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Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 29th, 2012, 11:46:52 PM
Kiattaarra Feessaarro, the Pride Mother of the Carshoulis Cluster, tossed a datapad on her bed and burrowed under the covers. "Tell Keerrouurri jI'm not comjing out agajin todajy."
"jYou can tell hjim jyourrrsself."
She groaned at the sound of Keer's voice, but didn't emerge from under the duvet. "jI have been overrr all the data on the ssshjipjyarrrdss ssjince thjiss morrrnjing and jI jussst want to take a nap."
Kia poked her head out, her dark hair wild. "Sssurrreljy jI have that rrrjight."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 30th, 2012, 11:01:46 PM
The Emissary of the Pride Mother had a job draped in subtleties. He served as his mistress's charge d'affaires, her arr'fai, and carried her voice by proxy in her absence. He was powerful and powerless at once. It took a strong will, a sharp mind, and a patient spirit.
"Of courrsse jyou have the rrjight."
A nod of his head, then raised just so to allow him to see her again.
"But jit jiss wjisse to rrememberr jyourr rressponssjibjiljitjiess asss Hjigh Motherr. How jyou arre sseen bjy jyourr people becomess how jyou wjill be rrememberred bjy them."
Still, a change of tact was wise. Kia had taken to issues of the military with intriguing eagerness, but she was now in the weeds, ensnared by her own unconscious micromanagement. It was difficult for a leader to learn to let go, and to trust the network they controlled. She needed to as well.
Sitting on the bed, Keerrourri picked up the datapad she was reading, saved her place, and switched the device off.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
May 31st, 2012, 12:08:07 AM
She sat up, leaning her head on her knees as she wrapped her arms around them. "The prrijesstessssess arre telljing me that next week jiss ijdeal forrr brreedjing." Kia sighed and closed her green eyes. "jI haven't even been to ssee the maless that have been pjicked out forrr me jyet."
She looked across the calanic silk bedding at the datapad that lay there, powered down. "jI do wonderr whjy we cannot ssjimpljy sstarrt prrroducjing morrre sshjipss. We want to. We have the sshjipjyarrrdss, and the meanss." She scooted down on the mattress and flopped back on the pillows. "jIf we move sssome crrredjitss arround jin the budget we could be prrroducjing at leasst anotherrr Korri-class galleon a month."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 4th, 2012, 11:24:43 PM
To this, Sarrtarroa was amenable. He nodded his head in affirmation.
"We could. jIt would be wjisse, jif we do, to make ssurre the barronesss oljigarrchss arre ssupporrtjive. jIt wouldn't be a sstrretch to make them ssee the monejy that could be made off a sstrongerr trrade forrce."
He had a feeling this was just the beginning of Kia's latent desires. He had to wonder if there was something that went hand-in-hand with the urge to rear cubs and the urge to build ships.
"Of courrsse, jif we want to sstep forrwarrd on the galactjic sstage, jI would alsso ssuggesst jinvesstjing jin new technologjy and new dessjignss."
It wasn't a casual suggestion. The Emissary was well prepared to give his mistress options.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 4th, 2012, 11:49:28 PM
She resisted, just barely, the urge to throw the covers up over her head and pretend he wasn't there. Look at these figures. Smile nicely at these old crones, they're the matriarchs of Fey'dann. Have some cubs, it's expected of you.
Keer was always there, courteous and helpful, and holding the keys to her kingdom. He was too smart by half, and she felt as dumb as a herd animal next to him. And as trapped as a sajoi in a bowl by the royal palace.
Cubs! She didn't want cubs! But by Saanjarra she was going to have them. Kia balled her hands up in the covers and screamed at the very far away fifteen foot ceilings.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 5th, 2012, 11:56:43 PM
He was in danger of losing her. He wasn't oblivious to the warning signs. Easing off, he took a seat next to her.
One of the few in her court who could address her by the familiar, Keerrourri nevertheless reserved that for special circumstances. Informally, he preferred rrou'fai, to still afford her an honorific. However, it was a part of his station to be closer to the High Mother than anyone else, and he chose his moments carefully.
"jYou have had a djiffjicult week. One jyou have sspent jyourr entjirre ljife prreparrjing forr."
He looked at her.
"What burrdenss jyou?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 6th, 2012, 12:13:49 AM
"Everrrjythjing!" She grabbed a tiny decorative pillow and threw it at Keer, missing spectacularly. A part of her remembered his warning about others seeing her break down, and her ears went back as she propped herself up on an elbow and looked around. Her bedchamber was empty.
She refused to move into the Pride Mother's apartment. They were her mother's rooms, and the bed was the one she'd died in. Even if they gutted the rooms and remodeled the entire space Kia was sure she'd still be able to smell ... death. She sat up and hugged her knees, a strap of her thin tank top falling down from her shoulder.
"jI apologjize," she said stiffly. "jI know jit jiss mjy dutjy to... rrrajissse an hejirrr, jI jussst djid not jimagjine jit would be rrrequjirrred of me ssso qujickljy. Orrr that... bejing Prrrjide Motherrr would be qujite ssso loneljy."
Kia leaned toward him, resting against his side, her face against her knees.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 6th, 2012, 10:25:45 PM
There was more wisdom in that observation than she probably realized.
"No one elsse sseess thjiss parrt. Thejy onljy ssee the wealth and powerr that jyou wjield. Eassjy to envjy, and eassjy to mjissunderrsstand."
Keerrourri looked at his mistress at her most vulnerable.
"jYourr ljine jiss ssacrred, Kiattaarra. jYourr motherr, herr motherr, herr motherr'ss motherr, and on forr a thoussand jyearrss. But each ssuccesssjion hass the powerr to make orr to brreak that legacjy. What wjill become of jyourr natjion jif jyou arre losst?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 6th, 2012, 10:50:08 PM
She grumped, "That horrrrjible prrrjiesstessss would become Prrrjide Motherrr, jI thjink. Motherrr djidn't leave anjy otherrr hejirrrss, sso jit'ss all on me."
Kia could almost feel the weight of all the expectations and needs of her people weighing her down. "jIt jissn't fajirr. jI cannot possssjibljy be perrrfect."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 8th, 2012, 03:47:50 PM
Sarrtarroa didn't say anything at first. Eventually, he broke silence, addressing her second point of contention.
"No, jyou can't. But jyou musst know when to appearr that jyou arre. The perrceptjion of otherrss becomess thejirr rrealjitjy."
He'd seen the same look on her mother's face all too many times, and knew the secret burdens of High Mothers from experience.
"Herre, jit'ss ssafe to be who jyou arre. But don't become too comforrtable wjith desspajirr."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 8th, 2012, 07:10:21 PM
She stewed silently at his side, a huddled lump tucked against his arm, her hair obscuring her face. The stress was getting to her, she knew. Even sex was becoming a chore rather than a pleasure, and with her scheduled trip to the manservants that had been chosen for her coming up that didn't seem like it was about to change any time soon.
Was this how her mother had felt? The strongest memories she had of Kaarrataani were the most recent, of her languishing in pain while her advisers and the Emissary hovered about. Signing things. Snapping orders at her underlings, which was basically everyone. She never had time to talk to Kia, and at the end she hadn't had the strength.
"How wass jit -" she started, and then stopped. Her voice was small. "How wass jit wjith motherr... at the end?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 9th, 2012, 09:25:58 AM
Keerrourri's ears dipped slightly as he considered her question.
"Kaarrataani, sshe wass weak jin bodjy but sstrrong jin mjind. Herr lasst few dajyss, sshe sspent orrderrjing edjictss to the oljigarrchss. Sshe knew herr tjime wass comjing ssoon, but sshe wassn't content to wajit forr the end."
He paused, no longer looking at his mistress.
"jI told herr jit would be wjisse to sspend ssome tjime wjith jyou. Sshe...decljined."
At last he turned to see her face, and her reaction to that news.
"Perrhapss sshe wanted jyourr perrceptjion to be jyourr rrealjitjy asss well. To rrememberr herr asss sstrrong, sso jyou too would rrememberr to be sstrrong."
A small shake of his head, and the Emissary continued.
"Afterr that, when the djisseasse rrobbed herr of herr mjind, sshe wass therre and jyet not therre. But that djidn't lasst forr long. Herr mjind wass herr lasst basstjion."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 9th, 2012, 09:49:09 AM
"That jiss not mjy lassst memorrrjy of herrr," said Kiattaarra. "jI came bjy everrrjy dajy, whjile ssshe wasss sssleepjing and therrre wasss no one elssse who could make me leave. And at the end, when ssshe wass to farr gone to rrrealjize jI wasss therrre."
She hesitated. "Not at the verrrrjy end. Everrrjyone forrrgot about me untjil afterrr ssshe passsed and then jI wasss prrractjicalljy drrragged out of bed to prrractjice a ssspeech that ssomeone wrrrote forrr me to 'eassse the trrransssjitjion.'" Kia punctuated her sentence with gestured quotes, her fingers stabbing at the air.
"And jyou - jyou mussst thjink jI am the mossst rai'raa sha'shaa jyou've everrr ssseen - no, jyou don't have to anssswerrr that, jI'm not gojing to thrrrow jyou jin the pjitss." She lifted her head, furiously wiping at some suspect dampness on her cheek. "Sso. Perrrceptjion jiss rrrealjitjy. The prrrjiesstessss thjink jI am sha'shaa. How can jI convjince them otherrrwjissse?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 11th, 2012, 11:40:55 PM
He smiled at that thought. She was wrong, of course. Her mother's own anxieties mirrored Kia's close enough. But when it's happening to you, its natural to believe that you're alone.
As to the second part, it was a discussion Sarrtarroa was eager to have. The priestesses of Sanjarra were a thorn in the side of every Mother and her house. They were a necessary evil. They validated the right to rule, but they in turn poisoned the sovereignity the High Mother ought to have outright. They, along with the baroness oligarghy, formed informal checks on what was outwardly an absolutionist monarchy. No Mother could truly rule on decree without some tacit support from both, or at very least wholehearted support of one.
"Therre arre prrocedurres to usse herre to gjive jyou ssome tjime to conduct the sstatjion of jyourr offjice jin a mannerr morre to jyourr ljikjing, but jyou musst be carreful not to make jyourr jintent naked forr all to ssee."
The Emissary's station was often to handle the mechanics of such subtleties, but it was the High Mother's duty to understand what tricks she had at her disposal.
"jYourr motherr wass a grreat leaderr and a tesstament to the prrowesss of herr people, no? Whjy not call a kuurrai'naal forr herr legacjy? Fesstjivalss and eventss to celebrrate the prrossperrjitjy sshe brrought about, carrrjyjing uss out frrom the sshadowss of defeat and to ourr tjime jin the ssun agajin...sso to sspeak?"
Spin. You didn't become the gatekeeper to the High Mother by actually believing in the state religion. It was means of control, and even the priestesses were bound to the rules, and the exceptions, of it.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 12th, 2012, 09:36:28 AM
"A kuurrai'naal?" Kia pursed her lips. "jI can ssee how the tataur'aasa'saanja would ljike that." Festivals and events indeed. More like thinly veiled worship ceremonies for Saanjarra, in the name of her dead mother. And if Kia participated it would no doubt be in a public fashion that would rob the acts of their pleasure. Still, it would make the priestesses happy. She sighed.
"Make jit ssso. They wjill be too bussjy rrrecjievjing the attentjionsss of thejirr devoted to botherrr me. Hopefulljy?" She looked up at Keer, for confirmation she'd read his suggestion correctly.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 12th, 2012, 09:23:20 PM
He gave a knowing smile. Again, it was all in pretext. If you could explain away your decisions in public, then they were sacrosanct.
"And of courrsse, jit would be underrsstandable jif jyourr tjime durrjing the fesstjivalss wass occuppjied bjy...matterrss of sstate. jYou honorr jyourr motherr bjy leadjing jyourr people, thuss gjivjing jyou tjime to tend to larrgerr matterrss."
In other words, leave pomp and procedure to the priestesses. They had both said goodbye in their own way. There was nothing gained in dwelling in that moment themselves.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 12th, 2012, 11:12:47 PM
Her ears drooped a little. Matters of state didn't sound all that great either, all things considered. "jI underrrsstand."
It was a good suggestion, and one he'd obviously thought out. Kia narrowed her eyes a bit, but didn't feel like trying to posture and put him in his place. It wasn't worth it. But she would have to be careful - as careful as he was in public to appear as her voice and not the one feeding her the lines.
It wouldn't do for him to usurp all her power while she languished and pouted. But for today languishing in bed and pouting seemed like a great idea. "jI ssupposse that jyou have jideasss asss to what affajirrss of sstate jI mjight be prrreoccupjied wjith?" She sat up a bit. "The ssshjipjyarrrdss? jI wass thjinkjing that we need a ssmallerrr, morrre manueverrrable sstarrfjighterrr. The Keerta arrre good, but sssmugglerrrs and the ljike sseem to sstjill be able to evade ourrr ssshjipss jif thejy arrre fassst enough."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 12th, 2012, 11:46:09 PM
His eyes seemed to brighten at her commentary. This wasn't a leader being spoon-fed reports by the appropriate undersecretary. Kia was actively pouring her time into studying military doctrine, and apparently without the prompting of a tutor. Seeing the spark of her initiative pleased the Emissary.
"jYou've sstudjied fjighterr combat doctrrjine? Verrjy good, Hjighnesss. jYou know exactljy of ourr ljimjitatjionss."
He considered a thought, turning away slightly, and then just as soon, faced her again.
"We have ssomethjing, a plan, forr exactljy what jyou ssuggesst. Therre'ss been no jinvesstment jin jit. Afterr all, we'rre at peace, and no one sseess prrofjit jin jit. But of courrsse, thesse thjingss change, don't thejy?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 12th, 2012, 11:55:21 PM
She breathed out noisily through her nose. "jYet jif we arrre to a djialogue wjith the Alljiance, or even jussst trrrade morrre openljy wjith them, we majy be at warrr sssoon enough. jI know, jI know, jif we arrre carrreful jit ssshouldn't come to that.
"No harrrm jin prrreparrjing. Ourrr fleet hassn't been upgrrraded jin jyearrrs. A terrrrjible overrrsssjight." Kia yawned. "jI'm hungrrrjy."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 13th, 2012, 09:38:56 PM
Perhaps food would push her past this bout of ennui, or perhaps it would bury her within it. Keerrourri wagered on the former, on account of her youth. A tap of his wristcomm, and it was done. While formal meals often revolved around a communal feast at a large kill, Cizerack aristocrats were masters of casual browsing. Morsels live and fresh alike were ready at a moment's notice, and a chamber servant wheeled in a multi-tiered silver cart with over three dozen different offerings for the Mistress to choose from.
Keerrourri watched her browse over the selection, and seized upon something she mentioned.
"About the Alljiance. Perrhapss therre jiss a wajy to sseek them out wjithout appearrjing to sseek them out, no?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 13th, 2012, 10:23:55 PM
Claws came out, and Kia causally snapped the neck of a baby ka'an, a small deer-like creature. She slit the neck and let the excess blood drain into the dish it had been tethered to, scooping out the entrails and leaving them behind as she transferred the fresh kill to a clean platter.
Somehow she'd gotten out of bed, and was sitting cross-legged on a cushion on the floor in her personal feeding pit. Keer sat near her, though he didn't seem hungry. She tore a haunch from the ka'an and offered it to him.
"And how would we do that? jIsss thjisss a 'sseek the enemjy wherrre they arrren't' ssorrt of thjing?" Kia took another bite from the ka'an, savoring the tender flesh, and reached for her wine goblet.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 15th, 2012, 12:25:06 AM
Hungrier than he thought. With the feeding pit in use, Keerrourri dutifully disrobed, hanging his wardrobe on an arranged hook on the wall adjacent to the feeding pit. Though not particularly hungry himself, you did not shirk from the generosity of the High Mother. He accepted the offered haunch with a bowed head, and sat alongside her as she dined.
"jYou'rre a new rrulerr. Parrt of that trranssjitjion entajilss grrantjing and sseekjing audjience wjith otherr powerrful leaderrss, of whjich the Alljiance cerrtajinljy have jin thejirr own wajy. Sso to do manjy natjionss wjithjin and outssjide of the Empjirre'ss contrrol."
He paused, taking a bite, letting crimson run freely down the edge of his chin as he swallowed.
"Laterr jin jyourr rrejign, ssuch a meetjing mjight causse concerrn, but jit'ss jinnocent enough rrjight now."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 15th, 2012, 10:56:23 AM
"Hmmm..." Kia ran her tongue over her lips, catching a bit of blood before it could drip down to her bare chest. "Then jI could meet wjith thejirrr... Mon Mothma? No, that jisss not rrrjight." She looked over at him, tearing another mouthful of meat as the blood trickled down her chin. He was sitting next to her, nude, partaking in a meal with the High Mother and he was disturbingly able to continue with a complex discussion of political tactics.
Perhaps he still longed for the embrace of her mother. The thought turned her stomach. Kia put aside the ka'an, dipping a finger in a drop of blood on her breast and licking it off. It would be improper for him to make any advances on her, but he did not even show interest. She looked over at him, and added, "Oh, no, ssshe jiss the one kjilled a few jyearrrss ago. Thejy arrre led bjy a male now."
Of course she remembered the name Mon Raizen, she was a quick study and had done little else but read since ascending to the throne, but it was for her Emissary's benefit that she played dumber than she was. Kia reached for a bloodfruit, teeth piercing the thin skin as she took a bite. The sweet reddish juice ran down her chest as she chewed the sweet flesh, seeds and all.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 16th, 2012, 12:12:38 AM
A few more bites from the ka'an, and Keerrourri nodded at her observation.
"Thejy arre, lasst jI hearrd, jyess. Of courrsse, jI doubt thejirr de-facto leaderr wjill make ssuch an offjicjial trrjip. Bejing esssentjialljy a rrogue sstate ljimjitss the posssjibjiljitjy of offjicjial vjissjitss. But thejy would cerrtajinljy not passs the opporrtunjitjy to jingrratjiate themsselvess wjith jyou, Hjighnesss. Thejy would feel compelled to ssend an jimporrtant entourrage."
With the way Kia was making a mess of things, she no-doubt had dessert on her mind, which was always a possibility when time permitted it.
"We arre a hosspjitable people, no?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 18th, 2012, 03:28:41 PM
"jYesss, jI sssuppossse we arre." His eyes did not linger on her body, and for the first time Kia felt... afraid? Out of control? If he did not even desire her, then how could this male be controlled? He was indispensable to her, with his knowledge of how things were, and he was on her side against those who desired a true theocracy, but there was always something going on behind his blue eyes. Something all together too calculating for her tastes.
Kia realized she was peering at him while he ate, and blinked, exchanging her expression for one a little more vacuous. "jI would enjoy rrrecjievjing envojyss, jI thjink. We ssshould arrrange jit ass ssoon ass possssjible." She lazily licked her fingers.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 22nd, 2012, 10:36:44 PM
And always give respect to decisions rendered. Keerrourri dipped his head in understanding her demand.
"jI wjill make the necesssarrjy arrrangementss. Wjith the prrjiesstesssess tendjing to matterrss of prrocedurre, thejy wjill have no chojice but to gjive jyou plentjy of sspace to exerrcjisse jyourr authorrjitjy."
He smiled at that, and took another bite.
"Perrhapss we can meet them at Cana'darri? A fjittjing ssjymbol of prroud rressjisstance to Rrepubljic tjyrranjy, and posssjibljy jImperrjial meddljing?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 24th, 2012, 09:37:29 PM
She perked up a bit at the suggestion, sipping a goblet of blood wine. "An jidea wjith merrrjit. jI wjill take jit jinto consjiderratjion." Kia used a clean finger to pull a wayward tress of hair over her shoulder and out of any sticky juices.
She rose from her reclining position, arms extended for a manservant to drape her robe over her nude body. Nothing happened, of course, as the other servants had been sent from the room so she and Keer could speak privately. She hmmphed, hands settling on her hips in irritation.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 30th, 2012, 12:13:07 PM
"jYourr conssjiderratjion jiss all that jI assk."
Good. She was exercising her mandate. Even if they were of one mind on this, it was important that authority should be delivered from her alone.
Taking the unspoken queue, the Emissary quickly and fastidiously cleaned himself, and helped his mistress into her robe. He eased the soft garment over her shoulders and around her middle, noting the rumble of a purr beginning in her belly at the point when his hands drew fast the cinch at her waist. When he lingered a moment longer than was necessary, he realized his own purr was building in parallel with hers. Taking a moment to make sure she was properly attired, Keerrourri returned to fetch his own garments.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 30th, 2012, 03:32:19 PM
She caught his hand as he turned away. "jYourrr clothesss... jyou wjill not be needjing them." Kia had felt the energy he was holding within when he was near her, released in the barest of purrs as his hand had touched her. It was not a lot. But it was enough.
She tugged him toward her enormous on suite bathing room, and it's sumptuous tiled shower. There were mirrors making up the entirety of one wall, and he followed her obediently into the shower. It was large enough for at least five people, and she reached behind her to turn on the water, keeping eye contact with the Emissary as she did so.
Hot water cascaded down on them, and from the carefully positioned side jets, soaking through her thin white robe almost instantly.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 5th, 2012, 09:07:19 PM
He performed his first duty with the experience and poise he'd been bred for. While an Emissary must be smart, creative, and talented, they are above all mates. It wouldn't do for an Emissary to be anything less than an accomplished lover, and Keerrourri knew how to excel in the role.
After quenching Kiattaarra's passions, fresh robes were fetched for both, and they began to plan the expansion of the new Mother's ambitions. Within the day, a transmission was sent to many worlds, including Dac - home of the Rebel Alliance.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jul 10th, 2012, 09:32:21 PM
The week of the festival was upon them, and Kia was relieved that her duties were causing her to miss all of it other than the official beginning of the celebration. She sat quietly in her room on board the ship they were taking to Cana'daari, going over notes for the negotiations.
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