View Full Version : Thalassian Slavers
Park Kraken
Jul 1st, 2012, 07:17:36 PM
Question: Does anyone have characters/going-ons/threads concerning the Thalassian Slavers and their homeworld of Thalassia? This concerns a future Imperial Operation thread idea.
Jul 1st, 2012, 09:31:23 PM
As long as there is no Chiss involvement, No.
Jul 1st, 2012, 09:56:01 PM
Most maps put that along the Hydian way which is for the most part Independent space. That said though, our little make shift territory map doesn't actually have it listed and it doesn't seem to be claimed by anyone.
I also did a search for Meram and Thalassian. Only one hit for Thalassian and it was for a freighter. So I would say you are in the clear unless anyone else objects?
Jordana Jax
Jul 1st, 2012, 10:08:59 PM
I do. Well, the thread Wei and I are doing hasn't mentioned the slavers by name specifically but the words slavers/slave trade/human trafficking and Empire run rampant in it.
If you need more info, look at Rough Beginnings (
Park Kraken
Jul 2nd, 2012, 07:58:40 AM
Thalassian Slavers are an independent lot from most of the slavers in the Galaxy, although I do believe they sell a fair amount of their slaves to the Hutt Empire, the latter being the buyers and users of most of the slaves in the Galaxy.
Anyways, main reason I was inquiring is that, as a preliminary outline, the slavers raid an Imperial cruise liner and take off with a fair number of V.I.P.'s. Park would lead the rescue effort, with a follow up action against Thalassia that would turn the planet into a good source for glass and not much else. :mischief
Surviving slavers would join up with the Hutts presumably then afterwards. Park aftewards would get on the good side of the good Imperials, and the bad side of the bad Imperials, lol.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 2nd, 2012, 09:49:32 AM
Um, let's not raze planets please.
edit - if you want to make up your own planet to destroy that's fine. Wookieepedia planets not so much.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 2nd, 2012, 10:58:53 AM
You bloody Imperials, thinking the solution to every problem is to glass the planet :rolleyes
Moff Joran Greth
Jul 2nd, 2012, 11:31:09 AM
It does send a clear message.
Jul 2nd, 2012, 11:44:29 AM
This thread brings up an interesting point actually.
I think we all write here as a creative outlet to tell the stories we want to tell. In doing so there are times when our characters can have a resounding impact in this universe that we've all contributed.
I think any impact small or large, if done right, will leave our galaxy creatively richer as a result. So I'm not against Park bombarding the planet. Turning it to glass, well, I think that is a bit much. Don't leave it a barren husk. A smoldering ruin though? I think that would be acceptable.
Change enough to show that the Imperials have been there and flushed the planets inhabitants out while at the same time leaving enough slavers, etc, behind that if anyone else were to ever want to use the planet they could cobble together a story still. That said, making changes in the galaxy should be done within reason. Don't go riding dirty up to every planet and reducing it to rubble.
I would also check with Jordana to see what her plans for the planet are. If her characters just passing through or taking up permanent residence and when her story takes place.
Also, I think the majority of the 'bad Imperials' were cleansed by Karl and Miranda leading to her coronation. Although, I'm sure there are some bad ones left to work with.
Jordana Jax
Jul 2nd, 2012, 01:14:27 PM
I didn't mean that I have any objections to the use of the slavers and Thalassia :) Sorry if I created a misunderstanding with my post before.
Only plans I had as far as that is concerned is that the slave trading ring was suppose to be rather huge and perhaps go deeper than originally thought. To the point where maybe higher up (NPC for now) political leaders in the rank food chain were at least implicated as being involved in some way, shape, or form.
I don't mind at if Park goes forward with his plan. I was suggesting that if he wanted something to reference, a jumping off point, or even to combine the stories to make a larger one that would be great, too. Perhaps the slaves that are being collected by The Reverend on Abregado-Rae are sold to the Hutts, who in turn are doing business with Thalassians? Its up to Park, though. No matter what he decides, I hope it's fun!
My hopes with Rough Beginnings are two-fold really. One, to enjoy writing and watch Jordana continue to grow and become molded by the adventures she has and the people she encounters. Two, to create a storyline that will either allow others to build something from and even join in.
I love surprises so I tend not to plan too much; just a general idea that I run with and hope others will join in and do the same.
I agree with what Tear said, too. Maybe not turning the planet to glass (however pretty it might look!) but there's plenty of stories than can spawn from the planet being bombarded heavily and left as a smoldering husk floating in space. Heck, even the Rebellion could set up a base there. Why would the Empire think to go back and check on the planet knowing that they left it burned, barren, and more or less a less than savory place to live?
Park Kraken
Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:13:59 PM
Base Delta Two I believe is the codename for the orbital bombardement in which all structres of any kind on a planet are razed, leaving just uninhabited areas of the planet left. This would still serve to take out most of the slavers while still leaving the planet inhabitable afterwards.
Perhaps the local Moff has some dealings with the Thalassians, perhaps he even gave them the itinerary for the cruise liner? If we wanted to create a link between threads, perhaps the Moff vents his displeasure of Park's actions to him, leaving Park to call on the Inquisition with suspicions in mind. A subsequent investigation would root out the Moff's corruption, including the Moff pushing 'Family Tourist Trip Plans' to Abregado-Rae in exchange for boons from the Reverend, perhaps?
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:15:27 PM
It does send a clear message.
Would you say it's.. crystal... clear?
Park Kraken
Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:27:58 PM
It does send a clear message.
Would you say it's.. crystal... clear?
Perhaps maybe even....Claritin...clear? :whaa
Jordana Jax
Jul 2nd, 2012, 05:45:59 PM
Sure, whatever works to your best advantage, Park :)
Moff Joran Greth
Jul 2nd, 2012, 09:05:53 PM
I looked it up on the map and it is as back water as a planet can get so Im sure banging on the upper crust a bit would not hurt the outer rim much. Only drawback I see is it is in Imperial/independent Territory. A more Tactical assault may be a more viable option. Show the people of the outer rim Imperial Planets that We can keep them safe from Pirates and Slavers not that we can not differentiate them from them and we cleanse a world of all viable life just because Pirates or slavers are there. What of the innocent men, women, and children of these worlds. Can we not go in and point at a person and say Hey are you a slaver? then shoot them before they answer? At least give them some chance. To the rest of the Imperial worlds in the outer rim it looks like... hey they ask first before they killed off 90 percent of the planets population. what Nice people.
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