View Full Version : R&D workings
Jun 8th, 2012, 11:15:03 PM
As R&D has been brought up and will be grouped into the general OOC forum as I understand I think it is time to work out some rules and guidelines for any future or past R&D. So basically any future designs for weapons ships so on and so forth should be looked at and worked it here before the ship goes to the wiki page. Also all past R&D designs will be looked over and worked out if needed. Rules for R&D are being worked out and will be posted when complete. For now basiclly its like it always has been Common Sense and discussion of ideas and designs will be discussed and worked out before the idea or design is approved and goes to the wiki.
Please do not post designs directly to wiki. I know I am guilty of this as much as anyone but in retrospect I should have posted them here for people to get a chance to look them over first.
Jun 8th, 2012, 11:25:08 PM
Fist ship on the work bench is the Empire Class Star Destroyer
I had already added this to wiki. My bad....
Empire-class Star Destroyer (
I have used them in the Periin sector fleet already. My bad again.....
I am working on a picture for them which will be coming soon.
Basiclly they are modified Imperial I star Destroyers converted to fleet carriers. They still have almost as much punch as a star destroyer but have twice the fighter capacity.
Thought? ideas?
Edit: Photo Up
Park Kraken
Jun 9th, 2012, 03:58:01 AM
As we're no longer bean counting there shouldn't be as much a concern for R&D now as there was in the past. In the past there would be a few Imperial and a few Rebel designs voted ineligible, along with most of the Pride's Starfighter designs, as being Overpowered, but don't forget that for now the ships are more of a part of an expanded storyline tool then an actual video game, per say.
As long as we don't flood the wiki with ship designs, say put a practical limit of 15 or so custom ships up there to where we don't have to spend a week of research before spending a day writing an actual response to a fleet thread, I think we should be fine.
I believe the main thing R&D is being used for now, apart from the Alliance fleshing out some ship upgrades from the CIS and other sources, are custom or slightly custom groups creating their own classes, and people customizing their personal flagships.
I know of a few times recently where I've gone to create a new ship to fill in a niche, but some quick research on wookiepedia has revealed a ship design from a novel, a video game, or a comic that meets my needs (like a planned upgrade for the Carrack Cruiser being found in the Imperial-II class Star Frigate).
Park Kraken
Jun 9th, 2012, 04:05:26 AM
As for the Empire class Star Destroyer, the Imperial-III is basically the same thing, upgrading the Imperial-I, except it trades less troops and two less squadrons of starfighters to retain additional weaponry and stronger shields. I'd say just use the Imperial-III from now on instead.
Ambassador Wrath
Jun 9th, 2012, 06:10:11 AM
Looking at the image on the wiki, I think there are sufficient structural differences to justify it being a separate class (I like the front-facing hangar bay - very cool!). If the Tector-class Star Destroyer is different enough to be considered a separate class, I'm pretty sure this qualifies.
Not to mention the fact that different names adds variety to your roleplaying and fleeting. Having an entire battle force made of Imperial-class Star Destroyers is boring: throw in some other class names, and it becomes considerably more interesting.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 9th, 2012, 10:38:09 AM
As we're no longer bean counting there shouldn't be as much a concern for R&D now as there was in the past. In the past there would be a few Imperial and a few Rebel designs voted ineligible, along with most of the Pride's Starfighter designs, as being Overpowered, but don't forget that for now the ships are more of a part of an expanded storyline tool then an actual video game, per say.
R&D should most certainly be as much of a concern - if not moreso - than it has in the past. Making it subject to peer-review before being put to wiki keeps us all honest and lets others go through the submitted designs and offer input and suggestion if needed.
[slight derail]
As for the 'expanded storyline tool' bit, I'm afraid I'm going to have to draw a line in the sand and disagree with you. The Khera is a PC in-the-works, and back before the reset the Rascal King was a PC. I know also that many considered Layla just as much of a character as the ones being actively written, and when Charley destroyed Layla, it was pretty much the end of a very long-lived PC. Even the Novgorod has become a PC, what with MARCUS being given a MMU body. More and more folks are branching out into making their ships into characters that they can explore. Not everyone has an interest in such an aspect, and would rather the ship just be a method of transportation, but we should all be held to our peers and fellow writers and whether or not the ship we wish to use or design makes sense.
[/slight derail]
Also, I made an R&D tag; I made it in a neutral style so that both Rebels and Imperials can share it.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 9th, 2012, 10:40:30 AM
What aspects of the Cizerack fighters do you find overpowered? I've been working with everyone to make sure they're rooted in realism. Just curious so I can look at the area of concern and possibly adjust.
Park Kraken
Jun 9th, 2012, 02:02:00 PM
Shield and hull values seem awfully high.
I wasn't suggesting that the R&D's shouldn't be reveiwed, only that it shouldn't take more of a precedence over writing itself.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 9th, 2012, 03:25:18 PM
Shield and hull values seem awfully high.
Cizerack ships are pretty tank-ish, at the expense of speed, so I factored that in.
Jun 9th, 2012, 03:25:52 PM
I do not think anyone suggested it take precedence.
This is as much for people out there who want to make their own ships but may not know exactly how to do the stats or what is a good set of stats. People like you and I and the other people here with more knowledge in these matters can assist them in creating a fighter, or ship that makes sense both as a tool for them and as a ship that fits specification wise into our universe.
The Empire and nemesis class are ships I have used on other sites for years now. The difference between the Imp III and them is price. Its alot cheeper to take away from a ship then redesign and modernize it. If I add a ship design it is generally because I want to use it in a thread. And yes using plan old Imps gets boring. The new destroyer designs are less powerful offensively than An Imp I. the Empire is a carrier refit and the Nemesis is a Assault refit. Just as the Tector is a Fire support refit. Imp III's are at the top of the price range. getting 2 empire class for what An Imp III costs is more preferable to Greth.
So Lets hear what anyone and everyone thinks about the Empire so I can get it wiki accepted and move on to the Nemesis.
Anne Phoenix
Jun 11th, 2012, 01:39:14 PM
I don't have any problems with the Empire (Ship) :lol .
As for what I've posted directly to wiki, there are numerous designs, one of new construction, and several of modification of existing designs that I put up on here; that should probably be reviewed.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 11th, 2012, 02:16:02 PM
I thought Tempest Base was on Mustafar. Just how much ship building stuff have you set up? :uhoh
Could you provide a bit more information on what Tempest is actually supposed to be? I was under the impression that you were going to be building small ships on the surface, but the Nebulon-B and a 1,000m battleship don't seem particularly small or surface-friendly. Have things changed since you initially pitched the idea?
Since I'm roleplaying the man responsible for ship acquisitions (Tukphen), I could do with being in the loop on these sorts of things.
Jun 11th, 2012, 04:28:07 PM
The Constitution ( looks good but I think the hull and shielding should be more. The Nebulon B ( 464RU and 960SBD. With the added section to the spine and engine reconfig maybe more power could be added to keep the shielding the same or a bit more and provide power for the addition heavier weapons. The same could be said for the Emden. ( It looks good but for the shielding and hull. I could see less shielding to keep power to weapons and thrust but I don't think the armor would be less regardless of the changes.
Anne Phoenix
Jun 11th, 2012, 07:09:09 PM
I thought Tempest Base was on Mustafar. Just how much ship building stuff have you set up? :uhoh
Could you provide a bit more information on what Tempest is actually supposed to be? I was under the impression that you were going to be building small ships on the surface, but the Nebulon-B and a 1,000m battleship don't seem particularly small or surface-friendly. Have things changed since you initially pitched the idea?
Since I'm roleplaying the man responsible for ship acquisitions (Tukphen), I could do with being in the loop on these sorts of things.
There are four orbital shipyards in orbit over Mustafar. These are where the big ships are built. Starfighters, armaments, and the alike are produced in factories on the surface.
Tempest Base itself is located in a dead system near Mustafar, in orbit over a Radioactive World. It's a 3km hollowed out asteriod that serves as a repair and modification base, in addition to housing HQ facilities.
Although Tempest (which includes Mustafar) can and has built new construction, it mainly specializes in refitting either older ships or captured/acquired ships for better combat specs.
The TEW ship catalogue is mostly devoted to a list of modifications that people can select for their existing vessels, rather than trying to design their own custom ships.
Jun 11th, 2012, 09:16:14 PM
Courageous Will be hurt badly in the Courage under fire thread. Basically all that will be left is the Core ship. I was thinking Tempest could take it and Convert it into that assault ship you wanted. The core can still carry 60,000 troops. I would like the Courageous to live on. keep her name and such. This would all happen pre sullust so I'm not sure where that fits into the Tempest base timeline.
Park Kraken
Jun 16th, 2012, 04:58:07 AM
I'll take a look and see, but I already have ideas in regards to Courageous.
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