View Full Version : When the Dark Invades the Dark
Darth Acera
Jun 23rd, 2012, 09:33:51 PM
This new pet that her Master had taken was both an infuriating and curious entity - infuriating in the simple fact that he had been chosen, yet curious all the same for that same exact reason. Was it that her Master had wished her to distance herself from anything that might bring harm to the small life growing inside of her? It made the most sense, but it also rankled at her feelings of usefulness all the same. It was confounding.
It was also what brought her to the ship - there was no name that she'd been able to discover; only that it existed. Much like its' owner, it had dropped out of the aether to exist within her sphere of knowledge.
She herself had chosen to simply appear; to come aboard his ship unannounced and see with her own eye the trappings that this being surrounded himself with. What a man or a woman chose to live around defined them, yet despite that, the Elder Lupine was having a small bit of annoyance at the lack of anything worthwhile that would give her any indications as to Zenas Codrey's motivations.
Just one more point of frustration discovered. Codrey was a seemingly blank slate, a being that existed for purposes that she had yet to divine.
She walked slowly down the ship's corridors, the fingers of one hand reaching out to lightly pass along the bulkhead at her side as she passed. Her broken gaze turned this way and that, seeking out anything that would give her an indication of where the Togruta found his impulses and drive.
Zenas Codrey
Jun 23rd, 2012, 09:52:31 PM
The ship was silent save for the soft humming of the engine as it maintained the lights and air. It was small, simple, and sparse. At best, he could comfortably house one more individual inside the JM-5K that he'd made his home. He'd removed the name from its IFF transponder and manually burned the painted-on name from its hull when he'd murdered its former captain and commandeered it for himself. Now he used this nameless ship to wander the galaxy without a goal in mind, nor allies to aid him in his journey on the path to self-actualization.
He'd taken to using these moments of abject quiet and reluctant introspection to pretend to maintain the ship. He knew nothing about its engine or hyperdrive, but liked to make a show out of tightening bolts and replacing power-conducting parts and auxiliary power sources whether they needed it or not. Anything to keep his mind occupied. Drilling Form V no longer satisified him. By his own measure, he was within a year's further experience from mastering Form V's two parts, if he was not a master of them already. The thought of teaching it to someone else idly flickered through his mind when a shadow crossed him.
The Togruta was in a bad position; hanging upside-down by his knees on a pipe he'd exposed for performing exercises, back to the room as he worked on the wiring and piping set into the wall nearby. Zenas decided to play it as coolly as he was able.
"Name yourself," he said, voicing shifting into a growl of annoyance. "I tolerate no intrusion lightly."
Darth Acera
Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:07:36 PM
She had stopped to observe, watching him coolly without any outward show of emotion. Instead, her eye gave a deceptively calm and tranquil gaze as she looked at his inverted form. Her hand remained upon the bulkhead, but ever so slowly she brought it downwards, angling each finger so that her nails scrapped along the metal until finally pulling away.
"You are in a poor position to be giving me orders, Codrey."
Her hands found one another and slender fingers wound together in a microcosm of twisted limbs.
"Set yourself upright, Son."
Zenas Codrey
Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:14:46 PM
Acera. He'd say she was patronizing, but he wasn't sure it was a word he could apply to a woman. Certainly she did not strike him as matronly. He thought briefly of continuing to hang there anyway, just to spite her, but it was a poor defensive position. He grabbed the rail with his hands and disengaged from the pipe, rotating at the shoulders until his bare feet met the cold steel floor.
"Who told you that you had permission to enter my ship?" he demanded. "You may outrank me in service to our Master, but this is my property and I have every right to throw you bodily to the foot of my boarding ramp." Not that he could, if he were entirely honest with himself, but the statement about her trespassing was truth enough. He reached to his left, where a small folding table was set with tools, and took a cloth to wipe oil and grease from his hands. "What do you want, Lapdog?"
Darth Acera
Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:23:51 PM
There was a sickening sort of gleam in her eye as she felt her expression lighten in macabre amusement.
"He is not 'our' master; he is mine. You are an attack dog taken into his shelter to do as he instructs until you are useless."
His insult was ignored, and she gave him a thorough looking over. His demand that she explain her intrusion was also brushed to the side - there were so much more pressing matters to concern herself with, and this perceived notion of personal space was not one of them.
"If you wish to proclaim to be a student of my Master, then know that what is his is also mine, and where I go within the realm of his possessions is my choice. You may be indignant, but know that the man you claim as Master expects full obedience even at the cost of your life and well-being."
She gave a look to him.
"It is the way of Sith."
Zenas Codrey
Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:31:22 PM
"The way of Sith also declares that there should be only two, and yet, I am three. Perhaps your Code is less a law and more a suggestion." He discarded the rag with a flick of the hand and without much care for where it landed. He lifted his head, balled up his fists, and looked Acera in her mismatched eyes.
"Of course, the way of Sith is also a way of subterfuge and treachery. I know my place in this little tower of authority and power, and I know that death is the only way to change it." He made a pointed smile that bore out no mirth or malice; only grim acceptance of the truths he spoke. "But being at the bottom of a ladder means only that one can ascend. If I die, all I have lost is a life. If you die, or if your Master dies, you each have much more to lose, and I can only profit."
Darth Acera
Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:35:06 PM
She let out a slight chuckle, watching him as he stood defiant.
"You open your mouth, and while I know that I should hear words, all that I can discern is mindless barking. Tell me Codrey, What exactly do you truly know of the Rule of Two?"
Zenas Codrey
Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:50:07 PM
"It's a rule, and it declares that Sith should only ever number so many as two," he said snidely. "My former Master was a Jedi, fallen from Light. What he knew of Sith ways was limited only to that and their creed." He knew he looked a fool in her eyes for being so limited in his knowledge, but could do nothing else for it. Her look of amusement sparked his hate, set his mind to work, and generated a defense for himself.
"Do not mistake my ignorance for stupidity," he warned. "It isn't hard to reason out why the Rule of Two was instated. When you are strong enough, you will slay the Lich and take his power, find an apprentice of your own. The cycle continues, the power of the Sith grows by generations, concentrating dark power and knowledge."
He paced a bit, feeling restless. "I believe the Rule of Two is a sham. My former Master told me that a pair of Sith created this Empire, and died in recent history. How, then, do I find myself facing a second pair, unless that Rule is more worthless than vacuum, or you two are merely pretending to the title?"
Darth Acera
Jun 23rd, 2012, 10:56:56 PM
"Pretending to the title," she repeated, the mirth evident in her tone.
"If you wish to think that, then by all means I'll not stop you."
Her grin was a cheshier grin, and the Sith shifted her feet, turning to once more continue her trek through his ship.
"You may - perhaps - someday came to understand the Rule, but until then I would like to enjoy this mindless flailing about that you are so comfortable with."
If he wished to follow then he would; she would not beckon him, and he would not answer if she did. No. He was his own creature despite his admission of having had a master previously, and most certainly despite chaining himself to Darth Decepis.
"It certainly makes for enjoyable entertainment at the very least."
Zenas Codrey
Jun 23rd, 2012, 11:10:10 PM
That stung him, to have his lack of aim called out by another. Somehow, when it was his own problem, it was...tolerable. He could ponder it or push it aside, but in the end, never act on it. He told himself he was accumulating resources: a ship, knowledge, skills, tools...but he knew that truly it was a list of excuses. He needed to think of the thing he wanted. His goal since running away from home as a boy was to kill his mother's lover and jealously guard her from the world, but childish lack of foresight had made that goal nigh-impossible for him to achieve as an adult. He'd lost track of her entirely in a galaxy he could never hope to search on his own. He'd given up at last, furious with himself, and had been bleeding that self-hatred on anyone and anything that came within striking distance of his lightsaber. Decepis had given him a constructive outlet with his little assassination and sabotage plots, but Zenas loathed completing another man's wishes almost as much as he hated the absence of his own. Gods, what did he want!? He followed Acera, calling his weapon from the table to his hand.
"So long as you're having fun," he said, more to fill the silence than to needle or back-talk. He didn't have a proper answer for her.
Darth Acera
Jun 23rd, 2012, 11:27:35 PM
"Oh, I would not call it outright fun. More amusement than anything else."
Choosing to end that train of thought and discussion, the Sith gestured with an extended hand to the ship's interior.
"You have begun a start for yourself regardless, it seems. One would wonder why you answered my Master's call at all, if your limits were only where this craft could not take you."
Zenas Codrey
Jun 24th, 2012, 08:28:28 PM
Only amusement, heh. It seemed a fine distinction, and Zenas didn't like or make fine distinctions.
He still didn't have an answer that satisfied himself enough to say it out loud. He could tell her to shove it, that his business was his own, or that he'd relished the opportunity to use his Force skills and hone his Form V mastery in real combat. Neither sounded like firm answers...more like flimsy excuses. Whatever their character, he knew Acera would see them more like the latter.
"I had a goal. I...cannot achieve it, not as I am now. I am beginning to accept that I may not ever be able to do so. I need a new direction. I'm willing to take this one until I decide for myself what that new direction ought to be."
He didn't like admitting it; not to himself, and certainly not to her, but anything less would only worsen things for him.
Darth Acera
Jun 24th, 2012, 08:57:30 PM
"An unfulfilled goal is not a bad thing, just do not make a habit of collecting them."
This ship was indeed small, and Acera stopped in the doorway that led to the cockpit, turning about to face her host.
"Of course, new goals have a way of bringing you back to those which you had not completed."
Her gaze narrowed.
"Be cautious of this new path you choose; it will never allow you to return to your old ways."
Zenas Codrey
Jun 25th, 2012, 10:08:08 AM
Zenas stopped walking as Acera spoke to him. He was frankly stunned to hear such an even response from her. So much so, that it was nearly a full minute before he gathered his thoughts and answered her in his turn.
"I am also starting to think that my old ways have long been shut off to me. That even if I completed this initial goal I spoke of, I could not reclaim the happiness or fulfillment I once knew." He was being cryptic and vague, and it was aggravating. However, the tale of his attachment to his Mother and her attachment to Togruti society was a long one, and not one he enjoyed telling. "I dedicated to this path of...what many would call Darkness, for life. It is the only path I can walk now. My old Master has seen to it...I'm certain such was his intent."
Darth Acera
Jun 26th, 2012, 12:33:49 PM
"Your old master... "
This she pondered, rolling the words over her tongue as she let her gaze travel over his shoulder and to a spot on the far dividing bulkhead.
"I would advise that anything you learned before... unlearn it."
Now her eyes returned to his, and the Lupine kept her gaze a neutral one that betrayed no intent or emotion.
"The knowledge that you gain now is all that will carry you onward. But - as all things - that is dependent upon you. You can achieve your previous goals."
A cheshire cat's smile.
"It is all in how you interpret the results, and how you go about gaining them."
Zenas Codrey
Jun 26th, 2012, 08:00:10 PM
"I don't intend to unlearn my Force powers, nor my Form V combat skills. Those are all I ever wanted to learn. The rest...window dressing. Spare. I don't care about it, and the little bits of knowledge I have gained from you and your Master haven't been enough to overwrite or verify any of it. I don't care about that, either, for the moment." He sighed, spinning the grip of his lightsaber idly in his right hand, bleeding his frustration as best he could in the small space full of delicate instruments. "I'll bear it in mind," he said at last, a small concession to her advice.
Darth Acera
Jul 15th, 2012, 08:54:07 PM
"One cannot unlearn that which is inherent to them," she clasped her hands in front of her, giving him a deceptively patient look.
"Your abilities with the Force and your combat skills are something that you are wise to keep; it is merely the application of each that you must approach in a wholly new fashion. Right now you are a blunt instrument, which has worked well enough for you in the past, but for you to move ever onward, you must move past that and beyond. You must become refined and precise; a keen-edged blade."
Her fingers laced together in a delicate, interlocking weave.
"I can help you become that. I can help you to hone yourself into what you are meant to be... "
A short pause, then she finished.
"... but only if you so desire."
Zenas Codrey
Jul 15th, 2012, 10:04:40 PM
The treacherous bitch! Zenas's body slumped from its taut ready position as his hands reached his hips and he regarded her with open surprise. His left hand flew to his face and rubbed over his mouth, literally wiping the expression from his face as it moved to thoughtfully cradle his chin.
"Well, then," he replied. "I suppose I ought not to be surprised by this. It's a poor offer, though. Presumably the old man has more knowledge than you; I risk potential power gains if I assume you know all that he does and that nothing has been withheld from you. Tell me, what do you intend to do to sharpen me to the vibroblade you envision?"
Darth Acera
Jul 16th, 2012, 05:14:10 PM
The Sith gave a mirthless chuckle as she let him finish.
"You misunderstand my intentions, Young One. But that is to be expected I suppose. Whatever knowledge that my Master wishes to impart will always be shrouded in half-truths and subtle words. If you hope to survive his tutelage then you would be wise to take my offer; to have a guide that shows you the true meanings is an invaluable thing."
By now her features had darkened.
"I can help you to stay alive and see your training fulfilled."
Zenas Codrey
Jul 18th, 2012, 10:34:37 AM
"You're just full of surprises, today," he quipped. Not long ago on Bothawui she'd made it clear that he'd not be able to count her as an ally--not during his mission there, and not in the oncoming time after. And now, she offers guidance. He'd be a fool to accept. He'd be a fool to decline. The risk in each path was great, too much for him to reach a decision if he pondered too long. He flipped a mental credit.
"I accept your offer. Your guidance will be much appreciated."
Darth Acera
Jul 18th, 2012, 05:26:07 PM
"Very good."
Her tone was a level one, though the barest traces of satisfaction could only just be detected. Or was it disappointment? She had learned well enough in her time with Darth Decepis to cloud and call into question any response given.
"To know the histories is just as important as knowing how to keep yourself alive. As it seems that you have done well enough in combat to survive this long..."
It was more than obvious by the way he held his saber that he was a firm believer in action, and she took a step forward, closing the distance between them by a pacelength.
"... It is only natural that you take the knowledge of Sith from ages past as your own.
"Do you understand?"
Zenas Codrey
Jul 19th, 2012, 04:29:25 PM
He straightened and folded his arms as his face settled back into its default scowl. He let her close up the distance and met her eyes with his own. Neither blinked, nor did their eyes flicker away. He would stand defiant, strong in his own power...but it wouldn't hurt his position to make the simple, truthful acknowledgement of her power and authority in this matter.
"Shall we begin now, or do you have a more pressing matter to attend to?"
Darth Acera
Mar 4th, 2013, 01:34:47 PM
"Oh, I normally have many pressing matters to attend to."
She shifted her stance, as if to indicate that her time aboard his ship had come to a close. Their time together however was far from over.
An almost dismissive hand was waved at him.
"Clothe yourself appropriately, Zenas Codrey. We are going out for a bit."
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