View Full Version : Endeavour class Scout Frigate

Anne Phoenix
Jun 11th, 2012, 01:26:12 PM
Proposed design for the Rebellion, one that I really hope gets approval;

Endeavour class Scout Frigate

Length: 200 meters

(6) Dual Turbolaser Cannons
(2) Proton Torpedo Launchers
*(30) Proton Torpedoes
(1) Tractor Beam Emitter

Hangar Capacity:
(12) Starfighters
*Normal Complement

Ground Complement:
(100) Infantry
(10) Hovertanks

Sublight Speed: 75 MGLT

Hyperdrive Rating: 1.0 Past Lightspeed (8.0 Backup)

Shield Rating: 450 SBD

Hull Rating: 225 RU

Crew: 185

Consumables: 2 years

Cargo Capacity: 1,000 metric tonnes

Description -

The Endeavour class Scout Frigate is designed with modular construction in mind, meant to to be built in sections in Alliance Factories (either on or in orbit of planets), and assembled at ground based or orbital yards as needed in relative quick time. The Frigate consists of six main sections, that being the bridge section, the main top hull, the bottom hull, and the three engines. The bottom hull has the hangar along with the two torpedo launchers along with two landing struts, while the top hull contains the reactor, primary armament, and storage space plus living quarters. The bridge module contains in addition to the bridge powerful scanning and communications equipment, including the optional installation of a Hologram Projector useable in hyperspace communications, in addition to flag facilities. Finally, the three sublight thrusters each contain the hyperdrive systems and one landing strut in addition to their primary function.

The armament for the Scout Frigate is intended primary for defensive purposes, containing six dual turbolaser cannons of medium rating, in addition to two bow mounted proton torpedo launchers, each with a magazine of fifteen torpedoes, with the single tractor beam mounted to assist with launch and recovery of vehicles from the hangar bay. The hangar itself is very spacious, intending to house in addition to a squadron of starfighters, storage for up to ten hovertanks or other ground assault vehicles, deployable when the Frigate has landed.

The Endeavour is built with speed and general purpose mission profiles in mind. The potential uses include scouting and escort of the main battlefleet or fast battlesquadrons, independent exploration and patrol duties, commerce interdiction warfare, raids against both space and planetary targets, and to serve as flagships of smaller squadrons of ships, such as a flotilla leader for eight to ten corvettes and/or gunships within the fleet structre.


Anne Phoenix
Jun 11th, 2012, 01:35:40 PM
Also, I couldn't find an R&D Tag yet to post it under.

Further explanation about the Modular Part; While it is similar in philosiphy to the Strike class Medium Cruiser, the Endeavour should suffer from fewer weaknesses and vulnerabilities, since it has a smaller number of larger, more durable components instead of vice-versa for the Strike. The main vulnerability of concern would be having a number of concussion missiles striking the seams dividing the hull components.

Another benefit of the Modular construction would be allowing spare parts to be salvaged from destroyed or wrecked Endeavours to be used in either repairing existing frigates or speeding up new construction. Vice-versa, components for new construction could be used in a pinch to repair damaged existing frigates.

Finally for another point, this design is intended to be widely distributed to the Alliance as a whole, and each Corporation/Shipyard manufacturer could tweak the design to their needs. As an example, one could modify the hangar slightly to delete the ten hovertanks embarked and allow an additional six starfighters to be carried in their place.