View Full Version : Star Wars Galaxies: SWGEmu

Jun 22nd, 2012, 01:25:24 PM
Not sure how many of you played SWG, but it was (is) definitely my most favorite MMO of all time, and probably the best Star Wars game as well.

Anyway, I'm sure you've heard of the emulation project they are doing on it to bring it back to life. For the last two years they've had Liberator running but it wasn't much fun. There wasn't much to do and it was buggy as hell.

Well, on the 11th they wiped Liberator and released the new server, Basilisk, with the new code and all the new things. Frankly, I'm not sure how much better it is yet because I haven't played it yet. Just reinstalled last night. I know there are cities and player buildings now, and the logo at the start has JTL so...hopefully it's in there.

Anyway, it's all fresh and new. Liberator was a piece of junk written by several coders over the years in several different languages. Now it's all one code and streamlined. Only 2 instances per account whereas you could have as many as your system could handle in Liberator, so I'm sure the lag has cleared up.

So if you want to play, let me know. I'll be in there.

www.swgemu.com (http://www.swgemu.com)