View Full Version : Future R&D At Fans
Jun 18th, 2012, 10:15:19 PM
OK now with the Alliance becoming more of a "galactic power" of course we will be doing some R&D. And the Imperials are always doing crazy experiments. .
Thing is what do we really need? what? I知 asking what people think would be good R&D projects.
I知 not really up on... poof this is my design here it is..
That works but why cant we do some writing to assist these things. And not all R&D is star ships. What if a group were stealing a design for a new medical device or upon raiding an Imperial outpost we find a chemical or radiation weapon being developed by the empire, what would we do? Would we keep it to study? would we destroyer it? would we fight over what to do with it? Or the imperials get word of a secret rebel site testing a new turbolaser as powerful as a heavy turbolaser but not much larger than a medium turbolaser.
Basically I want R&D to be more than just posting a new ship design. I知 not saying make a scientist character to do this stuff with, or maybe that interests you, do it!
Sure if you have an idea for a new ship class or just a modification for an existing class for a characters personnel ship, that痴 cool, post it and I will tell you what I think. I知 sure others will also. Or if you have a question about anything R&Dish like. Just ask.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 18th, 2012, 10:42:27 PM
Paging Dr. Saanjakeeto to this thread :D
We did a bit of this with the Cizerack Saanja torpedo, and more or less cobbled together Novgorod's E-WAR systems via a RP. Never did it with the Gorroka cannon, which has sort of just been around since I started thinking things through, but I like your moxy. I'd totally like to get jiggy with more technobabble.
Jun 18th, 2012, 10:43:16 PM
So its not secret I do alot of R&D and Star ship stuff. Yes I am that kind of Geek. But Im expanding my writing. but that is not important. So I will post an idea I have for some Alliance R&D
the Alliance Dose not really need many new ship designs There are tons of old ships to use and modernize. And a lot which need formal stats. The whole thing with us is we use what we are given or can afford. We can not match the empire toe to toe and never will. We have discussed the E-wing. Most feel we do not need a replacement for the X-wing. Lets just make the X-wing better. Ok thats cool lets get to it. The alliance has no fighter platform able to keep up with TIE Avengers and Defenders. The A2 is the first step. Now lets do a better X-wing.
The alliance has one Major shipyard planet. Sure we have other planets with yards. Sullust, Sluis Van, Mustafar, but they are on the front lines. We will have Duro soon which will be another world with yards. Thing is you start building star cruisers in mass and the imps will notice. Sullust for example. The Imperials hit it crippling the production of Dauntless and Liberator cruisers.
Calamari can build big ships. Slowly but yes they can. What I think we need are small ships. Most of the corvette classes we use are Corellian. With Corellia under Imperial overwatch, well we are not getting too many new corellian ships. Sure corellian resistance it getting one out now and then and parts for the ones we have. but we lose alot, I MEAN ALOT, of vettes and gunships.
My Idea... Lets go ahead and create Republic Engineering. It was about this time in the EU timeline but there we had become the New republic and taken over Coruscant. But thats not as cool as what we are doing on fans. We are still the REBELS!!!!
Yes we have let the Iimperials know we can bloody thier nose and we can muster ships enough to make a stand if we have too. Duro will prove that. Now what the imps do in response it up to the Imperials.
We can orginize a sorta meeting for members of Sorosuub, and Free Dac, and Mon Cal, and Bothawui, and Duro, and Sluistian engineers to formally create Republic Engineering.
After which a new standardized CHEEP! gunship can be designed. Im not saying it has to be the Warrior from the EU but that is an option. We just need something maybe based on a Sullustian or Quarren hull with Calamari shielding and Mustafarian armor. This could all play into the political agenda also.
A multi race Frigate and Light cruiser would be good also.
Lets face it the Nebulon B is an imperial design and we steal them. How many can we actually have? The CC-9600 is more of an assault ship and its corellian. Calamari has the MC30a and MC30c but they are big and not cheep. and the MC40 is much the same. It is a modified liner like the other cals.
So for those I think a multi design would be good too. But after the gunship/corvette design.
I want to do the MC45 Light Cruiser. Maybe it can be mon cal designed with systems for all races.and cal shielding. Maybe it can be mostly calamari designed as a repayment for them installing calamari shielding on the frigate and gunship. As for the Frigate. something without a skinny pole for a body would be nice.
Maybe the Bothans would take a place outside the design of the future ships for the HQ of Republic Engineering being placed on Bothawui. They could be their normal selves and try to use it to thir advantage and make credits at the same time.
Just some ideas all.
Park Kraken
Jun 19th, 2012, 11:16:31 AM
I think the Alliance could use one design each for a Gunship and Corvette. The Gunship could/should be a slender high speed weapons platform, while the Corvette incoporates a hangar and is more multi-purpose in functioning. I kind of get the feeling that any Alliance dedicated Gunship design should incorporate a fair amount of torpedo/missile launchers, in addition to turbolasers and quad laser cannons.
The 'Vette would be the SoroSuub design, nice and blocky, incorporating in addition to the above at least one or two ion cannons to facilitate in the capture of enemy vessels.
As far as Frigate designs go though, you might want to look up the Endeavour class Scout Frigate, which I'd posted a proposal for a few weeks ago.
Jun 19th, 2012, 11:37:24 AM
I have those can fill the gap untill republic engineering can get a new design going. which could be awhile. Those are good for modified exsisting ship and we can use them. I want a new line designed by the mixed race republic engineering people. A more standardized ship.
Park Kraken
Jun 19th, 2012, 11:48:45 AM
Oh, I'd also had an idea for a one-off Mon Calamari Cruiser design, the MC-185 Star Dreadnought. A basic back history would've been the Mon Calamari producing an ultimate starliner for the luxurious, an 8,500 meter long vessel capable of transport one hundred thousand of the Galaxy's richest in extended period cruises of the Galaxy. Four would've been originally built, but only one was completed and the rest cancelled due to the cost. Secreted away to the Hast Shipyards, the one MC-185 has spent 8 years being converted into a Star Dreadnought, finally emerging as the only Alliance warship capable of emerging victorious from a one on one with an Executor class Star Dreadnought.
The vessel would be too powerful for anyone under a High Admiral to command in the Alliance, but it would be interesting IMO for the Alliance to have just one Star Dreadnought to pit against the Empire's 25 or so in the early years of the Rebellion.
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