View Full Version : Thoughts on Corellia

Park Kraken
Jun 14th, 2012, 06:57:21 PM
An early thread devoted to throwing around ideas on Duro. Sullust hasn't quite been finished yet, but it is close, and with Duro pretty well set in cement for plans, maybe we could toss around some initial ideas for Corellia?

One thought I had was that, following Duro, the local Sector Moff would hole up in Nubia and try to cluster his defense forces around him. However, the Oversector Grand Moff would be seriously pissed at losing a Core World, and a shipyard world to boot, to the Alliance without much of a battle.

Being in a vengeful mood, he would order most of his forces to Corellia, the other major system nearby, leaving the local Moff with his forces at Nubia to serve as a rearguard, with the Grand Moff's personal High Admiral to lead a counter-offensive on Duro.

In addition to summoning various fleet units to Corellia, he also assembles a Corps of Stormtroopers in preparation for the Duros Operation. The Corellian Resistance mistakenly believe they are the target of the gathering fleet, and plead to the Alliance for help.

Boldened by the victory at Duros, and with most of the Imperial Fleet still in transit and so believed to not be taking part, the Alliance 3rd and 4th Offensive Fleets jump in, only to be confronted by waves of Imperial ships arriving, culminating in the arrival of the High Admiral himself on the Super Star Destroyer Aggressor.

The Alliance fleet orders a retreat, but with a few Interdictors, they have to pick a direction to try and punch through. I was planning on sacraficing most of TF45 to destroy an interdictor and allow most of the 3rd and 4th Fleets to escape intact.

Enough damage is done to the Imperial fleet to postpone the Duros operation, leaving both Duros in Alliance hands, and saving the Corellian resistance for later operations.


Jun 14th, 2012, 09:44:09 PM
I think we decided not to do an all out attack on Corellia because the alliance does not want to fight Corellians. And some people who have already started doing corellian stuff want to play out what they have started. Nubia would be a different story, but Resh will be busy with something else after Duro. 3rd fleet will be securing it and dealing with any imperials left planet side as resistance. I might get Forlon on looking into Nubia once he moves to 1st fleet. For now I think any attack on Corellia is out of play.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 14th, 2012, 11:45:21 PM
I think that we need to hold up and at least finish the Sullust thread and have the Duro thread started before even considering looking beyond. Not the least because of the simple fact that Duro in and of itself is such a large stage, and there will be many fronts to explore and many stories to tell. It's not a campaign that can be confined to one single thread. Corellia can wait for now.

Park Kraken
Jun 15th, 2012, 07:27:32 AM
Okay, no problems. I just had some thoughts on Corellia, and wanted to dump them out here before I forgot them. :)