View Full Version : Duro Liberation???

Jul 8th, 2012, 09:59:23 PM
Ok Sullust Is done. and Duro is a ways off. Most of us are not ready for the main battle But Some smaller things need to be seen to first.

Colonel Connors and his regiment are training for the assault on the yards and cities over Duro. After which he and a small group will infiltrate a few key stations and shipyards over Duro. There is alot of spec ops fun to be had in the preparation for the attack so if anyone is interested let me know please. I have a few targets in mind that would go along way in softening the planet for the assault.

Also is the whole Duro rep secretly helping the rebels thing still planning? A meeting with Connors and a few others over Duro would be cool.

As far as the fleet end of this goes I do not see it starting till we can get some of the ground work laid down in non fleet threads.

Rana De Laak
Jul 9th, 2012, 11:57:39 AM
I am part of the Duro resistance, a cell member on one of the cities. Doesn't matter to me which one, just let me know where I should be and I'll do that. I don't want to be a cell leader (so once the leader gets offed my character is pushed into the role of course), but she can take part in a meeting between Duro resistance and Rebel Alliance.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 8th, 2012, 10:25:39 AM
Alright, folks, I have a syringe of epinephrine here, ready to go. Let's pump some life back into this baby.

Duro! It's a pretty sweet planet. Well, ok, it's a crap hole, but it was some rockin orbital cities and some shipyards. And I know you rebels want to get your grubby hands on them. And I know you imperial types don't want any grubby hands on them except your own.

I'm assuming the interest is still out there, so let's do this.

Can I get a rousing "Here!" from our participants? (Don't be afraid to mercilessly hound others into paying attention, whether it be by instant message, telephone call, telegraph, engraved stone tablet, wadded up note thrown at their head, or other favored means of communication.)

Dirk Neighborly
Nov 8th, 2012, 10:34:43 AM
Shipyards, huh? Would there be anything suitable as a theft target for a galactic not-so-nice-guy who is wanted on literally tens of planets, and his savage sidekick?

Oh yes, and his droid minions of terror, too!

Ecidae Mandrill
Nov 8th, 2012, 04:30:25 PM
I am most certainly still up for this, assuming the services of a grumpy Rebel-sympathetic senior member of the Duros military is still required.

Rana De Laak
Nov 8th, 2012, 06:36:49 PM
Still here :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 8th, 2012, 06:37:30 PM
...and me too, as part of the Rebels. :)

Nov 9th, 2012, 05:28:42 AM
I am ready. The political parts should get started and the resistance stuff after that.

Soto Terius
Nov 9th, 2012, 06:50:30 AM
I'll nudge Charley next time I catch him online to see if he's still interested in Dan leading part of the assault. I think Dee, and possibly Christin were up for being involved in the space side of things.

Did we ever settle on who was leading the Imperial forces (both IC and OOC)? I can't remember if we settled on the Moff of the Corellian Sector, or if we were going with his Duros-based lieutenant/lackey. If we have no volunteers, I think I've got a character who might be suitable: I'm happy playing a political flunkie too, if someone wants to be a military commander without the extra baggage. Whatever works. :)

Park Kraken
Nov 10th, 2012, 11:23:49 AM
If we've (temporarily) lost our IMP fleeters then I could step in with a task force for the rescue and withdrawal part of the thread.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 10th, 2012, 02:47:37 PM
Did we even settle on a concrete plan? A lot of people tossed a lot of ideas around, but I don't think we reached the formalising / finalising part.

From what I remember, we were thinking something along the lines of -

Step 1: Rebel agents are smuggled to Duro, and join up with local resistance fighters to make preparations for the attack. This may involve sabotaging Imperial ships/etc to make it harder for them to fight back.

Step 2: The Rebel fleet arrives. Rebel ships fight the local defense forces, while fighters et al perform space superiority, "blockading" the orbital cities to prevent Imperial/Duros forces from moving freely between them.

Step 3: With the help of Rebel agents and resistance fighters, Alliance ground troops board the orbital cities to neutralise the Imperial forces. If I remember correctly, the idea was that the Imperials were spread out in bite-size chunks: most of the forces would be "trapped" on other orbital cities, making it easier for the Rebels to go after the military and political leadership, orbital defense platforms, etc.

Step 4: The Imperials manage to send out a distress call, and (modest) Imperial forces arrive to skirmish with the Rebels.

Step 5: The Moff / Governor / bureaucrat-in-charge is either a) captured by the Rebels, or b) manages to escape. Either way, the Imperials are ultimately ordered to withdraw, and the Empire abandons Duros as a lost cause.

I think that was pretty much what we were leaning towards?

Colonel Connors
Nov 10th, 2012, 11:58:09 PM
Sounds good.

As for things to kick it off. I think I mentioned blowing up the Imperial re-education complex and disabling the new Imp Mk III's docked there.

Park Kraken
Nov 11th, 2012, 07:33:07 AM
From what I remember, two Imp Mk3's were docked at Duro's Repair Yard. In addition, the Moff had brought his personal flagship along for the visit, a Procurator class Battlecruiser. It fights and gets destroyed/disabled/captured in the battle, and the Moff orders all the remaining defenses to escort him to the newly arrived response force, which he then hijacks under his authority to escort him out of the system, leaving Duro in Alliance hands.

A subsequent solo thread by my Alliance character has her rebuffing a more measured Imperial response force, repelling it while taking heavy losses and setting up more storylines for her afterwards.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 11th, 2012, 08:24:48 AM
In addition, the Moff had brought his personal flagship along for the visit, a Procurator class Battlecruiser.

See, this is exactly the kind of thing that it wasn't clear we'd decided upon. Last time I was included in any planning we hadn't even decided if we were going to use the Moff: we were waiting to see if anyone wanted to play a Corellian Moff long-term, to tie in with the "resistance on Corellia" plans.

Planning seems to have steamrollered on without sorting out that all-important prerequisite. We don't even know if the Moff needs to escape/survive - they might want to be a newly appointed Moff, in which case we might be able to kill off or capture their predecessor and not have to worry about them escaping.

Colonel Connors
Nov 11th, 2012, 08:47:35 AM
we touched on the moff idea but we never decided. It could just be a governor, or a high ranking KDY official there because of the KDY yards there.

The Procurator Battlecruiser has a purpose. It is there to fight with the Independence. Resh will engage the battlecruiser and its group late in the battle forcing the Imperial forces to jump out of the system. I think we had talked about this in messages once. The Independence becoming the political transport for the Alliance council because it is too badly damaged to be a flagship anymore.

The fleet side of this is not important right off. It is more a back drop to the Specforce assault on the orbital cities I think. Also I think the political story is way more important than the fleet side. at Duro. A large number of the population support the Empire. They have been endoctorining them for decades now.

Park Kraken
Nov 12th, 2012, 05:30:51 PM
Nothing about the fleeting part had been set in stone last I recall. The part about the Procurator may have been discussed between me and Reshmar in PM's alone, as I now recall the public discussion was whether or not the Moff would be included, and would probably use his personal shuttle if he was. Personally I would vouch for the Moff being included in the thread, even if in a NPC capacity.

I could very much use him in a follow up thread.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 13th, 2012, 01:29:56 PM
The Cast (as established in the previous thread(and this one)):

Imperial (fleet/fighters)
Delgado Xaanan - Moff
Park Kraken
Yushou Takeda - Imperial Fleet (TIE Interceptor pilot)

Rebel Alliance (fleet/fighters)
Soto Terius - Rebel Fleet (TF42 BG2 Destiny)
<STRIKE>Anne Phoenix - Rebel Fleet (TF 45)</STRIKE>
Fleet Admiral Reshmar - Rebel Fleet (301st Battle Group)
Vice Admiral Holt - Rebel Fleet (321st Battle Group)
Major General Forlon - Rebel Fleet (331st Battle Group)
General Dan - Rebel Fleet (TF42 BG1 Dauntless)
Dou'lesa Grov - Rebel Fleet (TF42 BG3 Nemesis)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta - Rebel Fleet (Novgorod)
John Glayde - Rebel Fleet (Novgorod); boarding operations
Mara Tallen - Rebel Fleet (Novgorod); under Glayde's command as always

Imperial (ground)
Mas Onoldo - politician. Right-hand-man to the Moff. Very classy.
1206th Trooper - A random footsoldier in the Imperial Army.
Jek Daoor - Disgraced former agent of the Duros Trade Commission. Reinstated and under the direct orders of the Moff's office.

Rebel Alliance (ground)
Ecidae Mandrill - On Duro; local militia and Rebel sympathiser
Eluna Thals - Phoenix Cell, rabble-rouser coordination
Colonel Connors - 3rd Marine Regiment (Assault on the Dry dock and the destroyers there)
Rana De Laak - Rebel resistance cell member on one of the orbital cities
Lilaena De'Ville - Special Operations
Shar Drakken - SpecForce 3rd (raising hell in a city somewhere)<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

No one's side but their own
Dirk Neighborly - Thief

Park Kraken
Nov 13th, 2012, 01:48:30 PM
Very well then, go ahead and add me for the fleet. Also, remove Anne Phoenix, as TF45 will no longer be directly involved in the battle.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 13th, 2012, 02:19:35 PM
Unless anyone else calls dibs on the Moff role in the meantime, put Delgado Xaanan (me) down for that. Do we have a more comprehensive set of specs for the Procurator? The only information I can find is that it's longer than an ISD, and has a really crummy hyperdrive.

It would probably be helpful to work out which SpecForce / SpecOps objectives we want to focus on. There's no need for a full list of every single target they have... but two or three so we can divide up our SpecForce people between them would make a lot of sense.

Sam - do you want to put our heads together and work out how Mas and the Moff are going to divide their responsibilities and what-not?

Nov 13th, 2012, 03:17:59 PM
Procurator-class Battlecruiser (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22734&page=2&highlight=procurator)

This is what I have in my notes as possible Targets and points of interest

Imperial Reprograming institute

Rangeland - A meeting spot on the planets surface

Event horizon Cantina on Rrudobar

Pri-Andylan Shipyards - Large shipyard over Duro

Duro Starshipwright Shipyards - a group of large shipyards over Duro - operated by the Durp Shipwrights guild

DD12 - Duro Delta 12 - A large shipyard used for covertmeetings, criminal dealings and smuggling

Bburru Station – capital city over duro

Jivv Space City - a city over duro

Urrdorf city - smallest city over duro

Jyvus Space City – Key to taking down planetary shielding

Orr-Om - a large city over duro

Pellezara Station – 40 km civilian owned space dock.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 13th, 2012, 04:46:35 PM
Unless anyone else calls dibs on the Moff role in the meantime, put Delgado Xaanan (me) down for that.
Sam - do you want to put our heads together and work out how Mas and the Moff are going to divide their responsibilities and what-not?

I had been picturing the Moff as a bit of a hand-off person when it came to the actual running of the planet. After all, he has the entire sector with a half dozen other planets to worry about too. So, perhaps, the Moff is working on coordinating between the fleet and the ground forces and Mr. Onoldo here would be sending out commands in the Moff's name to deploy the Duros security forces and coordinate them with the Imperial army troops. The Moff would probably work directly with the Stormtrooper's commanding officer to deploy them, since they work independently of the army and navy. So the Moff gets all the big decisions passed by him. Have we decided if the attack happens while he's at Bburru or is he on his ship?

Captain Untouchable
Nov 13th, 2012, 06:19:29 PM
I suppose it depends on a few things.

Who does Onoldo work for?

If Onoldo is employed by the Empire, he's presumably the "local manager" of the Imperial franchise. It wouldn't matter if you were Duros security, Imperial army, or Stormtroopers: Onoldo would have rank/authority in over both. I would presume that there's some sort of emergency plan in place to defend against people invading the space cities: in that case, it might make sense for Onoldo to coordinate all of the ground forces (regardless of uniform), since it's his planet and his plan. The Moff meanwhile might focus himself on the space side of the battle, via his flagship.

On the other hand, it's also possible that Onoldo was appointed by the Duros government (probably with "input" by the Empire to make sure someone they approved of got the job). Under that scenario, he'd have direct authority over the Duros militia / security forces, but there'd presumably be a separate General or somesuch there to command the Imperial forces. In that scenario, it might make sense for the Moff to be overseeing everything, with Onoldo and the General issuing orders on his half as you suggest.

Why is the Moff there?

Last time I played him, Delgado Xaanan was a senior COMPNOR bureaucrat who managed to use back-room deals on the Empire's behalf to get himself appointed "CEO" of the Corporate Sector (Moff in role, if not in title). I'm not really sure what happened in that part of the galaxy any more (Tear was conquering it, but it's in unfinished thread limbo); in any case, Delgado would only have been Moff for a year or so at most, if not less.

It's entirely possible that he's brand new, and his visit to Duros is part of a tour of his new sector. That might be a good plot device to make the presence of a Procurator an unexpected surprise for the Rebels. It also might influence the way the chain of command breaks down: Onoldo knows the situation/etc better than the new guy, so Delgado may well be more receptive to his input, and might let him call more of the shots than someone who'd been Moff for ten years might.

What happens to Onoldo at the end?

I know the Moff gets away, but does Onoldo? Is he going to retreat along with the rest of the Imperials? Does he get captured by the Alliance? Does he make a deal with the Alliance, staying on as administrator under their authority?

If Onoldo needs to escape, it would probably make sense for he and the Moff to be in the same place, so they can use the same escape route. if Onoldo is remaining behind however, it would make sense for him and the Moff to be in separate places - the Moff being on his ship when the attack begins, for example.

Nov 13th, 2012, 09:39:16 PM
A few things I have in my notes.

Admiral Reshmar and the 301st will be providing long range support and rear guard. They will engage the Imperial reinforcements once they arrive.

General Forlons and the 331st will be leading the 3rd fleets assault group which will be hitting Bburru Station, Jyvus Space City, and Jivv Space City. An Acclamator cruiser will be dispatched to all 3 cities.

Admiral Holt and the 321st will be assaulting Pellezara Station, DD12 and provide fighter support to the operation.

Colonel Connors will be working on disableing the 2 IMp MK III's docked at the Pri-Andylan Shipyards

I think the 42nd is handling the main fleet engagment If I am not mistaken.

General Dan
Nov 13th, 2012, 11:03:09 PM
Late to the party, but I am still here and still down for action in all of my aforementioned guises.

Park Kraken
Nov 14th, 2012, 07:18:57 AM
A few other details that might need fleshing out;

When is the Moff there?

Is he there before the first infiltrators arrive? Is he nearby when he learns of the unrest brewing and jump in to quiet (intimidate) things down with his flagship? Does he arrive in the early stages of the battle, either by his design or chance? What fits into our planning the best?

What are we settling on for Imperial Defenses?

I believe in the previous thread we'd discussed four Golan III Battlestations and 48 Starfighters present for the normal Duro Defenses, the Procurator being in the system, plus reinforcements showing up to the tune of 2-3 Star Destroyers plus 20-30 smaller support craft along with their own starfighter squadrons. Reshmar made mention about the Procurator having a starfighter escort; An Escort Carrier or Imperial-II class Frigate could provide that without throwing things out of balance.

If that's fine for the Fleeting aspect of things, how about station defenses? I figure the Imperials would've either taken over one of the smaller cities for an Imperial Garrison Main Base or had one purpose built. Is there a full garrison (20,000 or so troops) present? Ground Assault Vehicles are pretty well out of the question, but in their place would probably be a fair amount of planetary fighters/bombers, assault shuttles, barges, etc. Also, what about external armaments on the cities themselves?

EDIT: For simplicity, let's refer to the Duro Defenses in their seperate groups;

Force A - Initial Defending Forces. Some are Sabotaged by the Alliance forces, some may even be siezed and used by the Rebels. (Yusho Takeda is one of the 48 Starfighter pilots initially present)
2 ISD III's (in drydock)
4 Golan 3 Battlestations + 48 Starfighters

Force B - The Moff Intimidation Squadron.
1 Procurator
1 Escort/Imperial-II Ship + 72 Starfighters

Force C - End of Thread Imperial Reinforcements; Might briefly engage before being hijacked by Moff. (Park Kraken enters here)
2-3 SD's
15-20 Support Ships + Starfighters

Dirk Neighborly
Nov 14th, 2012, 08:10:52 AM
I... was actually serious, there.

But it looks like was prettymuch planned out before I tossed my hat in the ring, so I'll pull back out.

Nov 14th, 2012, 08:29:24 AM
Dirk - Any plans that have been made can be altered to make room for you and your minions to operate. In the confusion on DD12 I am sure you could get away with a ship heist. We will be after the 2 Imp Mk III's so the other ships docked there would be open game.

It could act as a distraction for the defenders on Pri-Andylan Shipyards. While you and yours go after a ship Connors could assist enough in keeping the defenders at bay and still work on boarding the destroyers.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 14th, 2012, 11:06:36 AM
Who does Onoldo work for?

More the former than the latter. He was chosen by the previous Moff to be his Duro liason and chief of staff. Basically, choosing from the natives to make Imperial rule a little easier to swallow. In the 12 or so years since then, some real trust grew between the two and he assumed more duties. But now he's gone and this new guy shows up. I could see there being a little friction between the two since there's no history there and Onoldo may be used to having more power than Xaanan is comfortable ceding. We could probably touch base on IM or something to figure out what exactly their relationship might be.

Why is the Moff there?

That's the question, isn't it? The presence of the Moff probably means additional Imperial forces in the system. If the Rebels don't expect him there and he shows up, that could prove troublesome. I tend to think that it makes more sense for the flow of the narrative for him to show up after the intial attack, but perhaps he could already be there on an introduction tour and he's the one that calls in the reinforcements from a neighboring system; even if it's simply to buy enough time to allow him to retreat what he sees as a lost cause.

What happens to Onoldo at the end?

Onoldos not going anywhere. At the same time, he's going to do his best to see that the Moff escapes. I don't see a problem with them being in the same place and having the Moff on one of the orbital cities could provide some additional adventure evading the rebel operatives on the ground. Of course this really only works if he's already at Duro when the Alliance attacks. If he shos up halfway through, it wouldn't really make sense to leave his flagship.

I'm not sure what the Alliance will do with him. Maybe a stint in prison. They don't seem like the type that would execute people, but they also probably wouldn't leave power in the hands of someone that was so willing to work with the Empire.

On another note, I absolutely adore the idea of an opportunistic group using the chaos of this battle as a cover to steal something. "Hey, no one's watching that capital ship....and they left the keys in the ignition! Score!"

Captain Untouchable
Nov 14th, 2012, 12:35:32 PM
Dirk - I think no one answered because there isn't an answer yet: we're still planning out a lot of the basics, so we've no idea what's available to be stolen. As has been mentioned, we can easily work something in: you'll just need to give us a better idea of what Dirk & co would actually be capable of stealing. Also, is he there by sheer fluke, or would he need to somehow know about the battle in advance in order to know there was an opportunity there?


Re: Onoldo

Delgado is used to dealing with bureaucrats and non-humans (more so than military types), so I'd imagine he'd be fairly respectful of Onoldo's qualifications and experience. As for the escape: would you prefer Onoldo to make a noble sacrifice to help the Moff get away, or would you prefer him to feel like he'd been "abandoned" by the Empire? The former suggests a fiercely loyal character who is unlikely to break under Rebel interrogation; the latter might tarnish his perception of the Empire, and make him slightly more receptive to deals for information, with the right price.

Re: Where / When

I think the Moff being there already, on a "surprise visit" that the Alliance doesn't know about makes the most sense. Having him show up part-way through the battle doesn't really pack any drama or importance: it's not like he's coming at the head of an entire fleet that will turn the tide of the battle. Being there at the beginning however is an upset to the Alliance's plans; things won't be going smoothly right from the get-go.

Re: Imperial Forces

As far as groups goes (we can give them fancy names later), I think we need four groups, not three: defensive ships that are docked; defensive ships that aren't docked (on patrol); whatever the Moff brought; and the reinforcements.

Things like the Golan platforms are obvious targets for the infiltrators to try and disable in advance, and we talked about sabotaging ships while they're in dock: but the Rebels are bringing most of the Third Fleet as well as several attack elements from the Fourth (General Dan, Soto Terius, etc), so they'll need ships to destroy that aren't going to be so easily sabotaged/disabled. I would suggest a mongrel assortment of non-Star Destroyers (things like Nebulon-B's and Corellian Gunships), to capture the feeling that perhaps the Empire hasn't exactly invested it's most advanced ships and technologies in protecting Duro.

I'm not too keen on the idea of the Moff having two ships. If the Procurator needs an escort in order to be useful, then perhaps that's not the right ship for the Moff of one of the most prestigious and wealthy sectors in the Empire. Given that the Procurator is old and has a limited hyperdrive, what if it was the flagship for Duro's defense? Knowing that the ship is there would explain why the Alliance invested so many ships.

As for the Moff's ship: given the wealth of Corellia/et al, and given that the Empire would largely be focused on intercepting pirates and smugglers in this region, perhaps an Interdictor Star Destroyer (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Interdictor-class_Star_Destroyer) would be a good call? While not as formidable as a regular ISD, it's more potent than your typical Interdictor; and it has the added advantage that, when reinforcements arrive, they'll get pulled from hyperspace right on top of her, which will aid the Moff's escape a great deal. I can imagine a situation where General Dan peels off from the group to take care of the lone Interdictor, only to have several extra Star Destroyers drop out of hyperspace on his head part way through.

Dirk Neighborly
Nov 14th, 2012, 01:14:27 PM
Dirk would be there much by fluke. Odds are he was on his way there to sell or buy something, but when he sees a pitched battle going on, and some tasty ships to be had, he'll know that it wasn't a fluke at all, but that he'd been guided there by his "Evil Senses," which have been enhanced now that he possesses the Root of All Evil.

In other words, Dirk is an absolute idiot who thinks he is the scourge of the galaxy. He's got a tiny crew, just himself, two droids and a new sidekick, but he'd be capable of stealing something large and letting his own ship auto-pilot its way out of there while he takes the new ship. Of course, he has no idea what he's going to do with that new ship, but as a professional Not-So-Nice-Guy with a Mustache of Authority, I'm sure he'll come up with something, even if it's just being a distraction and a general nuisance to everyone else involved in the fight.

And, of course, he'd probably be willing to sell his new catch to the highest bidder, in the end.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 14th, 2012, 02:19:20 PM
Orbital City Defences
These are purely things that are inside the domes, as others have the starship side of things well in hand.

Each of the 20 cities, from the smallest (pop~50 mil) to the largest, Bburru (pop~150 mil) has a police force of between 100-300k. I went on the low side with the assumption that the Duros are, for the most part, a pretty peaceful, law-abiding bunch. The police are almost entirely Duro nationals and, once the fighting begins, some of them may be convinced to fight alongside the Alliance. However, these police are spread throughout the city. It is difficult to organize large groups of them quickly. The police use a mix of lightly armed landspeeders, speederbikes, and some airspeeders.

In addition to the police, the cities are home to an Imperial Army Line Corps (~60,000 troops). These troops are tasked with backing up the police with crowd control and peacekeeping and providing security for essential systems, including (but not limited to) political buildings, power generators, communications centers, atmospheric controls, airlocks/dock areas, city-ship maneuvering thrusters, the city/ship's turbolaser installments, the shipyards, etc. These guys are the first line of defense against any sabotage from within, but they're spread pretty thin.

They are backed up by the 1204th Mobile Corps and another Line Corps for a total of approximately 120,000 additional troops, combat and support. They are housed at bases on four of Duro's 20 cities. These bases are well-fortified cities-within-cities and are almost impregnible to anything but a large, organized assault.

The imperial troops are better armed than the Duro police and use, among other vehicles S-1 Firehawke and 1-H Imperial Class repulsortanks, AT-ST's, 74-Z speederbikes, and Imperial patrol landspeeders. Additionally, they have some RaDAirs and Imperial Dropship transports for rapid movement of troops within the city. The vast majority of these vehicles, however, are stored on the capital ships docked at the various cities or on patrol around the planet. The ones stored at the army bases and elsewhere in the cities are meant for use combatting mobs and large-scale invasions or rebellions. Against the kind of covert assault we're looking at here in the first strike, they will be pretty useless.

So, to me, the Alliance goals should be to disable tranport to/from the cities with the army bases to trap the majority of the Imperial troops, disabling key communication centers, capturing key political figures, and taking control of the turbolasers and docking areas to allow the insertion of large numbers of Alliance forces. Once that's done, they can focus on taking the Imperial army bases. Even so, I can imagine a scenario where one or more cities remain in Imperial control after the initial attack and the escape of the Moff.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 14th, 2012, 02:54:09 PM
Just to clarify, is that 60,000 members of the Line Corps spread across all 20 cities, or is that 60,000 members in EACH city (~1,200,000 in total)?

I'm a little nervous at how big these numbers are getting. Sure, the Empire can field units of that size without breaking a sweat, but can the Alliance raise a force to match it? We're not a galaxy-spanning superpower: we've only got a couple of sectors.

Perhaps, in order to make things feel a bit more plausible (and to stop the Alliance seeming too well-equipped) we could not only be using "Alliance" troops, but also regiments from the Bothan Army and so on: have it that we had to beg and borrow soldiers rather than conveniently having a huge planetary invasion force. That might give us a bit more of a cobbled together mishmash, which would be more in keeping with the Alliance.

Even so, I can imagine a scenario where one or more cities remain in Imperial control after the initial attack and the escape of the Moff.

This is a very cool idea. I like the notion that the Alliance might end up having to keep certain cities "under siege" in the long run. We could potentially gather together all of the Imperial loyalists in a handful of places, and keep them contained until we work out what to do with them.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 14th, 2012, 04:03:22 PM
It would be the latter. Between the three Corps (one assigned to hold and "protect" Duro, the other two there to lend a hand but configured to be deployed elsewhere to respond to a specific threat), there are about 180,000 between twenty cities and the shipyards. But, again, they're concentrated in just a few of those cities. Cut off the bases and the rest of the cities are incredibly lightly defended. Especially if you can get the police and the majority of the populace on your side.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 14th, 2012, 04:25:38 PM
I think we're getting some terminology wires crossed here. If you're referring to the latter option, that would mean that there are 1.2 million soldiers spread between 20 cities, not the 180k you just quoted.

Rather than looking at the big picture, perhaps it would be easier and more relevant to focus on specific examples instead? How many troops would the Alliance have to fight in the capital? How many troops would they have to fight at one of the four "fortress" cities? How many troops would there be in a less important city? We can always add things up at the end to see what the big picture numbers are.

As a quick reference / comparison: the Battle of Gettysburg was fought between ~90,000 Union soldiers, and ~70,000 Confederate. That might help to give some idea of the scale of the numbers that are being talked about... thousands of soldiers can be pretty hard to conceptualise without context.

Park Kraken
Nov 14th, 2012, 04:34:38 PM
Defensive Ships that aren't Docked; Customs Enforcement Ships, Patrol Vessels, Escorts, and perhaps one powerful capital ship assigned as a "Mobile Battle Station". Suggested to possible be the Procurator if she's unsuitable for the Moff's flagship.

Personally I think we should stick with the Procurator being the Moff's flagship and just have him scoff at the idea of needing starfighters to protect his vanity ship. The capital ship in orbit around Duro, if we're talking about old and outdated, could be a Dreadnought class Heavy Cruiser with the above mentioned customs, escort, and patrol forces amounting to several Carrack class Cruisers, Nebulon-B Escort Frigates, Lancer Frigates, and Asassassin Corvettes. That should keep the fleet boys happy.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 14th, 2012, 04:40:08 PM
Sorry, I'm bouncing back and forth between this and actually working. I meant former.

Let's figure, for the sake of rough planning:
No base - 2000-4000 Imperials, depending on the size of the city and how important it is. Upper end for Bburru.

With base - 32,000-34,000 Imperials.

I wish the numbers weren't so big, but we're looking at 50-150 million people crammed into each of these things. Even this many troops feels like a tenuous Imperial hold down on the ground.

1206th Corps Trooper
Nov 14th, 2012, 04:42:40 PM
*wets himself just a bit*

Captain Untouchable
Nov 14th, 2012, 08:00:08 PM
No base - 2000-4000 Imperials, depending on the size of the city and how important it is. Upper end for Bburru.

I would imagine that the four garrison bases are in strategic locations. Is it possible that there's an overlap between what the Empire thinks is strategically important, and the Alliance's main objectives during the attack?

We could put one of the garrison bases on Bburru for example. Not only does that give Onoldo and co a heavily fortified location from which to coordinate the attack, it gives the Alliance an added obstacle in capturing the capital. The battle for Bburru would end up being one of the most difficult stages of the attack: and when the Alliance finally cracks open that fortress, Onoldo and many of the other political leaders are waiting inside.

Leaving four garrisons untouched (TM) and full of Imperial troops might be a credibility stretch, but if we've taken care of one or two of them during the battle, it might be easier to swallow.

The capital ship in orbit around Duro, if we're talking about old and outdated, could be a Dreadnought class Heavy Cruiser

Bearing in mind that we've already got a couple of Star Destroyers in system, it might seem a little odd if a heavy cruiser is the most formidable ship that the local defences can muster. Certainly, Dreadnoughts could be among the defensive forces... though since KDY has facilities at Duro, it might make sense to avoid ships produced by KDY's age-old rivals, in favour of Kuat, CEC, and "Duros" designs.

Personally I think we should stick with the Procurator being the Moff's flagship and just have him scoff at the idea of needing starfighters to protect his vanity ship.

I don't think that would fit with Xaanan's personality, or his career. He spent most of his time in the Corporate Sector: he knows that the most dangerous thing in "civilized" sectors is small-craft piracy. He wouldn't be caught dead on a ship that wasn't capable of defending itself from starfighters. His predecessor may well have had a foolish choice of flagship, but getting rid of it in favour of a more sensible ship would have been one of the first things Delgado did.

Nov 14th, 2012, 10:21:49 PM
Wow this thread got busy today.

First off as for why the Moff would be there I have a wonderful reason. There are 2 Imperial Mk III's sitting in the dock. That would be a big deal to the system and the sector cause these things are brand new and there is no more than a dozen in service.

I like the interdictor star destroyer idea and the Procurator as a defense flagship is a wonderful idea. With a Procurator in orbit there would not be too many more large ships.

Dirk: picking up a new ship is great but for 2 guys and 2 droids It would need to be something not too large. A corvette or Gunships would be possible but frigates and such would take more crew even with droids.

The number of troops is not that important. when you think about it a million men spread over 20 20km to 100 km cities is not that out of reach. The thing to remember is we don't have to fight 90 percent of them to win. If we get control of space around Duro and the transportation between them a city full of troops becomes meaningless if they are stuck there.

Shut down their ability to fight off the city they are on and get to them when we can. At this stage of the game most will be regular army anyway and half of them will surrender or defect. any shock troopers or storm troopers will be light on the smaller cities and act more as guards for key locations. I doubt there would be more than 30,000 storm troopers total at Duro. and those would be spread out.

As for Alliance troops, 3rd fleet has 30,000 troops. Thats is about the most a fleet would have. I figure 4th fleet would have close to the same and with only one group maybe the 42nd would have 10,000 tops.

So at most we would be able to muster would be 50,000. But it would be the 5,000 or so spec. Forces that would do the most. We dont need numbers if we stick to a few key locations and work in small groups. Just pack extra ammo! Also I am sure there would be tens of thousands of Duros rise up to help us.

Nov 14th, 2012, 10:46:46 PM
Ok...wow. Hello, discussion :)

I don't have anything in particular to add, save for tossing a few of the voices into the ring:

Dou'lesa Grov - Rebel Fleet (TF42 BG3 Nemesis)
Mara Tallen - Rebel Fleet (Novgorod); under Glayde's command as always
Shar Drakken - SpecForce 3rd (raising hell in a city somewhere)

Nov 18th, 2012, 12:42:02 PM
Ok As I was writing my first post for this duro thing I thought about how we were going to do it. Will this be one thread? multiple threads? I am working on getting my charicters into place and doing some preperations/setting up stuff. do we want to a seperate thread as a pre-battle thing? Just some thoughts I had.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 18th, 2012, 02:20:21 PM
I was thinking about this myself earlier. An idea I had was to have two threads, happening on opposite sides of the planet.

Thread 1 would happen on the night side, and would involve the Rebel operatives and sympathisers sabotaging the communications (so that the night side can't warn the day side) and the shipyards. After they're successful, General Dan and his ships could launch a surprise attack on the night side: their job is to disable the Star Destroyers in dock, seize command of the Golan platform on that side of the planet (Novgorod's special forces team), and keep as many of the Imperials on that side of the planet bottled up and occupied. If any ships get stolen, that would probably happen in this thread.

Thread 2, on the day side, could begin with an establishing prologue between the Moff and Onoldo. Some time during that, Admiral Reshmar receives a signal from General Dan to say that his attack is underway, and he launches his own assault. The main fleet battle between Reshmar, the Moff, and the Moff's eventual reinforcements would take place here; as would the main ground battle. Having completed their task on the night side, any saboteurs can be involved in the ground fighting as well; as can any ground people who aren't part of the "saboteur" group. Once the Moff's reinforcements arrive, General Dan's forces can appear over the planet's horizon, cavalry / Gandalf style, having "finished" the events of Thread 1.

1206th Corps Trooper
Nov 19th, 2012, 09:50:57 AM
{Mas Onoldo}
I was thinking very similar and have a sort or "prologue" post that could open thread 2 all ready to go.
{/Mas Onoldo}
</MAS Onoldo>

(Darn inability to delete)

Nov 19th, 2012, 12:47:08 PM
I have an opening post for Colonel Conners also. Would we want to do a pre-battle thread for just prep and political working?

Do we just want to add them into the 2 separate threads? If so I could open the 1st thread with Connors and you the second with Onoldo. I would like alot to happen with resistance side of this before the fleet even thinks of arriving.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 19th, 2012, 01:39:22 PM
I have an opening post for Colonel Conners also. Would we want to do a pre-battle thread for just prep and political working?

Do we just want to add them into the 2 separate threads? If so I could open the 1st thread with Connors and you the second with Onoldo. I would like alot to happen with resistance side of this before the fleet even thinks of arriving.

Sounds good to me.

Post Script: The attack I mention in the first post is intended to be one of the sabotage missions from the night before. While most of them may have gone off without a hitch, one got a little messy. This gives the Imperial side an opening to start investigating and figure out what's going on. Granted, it will come to late to actually prevent the inevitable, but it should make things a little more interactive.

Post Post Script: After writing my first post, and after watching far too much 24, it occurs to me that someone in Onoldo's staff is almost certainly a Rebel sympathizer and informant. Possibly his unnamed chief of staff.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 19th, 2012, 04:34:14 PM
Ok, so LD is riding in with the rebel fleet on the night side, and my rebel Duro would be on the night side as well?

Ecidae Mandrill
Nov 19th, 2012, 05:05:23 PM
Post Script: After writing my first post, and after watching far too much 24, it occurs to me that someone in Onoldo's staff is almost certainly a Rebel sympathizer and informant. Possibly his unnamed chief of staff.

Or possibly a ranking member of the Duros security forces, mayhaps? :uhoh

Ok, so LD is riding in with the rebel fleet on the night side, and my rebel Duro would be on the night side as well?

That's entirely up to you. If you want LDV deployed in there as an infiltrator in advance of the attack, then the night side would probably make the most sense. However, if you wanted to mix it up you could always have her as one of the people leading the attack on the day side - her strike team might make a reappearance going after a useful objective to aid that assault, for example. Either works. :)

As far as I know, Ecidae will be coordinating Duros forces from the bunker in Bhurru; Delgado will be coordinating space forces from his flagship; and Soto will be helping with the space attack on the night side.

Resh - do you want Torrsk Oruo'rel there to bounce off at all? he's the head of SpecForce, and he's also the representative for Bothawui if you want to "borrow" some Bothan Army troops to make our forces feel a bit more patchwork/etc.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 19th, 2012, 05:26:51 PM
I like the idea of her leading a strike team and going after a specific objective. I don't know what that objective would be, precisely, but am willing to be directed, :)

Nov 19th, 2012, 10:22:03 PM
Ok Targets.

Someone needs to hit the shield generator at some point on Jyvus Space City.

There are 4 golan stations to deal with. If LD is coming in with the Fleet then Leading the assault on the Golans is an option. Or leading the main force on Bburru Station is another option.

If she is on the dark side A covert insertion would be best. Before the Fleet gets there most of the targets on the dark side would need to be captured or disabled.

We also need to deal with the other shipyard. Connors will be on DD12 working on disabiling the 2 Destroyers there and the hanger. there are various other duros shipyards that could be targeted.

There is a massive civilian Yard, Pri-Andylan Shipyards. We would need to at least disable the hanger there to keep the fighters from launching.

The Imperial Reprograming institute would make a very good distraction. A civilian resistance attack on It could be the first target hit and draw some attention away from the shipyards and golans. At least give Duros security something to be chasing and keep them out of our hair.

Ok I started the Dark side of the planet thing. It starts out 2 weeks before the attack.
Dark side of the plnet Thread: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?p=394855#post394855

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2012, 12:37:48 AM
I can have my Duro rebel be a part of a native attack on the reprogramming institute. Also can put her in the two weeks earlier thread if she's needed to help set the stage.

Glen Fiddich
Nov 20th, 2012, 12:57:18 AM
It might be worth working out what locations and what enemy forces are on which side of the planet.
Are all the shipyards clustered together (all on the night side, where our infiltrators are), or are they spread all around the planet?
Golan platforms can't move: where are they? Are they evenly spaced around the planet (in a tetrahedron)? Are they evenly spaced around the equator? Are they clustered around the strategically important locations? Do we need to attack all four Golan platforms at once, or can we focus on the ones close enough to shoot at us, and worry about the others later?
Do we need ground teams to physically disable the Star Destroyers, or can we pull a Battlestar Galactica: a surprise a missile barrage that cripples them before they even know what's going on? If Christin still wants to play her Starfighter Corps General in this, that might be a good objective to focus on there. I think we should probably be careful not to be too effective. If we take out all the shipyards and all the hangars, it'll hardly be a battle, because there'll be no Imperials to fight. Perhaps we should limit ourselves just to a few key targets, so that our plan isn't too overpowered.

Nov 20th, 2012, 08:53:42 AM
DD12 will be on the Dark Side. I got the Destroyers there dealt with. There are at least 11 more shipyards so targets are not a problem.

I figure the Pri-Andylan Shipyards could be on the light side. It is civilian owned but I am sure will have an Imperial Fighter wing stationed there.

The golans would most likely be positioned one over each pole and one on each side. this gives 3 of the stations the ability to engage most archs of fire. The main task is to take control of Bburru Station. So I would say focus most of the fight there. Hit the north and south stations and the Light side one at the same time. Keeping the Dark side of the planet mostly Covert action and Sabotage until the last moment. Communications Jamming is key.

How does this look for locations?
Day side:
Bburru Station
Jyvus Space City
Pri-Andylan Shipyards
Jivv Space City
Urrdorf city
Golan 3

Night Side:
Pellezara Station
Duro Starshipwright Shipyards - DD12
Imperial Reprograming institute - Planet Side - Blow this sucker
Rangeland - Planet Side - Large Duro Refugee uprising would be good here.
Golan 4

Northern Polar Orbit
Golan 1

Southern Polar Orbit
Golan 2

Captain Untouchable
Nov 20th, 2012, 02:32:14 PM
The golans would most likely be positioned one over each pole and one on each side. this gives 3 of the stations the ability to engage most archs of fire.

I don't think that would be the case. The range on a Golan's weapons is likely to be a few kilometres. Planets are a few thousand kilometres in size. Using Earth as an example, a Golan platform stationed over the North Pole probably wouldn't be able to shoot at anything south of Alaska; and one on the equator wouldn't be able to shoot anything north of Mexico. The whole of Canada and the continental United States would be out of range of both platforms. That's a lot of dead space where the Golan platforms can't pose a threat.

If there are Golan platforms at both poles though, we may need to rethink our order of events. Maybe they can't shoot us, but they can still see us. If we launch an attack without taking out those stations first, it won't matter how much sabotage we've done in advance: they'll see what's going on, and have time to launch fighters and warn someone before we can do anything to stop them. If we want Golan platforms at the poles, then we'll need to sneak special forces teams in to take control of them before General Dan's attack starts.

We can do that. It just means that the special forces teams will need to completely finish their objectives before the rest of the attack starts; and that'll probably be them done for the battle. If Holly is happy to do that with LDV, then cool beans: if not, we may want to say that "NPCs did it", and use our player characters for the more actiony objectives going on during the battle itself.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2012, 02:36:34 PM
I can RP one of the attacks on a Golan if and when needed. Just let me know what thread to post in. :)

Nov 20th, 2012, 03:45:41 PM
I generally think of 750 km being the long ranges for Turbolasers, this is the range needed to bombard planets and fire at ships from ground base Turbolasers. A low orbit would be 300 km or more while a mid orbit would be 500 plus.

That being said You do have a Point. Even if Duro was earth sized the range from A polar orbit to a Equatorial Orbit would be over 7,000 KM

If we want we could put 2 Stations on each side. one near Bburru Station, one near Pri-Andylan Shipyards in the day side and one near Duro Starshipwright Shipyards and one near Rrudobar on the night side.

This would keep the covert actions on the night side just that covert.

Or an option is to have them spread out in equal equatorial orbits around the planet. This still gives one station a clear line of sight like the polar scheme does.

Up to you guys how you want to do it.

Also have we got the Imperial Defense space force figured out? I have 2 sets of notes about the Imperial Forces over Duro. I assume the Praetor now the Defense ship for the shipyards so it would be on the dark side. Have we decided it were using a Interdictor Destroyer for the moff?

Park Kraken
Nov 20th, 2012, 04:40:15 PM
I believe that had been settled on, yes. Takeda will be commanding Dark Nova Squadron based onboard one of the Golan Battleplatforms, one of the few outfits stationed at Duro to recieve delivery of the new Mk II TIE Interceptors equipped with shields.

In addition to the Malevolence being the mainstay of the Imperial Duro Mobile Defense Forces Squadron (catchy name?) there would be other Corellian and Kuat ships present, most likely escort type vessels including Assassin class Corvettes and Nebulon-B Escort Frigates.

Mas Onoldo
Nov 20th, 2012, 04:50:28 PM
One note: for the sake of everyone's sanity, I think we should separate the day-side adventures between the fleet battles and the orbital city battles and simply reference one in the other at various points to tie the events together.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 20th, 2012, 05:01:32 PM
Further to that - after chatting with Sam the other night, I was thinking that the ranks of the Duros Security Forces could be based on something like the NYPD, rather than a conventional military... something like this:

"Chief" (Chief Inspector? Chief of Security?)
Precincts on the space cities, Duros "infantry" units, and any Duros-owned customs corvettes and frigates would all be commanded by a "Police Captain"; someone like Ecidae Mandrill would be an Inspector, and would have a vaguely Admiral / General style oversight role. I'll be using Inspector Mandrill to NPC any Duros forces that need NPCing.

Nov 20th, 2012, 05:10:36 PM
One note: for the sake of everyone's sanity, I think we should separate the day-side adventures between the fleet battles and the orbital city battles and simply reference one in the other at various points to tie the events together.

Do a separate Thread for the Fleet and the Cities?

Delgado Xaanan
Nov 20th, 2012, 11:32:20 PM
Have we decided it were using a Interdictor Destroyer for the moff?

That's certainly the ship I'd like to go with. I'll have to muse over the name a little bit - calling it the Avenger might be the obvious choice, but it's maybe a little too cheesy. :uhoh

One note: for the sake of everyone's sanity, I think we should separate the day-side adventures between the fleet battles and the orbital city battles and simply reference one in the other at various points to tie the events together.

Do a separate Thread for the Fleet and the Cities?

I don't think we need to worry about that too much.

While there are a lot of characters, there are only four or five writers involved in the day side: that's ground and space combined. As long as we think a little bit about what we're going to post next - eg. if the Moff's flagship opens fire on the Independence, give Reshmar the opportunity to react/respond before someone dives in with some ground action, etc - we should be okay.

I personally would find it harder to keep tabs on three threads, but I'll go along with that if people think it's the better way to go.

Nov 21st, 2012, 12:38:39 AM
Have we decided it were using a Interdictor Destroyer for the moff?

That's certainly the ship I'd like to go with. I'll have to muse over the name a little bit - calling it the Avenger might be the obvious choice, but it's maybe a little too cheesy.

I am fine with the Avenger. It actually has not been used since it was used on a strike cruiser at Lisanna back ages ago. As far as two or three threads It is what ever the majority wants. I am fine with two or three.

Delgado Xaanan
Nov 21st, 2012, 01:23:52 AM
<s>I was meaning more in reference to my image claim, being that he was in the Avengers and all. ;)</s>

Ah, who am I kidding? I can't resist a cheesy in-joke. Avenger it is. :)


Resh, what's your plan for the beginning of Darkest Night? Because it's two weeks before the attack, it might take a little while before most of us have the opportunity to jump in. Do you want other people coming with you to Delta 12? Do you want us going after different objectives?

Holly, what does your Duros lass do when she's not helping overthrow corrupt governments? Is resistance fighting a full time thing, or does she have a day job?

Park Kraken
Nov 21st, 2012, 07:26:47 AM
Further to that - after chatting with Sam the other night, I was thinking that the ranks of the Duros Security Forces could be based on something like the NYPD, rather than a conventional military... something like this:

"Chief" (Chief Inspector? Chief of Security?)
OfficerPrecincts on the space cities, Duros "infantry" units, and any Duros-owned customs corvettes and frigates would all be commanded by a "Police Captain"; someone like Ecidae Mandrill would be an Inspector, and would have a vaguely Admiral / General style oversight role. I'll be using Inspector Mandrill to NPC any Duros forces that need NPCing.

Speaking of Duros Police Forces, I ran across this little ship while researching Duros based Ship Designs;


Nov 21st, 2012, 09:33:54 AM
I started it early so anyone who wanted to get some prep. posting in could. I am in no hurry there. I will do a prep post with Resh, Holt, and Forlon setting up their jump into the day and night side threads. I also thought Our ship thief would want to get a some posts in before the battle started. Holt will post first because he is coming from Dac. then Resh and Forlon because they are coming from Sullust and Sluis Van. Then a second Connors post will bring me to 30 hours before the battle.

I think people can go after any objective on the night side they like. A planet side revolt would be cool I think. Blowing up the Imperial base and re-eduction place.

If someone wants to jump in on DD12 thats great. I thought anyone who wanted could just jump in and make a post and just Time stamp it if it happens before or after the running timeline.

Just a thought... We are talking day side and night side. what would the rotation speed be? How long will night be? If it is morning on the Day side then it would be pretty early at night on the night side. I think the main battle should be close to midday/night or late afternoon/late night/ maybe something like 3 to 6 hours before dusk/dawn. My team would be like a 3rd shift thing coming in around mid-night.

Maybe Having the planet side revolt first and have it start on previous day on the night side. Get some of the security forces off the night side cities and losen the security grip a bit. Say the planet side revolt starts at MIdnight on the night side Connors and his team would be getting to work and getting ready. giving the defense.security forces time to react to the planetary revolt. Then hit their targets.

Nov 21st, 2012, 09:49:27 AM
Plans for the Fleet

Ok I figured we needed to clear this up.

After all is done and the battle is going the Fleet will jump In. The 42nd will jump in fIrst on the day side. Engage The golans, defenese ships and the Moffs ship. Im not sure how you guys want to split that up between the battle groups.

Reshmar and the 301st will jump in on the night side and engage the golans and the Precurator gurading the shipyards as well as any other defense ships.

Forlon will jump in on the day side with 4 Acclimators which will be dispatched to Bburru, Jyvis, Jivv, and the Pri-Andylan Shipyards The Wareagle and its escorts will launch a fighter group to escort the assault ships.

Holt will jump in on the night side and launch assault trandsports on the Duro shipyards, Pellezera station, Rrudobar and land troops on the planet to assist the Duros revolt. Also launch a total of 6 fighter wings to work as Interdiction patrols for any fighters launched from the cities on both the day and night side.

Thats the idea I have so far for the fleet deployment. How does that look to everyone?

Mas Onoldo
Nov 21st, 2012, 11:34:10 AM
Just a thought... We are talking day side and night side. what would the rotation speed be? How long will night be? If it is morning on the Day side then it would be pretty early at night on the night side. I think the main battle should be close to midday/night or late afternoon/late night/ maybe something like 3 to 6 hours before dusk/dawn. My team would be like a 3rd shift thing coming in around mid-night.

Maybe Having the planet side revolt first and have it start on previous day on the night side. Get some of the security forces off the night side cities and losen the security grip a bit. Say the planet side revolt starts at MIdnight on the night side Connors and his team would be getting to work and getting ready. giving the defense.security forces time to react to the planetary revolt. Then hit their targets.

From the Bburru perspective, I was thinking that a great number of the sabotage and other covert preparation operations on the orbital cities had occured overnight.

Mid-morning - the Moff's office is starting to suspect something big is going down.
Noon - an organized assault is confirmed. The Imperial and Duros Security forces start really mobilizing to fight back.
Afternoon - there is open fighting on various cities. The Alliance fleet arrives. Ships shoot lasers at each other.
Evening - the Alliance have gained a firm foothold in some key areas and have destroyed or captured most of their objectives. The Imperials are now either trapped or on the defensive. By this time, I imagine the Moff will have escaped aboard his flagship.
Late evening and into the night - the Alliance forces surround the central government compound and force the surrender of the remaining Imperial leadersI think 24 hours is sufficient time for the capture of some of the key locations and an effective victory for the rebels. This still leaves the option open of having large portions of the Imperial forces trapped on and in control of one or more of the orbital cities. In addition, there will be a huge number of captured Imperial troops that will have to be either imprisoned or escorted back to Imperial space.

Soto Terius
Nov 21st, 2012, 03:05:13 PM
Don't forget: if it's early evening on the night side of the planet, it's also late evening, and the middle of the night as well. The night side spans an entire half-day. ;)

How noticeable do we want the Rebel sabotage to be? If the Duros are aware that something is going on, our stealth infiltrators haven't done a very good job, and it erodes the element of surprise we're hoping for. There might be one or two isolated incidents that they notice - covert missions that went wrong, perhaps? - but for the most part, the Rebel sabotage probably needs to go unnoticed for the surprise attack to remain plausible.

After all is done and the battle is going the Fleet will jump In. The 42nd will jump in fIrst on the day side. Engage The golans, defenese ships and the Moffs ship. Im not sure how you guys want to split that up between the battle groups.

That's the total opposite of what I intended.

The night side part of the battle is meant to be a blitzkrieg surprise attack that catches the Imperials with their pants down before they have the opportunity to react. This is exactly the kind of mission that Task Force 42 is designed for. Also, since TF42 consists of three writers (Charley, Dee, and myself), it gives a very target-rich environment, so that we can each go after separate objectives that suit our personal combat styles. Sending us after the Moff (which is also me) doesn't feel like we're making the best use of our forces, or our writers.

Each of the three TF42 commanders has their own unique style of combat:
General Dan is the most conventional: he commands the Dauntless (an MC80), which comes complete with a Vindicator Heavy Cruiser, an assortment of frigates and escorts, and a buttload of assorted starfighters (13 Squadrons). He's skewed towards taking on big enemy ships with more traditional space navy tactics: broadsides and such.
Captain Soto Terius commands the Destiny (an Arquitens Cruiser), and his Battle Group fights like a scorpion. Two Dreadnoughts act as pincers, flanking enemy ships to pin them in place while a Liberator (the "mouth") chews on it with missiles and ion cannons; the Destiny and a couple of DP20s are the sting in the tail, along with 8 Squadrons of fighters. Also, the Novgorod answers to Terius, if she's part of the battle.
Colonel Dou'lesa Grov fights like a pirate, or a Klingon. She commands a Munificent as her flagship; has a trio of CR90s to punch through blockades; two Marauder Corvettes acting as "birds of prey"; and a Liberator for added punch. She has 8 Squadrons as well (plus a few extras), all of which are non-"wing" designs (Preybirds, Cutlass-9s, etc) so they can pass as pirates if they need to.

Nov 21st, 2012, 10:27:18 PM
One of the main things was for the Independence to go down in glory against the Procurator. Its a durasteel brick with guns, and will take the majority of the 301st to take it down. Ok so the 42nd jumps in on the night side. Deals with the Duro shipyards, Pellezera station, Rrudobar and land troops on the planet to assist the Duros revolt

Resh will jump in on the Night side and engage the Procurator and keep it off the 42nd.

Holt will engage the defense forces on the day side and deal with the golans.

Forlon is still doing what he was originally doing launching troops against everything.

How does that sound?

Nov 24th, 2012, 09:28:42 AM
From the Bburru perspective, I was thinking that a great number of the sabotage and other covert preparation operations on the orbital cities had occured overnight.

Mid-morning - the Moff's office is starting to suspect something big is going down.
Noon - an organized assault is confirmed. The Imperial and Duros Security forces start really mobilizing to fight back.
Afternoon - there is open fighting on various cities. The Alliance fleet arrives. Ships shoot lasers at each other.
Evening - the Alliance have gained a firm foothold in some key areas and have destroyed or captured most of their objectives. The Imperials are now either trapped or on the defensive. By this time, I imagine the Moff will have escaped aboard his flagship.
Late evening and into the night - the Alliance forces surround the central government compound and force the surrender of the remaining Imperial leadersI think 24 hours is sufficient time for the capture of some of the key locations and an effective victory for the rebels. This still leaves the option open of having large portions of the Imperial forces trapped on and in control of one or more of the orbital cities. In addition, there will be a huge number of captured Imperial troops that will have to be either imprisoned or escorted back to Imperial space.

Ok, so teams have been working all day long on the night side causing a rukus and such while the people on the day side slept and dreamed of stuffed wookieebears and tri-speedercycles. Ok thats cool.

This will put Connors next post at the end of the shift the day before the attack just a day shift not a night shift. So that makes it say 16 hours before the attack.

This should work better into the day side thread. Also is the updated fleet idea ok? the 42nd and 30th coming in on the night side now and the 32nd and 33rd on the day side.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 24th, 2012, 09:53:19 PM
If the 30th is attacking the night side, does that mean that the Procurator will also be on the night side? (I presume the 30th is led by Reshmar)

It might make more sense for the Procurator and Reshmar to be on the day side: that keeps all of our army / fleeting stuff in one thread (day), while our ambush / special forces stuff is in another thread (night).


Just to clear up who is doing what:
What does Colonel Connors' sabotage at DD12 involve? Are you planning to explain in a post what the sabotage is before the battle begins, or are you just going to wait and show the effect of the sabotage during the battle? What is Colonel Connors actually going to be doing during the attack itself?
Is LDV's strike team arriving during the attack (ie. getting deployed from one of the attacking ships), or are they on Duro already? Are they attacking something strategic like a Golan platform; something high-profile like the Reprogramming Institute or a shipyard; or something else entirely?
What are the infiltrators (Rana, etc) attacking during the battle? Did we decide upon the Reprogramming Institute? Is that a "civilians only" attack, or are SpecForce involved in that as well?

Nov 24th, 2012, 11:23:54 PM
Imperial Forces in system- Finalization

Night Side
Space Cities
6 TIE Squadrons

2 Golan III Battlestations
2 TIE Squadrons

208th Imperial Battle Squadron - Protecting the 2 Imp Mk III's
Imperial-II Star Destroyer - Abberation
Victory-II Star Destroyer - Viper
Escort Carrier - Frenzy
Strike Cruiser - Terminator
Carrack Cruiser - Harm
Carrack Cruiser - Fury
1 TIE Defender Squadron
5 TIE Interceptor Squadron
9 TIE Squadrons
1 TIE bomber Squadron

Ships in dry dock at DD12
Imperial III-class star destroyer - Merciless
Imperial III-class star destroyer - Indomitable

Day Side
Space Cities
6 TIE Squadrons

2 Golan III Battlestations
2 TIE Squadrons

Shipyard defense force
Procurator Battlecruiser - Molevolance
Nebulon-B2 Escort Frigate Nymphe
Carrack Light Cruiser - Retaliator
1 TIE Defender Squadron
4 TIE Interceptor Squadrons
1 TIE boomber Squadron

Moff Force
Interdictor Destroyer - Avenger
Strike Cruiser - Jenkins
Carrack Light Cruiser - Tarpan
Carrack Light Cruiser - Brumby
1 TIE Defender Squadron
4 TIE Interceptor Squadrons

System Defense and Security Force
Strike-class medium cruiser - Galatea
Nebulon-B2 Escort Frigate - Bantar
Nebulon-B2 Escort Frigate - Nymphe
IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - Dur-1
IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - Dur-2
IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - Dur-3
IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - Dur-4
IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - Dur-5
IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - Dur-6
1 TIE Interceptor Squadron
2 TIE Squadrons

Re-enforcemnts coming in to evac Moff
Imperial-II Star Destroyer - Vengeance
Victory-II Star Destroyer - Python
Escort Carrier - Akula
Strike Cruiser - Velocity
Carrack Cruiser - Doom
Carrack Cruiser - Killer
Assassin Corvette - Colt
Assassin Corvette - Mustang
Assassin Corvette - Bronco
Assassin Corvette - Palomino
5 TIE Interceptor Squadrons
9 TIE Squadrons
1 TIE Bomber Squadron

Captain Untouchable
Nov 25th, 2012, 02:40:39 AM
And also the Rebel forces, for additional listiness.

Night Side

Task Group 421 (General Dan)
MC80 Star Cruiser - Dauntless
Vindicator Heavy Cruiser - Egality
MK 1 Assault Frigate - Badger
MC30c Star Frigate - Dodonna
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Nimbus
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Starchaser
Assassin Corvette - Brigand
13 Fighter Squadrons (3 A-Wing, 1 A-Wing II, 6 X-Wing, 2 B-Wing, 1 B-Wing/E)
Task Group 422 (Captain Soto Terius)
Arquitens Light Cruiser - Destiny
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser - Aurora
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser - Orion
Liberator Cruiser - Adaris
DP20 Gunship - Stromos
DP20 Gunship - Sebrus
CR90 Corvette - Oran
Marauder Corvette - Novgorod
8 Fighter Squadrons (2 A-Wing, 1 A-Wing II, 3 X-Wing, 1 Y-Wing, 1 B-Wing)
Task Group 433 (Captain Dou'lesa Grov)
Munificent Star Frigate - Nemesis
Liberator Cruiser - Acheron
Marauder Corvette - Phobos
Marauder Corvette - Thanatos
CR90 Corvette - Siren
CR90 Corvette - Telchine
CR90 Corvette - Nereid
8 Fighter Squadrons (2 Cutlass-9, 2 Preybird, 2 Drexyl, 2 V-19 Torrent)

Day Side

Task Force 30 / 301st Command Group (Admiral Reshmar)
MC120 Command Cruiser - Independence
Munificent Star Frigate - Thunderbolt
Munificent Star Frigate - Onager
Munificent Star Frigate - Ballista
Munificent Star Frigate - Striker
Liberator Cruiser - Skipjack
Liberator Cruiser - Turpin
21 Fighter Squadrons (5 A-Wing, 11 X-Wing, 5 B-Wing)
Task Force 31 / 311th Battle Group (Commodore Scott)
MC80b Battlecruiser - Flame of Rebellion
MC40a Light Cruiser - Ardent
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Repulse
DP20 Gunship - AGS-22
DP20 Gunship - AGS-128
DP20 Gunship - AGS-311
12 Fighter Squadrons (3 A-Wing, 3 X-Wing, 2 Y-Wing, 3 B-Wing)
Task Force 32 / 321st Battlegroup (Admiral Holt)
Modified Lucrehulk Battleship - Formidable
Alliance II Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser - Ajax
Alliance II Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser - Suffolk
Alliance II Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser - Torrent
Alliance II Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser - Horus
DP20 Gunship - AGS-227
DP20 Gunship - AGS-229
DP20 Gunship - AGS-235
DP20 Gunship - AGS-248
DP20 Gunship - AGS-251
DP20 Gunship - AGS-258
26 Fighter Squadrons (3 A-Wing, 13 X-Wing, 6 Y-Wing, 3 B-Wing)
Task Force 33 / 331st Assault Group (General Forlon)
Valiant Star Destroyer - War Eagle
Victory Star Destroyer - Longbow
Acclamator Assault Ship - Terrier
Acclamator Assault Ship - Perigon
Acclamator Assault Ship - Kerby
Acclamator Assault Ship - Torch
CC9600 Heavy Frigate - Loretta
CC9600 Heavy Frigate - Lanford
CC9600 Heavy Frigate - Sienus
CC9600 Heavy Frigate - Hokum
9 Fighter Squadrons (3 A-Wing, 3 X-Wing, 2 Y-Wing, 1 Y-Wing Longprobe)

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 27th, 2012, 10:01:06 PM
If LD arrives ahead of time she can time her team's attack to occur as the ships are jumping in, giving more chaos to the scene. Also it might protect the incoming ships by taking it out?

Captain Untouchable
Nov 28th, 2012, 05:47:56 AM
It would depend on what your team is going after.

If you are going for an Imperial facility on one of the space cities, or if you're going after a target on one of the shipyards, you'd be able to sneak aboard disguised as civilians or dock workers, and find somewhere to hide until the attack begins. While whatever you're attacking would presumably have guards, it wouldn't be too difficult to lie in wait outside the secure area, and use the attack as a distraction to launch your strike.

Golan Platforms on the other hand would be another matter entirely. These are military-controlled space stations the size of a Star Destroyer. They're completely free of civilians; they'll shoot down any unauthorised shuttle that approaches; and the Golan III's that Reshmar listed have about three hundred troops aboard. You probably won't be able to even get close until the fleet arrives and "distracts" the gunners; so it's pretty unlikely that you'd be prepared in advance.

There are boarding shuttles in Star Wars that basically smash into whatever ship they're boarding, and let the soldiers run through the hole that they made. I also had a half-formed idea about the Novgorod using it's speed and agility - as well as it's buttload of missiles - to get close to one of the platforms, and then having Glayde & co jump out of an airlock wearing space suits. Sort of a Star Trek style sky diving approach. There's two stations and plenty of fast and agile ships, if you wanted to do something similar with LDV's team.

It's also worth considering that, with that many soldiers aboard, you're unlikely to have a quick and dirty success. Also, the guns have individual gun crews, so even taking control of the command centre doesn't mean it'll make the station stop shooting. We might be better off doing something tricksy, like boarding the ship with an ion bomb and smuggling it to the main reactor so that it goes boom and fries all the electronics aboard, or something.

Park Kraken
Nov 28th, 2012, 06:42:06 AM
A few minor nitpicks about the Imperial Forces in system;

The two ISD III's in drydock can't be the Merciless and Indomitable, as the former was destroyed at Sullust while the later was heavily damaged and captured. While one of them could be the Right to Rule, since it is a KDY Drydock and protected by a formidable force, why not have both of the Destroyers be fresh upgrades from previous Mk I models? Impervious and Thunderer come to mind as possible names.

Also, if Park is personally commanding the Imperial Evac Force then his flagship, the ImpStar Deuce Suppressor would be along for the ride as well. Having two Impstars in this force would make it a little more formidable but still outgunned by the Alliance fleet.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 28th, 2012, 07:58:56 AM
I didn't realise Park's forces were intended to be involved: I was under the impression that the Moff was signalling for reinforcements, and that those reinforcements would jump in from nearby systems / patrols / etc.

Is there a particular reason for Park's forces to be in the Corellian Sector, or is this a "they just are" situation?

Colonel Connors
Nov 28th, 2012, 09:03:22 AM
The two ISD III's in drydock can't be the Merciless and Indomitable, as the former was destroyed at Sullust while the later was heavily damaged and captured. While one of them could be the Right to Rule, since it is a KDY Drydock and protected by a formidable force, why not have both of the Destroyers be fresh upgrades from previous Mk I models? Impervious and Thunderer come to mind as possible names.

Thanx for the heads up. Names have been changed. As for park leading the evac force, By the time he arrives the system will be a hot mess and I doubt many if any of the Imperial assests will be in tact by then. So two or even three Imp Stars would not make much difference then.

Park Kraken
Nov 28th, 2012, 04:38:17 PM
Oh and another thing; When is this occuring in our timeline? The 2nd Battle of Duro (see: Duro Retaliation) will be occuring 3 days following the primary battle events in this thread.

Nov 28th, 2012, 04:49:30 PM
I think we worked it out as being on 9.150 or was it 9.100 It has to work around General Dan story so Charlie has the final say on the timeline.

Kyran O'Hurn
Nov 29th, 2012, 08:08:08 PM
It would depend on what your team is going after.

If you are going for an Imperial facility on one of the space cities, or if you're going after a target on one of the shipyards, you'd be able to sneak aboard disguised as civilians or dock workers, and find somewhere to hide until the attack begins. While whatever you're attacking would presumably have guards, it wouldn't be too difficult to lie in wait outside the secure area, and use the attack as a distraction to launch your strike.

Golan Platforms on the other hand would be another matter entirely. These are military-controlled space stations the size of a Star Destroyer. They're completely free of civilians; they'll shoot down any unauthorised shuttle that approaches; and the Golan III's that Reshmar listed have about three hundred troops aboard. You probably won't be able to even get close until the fleet arrives and "distracts" the gunners; so it's pretty unlikely that you'd be prepared in advance.

There are boarding shuttles in Star Wars that basically smash into whatever ship they're boarding, and let the soldiers run through the hole that they made. I also had a half-formed idea about the Novgorod using it's speed and agility - as well as it's buttload of missiles - to get close to one of the platforms, and then having Glayde & co jump out of an airlock wearing space suits. Sort of a Star Trek style sky diving approach. There's two stations and plenty of fast and agile ships, if you wanted to do something similar with LDV's team.

It's also worth considering that, with that many soldiers aboard, you're unlikely to have a quick and dirty success. Also, the guns have individual gun crews, so even taking control of the command centre doesn't mean it'll make the station stop shooting. We might be better off doing something tricksy, like boarding the ship with an ion bomb and smuggling it to the main reactor so that it goes boom and fries all the electronics aboard, or something.

If I get in on this, Ky's team is built for that kind of assault.

Not sure if it's too late, because I haven't checked to see where the preamble is at in the RP forum, but one thought I had was that there might be a way for Ky and his team to infiltrate one of the Golan's early. Like dropped out of a freighter and have to coast to the Golan and then in through an airlock where they can operate for a week leading up to the raid, securing access to areas that need to be destroyed, etc.

Kind of like a seal team being dropped off in a mini-sub, but where the mini-sub looks like a peice of space trash that is floating close enough to the Golan for the team to use personal jet packs to make it to the station.

Dunno, bit rusty, so that might not be possible...

Nov 29th, 2012, 11:25:24 PM
It would be tough hiding out on a Golan for that long, but not impossible. You would be more likely to get in with a shipment of supplies to the station itself. latch onto one in zero-g suits or sneak in with the supplies.

As far as it being too late , its not. We have more than enough targets for anyone who wants to can jump in. So far Connors and his team are disabling the 2 destroyers in drydock, LD is leading a team against something, and Novgorod is dropping assault troops on something. Some Duro resistance fighters are jumping in someplace also.

Pick a target and light it up!

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2012, 01:51:59 AM
Was going to go after a Golan :)

Nen Lev'i
Nov 30th, 2012, 03:57:08 AM
Sounds like LDV's team and Ky's team are going to be setting themselves up in advance to take out the Golan platforms. Any suggestion for a target that that the Novgorod people could go after that doesn't require any advanced prep-work? I still want to have them jump out of an airlock wearing space suits, but I'm not sure what else is worthy of such a dramatic stunt.

Nov 30th, 2012, 09:27:04 AM
There is a station (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Unidentified_outer-system_station) In the outer system. It would need to be dealt with so not to call for help. That would possibly be the best target to hit first. Novgorod could jump in first deploy your Zero g crew and withdraw awaiting the fleet to enter the system.
I do not see much of an imperial force out there. I figure an IPV or 2 and maybe a Tie squadron. Would be a great match for the Novgorod.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 30th, 2012, 09:32:15 AM
I like that plan. :)

And, since that will need to be finished before the rest of the battle starts, it'll stop us from all tripping over each other and doing stuff at the exact same time, too.

Nov 30th, 2012, 09:46:45 AM
I will have one more post with Connors pre-battle. And Also a fleet set-up post.

LD and Kyran may need to do some setup if they like for the golans, or just explain it off once the battle gets going. but after that I seems Novgorod will be up.

I assume all of this is on the night side. 3rd Fleet will deal with the Golans on the day side. unless LD or anyone else would rather do a day side golan.

Also have we got the timing down. Connors is set to hit the 2 destroyers at the end of his rotation, which would be early afternoon on the night side. That's not set in stone yet if i need to amend it.

Captain Untouchable
Nov 30th, 2012, 10:09:09 AM
I think Dee and I were chatting about her SpecForce character (and possibly one of mine) being involved with taking out / taking over the comms network. We figured that there were probably satellites around the planet that were used to transmit messages between the cities, to relay signals to the opposite side of the planet, to tie in with the "long range sensor grid" (or whatever kind of early warning system that Duro has), and so on. I was imagining it being the Star Wars version of hacking into security cameras and putting up fake footage: we'd be able to interrupt any messages we don't want to be sent, and basically keep the Imperials oblivious for as long as possible.

Where would be a good place for that kind of satellite control room?


I figure we're probably looking at something along the lines of -

STAGE 1. Connors, DeVille, and O'Hurn post any mission prep that they want to do.
STAGE 2. Drakken and Jsorra take over the comm station / satellite / outpost / thing.
STAGE 3. The Novgorod attacks the Station. Once successful, they transmit the "go" signal.
STAGE 4. The attacks on the ISDs and the Golans begin. They're either a) finished, or b) well under way by the time that -
STAGE 5. Task Force 42 arrives in-system to begin the main assault.


Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2012, 11:18:38 AM
Infiltrating the Golan in advance sounds cool, and arriving as part of their regular supplies and hiding out for a day or two seems to be the simplest way to do that. I would like that to be LD's plan if that's ok?

Rana, my Duro, will be part of a native resistance attack on something during the nightside attack. I think the Reprogramming Institute?

Captain Untouchable
Nov 30th, 2012, 11:40:15 AM
The Reprogramming Institute sounds about right, yeah.

Do we have any other native people involved in that attack? If not, do we want to put the comms doohicky in the Reprogramming Institute, so that Holly isn't going after another objective on her lonesome? Or do we have some other Duros / Rebels that I'm being super-rude and forgetting about? :uhoh

Nov 30th, 2012, 02:16:17 PM
It would make sense for the Com array to be on the planet in the Imperial Garrison with the Reprogramming institute. A big honking dish like thing more than likely.

Jyvus city also needs to be one of the big targets. It controls the planetary shield for the planet.

Garrick Kane
Nov 30th, 2012, 02:35:19 PM
Are the space cities inside or outside the shield?

If the latter, we might not have to worry too much about Jyvus initially: that might be a target best reserved for when orbit is safely secured.

Nov 30th, 2012, 04:04:27 PM
The cities are outside the shield. It wont be a big deal at first, but sometime during the attack it would need to be addressed so we can deal with the Imperial Garrison and assist the Duro Revolt.

Park Kraken
Dec 5th, 2012, 04:54:18 PM
So......I've been working on the details of how and when TF45 gets into the Duro area and so far I'm not liking the backstory I've turned out thus far. The main reason TF45 is delayed into getting a blockade going is because of a delay in the Slash-E CC-7700 Frigates arriving on loan from the 1st Fleet. In addition, the lighter forces of TF45 are still engaged in rescue and recovery ops following the Sullust disaster, leaving mainly the heavier forces free for assault work.

In short, I would like to include TF45 back into the main Duro thread, working in the daylight along with the rest of the Alliance fleet to take down the two Golan stations there.

Captain Untouchable
Dec 5th, 2012, 06:24:08 PM
I was under the impression that TF45 would be responsible for intercepting / delaying the Imperial reinforcements. The fact that only some (not all) of them arrived was supposed to be the reason that the Moff retreats: a strategic decision in the face of overwhelming odds, rather than an act of cowardice.

Is this not happening any more?

Kyran O'Hurn
Dec 6th, 2012, 12:23:44 AM
Want to get a lead in post written tonight/tomorrow (this time difference is a pain for RPing).

Just want to make sure that I'm right in assuming that Darkest Night is the right thread for the night side (it seems obvious but want to make sure).

Also not sure if we are going to tie in the Wolfpack getting Dan's blood sample stuff in this thread. In case people haven't read the other thread where I posted, here is what I said...

Hmmm that's an interesting thought... I was going to leave the "main team" out of Duro and write it like Ky had been assigned a team just for that mission. But maybe turn it into a "right time right place" thing, not a planned thing.

Because of the indoctrination of the Duro populace, I'm assuming that it would be something like Baghdad after the invasion of Iraq. Where even a captured city isn't totally secure, where the populace might look friendly but can be terrorists in disguise.

That being said...

Dan goes down to inspect a "secure" area after the battle. Ky and his team (and maybe LDs team too) get assigned as additional security for him. At some point they get ambushed by some Duros (is that the right term), Dan get's wounded somehow. Could just be that he get's cut by some flying glass or something, and then when his wounds are treated somehow Ky or one of his team gets a hold of some of his blood.

Like you said, just spitballing, but it would save having to do a seperate thread and try and figure out how everything fits together in the timeline.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 6th, 2012, 01:43:23 AM
I think it would work out ok, I'm just not sure what Charley thinks. He might post soon? Maybe? ^_^;

Park Kraken
Dec 6th, 2012, 07:25:32 AM
I was under the impression that TF45 would be responsible for intercepting / delaying the Imperial reinforcements. The fact that only some (not all) of them arrived was supposed to be the reason that the Moff retreats: a strategic decision in the face of overwhelming odds, rather than an act of cowardice.

Is this not happening any more?

It could still happen, but the interception would happen at the edge of the system rather than out in the spacelanes away from Duro.
<!-- / message -->

Dec 6th, 2012, 11:13:24 AM
Want to get a lead in post written tonight/tomorrow (this time difference is a pain for RPing).

Just want to make sure that I'm right in assuming that Darkest Night is the right thread for the night side (it seems obvious but want to make sure).

Darkest night is indeed the Night side of the planet. The golans and defenses on the Day side thread will be handeled by Fleet

Captain Untouchable
Dec 6th, 2012, 09:23:58 PM
It could still happen, but the interception would happen at the edge of the system rather than out in the spacelanes away from Duro.

I don't understand what difference that would make.

Whether it's at the edge of the system or out in the spacelanes, the reinforcements are going to be interdicted somewhere away from the battlefield. Whether that's ten thousand kilometers or ten thousand parsecs doesn't matter: just as long as they're not here.

What is the purpose of moving where the interdiction happens? If you want to post your forces interdicting the reinforcements, this can still happen in the thread, without the location needing to change. If you want to post your forces doing something else instead, we can come up with some NPC forces to interdict the reinforcements without the location needing to change.

I don't understand what a change in location is supposed to accomplish.

Park Kraken
Dec 7th, 2012, 12:11:14 AM
Okay well now I'm confused. Was I supposed to write in the interdiction happening in the thread? When I postulated about intercepting the reinforcements, I assumed it would happen off thread (think off camera) and that the only character I would be writing for in the thread would be my Imperial Fighter Pilot character. Would I be writing about intercepting the Imperial reinforcements no matter where the interception occurs then?

Captain Untouchable
Dec 7th, 2012, 12:44:07 AM
The only reason you weren't included in plans from the get-go is because you explicitly said yourself that you didn't want to be. If you now want to write the interdiction stuff as part of the day side battle, absolutely no one is going to stop you from doing that.

The fact that the reinforcements get interdicted is an important plot point in this: whether you posted them, I posted them, or it was just explained in someone else's post, it was going to be in there anyway. If you feel you have to be in the Duro system to take part, then I guess that's ultimately your decision; but there's no reason you can't post from the neighbouring... I dunno, Endocrine system, if that's what you want to do.

As long as it happens, it's all good, brah.

Park Kraken
Dec 8th, 2012, 10:24:42 AM
Yeah I kind of had a change of heart after going through some more pre-planning. But yeah no problem I'm making plans just let me know when it's time for the fleet people to start posting.

Jan 2nd, 2013, 10:34:18 PM
SO I will be out of the loop till febuary the 4th but I will post again to Duro then.

Torrsk Oruo'rel
Feb 14th, 2013, 01:10:05 AM
Just in the interests of getting a handle on where we are (and making sure that I'm not supposed to have done something)... are we waiting on anything particular to happen in either of the Liberation threads, or are we at the point where the sabotage teams can start jumping in and such like?

If I need to be doing something as anyone, let me know.

Taddius "Ram" Rammstein
Feb 14th, 2013, 11:43:27 AM
Newbie chiming in as requested :)

Taddius Rammstein ("Tad" or "Ram" is fine) SpecForce 5th (in city raising hell somewhere else)

Tell Cho
Feb 14th, 2013, 01:40:25 PM
When's this happening again? If possible, I'd like to work in Cho as a fleeter (even if only one ship), if only to finally get him situated on a ship. If it doesn't work out, that's all good too.

And if there's killing shenanigans going on, you bet your ass Onashi's going to be in on it, unless there's already a lot of people/characters in on this.

Captain Untouchable
Feb 14th, 2013, 02:45:21 PM
What's happening?

Things keep shuffling around a bit, but I *think* this is the current iteration of the plan. Hope I'm not missing anything / anyone!

* * *


Colonel Connors has SpecForce teams infiltrating various shipyards and spacedocks. Through sabotage they will disable / delay the weapons/shields/engines/etc on the two Imperial Star Destroyers that are docked on the night side of the planet so that when the attack begins our night side forces have an easier task.


Kyran O'Hurn and Lilaena De'Ville will each infiltrate one of the two Golan platforms on the night side of the planet with their respective teams. They will lie in wait until after communications have been disabled (so that the stations can't send out a warning), and will then seize control of or otherwise disable said weapons platforms.


Oran Jsorra and Cor Drakken will infiltrate a communications relay satellite / outpost / station / thing. Their job will be to hijack the satellite network that allows ships and facilities on the night side of the planet to send messages to each other, and to the day side of the planet. Once successful, they will send a go signal to the Novgorod and the Golan Teams.


The Novgorod will attack a defense platform on the outskirts of the Duro system. Because the Rebels will already control the communications relay, any faster-than-light cries for help will go unheard, and it will take several minutes before ships / stations / facilities / etc on the night side of the planet pick up any radio transmissions. Seizing the station will probably involve some of Major Glayde's team jumping out of the Novgorod in space suits and busting their way through an airlock or somesuch. Once Step 4 is complete, the Novgorod will transmit a "go" signal to the Rebel forces.


Colonel Connors, De'Ville, and O'Hurn will begin their respective assaults, which may overlap into the space battle itself. They don't necessarily need to succeed by the time the fleet arrives: just soften / distract the Imperials enough to give the Rebel ships an advantage.


Task Force 42 arrives in-system. Most likely, General Dan will concentrate on tangling with any large command ships; Captain Terius will lead gunships and missile boats on a "bombing run" against any docked ships, weapons platforms, etc; and Captain Grov will target any frigates / corvettes / etc, particularly those that try to run to the day side and warn the Imperials.


With forces on the night side occupied, the main battle will begin on the day side. The Third Fleet will jump in, and will deploy troop ships to board and capture various key space cities. Admiral Reshmar himself will end up tangling with a Procurator Star Destroyer, which is the Imperial command ship in the system. Ecidae Mandrill and Mas Onoldo will have to deal with the "ground" war on the space cities. There will also be an attack on the Imperial Programming Institute on the planet's surface, carried out by Rana De Laak and other Duros insurgents.


Delgado Xaanan, the Moff of the Corellian Sector, will signal for reinforcements. However, because of the actions of Anne Phoenix and her forces (which may or may not get roleplayed in this thread: I'm a little hazy on what Park wanted to do in the end), the reinforcements will be significantly fewer than Xaanan is expecting. Having finished the battle on the night side, General Dan and parts of Task Force 42 will move to intercept the Moff; realising that Duro is lost, he chooses to sacrifice his scant reinforcements in order to escape.

* * *

Tad -

Potentially, your character could be working with Colonel Connors during Step 1/5; with Drakken and Jsorra during Step 3; or aboard the Novgorod during Step 4. You could also get involved with some of the ground action during Step 7, perhaps providing some SpecForce back-up to the Duros insurgents going after the Programming Institute.

What you plan on doing in the long run might affect what you decide to do, so if you need any help working that out feel free to drop me a PM or an AIM. :)

Vince -

Having Tell tag along with Task Force 42 probably makes the most sense at this point. TF42 is based at Sullust, which just got raped by the Imperials and is in need of a lot of support / humanitarian aid / etc. Since we talked about Tell being involved in the supply/logistics side of the Alliance, it makes sense that he's there: perhaps he has that anti-piracy group we talked about, and they've been helping escort the supply convoys. Some of those ships could easily have been "borrowed" for the Duro mission.

If in the long run you want to go the "Minister of Trade" route, having Tell at Sullust is a smart move, since that's where all the action is. If you decide you want to focus more heavily on the fleeting, the Fourth Fleet is where a lot of that action is happening: and it's the Fleet that Vansen Tyree will be taking over after the Dan/S'Il crisis is over, so it does have some Jedi ties as well.

Role-wise, Tell and his anti-piracy forces could potentially take charge of the "air superiority" part of the battle, taking charge of our pooled fighter forces, etc.

Feb 14th, 2013, 04:23:14 PM
Vince -

Having Tell tag along with Task Force 42 probably makes the most sense at this point. TF42 is based at Sullust, which just got raped by the Imperials and is in need of a lot of support / humanitarian aid / etc. Since we talked about Tell being involved in the supply/logistics side of the Alliance, it makes sense that he's there: perhaps he has that anti-piracy group we talked about, and they've been helping escort the supply convoys. Some of those ships could easily have been "borrowed" for the Duro mission.

If in the long run you want to go the "Minister of Trade" route, having Tell at Sullust is a smart move, since that's where all the action is. If you decide you want to focus more heavily on the fleeting, the Fourth Fleet is where a lot of that action is happening: and it's the Fleet that Vansen Tyree will be taking over after the Dan/S'Il crisis is over, so it does have some Jedi ties as well.

Role-wise, Tell and his anti-piracy forces could potentially take charge of the "air superiority" part of the battle, taking charge of our pooled fighter forces, etc.

Sounds good to me. Hit me up on AIM or message me on the Book of Faces whenever you get a chance so we can work this out - I've got a couple questions.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 7th, 2013, 11:53:09 AM
So, I decided not to wait for someone to tell me when to post anymore and just posted. Hope that was ok.

Mar 7th, 2013, 09:57:51 PM

I threw a Resh post in and I will kick the whole thing off tomorrow with my Connors post.

Colonel Connors
Mar 8th, 2013, 04:11:35 PM
So it has begun. The umbilical's to both of the Imp Mk III Star Destroyers have been blown cutting them off from the Shipyard. This was the signal for the attack to starts. All over the dark side of the planet alarms should be sounding as word spreads.

My question. how do we want to proceed?

IS Duro something we all have time for right now?

Mar 8th, 2013, 08:23:38 PM
Hit me up on AIM to see where I (Tell Cho) can fill in for anything, since I still want to do some fleeting, and looking into making an entry post.

Mar 26th, 2013, 04:43:05 PM
Ok since We started Duro already and the outcome is a done deal I was thinking we trim the fat on it so we can finish it rather then leave it open ended. Well finish it in a fashion. We can do the specforce and political parts in both threads and cut out the fleet part. Have the fleet jumping in as basiclly the Ending . Hazah hazah! we are saved kinda thing.