance a person's speed and agility. It's pure power. So there's not going to be a lot of jumping and spinning like before. As a result, it suffers from a lack of mobility. Not that it ever stopped me before The elder Skywalker offered a cocky grin.
Wei nodded. "I remember."
So, let's get into the basic stance. The opening stance for Djem So starts with the lightsaber held over head, with the blade angled down and back.
Wei followed the instructions, and imitated the ghostly form of the Chosen One. "I feel very open," Wei said after looking at himself. He was almost entirely exposed.
True, but remember this: Djem So is purely for dueling against other people with lightsabers. The opening stance can trick a novice duelist into thinking you're open and blundering into an ambush. The standard opening attack is a huge overhead blow dubbed "The Falling Avalance." Depending on how your opponent opens his attack, you can swing downwards with enough strength of Force to batter their blade toward the ground and cut them all in one movement. Give it a try. Remember to stay rooted.
Wei resisted the urge to make faces and tried the attack. It came screaming from over his head near his left shoulder, meeting the imaginary opponent's neck and cutting through the torso to the opposite hip bone.
Pretty good. A lot of your attacks will be powerful like that. Try a horizontal one. Swing from the toes and let the power corkscrew up from the bottoms of your feet and into your arms.
Wei nodded, shifted the grip on his lightsaber, and held it up by his ear. The former Jedi's back foot pivoted. The movement traveled up to his hips, which turned his torso, which in turn lent extra power to the muscles in his arms as they swung the lightsaber with Force-assisted power.
Not too shabby. Remember, it's not enough to simply block attacks: instead make your blocking action an attack. Like you're striking the opponent's blade with the intention on pushing it back on him and damaging him with his own lightsaber.
"Ok, then. Doesn't sound too hard."
You certainly seem to have the mentality down, I'll give you that. But it's not over. Luke's going to teach you Shien next. He's deeper in the mine. It won't be too hard to find him.
Wei walked off into the mine shaft to find the son of the Chosen One.
Aug 25th, 2012, 09:51:41 PM
"Ok, then. Doesn't sound too hard."
Zhe'chot crept into the cave, hiding by the walls in shadow. He stopped as Wei finished speaking and silently drew a black balaclava, drawing it over his pale head to help hide himself better, then moved with Wei and let the man's footsteps cover his silent trail. Zhe'chot was amazed at the weapon the human man carried. He'd never seen the likes of it, save for in what spare footage he'd seen of that legendary warrior, Darth Vader. He shut off his radio; he wouldn't have sudden communication give himself away, and he wouldn't be reporting this back to command, not until he'd learned how to use such a weapon himself. Thankfully, the beam-sword's light made Wei an easy mark. The Rattataki remembered to breathe steadily as he realized he'd been holding his breath. To learn new combat such as this...never had he been given such opportunity.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 28th, 2012, 09:34:03 PM
Wei met the younger skywalker at the beginning of a curving slope that clung to the left wall and descended into a wide, open room. From this place a series of repulsor rails radiated out into a number of shafts. Far off the echo of machines ricocheted down the tunnels towards the main hub.
Luke stood at the center where all the rails met with his arms folded and the classic Skywalker smile on his face. Good to see you! Wei, it's time to learn the other half of Form V: Shien. I'm sure you remember, but if Djem So concentrates on lightsaber combat, Shien focuses on blaster fire deflection. Even though the two halves have different goals and utilize different techniques, the mindset is exactly the same--turning a strong defense into a stronger offense.
Wei descended the ramp while Luke continued to explain.
Chronologically speaking, Shien came about before Djem So, arising from a need for a Jedi to be on the offensive despite facing down large groups of enemies. Jedi often fought battles in which they were incredibly outnumbered. As a member of the Rebel Alliance and one of the last remaining Jedi I thought it was an appropriate style to learn. I think you'll find it comes in handy too.
The former Jedi chuckled wryly. "Outnumbered indeed."
When facing opponents with blasters, it's not just enough to turn the fire away from you, like it was in Soresu. In Shien, you want to return the blaster fire back at the shooter. Shien uses techniques to help you close with the opponent while sending his own blaster bolt back at him. You can deflect the laser blast, then follow it up with a lightsaber strike. It's kind of like how you block an attack and immediately counterattack in Djem So.
"Ok, so how do we practice? I'm guessing there are no remotes like Obi-wan had on Tatooine."
Luke chuckled and scratched at the back of his head, looking every inch the farmboy he once was. I remember those...but no, we won't be using remotes. The younger Skywalker sighed. I hate to say it, but you'll be fighting with mining droids. This mine was shut down because the droids went haywire and the teams couldn't manage to get close enough to repair them. They don't leave the mine though, so the Empire never blocked it off. In the meantime, they've been using Gand labor. But that's neither here nor there. If you get within range of the droids' sensors, they'll fire at you. The beams are meant to slag rock and cut ore out of the walls. Be careful. You're supposed to be practicing Shien, but if mastering the timing proves to be treacherous, just focus on your own safety.
Wei settled his lightsaber into a comfortable grip and picked the rightmost tunnel. "I appreciate the concern." He released a resigned breath. "Let's get in some practice."
Aug 29th, 2012, 02:47:09 PM
The man talked, paused, talked more, paused, and then finished his one-sided conversation with a determined declaration to practice. Practice what? Outnumbered? Remotes? Before Zhe'chot had fully committed his mind to processing it (and double-checking to make sure he hadn't misunderstood the Basic words), a steady march could be heard throughout the tunnel. It was the unmistakable plod of droids, tireless, endless, coming to the spot. They emerged into his view, arms pointed at the human with his glowing melee weapon. They opened fire, and Zhe'chot learned the part of the conversation that he'd missed.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 30th, 2012, 08:07:27 AM
Wei's saber flashed into place the instant the first droid fired its cutting laser.
I thought the droids' mining lasers would make better practice than standard blaster fire. Since they're one continuous beam, you can better gauge your progress because it's easier to see the lasers' return course. Luke explained.
"Fair enough," Wei said. "But this is still a very high pressure situation. I have to be sure to destroy them quick before they join in and I--"
Wei cut himself off to focus as two more droids turned their tools against him. The Force was with him: the droids seemed to be programmed to lock on to a precise point and focus their fire there. The Force Cripple grit his teeth and started to sweat as the air around him grew hot. Wei angled his blade, making the lasers scorch a line in the stone floor, walls, mine carts, and finally the droids themselves.
"I need to improve quickly. There's more on the way."
Remember, Shien and Djem So are two halves of the same whole. Like the Force connects us all, Shien and Djem So are connected. Shien techniques blend into Djem So, and Djem So blends into Shien. Be aggressive: Shien allows you to turn the droids' lasers back on them and gives you the tools you need to get close and bring Djem So's heavy attacks to to bear against your foes. If you can advance, perhaps you can cave in the tunnel openings.
The alcoholic Jedi was seeing spots. The inherent darkness of the mine shaft made the brightness of the cutting lasers all the more brilliant and blinding. He shifted his footing and found himself kicking a welding mask. Wei scooped it up and put it on. Even after the second wave appeared, Wei's vision improved until he could see the support structures holding up the tunnel entrances. He could cut through them if only he could get close enough.
"Well, then. Here we go."
Sep 4th, 2012, 09:14:52 AM
Zhe'chot turned as he heard clanking from behind. A mining droid leveled its rock-cutter at him. He snapped his rifle to his shoulder and fired just quickly enough to vaporize its head and prevent himself from being cored by the laser. He backed down the natural ramp into the main theater where Wei was practicing, shooting carefully at the droids that were pursuing him, checking behind for more or any wall that he might run himself up against. He also noted the position of Wei; he was making his advance on the waves that were coming up against him. Did he intend to cut them all down? A mining laser's whine brought him back to focus, and the Private kept on earning his perfect marksmanship score.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 4th, 2012, 09:25:55 PM
It wasn't until Zhe'chot began firing on other mining droids that Wei consciously noticed he was there. Wei's mind had expanded into the mining tunnels along with the hum of his lightsaber, but he had been to busy dealing with training and mining droids to address the Imperial Private.
The Force Cripple burned through mining droids as their lasers met his saber, then with a mighty overhead chop, cleaved the support brace in two. The brace had been thick and tough, causing his lightsaber to slow down as it traveled through the material. The former Jedi spared a split second to marvel at how a beam with no apparent mass could be slowed by solid objects, then turned towards the next tunnel.
It was slow, dangerous work, but by the time Wei had closed all the tunnels, he was consistently returning the droids's lasers within a moment and had mastered the Falling Avalanche cut.
The last droid went down.
That went very well, Luke said. Now about the Gand--
"In a minute," Wei interrupted. "I need to deal with this other person first."
Wei advanced with lightsaber pointed at Zhe'chot. "I can tell from here you're with the Empire. I only want to be left alone. If you promise not to report my whereabouts to your superiors, I will let you leave."
Sep 6th, 2012, 12:55:03 PM
Zhe'chot leveled the rifle at Wei, for all the good it would do him to squeeze the trigger. He considered the deal; his life for a kept secret. The Rattataki wanted a sweeter pot. He probed for intel.
"Essa no beeg deal to me, letta man weetha latsword roam free. I seen you practice, wave around like smash a porson, turn away a laser beam like use a mirror. My radio, ees off. Betta stalf, yes? No sudden cahmoonikachen geef pozichen away; vara sniky. So, ees nobody onna plahnoot was knows you here but me...and whoevah is you talkin' to inna dahk. Unless you hafinka intahleykchual diskoshen wif yooself."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 7th, 2012, 11:05:14 AM
Wow. Wei had never heard an accent that heavy.
"Nevermind that."
Suddenly the former Jedi couldn't gather his thoughts. Luckily for him, Luke offered a suggestion.
Remember when we discussed the Gand before we started your training? I think he can help with that.
Wei didn't much feel like responding with Zhe'chot present, but did slightly incline his ear in the young Skywalker's direction.
The Gand's livelihoods are at stake. With the other malfunctioning droids down, the Empire needed labor for the mines. Some Gands don't respire, so they were hired--not enslaved oddly enough-- but now there's a new droid that is supposed to put the Gand out of work. Have him take you to where the Gand are laying out the repulsor rails on route Thesh.
Wei shook his head. He didn't know what Luke and Anakin expected him to do, but the former Jedi still did as he was asked.
"Take me to route Thesh. Where the Gand are working on laying the repulsor rail system. Don't ask questions."
Sep 12th, 2012, 06:31:45 PM
Zhe'chot very slowly put his rifle back on its sling.
"I gonna do chust dat, but forst, needa tell you someting. I see your chip land, I call in, say I gonna go scouting. I needa call back, say was nahthing, they will belief it becauze they think I am stupid. Will geefa cohfer for you. Secohnd, issa no easy thing to take a strenj man to a Route Thesh. Issa secority cleeeeerins, yes? Beeg constrokschen project going on, I think issa way to put Gands outta the working. Is what you maybe beena practice for?"
It was a long stretch, but Zhe'chot could make no other sense of the demand. "I mebbe snik you in unna dark, but will be a hard thing to do no matta what. Ohnastand?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2012, 06:35:55 PM
I don't think it's wise to wait for nightfall, Anakin said as he came into Wei's peripheral view. I suppose this person thinks you mean to sabotage it. Well, that'd be nice, but we need to be sure that we help the Gands before they lose their jobs. You need to be able to scout it out.
Wei shook his head. "No, I don't think night time will work. I need to go now. Le your people know you didn't find anything and just go back to route Thesh yourself. I'll follow at a distance and get in myself."
The former Jedi didn't feel like he was in control of the situation at all. There was so little he knew, except that Route Thesh was heavily guarded and that urgency was needed most.
Sep 24th, 2012, 06:15:52 AM
"Yah, okay, sure," he responded quickly to the stream of thoughts. He flipped the switch to reactivate his radio and motioned Wei to follow him.
"Cohmahndar, issa Private Zhe'chot. Is lotta noting outta here, jussa cave with crazy droids. I think what I see is what they say, optekal delooshun, yes? Too many hour stand onna feet and stare at noting. Yassah. Sorry sar. Retorning to pohseeshun now." He killed the feed and sighed.
"I tayl yoo, iffa Raybol had more control inna galaxy, I would sweetch in hartbit. Playing dohmb to Eemperial is sometimes verra grating, but is only way what is legal to do more fightings and learn new combats. Which I learn mostly by seeing new tahktek used against my unats. Anyway, you see soon where they is building the big thing. Hard to miss. Is does dominashen offa skylan."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 25th, 2012, 07:00:17 AM
Wei had no idea what that last sentence could possibly mean, but he figured whatever the Rattataki had tried to tell him, it wasn't a good thing. The former Jedi followed Zhe'chot at a distance for a little while before he saw it: a large machine standing on treads next to the repulsor rails. The droid seemed cylindrical, but tapered on one end like a slugthrower round. It hovered next to the rail. A hydraulic arm jutted out of the left side, holding what looked like a heavy pole with a flat end.
Wei ducked down behind a rock and watched. The Gand stood around in an angry group, shouting at the Imperial tech who stood on the back of the droid. The guards Wei had expected to avoid weren't even scanning the surrounding area. Instead, their backs were turned away from the perimeter of the camp. All eyes and weapons were locked on the Gand.
"No doubt ready to shoot if anything gets out of hand," Wei muttered.
The tech motioned for silence, but only got it when one of the guards fired a shot into the air.
"This droid can get the repulsor system up and running within a week! The arm sets the anchors into the ground, and the body of the droid itself--! Well, just wait and see!"
One Gand step forward. "Gand doesn't want to watch the droid to do labor!" The others nodded. "Oryl doesn't want to watch the droid do the labor! Oryl wants to work!"
The tech held out his arms and shook his head. "Do you think all of you can work as fast as this droid?"
The Gand grew quiet.
"As I thought! The Empire will employ this droid here and you all may find work elsewhere! The Empire will take you wherever you want!"
Some of the Gand were thinking it over, but Oryl wasn't going to have it. "The Empire brought Gand here, and here Gand want to stay! Gand made homes here! Lives here! Work is hard to find in the Empire for non-humans! Gand have work! Gand want to keep on working!"
The tech grinned. "You want to keep your jobs? Then let's see it! Outperform my droid! If you can, you can keep your job!"
The Gand looked at each other. It was clear to Wei that they were sure they couldn't.
Tackle the problem Djem-so Style.
Wei stood up, straightened his dark blue tunic, then stepped out from his hiding place. He walked right into camp, through the crowd of Gand, and right up to the front.
"I can do it!" Wei said.
The guards and tech were confused. Where did this guy come from? Then they laughed.
"You! The tech cried. "You couldn't even lift the hammers the Gand use in their work! Why do you think we picked them rather than humans?"
"I can do it!" Wei repeated. "Give me a hammer, and get your droid started!"
Wei felt something heavy thud on the ground next to him. Oryl had set one of the hammers down next to him. "Oryl will lend the human his hammer." Then in a quieter voice the Gand said, "Button in pommel causes vibration. Noisy. Makes Gand nauseous. Vibration serves no apparent purpose, but all Gand press button."
Wei raised an eyebrow and pressed the button. His hand trembled a little, but the hum filled the camp. So did Wei's mind. He smiled, gripped the hammer, and easily put it on his shoulder.
Wei beckoned the tech with a crooked finger. "Set up your droid, and then let's set the challenge!"
Oct 4th, 2012, 12:55:26 PM
Zhe'chot spread his arms in a gesture that spoke "what the hell" more clearly than his voice could. "Dey unfail it while I am away! How dat is right? I stanna guard out here in bumsvack nowhar for monts, and for what!?"
He followed Wei, unslinging his rifle and falling in with his fellow troops. The stand-off between the Gand and the lead tech. He listened to the following argument unflinchingly, until Wei made his wager. The Rattataki laughed long and hard with the fellow soldiers, but for an entirely opposite reason. He knew the Jedi had a chance, and he knew how he had that chance.
"Maeka bait now, frands," he said, elbowing his fellows. "Twenty credit say dis man can beata droid. Yes?" As the others threw in against him, Zhe'chot calculated how much extra padding his monthly pay was going to get.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 5th, 2012, 09:14:13 AM
After a few minutes' bargaining, the challenge was set. As there were two rails, (one for southbound trips, one for northbound), each challenger would have a rail to work. The rules were simple:
1) The Gand were to set the anchors ahead of Wei. But beyond this, they were not allowed to help.
2) Any attempt to sabotage the other challenger would result in disqualification.
3) The challengers would work until the end of the line or until one tired out, whichever came first.
4) By no means were any Imperial supervisors to know about the challenge.
The Force Cripple held the hammer over his head in Djem So opening stance. One of the guards stood between the rails with his rifle pointed at the sky. The droid tech gave a cocky grin and nodded at the soldier. Wei looked at the first of many anchors.
The guard fired his rifle, and the two started. The Former Jedi executed the Falling Avalanche with precision and might, slamming in the first anchor with one strike. Two steps, and Wei repeated the strike over his other shoulder. Left, right, left, right the blows rained down on the durasteel spikes in a steady beat. Gands set their anchors and hurried to get out from under Wei's hammer. The droid moved forward steadily. The front end laid the anchor, the back end hammered it down.
So far, the pair were keeping pace. It would do for now. Even with the Force at his back, Wei would need all of his endurance to save the Gand.
Oct 22nd, 2012, 08:57:16 PM
"Hey, Zhe'chot! Get over here."
Zhe'chot hurried forward to his commander.
"Yassah," he said with a hasty salute, as distracted as his superior by the competition. The commander barely acknowledged him.
"Pace them. Guard the droid. Make sure those dirty Gands don't break the rules."
Wei was knocking out anchors so fast it seemed at least one Gand would lose his hands, and if Wei won the challenged, he imagined that Gand would forgive the unnatural Human. Still, orders...
"Yassah. Will paysa droid back frohm seferal meter, stay clear offa competeeshen, not be sohspaykted of tryink sabotaj for ohs." His commanding officer waved him off with a rough shove and went to go jeer at the spectacle. Zhe'chot hopped down to the track, slung the rifle over his back to present less threat, and paced the competition as judge and--if need be--impartial witness.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 23rd, 2012, 06:23:53 AM
Wei continued hammering his way across the countryside. He didn't dare look up: he couldn't afford to be distracted. Suddenly, the rail ran out. The Force Cripple looked up. They had butted against a cliff face.
The former Jedi looked over at the droid tech who cackled menacingly. The droid's body turned around, then the hammer arm swung up into a horizontal position. BLAM! The droid arm started pounding the stone into dust.
Wei's eyes widened for only a split second. He couldn't let the droid get ahead! He hefted the hammer over his shoulder and swung it at the rock wall with all the strength he could muster. THOOOOOOM!!
When the hammer made contact with the cliff, Wei finally discovered why the hammer could vibrate. The vibrations seemed to be tuned to the resonating frequency of the common stone found on the planet. The hammers head focused the vibration into a circle, which in turn caused all the rock along the "channel" to be pulverized into dust. Wei laughed when he saw how deep the hole was. Each swing of his hammer was worth ten of the droid's, thanks to the Force. The Gand cheered. A few dashed off to get fresh rails and shovels.
The droid's repulsors flung the dirt from its own work out behind it. It loaded a rail from some sort of hopper and dropped it into place and set the anchors. If Wei had been paying attention, he would have seen the tech's design flaw: the tech was certainly seeing it now. Without space to rotate the droid's body, the tech was forced to reverse the droid to hammer down the anchors, which were now being set by the rearward arm.
Strengthened with new hope and resolve, Wei and his Gand band started digging out the tunnel with a will.
Feb 8th, 2013, 10:17:17 AM
Zhe'chot stood to the rear, letting the sand and pebbles from the droid pelt his shins and kneepads. He kept his arms folded stiffly across his chest, the better to appear unable to draw his rifle with quickness, and stifled a yawn.
The soldiers and Gands were cheering, but he found the whole spectacle a bore already. Wei Wu Wei's mine tunnel training was already paying dividends here; he could see it clearly. Wei would finish hammering out the tunnel ahead of the droid. If he could maintain pace, he'd ride his long lead all the way to the end of Route Thesh. He caught his commander giving him a look and tipped his head. The commander shouted. Zhe'chot shrugged an exaggerated "Can't hear you" at him. The noise from the work was deafening. The droid tech feverishly jabbed at his console, casting side glances at Wei and Zhe'chot.
Wei Wu Wei
Feb 8th, 2013, 11:59:32 AM
The only problem about being forced to work manual labor in a tunnel is that you get hot fast. The Gands lined the tunnel walls. Shovels paddled dirt out and tireless arms ferried rails in.
Wei began to sweat buckets. His clothes clung to him. His hands, calloused though they were, were not used to the hammer. They felt sore. A blister or two started forming here and there on his fingers and palms.
The Force Cripple shut his eyes to keep out the sweat that stung them. WHOOOOOM! Wei's mind processed the thunderous vibrations in the moments before the rock pulverized.
Despite the initial problems, the droid's pace was steady. The tech seemed to have worked a way around the design flaw by using the droid like a battering ram each time he was forced to back up to anchor the rails in place.
Two could play at that game. Wei took a breath of the hot, suffocating air. He hefted the hammer over his shoulder. Then, he barreled down the tunnel with all the speed he could manage. He approached the end of the tunnel, set himself up for a huge lateral swing, and skidded into an enormous hammerstroke that would send anyone's head sailing towards the horizon.
The impact was great--perhaps too great. Obliterated rock and dust filled the tunnel. Dirt coated his face and hands, and refused to be rubbed off. It got in his eyes and up his nose. He coughed fitfully. He couldn't breath at all!
Wei took a knee. There was only a few feet left. He just had to get to the end of the tunnel and knock out a handful more rock. But he couldn't recover. Still more dust got into his open mouth and soaked up all moisture there. Water! He needed water!
Throat dry, no air to fill his lungs and fuel his voice--Wei was in deep trouble. He couldn't lose. But he couldn't move either.
All the while the vibrating hammer told him of the droid's inevitable progress.
"Perhaps slow and steady will win this race after all." Luke's voice rang in his mind.
Feb 28th, 2013, 10:53:36 AM
Dirt and dust blew back at Zhe'chot from the Wei's tunnel. He pulled a protective mask from a pouch on his hip, strapped it on, and waded into the cloud. Visibility was almost nothing inside, but he could just see the Gand gathered around a particular point on the track. Wei Wu Wei crouched in the huddle of worried workers, struggling for air. Zhe'chot killed his radio.
"Dis gonna sak,"he grumbled, elbowing his way through the Gands. He uncapped his canteen and forced it on Wei, then took a few deep breaths. Once he was sure Wei'd had enough time to drink, he held his breath and removed the mask, yanking it onto the Jedi's face. He secured it, grimaced, and yelled to be heard over the clamoring workers.
"Brith in!" he called, holding his hand over two holes on the mask's front. He coughed hard, but managed to call out again as he pressed his palm to the mask's side. "Brith out! In! Out! In! Out!"
The Rattataki, coughing and struggling himself, hauled Wei up by the belt and collar and hoped the mask had been cleared enough for the Jedi to breathe and work. He drew a pocket handkerchief from his pocket and clapped it over his face as a small measure of protection against the whirling dust.
"Why help him?" asked a Gand on his left. "Why help the Gands, Imperial?"
"Bicos if issa be a fair compateeshin, he most be able to work best he can," wheezed the soldier. "Also, I bet many credit on him. Want to collect big weenings from humans who ohnderestimate what a porson can do." He began to walk along the tunnel. "Jas don't lat him lif wiffa mask ohn."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 2nd, 2013, 09:01:31 PM
Wei swallowed mud as the Rattaki upended his canteen's contents. The water splashed his face. Wei blinked back the dirt and water in time to see a mask go over his face.
He breathed big, coughing breaths while his lungs cleared. Then he was fine. He had no time to thank the soldier, though. He had to get to the end of the tunnel, and time was starting to run out.
The former Jedi stood on shaking legs. The lack of air left him dizzy and weak. Still he had to get to the end of the tunnel.
He put the hammer on his shoulder and started to grope forward. Wei's fingers felt Gand arms reach for him and support him. The Force Cripple and the Gand walked together towards the end of the tunnel
"Gand will take off the mask and let you go," the alien said. "Big breath, and big swing."
Wei readied the hammer. The Gand's hand covered the mask's visor.
"1, 2, 3!"
Wei took a breah and felt his head lean back as the mask came off. Wei brought his head forward along with the hammer in one strong motion. The dust and rock crumbled around his ankles. Light and fresh air greeted the man and his Gand helpers.
A split second later, the droid emerged.
"What? I don't believe it!" The tech yelled. "No way you beat me! You had to have had help!"
Wei shrugged and coughed. "There's only one hammer in the entire tunnel, and it's in my hands. You lose."
"Where did the rails come from? The Gand laid those? You cheated!"
Wei shook his head. "The contest was only to knock out the tunnel, which I did unaided. The Gand only laid the rails. That was extra."
Wei looked at the tech's tunnel. "I see you set your rails too. It must have taken up some of your extra time. Perhaps you should have waited until the contest was over to stake the rails."
The tech's face was as red as a laserbolt. "I'll stake you!"
The droid tech started typing furiously on the droid's keypad. It shuddered and rotated ninety degrees. The pressurized staking tool swiveled to Wei's eye level.
Metal clanged against metal when the hopper loaded a spike. The Gand scattered.
Handle it, Wei. Djem-So style.
A hiss of hydraulic pressure tattled on the launching spike. Wei squared up, and swung the hammer in his hands.
PTANG! The hammer struck the spike squarely. Wei's attack launched it back , where it buried itself in the droid up to head of the spike.
A second hiss. PTANG! A second spike pierced the droid's shell.
Sparks and smoke issued from the droid's wounds. The tech continued punching in the rail spike commands.
A third hiss. PTANG! The third spike lanced clear through the droid and jammed itself into the mountainside.
The droid shuddered again, gouting more sparks and smoke. Electricity arced over the machine's metallic skin.
Wei felt himself thrown to the ground by one of the larger Gands just in time to avoid the debris from the droid's explosion.
Luke's voice laughed in Wei's head. Yeah, he handled it. But I think he handled it Shien style.
Anakin's voice returned fire with a snarky, good-natured tone. But his attitude was Djem-So. So it still counts.
Mar 3rd, 2013, 12:12:05 PM
Zhe'chot picked his mask up off the floor of the tunnel where the Gand had dropped it in his haste to complete the work and stuffed it back in his pouch. He wandered out at a lazy stroll, stretching his shoulders as he breathed fresh air. The argument taking place was of little concern to him. It only confirmed what he already knew; that Wei had won the contest, that he had won his bet, and that he'd be up to his neck in credits before the hour was out. Actually, it felt pretty good.
The good feeling was not to last. The tech's poor sportsmanship rankled Zhe'chot, and the human's attack on Wei had Zhe'chot going for his rifle, but he'd only just laid a hand on it when the Jedi made his counter-strike.
"Oh, I forget," he said to himself, unslinging his rifle and bringing it to the low carry anyway. Zhe'chot watched the droid's destruction impassively, but as it began to take damage, he couldn't help backing away. "Hitta dort!" he yelled. Gands and Imps alike threw themselves to the floor. Zhe'chot threw himself down, hands covering his neck and legs pressed tightly together, and waited for the boom. He didn't have long to wait, but he didn't rise for a few long moments afterward.
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 4th, 2013, 09:44:36 AM
Wei stood with the Gand's help. The droid lay in shattered bits across the worksite. The former Jedi switched off the hammer and let it drop from his hand to the ground with a dull thud.
He turned to face the Gands and the Imperial troops. "Well?" Wei asked. It was a challenge. Would they try to stop him now? Would they still leave the Gands jobless?
Mar 4th, 2013, 10:23:52 AM
Zhe'chot turned his radio back on.
"Sah, what issa do now? Dis man, he ween cohmpateeshen. Gand most do work, get money. Is fair, yes? Lawful, yes? Also, I ween baytting. No weshing onna payout." The Rattataki turned his face down and to the side, the better to hide his glee at getting to mouth off and get away with it.
"Yeah...yeah, fine. Tell 'em to get started. Come get your winnings then get back to guard duty. You ain't sleepin' for the next 72 hours."
Zhe'chot rolled his shoulders. "Hey, you rail worker! Nobody pay you slackoff! Get backa work! Damn, is like I only one 'roun' here doing raht thing alla time." As the Gands dispersed with cheers, sighs, and mutterings of relief, Zhe'chot approached Wei.
"How is you do this thing, wiffa huge strenth, I do not know. Maybe you issa inna line of Vader, haffa mystic power. Mebbe you only looka hyooman. But you issa unique warrior, with skeell I neffa befur sin. Alla skeell perishabol, so practice hard. Also, you prohbably wanna pop a smoke and jet out. Someone will want a head rollings for blow oppa droid. You is the man of hour for that."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 4th, 2013, 10:20:10 PM
Wei gestured to the droid tech, who was either dead or critically injured. "Why not blame him? Let his head roll. Say he used the droid for something other than its intended purpose and it wound up destroyed. The thing is in so many pieces, they won't be able to tell how it got destroyed. Then it'll be his word that a single man destroyed it by deflecting spikes into it with a hammer against the word of however many people are willing to lie and say the thing just blew up as a result of mistreatment."
Wei shrugged. "I need some fuel for my starship, and them I'm gone. Do you guys have some I can use?"
Mar 5th, 2013, 10:49:13 AM
"Eh...mebbe. I am only preevot, not autorize to giffa fool to pipples. My commanders, they lose ekspenseev droid and personal monies, so doubt they will be so nice. Issa saveelyan settlement somewhere around, can probably help you wiffa fool."
He turned at the sound of soldiers' voices, seeing his platoon coming down into Route Thesh to direct the clearing of the broken droid and salvage what they could, and help the operator if he were still alive. One soldier broke off and slapped a stack of credits into Zhe'chot's hand, then stormed off with a curse and a slur. Zhe'chot counted off a portion of it and handed it to Wei.
"For job done good. Haffa soksess out dere."
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 5th, 2013, 10:23:11 PM
"I'll do that, thanks." Wei took the credits.
Minutes later he had the directions he needed, which he forwarded to R4. The two met, and re-fueled the starfighter. It took every credit Wei had to convince the station owner not to tell anyone he was there, but Wei hoped it would be worth it.
"Now, next stop. Dathomir."
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